Using Patent Portfolio to Effectively Manage Technical Assets: The
Mechanism of Patent Portfolio to Influence Firm Performance
Xiukun Bian
, Suli Zheng
and Sijia Lu
School of Economics and Management, China Jiliang University, China
Key Laboratory of Quality Infrastructure Efficacy Research, AQSIQ, Beijing
Keywords: Technical assets; Patent portfolio; Firm performance; Technological opportunity.
Abstract: Patent portfolio analysis can be a useful approach to understand technological capabilities. However, little
attention has been given to elaborate the mechanism of patent portfolio to firm performance. This paper
does an empirical study about how patent portfolio size, patent portfolio diversity and technical scope
contribute to firm performance based on panel data of 99 Chinese companies from 2013 to 2017. We
incorporate technological opportunity as moderator. Our result indicates that patent portfolio with larger
size and broader technical scope can have a positive effect on firm performance, but a more diverse patent
portfolio can have a negative effect on firm performance. Technological opportunity has a positive effect on
the relationship between technical scope and firm performance; however technological opportunity has a
negative effect on the relationship between patent portfolio size, patent portfolio diversity and firm
The influence of patent strategy on the
competitiveness of knowledge-intensive firms has
been a focus of IPR management. As the patenting
environment becomes more puzzling, patent
portfolio grows to be the basic analysis unit for the
formulation and implementation of patent strategy
(Parchomovsky and Wagner, 2005). The
characteristics and compositions of patent portfolio
can influence firm performance (Ceccagnoli, 2009),
but the mechanism behind this phenomenon has not
yet been elaborated. Therefore, it is of great
theoretical and practical significance to make out
how patent portfolio influence firm performance.
Parchomovsky and Wagner (2005) have
presented a systematic introduction to the concept of
patent portfolio as well as its compositions. Then
many scholars have explored this subject from
different perspectives (Ernst, 1998).The knowledge-
based view of the firm stresses that patent portfolio
reflects the absorptive capability of knowledge, and
influences the effects of knowledge diffusion within
the firm (Zhang et al., 2007). The resource-based
view demonstrates that patent portfolio enables the
enterprise to acquire complementary resources and
exert a beneficial influence on the enterprise's
financing ability, alliance ability, and eventually, on
enterprise performance. Levitas et al.(2009) and
Grimpe et al.(2015) have conducted empirical
studies showing that patent portfolio within the
enterprise may deliver a positive signal to market.
Luo (2017) demonstrated that well-managed patent
portfolio bolsters bargaining power of enterprises
and gives enterprises an advantage in patent
litigation (Arts et al., 2009).
Liu and Li introduced the concept of patent
portfolio around 2004, and scholars covered its
compositions in greater detail later. Recently, Guo
and Chen applied the two-dimensional analysis
proposed by Narin and Ernst to measure the effect of
patent portfolio in automotive on the improvement
of technological innovation ability (Liao, 2014).
Kang explored new ways to assess the value of
patent portfolio. Generally speaking, patent portfolio
has long been the focus for the west scholars, while
the empirical studies are far from enough in China.
Based on prior work, we can see some
deficiencies of present literature about patent
portfolio. Firstly, although some scholars have
Bian, X., Zheng, S. and Lu, S.
Using Patent Portfolio to Effectively Manage Technical Assets: The Mechanism of Patent Portfolio to Influence Firm Performance.
DOI: 10.5220/0008099302570263
In Proceedings of the International Conference on Advances in Computer Technology, Information Science and Communications (CTISC 2019), pages 257-263
ISBN: 978-989-758-357-5
2019 by SCITEPRESS – Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
founded that patent portfolio diversity negatively
influence firm performance based on data of foreign
companies, there have been few empirical studies
using the data of Chinese firms and other
characteristics are ignored. Secondly, the mechanism
of how patent portfolio impacts on enterprise
performance has never been scrutinized. This paper
empirically analyzes how patent portfolio influence
enterprise performance by using patent data from 99
Chinese firms belonging to the manufacturing
industry of electronic and telecommunications
equipment (MIEEE blow). We introduce the
technological opportunity as the moderator variable
and build a theoretical model to illustrate how patent
portfolio size, patent portfolio diversity and
technical scope act on enterprise performance.
