Reinventing the Cube: An Alternative Agent Design for
Shape-shifting Technology
Dr. Helen Hasenfuss
Interaction Design Centre, University of Limerick, Castletroy, Limerick, Ireland
Keywords: Tangible, Shape-shifting, Interactive Interfaces, Self-assembling, Multiagent Systems.
Abstract: In 2002 William Butera suggested the concept of a paintable computer. It is a blend of the concept of the
internet of things (IoT) and multiagent computing. He describes agents that function on a basic level, ideally
suspended in a liquid, so that they can be dispersed evenly but also be used to enhance the surface onto which
they are painted (Butera, 2002). Expanding on this concept to create a liquid computer that could change its
physical shape, i.e. it would be able to create unique 3D structures depending on user requirements. Such an
interface would be in a quasi-liquid state when inactive and could become solid when in use, comparable to
a Non-Newtonian fluid. This paper details an agent design that is orientated towards this kind of shape-shifting
interface technology.
The concept of shape-shifting technology that can
morph into any user defined shape or form is a
growing field of interest. Inspiration is often taken
from nature and science fiction. Creating this kind of
technology requires ingenuity, creative problem
solving and a multidisciplinary approach. The aim of
this paper is to present and discuss a physical agent
design that is situated in the discipline of tangible,
shape-shifting interfaces.
The general consensus and portrayal of shape-
shifting technology is, that it is comprised of many
small parts operating together to create a larger entity.
This is essentially a multiagent system (MAS). These
small parts are represented by the term agents
throughout this paper. An agent is an autonomous
entity that can be represented organically as well as
inorganically and has a physical shape and form. It
has the capacity to make decisions and learn
according to its capability, based on behavioural
coding. There are numerous examples of biological
MAS that have received much attention in academia,
e.g. bee, ant or termite hives. The primary focus of
this research has been on A) communication
techniques (agent-to-agent or multiagent in terms of
sequencing, transmitting, receiving, deciphering,
error handling, etc) and B) the self-assembly process
(structural cohesion, attachment mechanisms, group
and environment cuing and orientation, error and
unforeseen event-handling, etc). Whilst the value of
this research is evident in the dissemination of this
knowledge into other disciplines, there has been little
progress with respect to the physical agent design
itself, i.e. the agent body. The cube is still the shape
of choice for many projects exploring self-assembly
(Gilpin et al., 2010, Romanishin et al., 2015, Roudaut
et al., 2016). Whilst the reasons for choosing the cube
are logical,
6 facets,
90degree dihedral angle,
familiarity in society (cuboid shape = building
blocks, Lego®, voxels, Minecraft),
it may not be the optimal shape on which to design
self-assembling or communication techniques. The
agent design discussed throughout this paper is based
on a PhD that was successfully completed in 2018
(Hasenfuss, 2018).
Section two will present related work in the field
of shape-shifting, tangible interfaces, also referring to
Tangible interface classification scheme.
The third section, whilst briefly indicating which
methodology is used, primarily describes the key
aspects of research on which the agent design is
Hasenfuss, H.
Reinventing the Cube: An Alternative Agent Design for Shape-shifting Technology.
DOI: 10.5220/0008116500150027
In Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Computer-Human Interaction Research and Applications (CHIRA 2019), pages 15-27
ISBN: 978-989-758-376-6
2019 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
based. These aspects include the differentiation
between dynamic and static self-assembly, and
biological system of Solenopsis Invicta (fire ants).
The agent design, the Dod, is described in section
four. This encompasses its physical structure and
mechanisms. The characteristics that helped define
the Dod’s design are also presented.
The fifth section reflects on the how the Dod
fulfils the current design characteristics but is also
further adaptable in order to consider elements that
have yet to be resolved, such as energy manipulation:
its generation and utilisation within a multiagent
system. Following from this discussion, a brief
summation of the elements that define the Dod’s
uniqueness concludes the section.
According to the Tangible Interface (TI)
classification scheme as define by Ishii and Ullmer,
the agent design proposed in this study falls into the
category of constructed assemblies and to a degree,
of continuous plastic tangible user interfaces (TUIs)
(Ishii and Ullmer, 1997).
Constructed assemblies are comprised of modular
components that can be arranged or organised into
larger more complex structures. A priority for
these assemblies is the manner of fit between
components or agents, their ability to create
assemblies in 3D or 3D relief and how these
assemblies interact with the environment (e.g
Topobo (Raffle et al., 2004)).
Continuous plastic TUIs were developed in order
to provide the users with a malleable and flexible
building material with which to manipulate digital
information. It aims to accommodate user’s free
and direct interaction and not limit them to using
predefined, form-fixed elements in the interaction
process (e.g. clay (Ishii et al., 2004)).
