Deeplearning Convolutional Neural Network based QoE Assessment
Module for 4K UHD Video Streaming
Akm Ashiquzzaman
1 a
, Sung Min Oh
, Dongsu Lee
, Hoehyeong Jung
, Tai-won Um
and Jinsul Kim
School of Electronics and Computer Engineering, Chonnam National University, Gwangju, South Korea
Department of Information and Communication Engineering, Chosun University, Gwangju, South Korea
Deep Learning, Convolutional Neural Network, Computer Networks, Video Steaming, 4K UHD, QoE.
With the rapid development of modern high resolution video streaming services, providing high Quality of
Experience (QoE) has become a crucial service for any media streaming platforms. Most often it is necessary
of provide the QoE with NR-IQA, which is a daunting task for any present network system for it’s huge
computational overloads and often inaccurate results. So in this research paper a new type of this NR-IQA
was proposed that resolves these issues. In this work we have described a deep-learning based Convolutional
Neural Network (CNN) to accurately predict image quality without a reference image. This model processes
the RAW RGB pixel images as input, the CNN works in the spatial domain without using any hand-crafted
or derived features that are employed by most previous methods. The proposed CNN is utilized to classify all
images in a MOS category. This approach achieves state of the art performance on the KoniQ-10k dataset and
shows excellent generalization ability in classifying proper images into proper category. Detailed processing
on images with data augmentation revealed the high quality estimation and classifying ability of our CNN,
which is a novel system by far in these field.
In the edge of 5G telecommunication and high speed
4K UHD streaming technologies, mandatory deliv-
ery of high quality content has become a crucial task.
by 2025, the 4K UHD streaming will become the
main standard of video streaming technologies. Uni-
versal deployment of Dynamic Adaptive Streaming
of HTTP (DASH) is also becoming popular for this
streaming technologies (Van Ma et al., 2018). Popu-
lar video streaming services such as Youtube, Netflix,
Amazon Hulu, etc. are moving to these standard re-
cently. These streaming technologies are mainly fo-
cusing on full service and experience provided to the
users to make sure they have the maximum satisfac-
tion in service and quality.
In the past, the concept of Quality of Service
(QoS) has been brought to the attention of a large
number of users as well as service providers and net-
work operators. QoS also has high the investment rate
of telecom operators as well as high concentration of
the network research community, leading to solutions
that ensure highly stable and highly efficient (Yoo
et al., 2003). Compared with the concept of QoS,
QoE is a newer concept. QoS simply gives users a
fairly technical sense of service quality. QoS is pri-
marily focused on describing the objective, technical
criteria that the network infrastructure or application
needs to achieve in order to guarantee quality service.
In other words, QoS can be considered as the general
technical language of the quality that applications and
network infrastructure used. Consequently, we must
establish a general description model which easy to
understand for end-users of a service. That is the con-
cept of QoE. In fact, QoE is a common language for
applications and end users (Nam et al., 2016). It is
used in the approach of a user to evaluate QoS. In
other words, QoE is a measure of the satisfaction of
people with the service they are using based on sub-
jective judgment. Thus, QoE can be synthesized from
pure QoS and other non-technical factors such as the
characteristics of the human visual and auditory sys-
tem, etc. The main differences can be distinguished in
the Figure 1. The emergence of the QoE concept will
most likely lead to certain changes in the market ap-
proach of video streaming service providers. Rather
Ashiquzzaman, A., Oh, S., Lee, D., Jung, H., Um, T. and Kim, J.
Deeplearning Convolutional Neural Network based QoE Assessment Module for 4K UHD Video Streaming.
DOI: 10.5220/0008117903920397
In Proceedings of the 9th International Conference on Simulation and Modeling Methodologies, Technologies and Applications (SIMULTECH 2019), pages 392-397
ISBN: 978-989-758-381-0
2019 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
Figure 1: Comparison Between QoS and QoE shown in a
simplified graph.
than focus on QoS, QoE-related issues will be cen-
In this Research, the main QoE assessment model
was developed with the NF-IQA that is developed
with CNN with classify the given images in it’s dis-
tinctive MOS. The main idea of this CNN is to clas-
sify images that is being sampled in various time do-
main in a steaming in edge side then classify the MOS
to asses the maximum MOS to ensure best QoE. The
train CNN has outperformed the state of the art CNN
models and later the CNN will deployed into the QoE
assessment tool shown excellent result, that paves the
way to deeplearning based CNN in the QoE assess-
ment tools.
