two approaches to sentiment analysis were compared in
experiments: Approach A combines machine learning
methods and sentiment dictionaries. Approach B extends
this with additional feature extraction methods. Measured
against the quality criteria of the best results per approach,
approach B dominates in three of four cases (exception
precision) over A (see Table 6).
Table 6: Comparison of the best results of approach A and
corresponding feature extraction
When analyzing the results of the individual
experiments, a dependence of the results on the
selected feature extraction and machine learning
methods or feature combinations can be noticed. In a
further approach, it can be explored to what extent
multi-layered methods of supervised or unsupervised
machine learning can improve the results. At least
according to Stojanowski (2015), the automation of
feature extraction makes deep learning in the context
of sentiment analysis more flexible and robust than
classical approaches when applied to different
domains (language, text structure, etc.).
This approach allows for further improvements.
We have also implemented this approach and, as
expected, it generated even better results than the
hybrid approaches presented here. A detailed
description of the methodology used and the results
will be the subject of further work.
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