Within the scope of the agent design described in the
original study (Hasenfuss, 2018), it is not only the
overall or whole entity that is changing (i.e. the larger
entity made up of smaller parts) but each individual
agent can change its form and size as well. This
behaviour creates a sub category to continuous plastic
TUIs. The primary function of the agent’s shape and
size change is to facilitate the generation of micro
structures to aid in overall assembly, e.g. line, curve
or cluster, to eventually create a complex interface,
like a mixing desk. The effect of this behaviour on the
macro structure can utilise the full potential of the
haptic modality. If each agent can change or react to
specific stimuli without effecting the overall
structure, it could create texturally dynamic and
fluidic interfaces. Similar behaviours are evident in
SMA or push-pin based interfaces (Minuto et al.,
2012, Follmer et al., 2013, Rozin, 2015). These types
of interfaces combine programmable matter concepts
with ambient computing, generating interfaces that
are more reactive to the individual user or their
environment. The ability of an agent to generate
structures as well as facilitate a mechanism for it to
physically react to its environment brings the agent
closer to emulating the unique haptic characteristic of
Haptics is essential in forming a holistic 3D
impression of the world (MacLean, 2008). Unique to
haptics is the opportunity to develop morphing or
shape-changing designs (Horev, 2006). Similar to bi-
directionality, malleability and reversibility are
characteristics that provide unique human-computer
interactions as well as design challenges (Coelho and
Maes, 2008).
Similar to the other senses, haptics also aims to
facilitate practical as well as emotional aspects of
interaction (Parkes and Ishii, 2010, Rasmussen et al.,
2012). A key difference in the design of future haptic
interfaces, is the concept of dynamic design. The
original design would no longer be static, like a
mouse or keyboard. Instead significantly more
ownership is handed to the user with respect to
creating malleable TUIs, suited to their specific
needs. Pushpin computing, smart fluid interfaces and
existing physical MAS projects are explored in the
following section.
2.1 Pushpin Computing
The concept of these interfaces is that each element
showing on the surface is individually actuated so that
it can move on designated planes. These elements can
consist of,
actual pins, which are exposed (Poupyrev et al.,
2004, Follmer et al., 2013),
pins that are covered with a flexible membrane
often fabric based (Iwata et al., 2001, Marquardt
et al. 2009, Leithinger and Ishii 2010),
elements that are made of smart memory alloys
These interfaces focus on 3D relief, they are useful
for small-scale projects as there are no mechanical
mechanisms in the elements themselves and they are
capable of repeatedly transitioning between two
states (Coelho and Maes, 2008). These materials
allow for a greater degree of freedom with respect to
CHIRA 2019 - 3rd International Conference on Computer-Human Interaction Research and Applications
moving along the x, y and z-plane (Poupyrev et al.,
2004, Minuto et al., 2012) and attempt to create a
greater boundary transparency between the physical
world and digital information (Nijholt et al., 2012).
In pushpin computing, the moveable elements are
most often controlled individually. However, it is also
possible to program set behaviours in which several
elements may be grouped and move together. The
resolution, i.e. number of elements on display, can
vary to represent different structures as well as fulfil
specific requirements. Adjusting this resolution by
adding or removing pins / elements is often quite
difficult due to a complex pin-linkage-actuator-
computer setup. The overall setup confirms that
haptic devices are often difficult to implement, as
they are still bulky and rather unrefined when
compared to graphical user interfaces (GUIs).
Interfaces based on the pushpin technique are very
effective in achieving varied topological changes in
real-time and initiating new approaches to 3D
interactions. They primarily employ tactile sensing
and work with visuals either projected onto the
surface, light emitting or through inherent movement
of the elements (Iwata et al., 2001, Poupyrev et al.,
2004, Follmer et al., 2013).
2.2 Smart Fluids
Non-Newtonian (NN) and smart fluids were the
starting points of research in the original study,
specifically those exhibiting shear thickening
behaviour. These fluids are colloid suspensions and
the most commonly known NN fluid is cornstarch
and water (Oobleck). Depending on the suspension
ratio, when this fluid is agitated it becomes semi-solid
around the agitation source and for the duration of the
agitation (Bi et al., 2011). The particles have the
ability to form structure by assembling into chains or
hydroclusters. Once this external force ceases the
structures dis-assemble and return to a liquid state.
Magneto- and electro-rheological smart fluids
behave in a similar fashion to NN fluids, the main
difference being that a shear-thickening behaviour is
induced via a change in a magnetic field and electric
field respectively. Research into these disciplines
informed the characteristics for the core structure of
an agent body: particle material and construction.
These characteristics include size, shape, surface
topology, quantity and dispersion (Fall et al., 2012).
Interfaces based on these materials exploit the
aesthetic behaviour of fluids whereby practical
application or implementation has a lower priority in
the design process. Ferrofluid is most often used in
these types of projects because of its unique and
unusual reaction to a magnetic field. This is
dependent on strength and location of the magnetic
field. Ferrofluid is expensive to manufacture and is
not suitable for direct interaction therefore it is
necessary to enclosed it in a container (Masson and
Mackay, 2009, Saddik et al., 2011) or in a flexible
pouch (Hook et al., 2009, Jansen, 2010, Koh et al.,
2011). Even though the push-back force of Ferrofluid
is very low, it primarily has a visual appeal and has
the advantage of being able to create smooth,
noiseless, aesthetic transitions between varieties of
surface topologies. The typical setup requires the
Ferrofluid to rest a certain distance above a 2D array
of electromagnets. The electromagnets can be
controlled by a variety of factors: sound, light,
movement, etc. (Hook et al., 2009, Masson and
Mackay, 2009).