The rest of the paper is organized as follows. The
Section 2 describes the previous works and Section 3
describes the dataset and the processing of it to train
the CNN, Section 4 discusses the proposed methods
of the model. Section 5 describes the experiment and
result followed by the Conclusion in Section 6.
To the best of our knowledge, deep learning CNN has
not been applied to general-purpose QoE assessment
Models. The primary reason is that the original CNN
is not designed for capturing image quality features.
In the object recognition domain good features gen-
erally encode local invariant parts, however, for the
NR-IQA task, good features should be able to capture
the aesthetics of the images as a whole. because of
this problem, the CNN based QoE model has not yet
been properly researched.
For providing the best QoE, the component has
to master the Video Quality Assessment (VQA). In
general, most of the module has to understand Image
Quality Assessment(IQA), as video sampled in ran-
dom time to ensure proper quality is essentially im-
ages. Visual quality is a very tiresome yet important
property of an image. In principle, it is the calcu-
lated of the distortion compared with an ideal imag-
ing model or perfect reference image. This type of
system is usually know as the Full Reference (FR)
IQA model (Sheikh et al., 2005). State of the art
FR IQA models have always the best performance as
it directly quantify the differences between distorted
images and their corresponding ideal versions. As a
result, this achieves a very high accuracy of correlated
to human eyes, which is essentially the experience
In the technical sense, all the QoE model build
based on this principles have to be ensured to pro-
vide the base or main reference image to compare.
But the main drawback of such models are often the
model has no reference image due to the configura-
tion of the network of systems. This is also known
as the NR (No Reference) IDA. As NR-IQA can di-
rectly asses image quality by exploiting features, it
is easier to deploy in a standalone systems. So, the
NR IQA gives the image quality by justifying the
image aesthetics or the characteristics that is corre-
lates to human eyes. Recently, deep neural networks
have research and deemed optimal for recognitions
and achieved great success on various computer vi-
sion tasks. Specifically, CNN (Convolutional Neural
Network) has shown superior performance on many
standard object recognition benchmarks (Krizhevsky
et al., 2012). The main advantages of these models
that it takes raw images, as in pixels in the input and
incorporate feature learning to classify output. With a
deep structure, the CNN can effectively learn com-
plicated mappings while requiring minimal domain
Kang et al. (Kang et al., 2014) described a CNN
for no-reference image quality assessment. But the
CNN take input as the grayscale rather than the RGB
and had linear optimization process. This type of pro-
cess is computationally enriched and often had prob-
lems in QoE model implementation.
This research was inspired by our previous re-
search about MEC (Van Ma et al., 2018) with content-
awareness component which is placed at MEC to re-
trieve DASH information for clients. On the basic
of research on fuzzy logic to obtain DASH segments
with high quality, we deploy segment selection for
DASH streaming to MEC. As a result, it reduces net-
work latency as well as the computation resource of
clients with high streaming quality. However, the as-
sessment module needs to be in a state of art NF IQA
based model that can classify the hi resolution images
and later it will adjust the service based on the quality.
The CNN based research in this field is novel.
Deeplearning Convolutional Neural Network based QoE Assessment Module for 4K UHD Video Streaming
Neural network based research needs a high amount
of reliable data for accurate learning. There should be
a variety of data distributed in the label or class prop-
erly for the neural network to learn the distinguished
features. A variety of IQA databases have been re-
leased nowadays for focusing mainly on the develop-
ment. but most of the datasets are not focused on the
quantity. As the main focus of the research was to
develop the neural network or CNN for the VQA, the
KonIQ-10k Dataset was the perfect choice for this re-
3.1 KonIQ-10k Dataset
In our research the main focus to development a
fully automated QoE assesment model for the NF
VQA. The model was trained eith the KonIQ-10k
Dataset(Lin et al., 2018) for this purpose. in this
dataset, 10, 073 images were sampled from around
4.8 million images with 120 quality ratings, which
were obtained the Mean Opnion Score (MOS) by
crowd sourcing performed by a total of 1, 467 crowd
Figure 2: KonIQ-10k Dataset Image examples.
In Figure 2, some example images were seen that
has variable MOS based on the aesthetic quality of the
given images.
