An Analysis of User Behaviors in Phishing eMail using Machine
Learning Techniques
Yi Li
, Kaiqi Xiong
and Xiangyang Li
Intelligent Computer Networking and Security Lab, University of South Florida, Tampa, U.S.A.
Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore, U.S.A.
Keywords: User Behaviors, Phishing Email, Machine Learning, Amazon Mechanical Turk.
Understanding user behaviors plays an important role in security situation assessments and computer system
operations. There are very challenging and limited studies on email user behaviors. To study user behaviors
related with phishing emails, we design and investigate an email test platform to understand how users behave
differently when they read emails, some of which are phishing. We used a set of emails including phishing
emails from the real world. We collect experimental data including participants’ basic background informa-
tion, time measurement, and their answers to survey questions. We first check whether or not factors such
as intervention, phishing types, and incentive mechanisms play a major role in user behaviors when phishing
attacks occur. We then evaluate the significance of each attribute with a performance score. The performance
score is a metric demonstrating how a user makes a correct judgment on phishing while phishing attacks occur.
We propose a machine learning framework, which contains attribute reduction and 10-fold cross-validation,
to predict the performance of a user based on our collected data.
Phishing is an online identity theft, which is disguised
in an email and other messages to deceive victims into
providing their login credentials and personal infor-
mation (Gupta et al., 2016). It is prevalent today since
current growing Internet techniques heavily involve
the sensitive information of users. Therefore, more
and more personal computers and mobile device users
are exposed to phishing attacks. Many researchers
have studied phishing attack problems where many
solutions have been proposed to detect phishing at-
tacks at different levels (Chin et al., 2018). However,
there are only a very few studies on understanding
how users’ behavior can contribute to susceptibility
to phishing. By understanding users’ behaviors on
phishing attacks, we can determine how to educate
users so that they can be prevented from phishing at-
tacks better.
Because of the inhomogeneity of users’ network
security education levels, users are susceptible to
phishing attacks at different degrees (Goel et al.,
2017). Although security and usability experts claim
that a computer system should not rely on users’
behavior, researchers have found that phishing at-
tack are directly correlated with user behavior fac-
tors (Williams and Li, 2017). Thus, an important se-
curity prevention method is to educate users to adapt
better security behaviors, where user behavior educa-
tion refers to teaching Internet users about phishing
awareness and defense techniques. Education-based
approaches usually offer online information or edu-
cational games (Rakhra and Kaur, 2018).
In this research, we aim at studying user behav-
ior factors, such as intervention, phishing type, and
a monetary incentive, to understand how a user be-
haves during phishing email attacks and what mecha-
nism may prevent a user from being a victim of such
attacks. Here, intervention is defined as a mechanism
that helps users be aware of the phishing attacks more
easily by modifying phishing types to make them ap-
pear more obvious (Yang et al., 2015). A monetary
incentive is introduced to motivate users to pay atten-
tion to phishing attacks (Brase, 2009).
The goal of this study is first to understand how
user behaviors are correlated to phishing through an
analysis of the collected experimental data and then
to develop a model to predict how likely a user will
be a victim based on the user’s profile and behaviors.
For this purpose, we explore to answer the following
challenging questions in this research:
1. How intervention can affect user behaviors?
Li, Y., Xiong, K. and Li, X.
An Analysis of User Behaviors in Phishing eMail using Machine Learning Techniques.
DOI: 10.5220/0008119805290534
In Proceedings of the 16th International Joint Conference on e-Business and Telecommunications (ICETE 2019), pages 529-534
ISBN: 978-989-758-378-0
2019 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
2. Which phishing type is more harmful than others?
3. How can a monetary incentive affect a user’s be-
havior and sorting?
4. How accurately can we predict the performance
of a user on email sorting based on user profiles
and behaviors?
To answer the above questions, we propose two
study designs, on-site study design and online study
design. In both study designs, participants are asked
to conduct a pre-setup experiment on our testbed,
where each participant first read a number of emails
and then sort them into either “phishing” or ”non-
phishing. We introduce a performance score to
record the total number of the correctnesses of a par-
ticipant’s sorting.
The rest of the paper is organized as follows. In
the section 2, we present related work on phishing
emails. In the section 3, we introduce the designs of
our two studies. In the section 4, we present our ma-
chine learning framework. We evaluate the results of
our studies in the section 5. Finally, we conclude our
findings in the section 6.
As phishing becomes a more and more popular at-
tack vector, email has been the most common way to
conduct phishing attacks (Pande and Voditel, 2017).
Vishwanath et al. (Vishwanath et al., 2011) discov-
ered that most phishing emails are peripherally pro-
cessed and the decisions made by individuals are usu-
ally based on simple clues embedded in an email mes-
sage. They also found that if the email contains urgent
information, the user will typically ignore other clues
that could potentially help detect the deception.