An interesting quality of these materials is the
ability to return to the original state and to repeat the
process of shaping and resetting. Similar to designing
vibration patterns to emulate textures, jamming
provides a variety of force feedback patterns to
emulate different materials beyond the surface texture
(Kim, 2010). Similar to pushpin interfaces, the
peripheral equipment required to make these
interfaces function as desired is substantial. For
example, for surface & depth detection equipment
such as IR cameras, projectors, computers and power
supplies are required to translate the interpretations of
malleable behaviour into digital information.
2.3 Multiagent Systems (MAS)
A MAS is a freestanding system and they are
pervasive through nearly all levels of existence, e.g.
individual cells working together, a flock of birds, the
stock market, solar system, etc.
With respect to artificial MAS, these interfaces
consist of modular agents, i.e. they are structurally
identical to each other. Thereby the haptic component
is inherent in their makeup in either of two ways: A)
in the physical handling of each individual
component (e.g. a tile) (Gorbet et al., 1998) or B) in
the physical handling of the overall system created by
many small parts.
The unique quality of modular interfaces is the
ability to add and subtract agents (Gorbet et al., 1998,
Parkes and Ishii, 2010). This presents a unique
challenge with respect to communication between
each component. Distributed sensor networks (Patten
et al., 2001, Rekimoto, 2002, Lifton et al., 2004) or
self–organisation models are applied to create an
adaptable and flexible system. From a haptic
perspective, these systems have a greater emphasis on
Reinventing the Cube: An Alternative Agent Design for Shape-shifting Technology
kinaesthetics since the interfaces are completely 3D
(McElligott et al., 2002, Kim, 2010). The peripheral
technology, as described for pushpin and smart fluid
interfaces, is primarily intrinsic to each agent.
The emphasis of a MAS is on agent autonomy.
The qualities from the research gathered in these
disciplines and projects helps inform a set of agent
characteristics that will be incorporated into the final
agent body design.
The methodology used in this project is the STEAM
approach. Whilst a detailed description of it will not
be given in this paper, it is sufficient to highlight that
this methodology is a combination of inductive and
deductive reasoning and utilises the diversity of the
STEAM disciplines. Creative and scientific
techniques are merged to create informed and viable
sources of research that can be explored further
(Hasenfuss et al., 2018).
An important characteristic of MAS agents is the
ability to self-assemble particularly with respect to
3D tangible interfaces. The term self-assembly more
so than self-organisation is used because creating 3D
structures is not automatically implied in the latter. It
conveys the aspect of packing and orientation of
agents within a system (Rubenstein et al., 2014, Le
Goc et al., 2016).
An important distinction in self-assembly is that it
does not have to have intent inherent in its meaning.
For example, ball magnets and a hive of ants present
two different styles of self-assembly. When ball
magnets enter each other’s magnetic field, they begin
to self-assemble and thereby self-organize according
to the appropriate polar configuration (north-to-
south). In this case there is no intent other than the
naturally existing magnetic field or end-goals that can
change according to a dynamic environment. In
contrast to the ball magnets, when examining the way
ants self-organise, it becomes apparent that they work
together to achieve an end-goal (creating a bridge,
raft, etc). It can be argued that ants only follow a
specific program of behaviour similar to magnets, but
a primary difference is a degree of choice.
The latter type of self-assembly is described as
intent-ful or dynamic self-assembly (Whitesides and
Grzybowski, 2002). It is desirable for MAS based
shape-shifting interfaces, because it could allow a
user to stipulate the end goal, e.g. interface design,
rather than become involved in directing each
individual agent. Each agent would have enough
autonomy to deal with the task and some unexpected
events, e.g. agents being pushed, removed, breaking,
etc (Rubenstein et al., 2014).
The ability to dis-assemble represents bi-
directionality, which is a core component to haptics
and tangible interaction. It indicates that a system is
flexible, reusable and programmable in real time. The
final design (the Dod) attempts to fulfil this
mechanism but it also aims to address issues that can
be problematic by the inherent qualities of current
computing technology. For example, if specific
components of a laptop are broken beyond repair, the
entire laptop is usually scrapped by the average user
as repairs are often too expensive. This approach is
wasteful and detrimental to the environment,
something society can no longer afford. Therefore,
designing technology that can be reusable, even if
several components or mechanisms fail, aims to help
change the attitude to technology whilst
simultaneously creating a more robust and efficient
system. For example, in a MAS based interface, even
if complete mechanical failure occurred in a few
agents, it should still be usable because of the agents’
structural shape, (more on this in section 4.1).
Considering issues such as the longevity of
technology, the ability of systems to self-repair
efficiently or the connection between technology and
user are important design considerations even though
they may seem at this point removed from the design
Examining biological systems can provide
insights into developing a model by which it is
possible to program the behaviour to achieve this
intent-ful or dynamic self-assembly.