The main goal of deeplearning to generalized
learning. In our study, we’ve focused into the image
augmentation as our data mainly hovers around visual
elements of images to illustrate various images states,
basically augmenting the images makes it even more
generalized for the neutal network to learn as it will
not learn any focused area in single instances. This
Augmentation expands the volume of training data,
resulting more accuracy in generalized validation.
All the images in the dataset then later processed
and classify into 4 categories of MOS scores based on
the flooring of the original MOS scores and thus the
values were transfers from continuous to a categorical
ones. These images then used in data augmentation
mode makes the train more robust and higher accu-
racy in classifying in model validation.
4.1 Convolutional Neural Network
Hubel and Wiesel in 1960s demonastrated animal
visual cortex contains neurons that perticullarly re-
sponds to specific area of the perspective field(Jung
et al., 1963). So the theory of Convolutional Neu-
ral Network evolved by compute convolution in the
input matrix to exploit edge features for the network
to clssify and respond. Images, signal waves, sound,
etc. are essentially digital signals that are represented
in a multi-dimensional arrays. Lecunn et al. (Le-
Cun and Bengio, 1995) first uses convolutional neu-
ral networks successfully with backpropagation algo-
rithm to optimize and gradient update (Hirose et al.,
1991). Krizhevsky et al. (Krizhevsky et al., 2012)
proposed convolutional neural network model that
won the 2012 Imagenet model and this research even-
tually give the rise of CNN usage in various image
classification applications.
Figure 3: A Common CNN architecture, build with Keras
(Ashiquzzaman and Tushar, 2017).
In the Figure 3, The common architecture of a
classifying CNN is shown. Based on the given labels
and the input, the whole model will learn to repre-
sentation of images and map the features to the given
4.2 Activation Functions
In neural network, it is vitally important to use proper
activation function. As the proposed model is mainly
used convolutional layers for classifying into proper
MOS category, ReLu (Rectified Linear Unit) has been
selected for it’s linear characteristics. As shown in the
Equation 1, the Relu function gives the proper linear
output for the given input and the function is easier to
calculate in computational perspectives.
Relu(p) =
0 f or p < 0
1 f or p 0
SIMULTECH 2019 - 9th International Conference on Simulation and Modeling Methodologies, Technologies and Applications
4.3 Regularization or Batch
Batch normalization reembersed gradient flow
through the neural net which allows higher learning
rate. moreover, it reduces strong dependence on
initialization, because initial values even out due
to normalization within batch. Essentially, batch
normalization is a form of regularization where
representation of an input at some layer is tied with
other inputs in the same batch. Therefore, output
of a node now turns into the function of input and
other inputs in same batch. This in turn helps in
generalization in representation space on that layer
(Ioffe and Szegedy, 2015).
Algorithm 1: Batch Normalization by Ioffe and Szegedy
(Ioffe and Szegedy, 2015).
2: Input: x B = {x
, ··· , x
3: Output: y
= BN
4: µ
) mini-batch mean
5: σ
mini-batch variance
6: ˆx
7: y
+ β BN
) scale and shift
8: end procedure
Here the algorithm 1 by Ioffe and Szegedy is ex-
plained above.
4.4 Proposed Network Configuration
The proposed Neural Network model that used for the
assessment tool is proposed in the following way. As
the whole CNN has to process the images and map
the features according to the output MOS category.
As discussed in the Section 3, the whole images were
converted into distinctive image classes according to
the MOS scores. In The Table 1, The whole model
architecture was shown by layer wise configuration.
The main convolutional layers were added in vari-
ous filter size based, but the main modification in this
model were the batch normalization layer distribution
in each models to ensure proper unbiased learning.
Later the model were pooled and the densely con-
nected layers mapped and merged the whole model to
classify. The main main input layer takes the imgages
as the input. This layer follows by another same 64 fil-
ters convolution layer with 3 × 3 kernel and followed
Table 1: Architecture of Proposed Deep Neural Network.
Number of
Convolutional 64 ReLu 3x3
Convolutional 64 ReLu 3x3
Max Pooling N/A N/A 2x2
Batch Nor-
Convolutional 32 ReLu 3x3
Convolutional 32 ReLu 3x3
Max Pooling N/A N/A 2x2
Batch Nor-
Convolutional 32 ReLu 3x3
Convolutional 32 ReLu 3x3
Max Pooling N/A N/A 2x2
Batch Nor-
Convolutional 32 ReLu 3x3
Convolutional 32 ReLu 3x3
Max Pooling N/A N/A 2x2
150 ReLu N/A
30 ReLu N/A
4 Softmax N/A
by a simple 2 × 2 Maxpolling to reduce the calcula-
tion overhead. Layers above the previous described
had the same configuration, but instead of 64 filters
in each convolutional layer, it consisted of 32 filters.