2.1 Patent Portfolio and Firm
Patent portfolio theory explains the phenomenon
of “the patent paradox” (Parchomovsky and
Wagner, 2005). The concept of patent portfolio is
derived from technology portfolio (Ernst, 1998).
Parchomovsky and Wagner (2005) provided a
definitional basis of distinct-but-related patents.
The Patent Corporation Treaty (PCT) interprets
the patent portfolio as a collection of patents
owned by a single entity and the patents may be
related or unrelated. Based on the prior work
(Ernst, 1998; Lin et al., 2006), this paper focuses
on the patent portfolio at the firm level, and
defines the patent portfolio of year i as the
aggregation of patents applied by the enterprise
from year i-4 to year i-1. A well-designed Patent
portfolio can be process-oriented, problem-
oriented or product-oriented. Such patent
portfolios pay attention to the whole efficacy, and
the patents within the portfolio may be
complementary or alternative so as to form the
superiority in the intense market competition. The
patents applied for have increased progressively
as enterprises grow, and we call this
“organically accumulated patent portfolio”. The
industrial characteristics and the market
competition structures may decide the critical
quantity. The organically accumulated patent
portfolio can’t provide effective protection due to
the weak correlation among patents, and it is
easier to be imitated or even outstripped by
The quantity of individual component patents
involved indicates the size of patent portfolio
(PPS below). Researches pointed out that all the
benefits of a patent portfolio are broadly
proportional to the size (Parchomovsky and
Wagner, 2005). Some advantages generated by a
greater amount of patents will be sketched below.
Firstly, larger numbers of patents can enhance the
overall technological value of the portfolio. High-
value patents grow increasingly difficult to obtain
and more patents may makes up for the quality
defect. Patent portfolio is more valuable than the
simple sum of individual patents. Secondly, more
patents with adjacent claims may expand the
scope of protection and enhance its defensive
capability. Complementary patents for the core
patent can bolsters bargaining power of
enterprises (Luo et al., 2017). Steensma suggested
that a well-crafted patent portfolio is more likely
to prevent competitors so as to gain a quasi
monopolistic position in market. Thirdly, more
patents contribute to attract external resources.
Turanay et al. (2016) conducted an empirical
study showing that investors regard the patent
application activity in knowledge-intensive
industry as positive signal of technical superiority,
which will heighten the stock price and market
value. Levitas and Mcfadyen (2009) also
demonstrated that positive signal of patenting can
stabilize shareholders’ confidence, improve
financing capacity and reduce the cost of holding
excessive liquidity during R&D activities. Based
on these analyses, the following hypothesis is
H1a The patent portfolio size is positively
related to firm performance.
A well-crafted patent portfolio should seek a
balance between size and diversity. Turanay
measured patent portfolio diversity (PPD below)
as the distribution of patents across different
categories of technology (Turanay et al., 2016).
Patent portfolio is a constructed array of related-
but-distinct individual patents. Diversity may
show the complex relationship among these
patents. Some technical characteristics leading to
lower diversity of patent portfolio will be
sketched below. Technologies will be compatible
when the latter technology is
from changes to former critique. Secondly, it is
easier to expand from one technology field to
another if different technology fields are adjacent
to each other. In other words, the knowledge base
between the adjacent technology fields is similar.
Patent portfolios with lower diversity are usually
accompanied by overlapping authority. The
capability based view of firm strategy suggests
that firms should concentrate on technology fields
CTISC 2019 - International Conference on Advances in Computer Technology, Information Science and Communications
they can do best. Patent portfolios with higher
diversity usually incorporate discrete patents.
These technologies are less correlated and
enterprises may implement diversified strategies.
The distribution of patents for Chinese enterprises
is extremely uneven and only a few giant
corporations own a large number of patents. Lin
et al. (2006) stated that enterprises without
massive technical stock should focus on the core
technology field so as to generate synergies.