3.1 Biomimicry
Biomimetics had a strong influence in the research for
developing an agent body that would be able to
function as part of a larger system of agents. The most
efficient and successful self-organising and
assembling systems already exist in nature e.g. bee-
hives, ant and termites, etc. Each of these complex
colonies can have an excess of several thousand
living beings, however each individual has its own
task and is appropriately equipped to carry out this
task (Dumpert, 1978, Gordon, 2010). The manner in
which these insects communicate and interact and the
scale at which they exist provides valuable design
insights. Projects such as Bergbreiter’s mini jumping
robots (Bergbreiter,
2014) and microTug
(Christensen et al., 2015) represent progress with
respect to scaling mechanical system. However, wear,
stress and strain still limit the lifespan of inorganic
CHIRA 2019 - 3rd International Conference on Computer-Human Interaction Research and Applications
Advancing from NN fluids, a biological
equivalent was sourced and studied: Solenopsis
Invicta (fire ants). This species of ant was researched
for their ability to achieve specific structures
indicating that they could repeatedly assemble and
dis-assemble. Due to their natural habitat being prone
to flooding, these ants have adapted by being able to
build temporary rafts until they find a new area of
land. The raft consists entirely of ants, which
demonstrates that they can maintain structural
cohesion, buoyancy and can survive temporary
submergence in water. They also demonstrate
behaviour similar to NN fluids: when agitated, e.g.
swirled in a beaker, they maintain a semi-spherical
shape and when left alone begin to disperse again
over time, etc) (Kasade, 2014).
There are three methods as to how the ants hold
together: mandible-tarsus, tarsus-tarsus, and chemical
excretions through adhesive pads located at the end
of the tarsus (Mlot et al., 2011). With respect to self-
assembly the tarsus-tarsus connection appeared to
have the greatest potential. An ant tarsus ends with a
claw. The shape of this claw is of interest because it
is a bistable interlocking mechanism. The claw
cannot be retracted. Therefore, the arc is such that it
must be able to interlock with other ants but release
with ease simply due to a shift in position.
The aspects described above provided material for
initial agent design and prototypes. The process is
similar to the User Centered Design approach except
that the ‘user’ is replaced by the interplay between
scientific and artistic methodologies, i.e. the dialogue
between inductive and deductive reasoning. For
example, haptic exploration was an integral part to the
agent design process. It was accomplished through
the modelling and construction of prototypes.
Accuracy, functionality and practicality were primary
concerns, i.e. researching about various problems
(scaling, disassembly, reversibility, etc) that
previously existed in artificial MAS and trying to
improve or solve them.
With the addition of artistic exploration, a shift in
focus allowed for aesthetics, imagination and
creativity to take higher priority thereby increasing
the scope of the design. Whilst some of the
conclusions could have been attained through a
purely scientific approach, applying an artistic
methodology suited the projects progression because
on the opposite end of TUI development is how these
interfaces should be used or interacted with. This is
where human creativity and adaptability do not
necessarily fit into moulds predetermined by
scientific or logical approaches. More information on
this topic can be found in the original study
(Hasenfuss, 2018).
In this section the physical aspects of the final design
are discussed. Whilst the behavioural aspects were
also considered in the original study, they will not be
discussed in this paper. The word final may indicate
that it is the completed or finished article. Instead it
should be interpreted as being the final stage at this
point in the study’s development.
4.1 Agent Qualities
The following characteristics define the Dod’s
design. They are not listed in any order of importance
because each feature is interdependent on the other
and they will be discussed further in section 5.
1 A semi-spherical shape with an irregular, cratered
2 Non-hierarchical chain of command: autonomy to
function as individuals
3 The ability to morph: surface topology and
fundamental form
4 One material make-up and scalability – structural
affordances and inherent material qualities
5 Bi-directionality – the ability to assemble and dis-
6 Behavioural simplicity
An important distinction when using biomimicry
to help create artificial systems is how biological
elements that are adapted to suit the new application.
The difference between replication and emulation is
subtle, except that emulation also entails moving
beyond the original design, i.e. incorporating core
elements but having alternative or new functionality.
This difference is important because rather than
focusing on replicating already naturally existing
systems (ant, bee or termite hives, etc) it is necessary
to consider what a man-made MAS must be able to
do, e.g. building a makeshift raft versus interfaces
with specific functions and forms.
In the original study, the design process began
with a phase of replication. For the Dod design, a
museum artefact, a Roman dodecahedron, was
chosen as an alternative starting point to the cube see
Figure 1.
Replication allows for exploration of the original
artefact, its parameters and the variables that effect it.
As the characteristics mentioned above emerged, the
design was continuously adapted. This iterative
process, as well as allowing for the influence of art
and creativity, helped to gradually transition the
design from the replicative to the emulative phase.
Reinventing the Cube: An Alternative Agent Design for Shape-shifting Technology
Figure 1: Early ideas and prototypes demonstrate a
replicative phase.