Vishwanath et al. (Vishwanath et al., 2016) later
conducted an experiment to examine the factors for
phishing susceptibility and they found that an individ-
ual email habit was an important factor for phishing
susceptibility. They found that those people with en-
trenched email habits tended to be more susceptible
to phishing attacks. This is due to their habits that as
soon as a notification arrives, they are likely to open
it though they do not realize that they are opening it.
Interventions can be utilized for better under-
standing user behavior in phishing susceptibility
when existing studies also have consequently focused
on training individuals to better detect fraudulent
emails (Burns et al., 2013). Liang et al. (Liang and
Xue, 2010) demonstrated the effectiveness of warning
interfaces with two groups, one control group that had
no warnings for phishing attack, and another group
that had warnings. They recruit nine participants in
total, where eight of them are fell for the attack. After
experiments, most of the participants claim that they
did not notice the warning and some don’t even know
what it means. Further, many of the participants admit
that they don’t know the meaning of phishing.
Many existing studies have shown that people
are vulnerable to phishing for the following rea-
sons (Vishwanath et al., 2011). Many users do not
trust security indicators on the websites (Wu et al.,
2006). Attackers can easily replicate legitimate web-
sites since people usually judge a website by how a
website looks and how they feel about it (Harrison
et al., 2016). Although some users are aware of phish-
ing, the information does not contribute to detect or
prevent phishing attacks (Parsons et al., 2016). Nowa-
days, machine learning techniques have been applied
to detect the phishing emails (Smadi et al., 2015).
Muthal et al. (Muthal et al., 2017) has re-
cently studied on user behaviors in phishing attacks
with incentive and intervention. They conducted
a three-round experiment where participants distin-
guish phishing emails from normal emails. In our
study, we follow closely from their experience but do
more analysis. We not only study how user behav-
iors will affect phishing attack outcomes but also try
to predict how users will perform based on their be-
haviors and background.
In our study, we use emails obtained from the real
world with some necessary modifications for personal
information protection. Phishing emails were de-
rived from a semi-random sample of emails in “Phish
Bowl” database (Database, 2018). Normal emails
were derived from legitimate emails received by the
research team.
3.1 Phishing Types
One purpose of this research is to study which type of
phishing attacks is more malicious to user. There are
three types of phishing attacks used in our study:
1. A Suspicious Sender’s Email Address: Nowadays,
people are flooded with emails and tend to pay less
attention of the sender’s email address. They usually
only look at the sender’s name, neglect of the email
address, or just catch a glimpse of the email address.
The scammer has a high chance to replicate the email
address. For example, the letter ‘l’ and the number
‘1’ are very similar. Therefore, the scammer could
SECRYPT 2019 - 16th International Conference on Security and Cryptography
utilize this feature to create a fake ‘we11sfargo’ do-
main name rather than ‘wellsfargo.
2. Suspicious Links or Attachments: The links could
be manipulated through using similar characters or
misspelling issues. For example, a link contains the
word ‘directdeposit’ could be misspelled as ‘direct-
depost. The suspicious attachments can be disguised
as the pdf file, exe file, or other types of files.
3. Malicious Email Contents: This type of phish-
ing is quite tricky. At first glance, the email content
seems normal to most of people. However, this kind
of phishing attacks contains suspicious contents. For
example, the contents may have several grammar is-
sues or the icon of popular social networks is faked.
They are very hard to notice if the user is not familiar
with those popular social medias or if the user is not
a native English speaker.
3.2 On-site Study Design
In this study design, its email sorting task consists
of three rounds and each round is preloaded with 20
emails. There are 5 legitimate emails and 3 different
phishing types, where each type includes 5 emails.
In the second round, the intervention is introduced
to the participants based on their performance of the
first round. We recruit 40 participants to perform
this task. During the experiment, the participants are
asked to differentiate the phishing emails from legit-
imate emails. After the tasks in three rounds, partic-
ipants are required to take a survey in the lab, where
their backgrounds are asked.
3.2.1 Participant Recruitment
The IRB had been approved before we started
to recruit participants (The approval number is:
Pro00026240.) In the on-site study, participants are
students as we recruited them on campus. We have
recruited 40 participants at our university to perform
this user study. The average age of the participants is
about 23 years old while the participants’ ages range
from 18 to 38. Among 40 participants, 18 are female
and 22 are male. The distribution of the participants
is shown in Table 1.
Table 1: Participants Basic Information Distribution.
Gender Age
Female 45% 18 20 25%
Male 55% 2030 67.5%
3038 7.5%
Undergraduate 65% Ph.D. 20%
Graduate 10% Faculty 5%
We introduce a monetary incentive in our study. It
is designed to answer the third question in section 1.
We want to study whether the monetary incentive will
affect a user’s performance or not.