Grimpe and Hussinger (2015) also demonstrated
that highly correlated or overlapped patents can
generate more value. Based on these analyses, the
following hypothesis is proposed:
H1b The patent portfolio diversity is
negatively related to firm performance.
Fabry and Ernst used the number of IPC
classes in patent applications to represent the
technical scope of the patent portfolio. Technical
scope focuses on getting a number of core
technologies in the core technology field. In the
case that the patent portfolio diversity is
determined, broader technical scope can provide
more sufficient protection for products. The
protection of mature technology strengthens the
existing technical capacity of the enterprise, and
the protection of undeveloped technology is
beneficial for enterprises to acquire the first-
mover advantage. Grimpe and Hussinger (2015)
believe that the first-mover advantage generated
by the patent portfolio can guarantee the freedom
of research and development and help
to extracting as much value as possible. Based
on these analyses, the following hypothesis is
H1c The technical scope of the patent
portfolio is positively related to firm performance.
2.2 The Moderating Effect of
Technological Opportunity
Klevorick et al. (1995) demonstrated that
“technological opportunity” (TO below) refers to
differences in the set of possibilities for
technological advance that exist within technologies
and industries at different points in time. Patel and
Pavitt (1997) analyzed firm-specific differences in
technological opportunity from two perspectives: the
annual applications in patent class i and the
distribution of the annual patent application of the
enterprise. We try to understand how enterprises
seize technological opportunities from two
perspectives. Firstly, the enterprise pursues the
development opportunities of the whole industry and
applies for more patents as this industry develops
rapidly. Secondly, based on the understanding and
expectation of technology development,
enterprises implementing the offensive strategy start
market arrangements in advance so as to gain more
personal opportunities. In any case, enterprises will
have a larger patent portfolio size but higher
uncertainty may accompany with this process,
because they are more likely to outpace or misjudge
market trends in reacting to the crisis. Manufacturers
in the vertical value chain increasingly rely on the
organizations in upstream enterprises, which in turn
makes it more difficult for downstream enterprises
to access high-value patents. Therefore they apply
for more low-value patents and we call this as
“passive technological opportunity”. Passive
technological opportunity indicates the downstream
enterprises gradually lose control of the advanced
technologies, which may impede their profitability.
Based on the above analysis, the following
hypothesis is proposed:
H2a Technological opportunity negatively
moderates the relationship between patent portfolio
size and firm performance.
Based on the analysis above, the technological
opportunities that enterprises may fight for include
two types: the development opportunities of the
whole industry and the opportunities of individuals.
From the perspective of dynamic capabilities, the
individual firms experience technical evolvement
during development. All companies face equal
industry opportunities but different individual
opportunities. Due to the high uncertainty of R&D
activities, enterprises may involve different technical
fields or low-correlation technical categories within
the same technical field when accessing
technological opportunities, which will increase
patent portfolio diversity gradually. Involving in
different technical fields helps to capture potential
opportunities. Enterprises getting more various
opportunities sometimes have to scatter
limited resources in different business, which may
make coordination even more difficult and raise
the cost of knowledge transfer. Based on the
capability view, dispersed resource may fail
companies to form the lasting competitiveness,
which will result in more sunk costs. Based
on these analyses, the following hypothesis is
H2b Technological opportunity negatively
moderates the relationship between patent portfolio
diversity and firm performance.
The more technological opportunities, the faster
the industry develops and the more dramatically
technologies change, and enterprises broaden
technical scope to adjust to such changes. Getting
Using Patent Portfolio to Effectively Manage Technical Assets: The Mechanism of Patent Portfolio to Influence Firm Performance
more individual opportunities contributes to the
comprehension of existing or potential technologies,
which leads to broader technical scope involved in
business. Also, more opportunities contribute to
capturing complementary resources and improving
competitiveness. What we should emphasize here is
that technological opportunity may generates
positive moderating effect between technical scope
and firm performance yet negative moderating effect
between patent portfolio diversity and firm
performance. It is not a contradiction. Wagner
demonstrated that the primary role of patent
portfolio diversity is to avoid risks such as technical
risks, market risks and legal risks. Surely patent
portfolio diversity also helps to obtain
complementary resources, but only if the risks are
successfully avoided can complementary resources
create more benefits. The investment of subsequent
R&D resources may transform into sunk costs when
diversity-oriented strategy fails to avoid risks. While
technical scope focuses on further strengthen
property so as to gain competitive advantage. Based
on these analyses, the following hypothesis is
H2c Technological opportunity positively
moderates the relationship between the technical
scope of patent portfolio and firm performance.