4.2 Physical Description
The final design, the Dod, is based on a geometric,
Platonic solid: the regular dodecahedron. Platonic
solids are polyhedrons that have inherent symmetry
and the most commonly used platonic solid in
existing projects exploring multi agent self-assembly
is the cube. The dodecahedron is semi-spherical in
nature and harmoniously balances the curved fluidity
of nature and humans desire for controllable, accurate
geometry. A dodecahedron can flow or move freely,
within or outside of a potential transport medium,
whilst still offering support in a scaffolding capacity
due to its flat facets and defined edges. The alignment
of dodecahedra is such that a curved line can be
represented and created more easily than is possible
with the cube. This characteristic provides an
alternative perspective in relation to building 3D
structures (Sieden 1989).
The dodecahedron is used as the core structure but
is designed with the ability to extend arms via a
spiralling twist i.e. an outward rotation. This ensures
that the outer plates do not interfere with each other.
Rotation may also provide the option to be used as a
mechanism to aid in disassembly of each arm or the
reverse to act as a locking mechanism for self-
assembly, e.g. polymagnets (Polymagnet Correlated
Magnetics 2016). The arms are an inverted
pentagonal frustum whereby the small, narrow end is
located at the inner core dodecahedron. The full
extension consists of two full rotations of the outer
plate. When all arms are retracted the outer plates
meet forming another dodecahedron, essentially
creating two dodecahedra: the inner or core
dodecahedron and an external dodecahedron that
encases the inner one. The inner core can be either
solid or hollowed out – the computational parts would
be located here, see Figure 2a.
Magnetism is used to represent the mechanism of
self-assembly. 3mm ball magnets are inserted into
each of the 12 facets. Therefore, the current size of
the Dod is reliant on the minimum printable material
around the magnet when the arm is retracted, see
Figure 2b.
It is currently proposed that each arm would be
able to extend individually. However, depending on
material and degree of structural cohesion required it
may be necessary to have pre-configured Dods, either
physically or through a Dod’s behavioural coding
(e.g. assignment of relative and static arm IDs).
Figure 2: a) Hollow Dod and b) working Dod prototype.
Configuration in this instance refers to the number
and manner of arms extended. The arms can be either
arbitrarily chosen or predetermined, e.g. like an
octopus whose eight legs may have fixed neural
connection but are not locked to always preforming
the same task, see Figure 3.
Figure 3: (a) finding equilibrium on irregular, soft surface
topology (b) a top-heavy cluster held at the base by
The Dod will be analysed in relation to the previously
mentioned characteristics, indicating its viability as a
blueprint for an artificial agent design. Following this
are several scenarios that consider design adaptations
to accommodate one of the most challenging
obstacles in shape-shifting technology: the generation
and manipulation of energy.
5.1 Characteristic 1, 3 and 5
Through the addition of an extending arm
mechanism, it is possible for the Dod to transition
CHIRA 2019 - 3rd International Conference on Computer-Human Interaction Research and Applications
from semi-spherical to irregular shapes. It changes
the surface topology of the agent as well as affecting
the over MAS structure. It makes it possible for the
agent to be adaptable to a variety of environments
(controlled, natural, liquid, solid, etc).
An origami pentagon spring was used in order to
convey the rotational extension of the arm. Either
ends of the spring connect to the facets of the inner
dodecahedron and the outer plate respectively. For
convenience, in the majority of prototypes generated
throughout the original study, the spring formed a
vertical column. However, the spring was also tested
in the form folded as an inverted pentagonal frustrum.
The advantage of using this type of spring is that A)
origami is very versatile (form, structure, strength,
size, etc.), B) there is a wide choice of existing and
accessible materials, C) this spring design is
pentagonal in its fundamental structure and D) it is
Origami is a relevant technique that is gaining a
growing research interest with respect to its ability to
change shape, structure and strength (Cheng et al.,
2014, Lv et al., 2014, Silverberg et al., 2014, Reis et
al., 2015, Overvelde et al. 2016). There are several
characteristics that make this art form very appealing
in the robotic and interface domain.
Changeable surface topology,
Ability to morph shape & form,
Auxetic quality,
Strength transformation through structural
It can inform individual aspects of projects as well as
the being the primary focus of a systems design (Lv
et al., 2014, Silverberg et al., 2014, Hawkes et al.,
2015, Miyashita et al., 2015, Reis et al., 2015,
Malkinski and Eskandari, 2016). The materials used
to produce origami inspired designs are as diverse as
the artform itself, ranging from smart memory alloys
& polymers (e.g. polypyrrole PPy and gold (Liu et al.,
2003), temperature & light actuated materials (Corina
2014), electromagnetic waves (Liu et al., 2003,
Miyashita et al., 2015), bond or foil paper to even
dissolving completely when a task is completed
(Christensen et al., 2015). Its application is also
evident in Nano-technology in the form of micro-
origami. An advantage of origami is its ability to exist
as micro and macro structures and that its strength,
which is material related, remains relative to the size
of the structure.
5.2 Characteristic 2 and 6
Rather than having a central agent that controls the
entire system, it is sufficient to give agents local
knowledge of their own position and that relative to
their immediate neighbours (Le Goc et al., 2016).