The output layers has 4 dense output. the other dense
layers were configured with [150, 30] neurons in each
hidden layers. The whole model was designed to clas-
sify the images based on the MOS category it origi-
nally belongs.
The CNN model used in the based on the proposed
model is simplified and shown in the Fig. 4. The
experimental model was build based on this diagram.
We employ FNCP (Future Network Computing Plat-
form) to build a video delivery streaming system.
The FNCP is built based on the NFV (Network
Function Virtualization) proposed by ETSI (European
Telecommunications Standards Institute). Thanks
to its virtualized functions, we can quickly place a
database server or a web server within a short time
(in minutes). Besides, we can also reorganize or re-
construct network functions if we want to add or re-
move a component aiming to improve streaming qual-
ity. This task was intensively in the past because all
of the tasks were done/processed with physical ma-
chines (computers).
Deeplearning Convolutional Neural Network based QoE Assessment Module for 4K UHD Video Streaming
Figure 4: Proposed CNN model.
The QoE assessment model CNN was deployed
in the python based program module in the machine.
Experimental model was implemented in Python us-
ing Tensorflow and Keras libraries. The model is
trained for 100 epoch with different initalization. The
batch size is 128 for both training and testing. Cate-
gorical crossentropy is used as the loss function in this
model. Adadelta optimizer (Zeiler, 2012) is used to
optimize the learning process. Among the 10300 im-
ages, 9500 are used for training and 700 is used in val-
idation. We have used a computer with CPU intel i7-
9700U CPU @ 4,30GHz and @ 32GB RAM. Nvidia
Geforce GTX 1050 ti dedicated graphics is used for
faster computation, i.e CUDA support for accelerated
training is adopted. The loss reduction of the CNN
can be seen in the Fig.5 below.
Figure 5: CNN loss visualization during training.
The resulted assessment model successfully la-
beled the images based on it’s learning and the whole
model achieved a 78% accuracy over whole aug-
mented learning. The previous all methods described
models with more accuracy, although all other meth-
ods had pre-computed layers or some modern tech-
nique is included. This experiment process has the
raw RGB hi-def image as input and the whole model
were trained to classify only by assessing the pixel
values. The proposed model is thus the novel rep-
resentation of the QoE assessment tools and had the
state of the art accuracy.
4K or ultra-high-definition (UHD) will be the stan-
dard for video streaming in the next decade. In this
research, we carry a study on deeplearning CNN QoE
assessment tool which is a crucial adaptive algorithm.
More specifically, we employ deep learning CNN al-
gorithm in the form of quality of experience (QoE).
In fact, QoE is an important factor to evaluate the ef-
ficiency of streaming transmission models. In this re-
search article, we mainly focus on QoE performance
analysis of streaming models to improve and ensure
high quality (4K and UHD) streaming service in NFV.
The developed CNN was state of the art QoE assess-
ment tool with state of the art accuracy. The proposed
model was crucial in the NR-VQA assessment model
building up. In the future work, the main focus of this
research will be applying some Autoencoder based
data reduction model to reduce overhead and then ap-
ply it to the main CNN model for faster assessment.
This research was supported by the MSIT(Ministry
of Science and ICT), Korea, under the
ITRC(Information Technology Research Center)
support program(IITP-2018-2016-0-00314) super-
vised by the IITP(Institute for Information & com-
munications Technology Promotion). Besides, this
research was supported by Basic Science Research
Program through the National Research Foundation
of Korea (NRF) funded by the Ministry of Education,
Science, and Technology (MEST)(Grant No. NRF-
2017R1D1A1B03034429) and was also supported
by Institute for Information & communications Tech-
nology Promotion (IITP) grant funded by the Korea
government (MSIT). [2018-0-00691, Development of
Autonomous Collaborative Swarm Intelligence Tech-
nologies for Disposable IoT Devices]. Finally, This
work was supported by Electronics and Telecommu-
nications Research Institute(ETRI) grant funded by
ICT R&D program of MSIT/IITP[2200-2019-00008,
Hyper-Connected Common Networking Service
Research Infrastructure Testbed].
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Deeplearning Convolutional Neural Network based QoE Assessment Module for 4K UHD Video Streaming