3.1 Sample Firms and Data
Based on standard classification of industries i-n
china, this paper selects 121 enterprises belonging to
MIEEE listed in Shanghai or Shenzhen. We finally
confirm 99 enterprises with valid data after
excluding ST shares, *ST shares or enterprises
without patents. Patent data and documents in this
paper comes from incoPat database which has
collected more than 100 million patents from 112
countries or regions and updates the data four times
a week.
We only focus on patents for invention or utility.
We finally get the data of patent portfolio from 2013
to 2017 for each firm. The data of firm performance
in this paper is derived from the Wind database.
3.2 Independent Variables
We choose to use a 4-year time window to
reasonably reflect the actual attributes of the patent
portfolio. The quantity of individual component
patents involved indicates the size of patent portfolio
(Parchomovsky and Wagner, 2005), and the formula
for this index is:
i=focal firm; n
= number of patents owned by focal
firm i.
We measure patent portfolio diversity or the
degree to which a firm built a diversified repertoire
of patent portfolio in the technological categories
defined by the International Patent Treaty. Turanay
et al. (2016) used the inverse of non-biased
Herfindahl Index (HHI) by Hall to measure PPD,
and the formula for Turanay’s index is:
Where, i=focal firm; k=patent classes; Nik =
number of patents in class k by focal firm i; and Ni =
total number of patents in all classes by focal firm i.
The value of patent portfolio diversities ranges
between 0 and 1, and a bigger value indicates higher
Fabry and Ernst used the number of IPC classes
in patent applications to represent the technical
scope of the patent portfolio.
3.3 Dependent Variables
Previous literature identified three categories of firm
performance: innovation performance, market
performance and financial performance. Lin selected
return on assets (ROAs) as a measure for firm
performance (Ceccagnoli, 2009; Lin et al., 2006).
ROA indicates the entity’s capacity to build value.
Besides, we choose revenue of major activities
(RMAs) to measure the current state of operation.
3.4 Moderator Variable
Klevorick et al. (1995) demonstrated that
technological opportunity refers to differences in the
set of possibilities for technological advance that
exist within technologies and industries at different
points in time. The formula for Turanay’s index is:
i=focal firm; Patentjt-1=number of patents in class j
applied for by all entities in year t-1; Pjit-1=the
percentage of patents in class j applied for by firm i
in year t-1. The bigger value of patent portfolio
CTISC 2019 - International Conference on Advances in Computer Technology, Information Science and Communications
diversity indicates that the firm may catch more
technological opportunities in the process of
3.5 Control Variables
Based on the prior art, we use the natural logarithm
of the number of employees (lnem blow) as a control
variable for firm size effects and use Stata 15.0 to set
the dummy variable for company nature effects. At
the same time enterprise age is also a control
variable in this study.
We adopted hierarchical regression analysis methods
for analyzing such panel data by using Stata 15.0
software and centralized the independent variables
and moderator variables. All four Models are highly
significant (p-value < 0.001 for each Model)
as shown in the TABLE 1.
Model 1A and Model 1B include RMA as
dependent variable, and Model 2A and Model 2B
include ROA as dependent variable. RMA and ROA
represent measures of short-term firm performance.
However, Model A does not consider the interaction
effects between patent portfolio size, patent portfolio
diversity, technical scope, and technological
opportunity. Models with interaction terms
strengthen the explanatory power according to the
adjusted R
values. These three attributes have
different impacts on RMA and ROA as shown in
Models 1A and 2A, because RMA indicates a
truer picture of an enterprise’s short-term condition,
while ROA represents its capability to
create high value. Patent portfolio size and technical
scope generate significant positive effect on RMA,
but not for ROA. The coefficient of technical scope
in Model 2B is 0.0230 when considering the
interaction effects, which is positive and significant.