With respect to information-transmitting techniques,
wireless and touch based connections have been
suggested in the research relating to MAS or swarm
computing communication. Planting seed agents
throughout a MAS is also a considered alternative
communication method. Seed agents do not need to
look or act different, but they may potentially have a
greater capacity to store information about localised
clusters that form and can communicate this
information to other seed agents creating a more
holistic interpretation of the macrostructure.
In relation to the Dod design, the possibility for
the agents to communicate via touch exists primarily
because of the manner in which the agents assemble,
i.e. facet-to-facet. Being able to extend arms also
allows the Dod to spread its sensory processing from
its inner core through its arms. This mechanism could
have the advantage of transmitting a variety of data,
e.g. the arms could convey tactile and thermal or light
data whereas the inner core could be used to sense
orientation and acceleration.
5.3 Characteristic 4
The current aim in research is to achieve an agent that
is 2-6mm in overall size (Gilpin et al., 2010). At this
scale, material from which the Dod may eventually be
made not only has an impact on its physical and
behavioural constitution, but also on how an interface
will be texturally perceived in its entirety. Texture is
an integral component of haptics. It is influenced by
material and its behaviour in the specific environment
as well as the physical shape of a structure. It can be
used to guide and engage users in establishing
interaction experiences.
Since the Dod is based on the dodecahedron
which has clearly defined facets, it is not the facet
surface that is designed to change, rather through the
extending arms, it is possible to alter the surface
topology of the overall dodecahedron shape. This is
achieved by defining specific arm configurations or
behaviours (e.g. form clusters, dense and smooth or
semi-permeable mass, etc). It greatly effects the
textural quality of each individual Dod and as a result
the overall MAS.
Early prototypes demonstrated that the
dodecahedron can be scaled to approx. 2mm in
diameter and still maintain its faceted structure, a
similar test was carried out on the current Dod design,
see Figure 4a. It was possible to print the reduced
Dods, with sufficient accuracy, with an Ultimaker 3D
Reinventing the Cube: An Alternative Agent Design for Shape-shifting Technology
printer. Removing the magnet made it possible to
scale down the design even further. These studies
primarily tested whether the structural stability of the
extended arm could be maintained. Only two states
were printed for this test (all arms retracted, and all
arms extended), see Figure 4b, as they represent
either extremes with respect to available
configurations. A Form1 3D printer was used for
these prints because of the higher degree of accuracy
possible. See Table 1 for measurements.
Figure 4: a) scaled PLA Dods (b) scaled resin Dods.
To date the most viable means to create micro or
Nano-sized agents is to construct them out of one
piece of material (Kummer et al., 2010) and with as
few complex, moving parts as possible, e.g. joints and
cogs, etc, as possible as these may suffer from strain
and wear. Considering these aspects, the Dod has the
potential to embody this design concept. The rotation
and twist of the arms is designed to be a smooth
motion that incurs minimal levels of friction and
Table 1: Scaled Dods - The size of each agent is noted in
mm, according to its diameter.
e 8.5mm 14mm
Medium 6mm 10mm
Small 5mm 8mm
5.4 Context of the Dod
As mentioned in the introduction, the primary shape
used in the development of agent communication and
self-assembly is the cube. Other shapes such as the
rhombic dodecahedron have been used (Bojinov et al.
2002), however achieving a balance between
complexity and controllability has been elusive to
date. Rather than place and direct each individual
agent within the system, it is more advantageous to
allow scope for unpredictability. The Dod design
encompasses the capacity for both of these elements.
Dodecahedrons do not fit together as completely as
cubes however therein lies the advantage. In
conjunction with the extending arm mechanism, the
formations (craters) that are created ensure that other
Dods can fit or lock into them. This closely resembles
the shear thickening behaviour of NN fluids but also
the type of physical inter-connectivity that biological
systems, such as ants, can achieve.
The concept of the extending arm mechanism as
a specific design feature is validated to a degree
through the work of Overvelde. In the field of
metamaterials, he developed an algorithm that can
calculate new complex structures based on the
concept of combining geometric polyhedra with a
prismatic extension from all or a number of specific
facets. These structures also utilise origami as a form
of manufacture (Overvelde et al., 2016, Overvelde et
al., 2017). The following table highlights the
similarities and potential for the Dod in the field of
metamaterials and in turn shape shifting technology.
Table 2: Comparison between Dod and metamaterials.
Dod design
cube, hexagon,
rismatic conical
fixture of
specific facets to
maintain the
ability of the
fixture of
specific facets to
stability of the
‘grow’ from
replications of
Through self-
assembly of
multiple agents,
are create
5.5 Energy
The ability of an artificial agent to manipulate and
convert energy is a challenging design problem. The
ideal aim is that any artificial and autonomous agent
should have a mechanism that enables it to convert
energy and that it can complete this process
independent of external assistance (e.g. a user having
to change a battery). This is not only important for the
self-sufficiency of the agent, but it also affects other
processes such as scaling and freedom of movement.
Energy gradients are present throughout any system
that moves from a state of imbalance to equilibrium.