3.2.2 Survey
The survey was carried out after three rounds of email
sorting tasks. We used an online survey platform to
record the answers from participants. This survey
contains 30 questions and is mainly about the back-
ground of participants, such as, age and some general
questions about their experience and habits of using
social medias. There were also some questions re-
lated to the email sorting tasks they just took. The
example of the survey questions is shown as follows:
For instances, “Have you taken any cybersecurity
courses?” and “I briefly looked at the sender/source
of the emails. are two examples of the survey ques-
tions. This survey can better help us understand user
behaviors regarding to phishing attacks.
3.3 Online Study Design
Although by performing the on-site study, we can suf-
ficiently answer the first three questions mentioned in
the section 1, it is not sufficient for us to thoroughly
understand user behaviors regarding phishing attacks.
This is due to the limitation of demographic diversity
and the number of participants recruited, etc. There-
fore, we propose the online study design. It can suf-
ficiently help us to answer the question of how accu-
rately can we predict the performance based on user
3.3.1 Participant Recruitment
Participants are recruited from Amazon Mechanical
Turk (MTurk) (MTurk, 2018). We recruited 90 par-
ticipants in total for this online study. The distribution
of the participants is shown in Table 2.
Table 2: Participants Basic Information Distribution.
Gender Age
Female 39% 20 35 65.6%
Male 61% 3650 26.7%
5161 7.7%
Highest Education
High School 13.3% Master 6.7%
College 77.8% Doctorate 2.2%
We keep the monetary incentive mechanism in the
online study since it is an useful feature/attribute for
predicting the performance of user behavior regarding
phishing attacks.
An Analysis of User Behaviors in Phishing eMail using Machine Learning Techniques
The goal of using a machine learning method is to
predict a user’s performance regarding phishing at-
tacks, whether or not the user can do well or poorly.
Hence, we divided the performance score into two
different classes, Good and Poor, based on the aver-
age score. We apply machine learning approaches to
predict the overall performance (performance score).
We build 4 different machine learning models, Deci-
sion Tree-J48, Naive Bayes (NB), Support Vector Ma-
chine (SVM), and Multilayer Perceptron (MP). Since
we have 119 attributes but only 90 datasets, we first
perform a stepwise attribute reduction. To select the
best attributes for the ablove machine learning mod-
els, we first perform a Pearson-correlation coefficient
analysis to observe the importance of each single at-
tribute. We then fit our data into a linear regression
model to evaluate all the attributes.
Figure 1: Machine learning model with 10 fold cross-
We also propose to use the method of 10 fold
cross-validation to precisely predict the performance
of each participant, as shown in Figure 1, where MM
is short for the machine learning model. The original
dataset is randomly partitioned into 10 equal size sub-
datasets. Of the 10 subdatasets, a single subdataset is
retained as the validation data for testing the model
and the remaining 9 subsamples are used as training
data. The cross-validation process is then repeated 10
times (i.e., 10 folds), with each of the 10 subdatasets
used exactly once as the validation data. The 10 re-
sults from the folds can then be averaged to produce a
single estimate. The advantage of this method is that
all observations are used for both training and valida-
tion, and each observation is used for validation ex-
actly once. Besides the 10 fold cross-validation, we
also utilize the similar idea of cross-validation for the
attributes. Suppose we have m attributes and each
time we randomly select n attributes to feed into our
cross-validation machine learning model. This pro-
cess will be running in k times, where m = k × n.
We have m attributes in total after attribute selec-
tion. Then we randomly choose n attributes to do the
cross-validation training by applying machine learn-
ing model. The next step is to calculate the perfor-
mance accuracy. This process can be running k times.
These k performance accuracies are averaged to form
one final accuracy. We use 10-fold cross-validation
to do the training and validation. Each time we will
obtain an accuracy, and this will be done 10 times.
The average accuracy is calculated by averaging all
the accuracies.
In this section, we analyze and identify what factors
may make a significant impact on a phishing attack
outcome and the evaluation of our machine learning
models will be presented. The evaluation of interven-
tion, phishing types, and a monetary incentive are us-
ing the dataset from the on-site study, while the eval-
uation of performance prediction is using the dataset
from the online study.
Table 3: Email Round Score and Time.
Attributes (Mean) Round1 Round2 Round3 R2-R1 R3-R2
Phish Score 10.18 11.6 10.02 1.42 -0.15
Total Score 14.2 15.23 14.25 1.025 0.05
Phish Time(s) 437.58 413.45 433.25 -24.13 19.8
Total Time(s) 630.88 600.4 568.35 -30.48 -32.05
5.1 Intervention Evaluation
To answer the first question in the section 1, we cal-
culate mean phishing score, mean total score, mean
total processing time and mean phishing processing
time. The result is shown in Table 3. The intervention
is introduced in the second round based on the perfor-
mance of the participant from the first round. The full
score of phishing score is 15 and the total score is 20.