Those results suggest that patent portfolio size and
technical scope positively impact on firm
performance. Thus, hypothesis 1a and hypothesis 1c
are true. However, larger patent portfolio size does
Table 1. Regression models for patent portfolio and firm performance measures.
Model 1A Model 1B Model 2A Model 2B
Adj R^2 0.6447 0.6583 0.2111 0.2171
F-value 74.18*** 63.17*** 11.8*** 9.95***
N 485 485 485 485
t statistics in parentheses; + p<0.1 * p<0.05 ** p<0.01 *** p<0.001
Using Patent Portfolio to Effectively Manage Technical Assets: The Mechanism of Patent Portfolio to Influence Firm Performance
not mean a greater ability to create higher value.
Enterprises should pays attention to the quality of
patents. The coefficients of patent portfolio diversity
in Models 1A and 2A are -3.665(t - value = -1.94)
and -0.0439(t - value = -3.00), respectively, both of
which are significant. Those results support
hypothesis 1c and indicate that more diversified
technologies can’t form the superiority in the intense
market competition.
The coefficients of technological opportunity in
Model 1B and Model 2B are 0.120 and 0.0134
respectively, only the latter is significant, which
indicates that catching technological opportunities
may help to create high value by leveraging the
existing asset base. The coefficients of
enterprise age in Model A2 and Model B2 are -31.83
and -0.478 respectively and both are significant,
which indicates that enterprises in MIEEE may get
undesirable performance with age. Perhaps the old
companies with rigid system and institutions lead
to lower administrative efficiency. The coefficients
of lnem in Model A2 and Model B2 are 553.6 and -
0.913 and both are significant. The former is
positive while the latter is negative, which indicates
that more employees can create more revenue but
may reduce the ability to create high value.
The coefficient of the interaction term TO*PPS
is negative and significant in Model 1B; however it
is almost equal to 0 in Model 2B. This results
support hypothesis 2a, which means that Chinese
enterprises in MIEEE might have caught a number
of passive technological opportunities but missed the
high-value patents. The coefficients of the
interaction term TO*PPD are negative and
significant in Model 1B and in Model 2B, though
only the latter is significant. This result indicates that
more technological opportunities are accompanied
by higher uncertainty, and a mass of R&D resources
may turn out to be the sunk costs when technological
opportunities lure into the wrong direction. The
coefficient of the interaction term TO*TS is positive
and significant in Model 1B; however it is
almost equal to 0 in Model 2B. This results support
hypothesis 2c, which means that enterprises should
patent more in the core technology field.
The empirical results of this paper indicate that
patent portfolio size has positive impacts on firm
performance; however, large blocks of non-core
patents can’t create high value. Patent portfolio
diversity has negative impacts on firm performance,
and diversified technical strategies accompany with
high risks. The technical scope of the patent
portfolio positively affect firm performance, thus,
enterprises should concentrate its limited R&D
resources on a specific technology and even within
the core technology field so as to strengthen the
Passive technological opportunity will negatively
moderate the relationship between patent portfolio
size and firm performance. Enterprises should
cultivate independent R&D capacity in order to
possess advanced technologies. Technological
opportunity will negatively moderate the
relationship between patent portfolio diversity and
firm performance. Thus, enterprises may need to
develop the ability to accurately identify the
valuable opportunities. Technological opportunity
positively moderates the relationship between the
technical scope of patent portfolio and firm
performance. Enterprises had better broaden
technical scope within the core technology field.
This study notes some limitations in
investigating the mechanism of patent portfolio to
firm performance. We neglected the small and
medium enterprises; however they are an important
part of the market. We didn’t measure other
attributes of the patent portfolio such as its total
value due to the availability of the related data. This
paper lays the groundwork for future research on
patent portfolio and firm performance.
The authors gratefully acknowledge the support for
this research from the National Natural Science
Foundation Item (71572187) and National Natural
Science Foundation of China under Grant
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Using Patent Portfolio to Effectively Manage Technical Assets: The Mechanism of Patent Portfolio to Influence Firm Performance