Since the flow from higher states to lower states
occurs naturally or the system has a tendency towards
balance, this process often requires little or no extra
energy input. The energy required is to reverse this
CHIRA 2019 - 3rd International Conference on Computer-Human Interaction Research and Applications
process so that it can begin again. By using the
environment or another secondary function to provide
this energy would be ideal, e.g. motion / friction to
provide electrical energy, the users (touch: galvanic
response), pressure, photosynthesis, heat, hydration,
chemical exchange via an electrolyte, etc. Taking
these considerations into account also guided the
design process.
The following section describes several energy
processes. Some are linked to possible mechanisms
of motion, that were useful in developing scenarios as
to how the Dod design could be adapted in future
5.5.1 Organic Process
Organic energy processes are of interest in relation to
agents that could eventually be 3D printed or grown
from biological material. The osmotic process, which
utilizes energy gradients is of interest in conjunction
with a Dod that is constructed of semipermeable
materials. The osmotic process is reliant on semi
permeable membranes in order to enable energy
gradients to be formed, e.g. sodium potassium pump.
The interesting feature is that this kind of gradient
enables the ions to move against the concentration
gradient, i.e. move from lower to higher
concentrations. For this scenario, the Dod’s
environment is liquid based and the process of
extending an arm is considered as the structure in
which to setup the appropriate gradient. The origami
spring is the equivalent to the vessel and is made of a
semi-permeable membrane, whilst the space between
the spring and the outer skin represents a filled body.
If the fluid in the spring has a high osmotic value, less
energy is required to create a higher concentration
gradient and the fluid in the body contains small
components that can cross past the semi-permeable
membrane. This osmotic value will attract volume out
of the body thereby by expanding and simultaneously
untwisting the spring as the osmotic gradient is
equalized. Expansion of the arm would occur
naturally due the higher osmotic value in the spring.
The arm retracts when energy is applied and the
smaller components, including fluids, are transported
back into the body reducing volume with in the spring
thereby causing it to twist and retract.
Algae and lichen are interesting organisms not
only because of their ability to photosynthesise but
also because of their symbiotic relationship. Lichen
are robust and adaptive to their environment. They are
made of two components: a fungus and algae and / or
cyanobacteria (photobionts) (British Lichen Society,
2018). The photobionts are capable of photosynthesis
whereas the fungus component acquires food through
its immediate environment. This latter component is
responsible for the vast diversity of lichen, i.e. the
variety of minerals and materials on which the fungus
Yet another variant of the concept of symbiotic
relationships is one that was also an initial starting
point for this project: combining living matter with an
inorganic fluid that could exhibit shear-thickening
qualities. In the case of active fluids, swimming
bacteria are introduced into a lyotropic liquid crystal.
Among the valuable results to emerge from this
project, a key development was using the bacteria as
an energy source thereby creating and internal power
supply for the liquid crystal (Zhou et al., 2014)
The primary issue with natural or organic
processes is Time. These processes have taken time
to develop and perfect. In contrast, in the computing
industry, it is not often about achieving the most
efficient system, instead it is about achieving the
maximum that materials can offer. Rather than
propagate a throwaway culture through constant new
updates, or releases, MAS based interfaces may make
it possible to create a highly individualised computer
that acts as an extension or augmentation of human
abilities but that takes a few hours to assemble, as
opposed to a few seconds. For example, it takes MITs
new living tattoos 12hrs to react to chemical stimuli,
(Liu et al., 2017).
5.5.2 Triboelectric Energy
Wearable technology is a domain in which finding
power supplies other than traditional batteries is very
important - not only for aesthetics but also for
practicality. Whilst many devices are still self-
contained (bracelets, watches, etc) the development
of smart fabrics requires an alternative power supply,
e.g. solar energy - copper filament or optical fibres
can be woven into fabrics and materials such as
perovskite can be constructed in a chainmail fashion
which can be used as fabric (Hu et al., 2017). A
branch of wearable technology in which finding less
bulky power supplies is of great importance is active
The development of smart skin aims to have more
realistic looking prosthetics but also to aid in the
generation of sufficient electricity to help power
certain aspects of a prosthetic. This is done through
research into the triboelectric mechanism (Rekimoto,
2002). It is based on the piezoelectric principle and
generates energy from friction forces as parts of the
prosthetic comes in contact with different materials.
The triboelectric effect is being coupled with forces
Reinventing the Cube: An Alternative Agent Design for Shape-shifting Technology
such low electric fields, sound, motion, light, etc. to
utilize environmental energy (Jeong et al., 2014, Cui
et al., 2015). In the attempt to replicate the human
skin structure and physiology, qualities such as
flexibility, elasticity, self-repair and identity are
useful concepts to potentially incorporate into MAS
agents. For example, just as a form of identity is
inbuilt into fingerprints it may be possible to
accomplish a similar feature for the Dod. In this way,
each Dod can be individually identified through an
exterior marker (unique skin pattern) and would not
have to send a digital tag as a means of identification.
The skin and what it represents, i.e. a self-renewing
boundary layer that has the potential to filter or absorb
specific materials, expand and contract, and to protect
from a wide variety of environments, is an interesting
approach particularly referring again to developing
the Dod from a biological perspective.