As shown in the table 3, the second round has been
slightly improved compare with the first round. The
mean time used in the second round is also lesser than
the first round. However, in the third round, the per-
formance score has decreased and even worse com-
pared with the first round.
SECRYPT 2019 - 16th International Conference on Security and Cryptography
Figure 2: (a) Accuracy of each machine learning model with different number of instances. (b) Evaluation of false positive
rate for different machine learning models.
5.2 Phishing Type Evaluation
We analyze the performance score and time for differ-
ent types of phishing attacks. The second question in
section 1 can be answered in Table 4. Type 1 phishing
attack contains a suspicious sender’s email address,
type 2 phishing attack has suspicious links or attach-
ments, and type 3 phishing attack contains malicious
contents. The mean score (full score is 15) and mean
time are calculated by taking average of all 40 par-
ticipants’ score and time of different phishing types.
The intervention frequency describes the total times
of a certain type phishing intervention introduced in
the task. We can see from the table that type 1 phish-
ing has the lowest score and it has been used the most
as an intervention. This implies that the type 1 phish-
ing is more harmful compared to the other two types.
In addition, it is not hard to see that the score is in
inversely proportion to intervention frequency. Thus,
intervention is a suitable attribute that can be used in
our machine learning models.
Table 4: Different Types of Phishing Score and Time.
Phishing Type Mean Score Mean time(s) Frequency
Type 1 9.5 447.425 17
Type 2 11.35 431.875 8
Type 3 10.95 404.975 15
5.3 Monetary Incentive
The next question is whether a monetary incentive
affects the performance and total processing time.
We calculate the mean total performance score, mean
phishing performance score, mean total processing
time, and mean phishing processing time of all 40
participants. The result is shown in Table 5. Con-
trol means that there is no monetary incentive and
Incentive represents that this group will get a mon-
etary incentive. We can see from the table that the
group with incentive has a higher performance score
than the group who doesn’t. Furthermore, the incen-
tive group tends to spend more time than the control
group. Therefore, incentive is also a useful attribute
regarding a phishing outcome.
Table 5: Monetary Incentive Analysis.
ConditionPhish ScoreTotal ScorePhish TimeTotal time
Control 30.1 42.65 1148.95 1580.5
Incentive 33.5 44.7 1419.6 2018.75
5.4 Performance Prediction Evaluation
After applying stepwise attribute selection, we chose
16 attributes in our machine learning framework.
Now, we evaluate the performance accuracies of our
machine learning framework. The accuracy in the
following analysis is the final accuracy by averag-
ing 10 folds accuracies. Figure 2 (a) shows the rela-
tionship between accuracy and number of instances,
which means the number of participants because we
treat each participant as an instance. We can see as the
number of instances increases, the accuracy is also in-
creasing. Among them, Multilayer Perceptron has the
best accuracy, which is 93.84% in average. When us-
ing all 90 instances, the accuracy reaches 96.67% for
Multilayer Perceptron. SVM has the second best ac-
curacy; the average accuracy for SVM is 89.93%. In
addition, when using all 90 instances, it has the best
accuracy, which is 92.22%. The average accuracies
for Naive Bayes and J48 are 86.23% and 83.58%, re-
An Analysis of User Behaviors in Phishing eMail using Machine Learning Techniques
We have studied how users behave when they en-
counter phishing email attacks. To the best of our
knowledge, this is the first comprehensive and quanti-
tative investigation of how users react in email check-
ing and reading that have become an integral part of
our daily life. We have designed two studies, on-
site study and online study. We have applied statis-
tical methods to analyze our on-site dataset and ex-
plore the answers to the questions on how interven-
tion, phishing types, and a monetary incentive af-
fect user behaviors when phishing attacks are encoun-
tered. Our analysis have showed that participants with
intervention and a monetary incentive perform better
than other cases. Phishing type 1, suspicious senders’
email addresses, tends to be more harmful to users
compared to other two phishing types. We have fur-
ther developed machine learning techniques with the
10-fold cross-validation to analyze the data collected
in the online study. We have analyzed the best at-
tributes used in our machine learning framework. By
choosing 16 attributes, we have achieved the user per-
formance prediction accuracies of 86.67%, 88.89%,
92.22%, and 96.67% for J48, Naive Bayes, SVM, and
Multilayer Perceptron, respectively.
In daily-life scenarios, we tend to deal with many
other things while checking our emails; thus, we plan
to investigate a multitasking experiment platform to
understand how multitasking will affect the behavior
of a user accordingly.
We would like to thank NSF for partially spon-
soring the work under grants #1620868, #1620871,
#1620862, and #1651280. We also thank the JHU
team that provided the data used in this project.
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SECRYPT 2019 - 16th International Conference on Security and Cryptography