cessing critical data (such as PayPal and even Google
Pay) do not notice system modifications performed
through Magisk (when enabling Magisk Hide and re-
packaging Magisk Manager), while Fides reliably de-
tects an unverified boot chain. As a consequence of
the verifiably unaltered system state, software-based
security features like SELinux can also be expected to
be working as intended.
In summary, it is now possible for service oper-
ators to establish trust in mobile clients and reliably
deny access to compromised instances, even in cases
where Google’s own protection mechanisms fail to do
so. In case exploits are an issue for certain sensitive
applications, Fides can be configured to only trust fully
patched devices (a property which cannot be spoofed
in software, since it is attested by the hardware). It is
therefore easily possible to trade off compatibility for
increased security. Our freely available libraries can
easily be integrated into the connectivity establishment
workflows of existing services, as it only relies on TLS.
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Fides: Unleashing the Full Potential of Remote Attestation