In this scenario the spring creates the core strand
of the extending arm, whilst the skin connects the
edges of the outer plate to the edges of the inner core.
If the material of the skin is designed like a
triboelectric generator then it has the potential to
generate sufficient energy to execute secondary
function such as extending and retracting the arms.
Another feature of skin is its galvanic response.
Several projects utilise this response as a means of
interaction with an interface (Rekimoto, 2002). This
has the advantage that an interface may be tuned to a
particular individual but also that the interface is only
re-activates when the user is touching it i.e. the user
provides the alternative energy source, similar to the
symbiotic nature of the lichen.
Currently the power generated by the galvanic
skin response is insufficient to power an entire
interface, and there are issues with the use of man-
made piezoelectric devices, e.g. packaging material
durability and device lifespan. Research into other
organic materials that generate piezoelectricity (bone,
tendons, DNA) indicates that it may be possible to tap
into other potentially renewable sources of energy
(Guerin, 2015). In conjunction with scaling the Dod
to the appropriate micro level may shift the size to
power ratio and make this source of piezoelectricity a
viable alternative.
5.5.3 Chemical Process and Motion
Alternatives to a biological reaction are systems that
process energy through chemical reactions. These
reactions can be quite potent, difficult to control and
are usually not bi-directional, i.e. once a reaction
occurs it is often difficult to retrieve or return to the
initial components (Bergbreiter, 2014, Miyashita et
al., 2015, Vilela et al., 2017). However, there are
advantages depending on the application and its
context. Similar to the living interfaces research
conducted in MIT, MAS agents could be
programmed to react when they encounter specific
chemicals (Liu et al., 2017). If the Dod is constructed
such that the arms are flexible then it may be possible
to design them so that when they come in contact with
a specific environment that they fulfil their function,
e.g. when no water is present the arms stay retracted
and when water is present the arms extend either
altogether or just the arms that sense a water source,
through an increase in humidity (e.g. hydrotropism).
Using the environment to trigger a chemical reaction
that produces energy, has been primarily
implemented in conjunction with agent motion.
Photo- and chemo-tactic motion is achieved by
manipulating photo or concentration gradients of
light sensitive chemicals or polymers. When these
gradients are localised around each agent,
diffusiophoresis enables the agents to exhibit motion
(Lozano et al., 2016, Vilela et al., 2017).
The ability to create smart polymers that can
exhibit the behaviours of a variety of materials, may
be a viable intermediary step with respect to creating
a completely biological Dod. Hydrogels exhibit a
reversible behaviour which is advantageous even
though it is dependent on external conditions. Many
biomedical devices are designed to react to a specific
trigger within their environment. This is most evident
in the development of targeted drug delivery systems
(Leong et al., 2009, Palleau et al., 2013, Breger et al.,
Lastly, developments in the discipline of soft
robotics and microfluidics is of value with respect to
pneumatic motion. The Octobot is a project which
utilises the principle of pneumatics based on chemical
reactions. The previous particle design explored the
direct reaction with the environment, whereas this
design is analogous to a diesel engine. The reaction is
inbuilt (chemical reaction), and the resulting output
(gas/pressure) is used throughout the system (Wehner
et al., 2016). The system is controlled via a
microfluidic logic circuit which enables this design to
be considered for soft robotic applications where
shape shifting, and flexibility are key requirements.
The challenge in this system is maintaining the correct
balance between fuel injection, actuation and venting
pressure and exhaust rate. Translating this concept to
the Dod could have substantial potential as the pressure
generated in such a system could be used to extend and
retract the arms. The current version of the Octobot is
approx. the size of an SD card (11x15mm) which is
another positive attribute with respect to scaling agent
CHIRA 2019 - 3rd International Conference on Computer-Human Interaction Research and Applications
designs. The microfluidic circuit has demonstrated that
it is possible to create soft circuitry using alternatives
to electricity (Jansen, 1990, Wehner et al., 2016).
These projects demonstrate some of the alternative
mechanisms by which agents can function and
appropriate the energy available to them in the
environment. Whilst a large proportion of these
processes are dependent on external actuation, it is still
possible to learn and further influence the Dod’s design
by considering these possibilities.
The Dod is only one part of a larger study into MAS
agent design. Rather than create another prototype in
the domain of shape-shifting technology that cannot be
applied beyond the lab environment, the aim of the
study was to produce a viable blueprint. This blueprint
can act as the basis for developments in the present but
also provide a canvas for future adaptations once
applications and materials are better defined. This
paper has focused on the practical description, of an
agent, more so than the STEAM methodology that was
used to achieve and support the final design. However,
one aspect of the methodology that is evident in this
paper, is the diversity of disciplines that informed the
design and the process itself.
I would like to thank my supervisor Dr. Mikael
Fernstrӧm for his guidance and support throughout my
study. Thanks also go to the Irish Research Council for
funding the first 3 years of this study (Project ID:
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Reinventing the Cube: An Alternative Agent Design for Shape-shifting Technology