DJ-Running: An Emotion-based System for Recommending Spotify
Songs to Runners
1 a
, A. Guiu
, J. R. Beltr
2 b
, J. Garc
ıa de Quir
and S. Baldassarri
1 c
Department of Computer Science and Systems Engineering, University of Zaragoza, Zaragoza, Spain
Department Electronic Engineering and Communications, University of Zaragoza, Zaragoza, Spain
Running, Music Recommendations, Runners’ Emotions, Motivation and Performance.
People that practice running use to listen to music during their training sessions. Music can have a positive
influence on runners’ motivation and performance, but it requires selecting the most suitable song at each
moment. Most of the music recommendation systems combine users’ preferences and context-aware factors
to predict the next song. In this paper, we include runners’ emotions as part of these decisions. This fact has
forced us to emotionally annotate the songs available in the system, to monitor runners’ emotional state and to
interpret these data in the recommendation algorithms. A new next-song recommendation system and a mobile
application able to play the recommended music from the Spotify streaming service have been developed. The
solution combines artificial intelligence techniques with Web service ecosystems, providing an innovative
emotion-based approach.
Most of the people that practice running as a sport,
listen to music during the development of the physi-
cal activity using their portable music players, mainly,
mobile phones. Running with music can help to in-
crease the runner’s motivation, making hard training
sessions much more pleasant as well as make the run-
ner feel less alone. These effects are of special inter-
est for long-distance runners, or even people with a
sedentary lifestyle who wish to start running. Since
music has the ability to produce reactions in the in-
dividuals (Terry, 2006), it cannot be ruled out that
the listening of different types of music could also
influence the motivation and performance of a run-
ner (Brooks and Brooks, 2010). Therefore, a runner
should select ideally a different playlist for each ses-
sion depending on the type of training, his/her musi-
cal preferences, his/her mood, or the characteristics of
the route he/she wants to run.
Music Recommendation Systems (MRS) reduce
the effort of users for selecting songs by consider-
ing their profiles and preferences. Traditionally, these
systems have been used to create personalised playlist
that were then played on portables music players.
The rise of music streaming services has motivated
a new generation of recommendation systems more
dynamic and flexible than traditional approaches, for
example, next-song recommendation systems (Zheng
et al., 2019; Baker et al., 2019; Vall et al., 2019b).
These MRS create playlists in real time, while the
user is listening them, and learn from users’ short-
term and long-term behaviors for improving their pre-
dictions. Additionally, the widespread use of mobile
phones as players allows these systems to collect data
about the user’s context and utilize this contextual
information to better satisfy users’ interests (Kamin-
skas and Ricci, 2011; Wang et al., 2012; Chen et al.,
2019). Despite the advances in developing context-
aware systems, certain contextual decision factors are
still underused, such as users’ emotions and the ac-
tivity that they are carrying out at each moment, for
DJ-Running is a research project that monitors the
runners’ emotional and physiological activity during
the training sessions, to automatically recognize their
feelings and to select, in real-time, the most suitable
music to improve their motivation and performance
(DJR, 2019). In this paper, we present the context-
aware music recommendation system developed as
part of the project. It predicts the next song to be
played considering the user’s location and emotions
Álvarez, P., Guiu, A., Beltrán, J., García de Quirós, J. and Baldassarri, S.
DJ-Running: An Emotion-based System for Recommending Spotify Songs to Runners.
DOI: 10.5220/0008164100550063
In Proceedings of the 7th International Conference on Sport Sciences Research and Technology Support (icSPORTS 2019), pages 55-63
ISBN: 978-989-758-383-4
2019 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reser ved
and the type of training session that he/she is carry-
ing out. This combination of contextual factors is a
contribution with respect to existing next-song rec-
ommendation proposals. In addition to the system,
we also present the mobile application that monitors
the runner’s activity and connects with the Spotify mu-
sic streaming service to play the recommended songs.
From a technological point of view, the solution has
been programmed combining the paradigms of cloud,
fog and service computing.
The remainder of this paper is organized as fol-
lows. In Section 2, the related literature regarding to
next-song recommendation systems is reviewed, pay-
ing attention in those solutions that are integrated with
the Spotify services. Sections 3 and 4 describe the
functionality and architecture of the DJ-Running ap-
plication and recommendation system, respectively.
The system consists of a set of Web services that
are detailed in Sections 5 and 6. Finally, Section 7
presents the paper’s conclusions and makes sugges-
tions for future research.
2.1 Next-song Recommendation
The task of this class of recommendation systems is
to predict the next song that a user would like to listen
to. These predictions are mainly based on different
factors related to users and songs (Knees et al., 2019).
From the users’ point of view, factors can be classi-
fied as intrinsic or external. The former are related
to users’ profile and preferences, listening histories
and cultural features; whereas the external are mainly
associated with the user’s context, including the loca-
tion (Kaminskas and Ricci, 2011; Su et al., 2010), the
social context (Chen et al., 2019), the activity (Wang
et al., 2012; Oliver and Kreger-Stickles, 2006) or the
mood (Han et al., 2010), for instance. These con-
textual factors are more dynamics and have recently
gained relevance thanks to users listen to music on
their smart mobile phones. Today, these devices in-
tegrate rich sensing capabilities that allow to collect
a wide variety of data about users’ context and, as a
result, most of the current recommendation systems
make context-aware predictions (Wang et al., 2012).
On the other hand, songs’ features have been also
used by these systems (Cano et al., 2005; Borges and
Queiroz, 2017; Vall et al., 2019a; Zheng et al., 2019),
specially songs’ audio features. The interest in these
approaches lies in their recommendations are based
on data that can be extracted from songs and, there-
fore, are directly available. This availability alleviates
the cold start problem, which arises when there is not
data about a new user and, therefore, it is not possi-
ble to make effective recommendations (Chou et al.,
Runners’ emotions and types of training sessions
are two factors considered as part of the DJ-Running
recommendation system. In the field of affective com-
puting many works propose methods to determine the
emotions perceived by the user while listens to a song
(Yang et al., 2018). These methods enhance songs’
metadata by adding them emotional labels. Never-
theless, next-song recommendations systems do not
use these labels to improve their results according to
users’ mood, for instance. Alternatively, the activity
that the user is performing at that instant is another
relevant factor, as it was discussed in (North et al.,
2004; Levitin et al., 2007). Nevertheless, it is usually
ignored by recommendation systems. As an excep-
tion, (Wang et al., 2012) proposes a solution that in-
fers automatically a user’s activity (working, sleeping,
studying, running, etc.) and recommends songs suit-
able for that activity, and (Oliver and Kreger-Stickles,
2006) creates playlists to help users to achieve their
exercise goals (walking or jogging, for example).
The techniques used to recommend the next song
are varied, even most of them are those commonly
used in general purpose recommendation systems:
the collaborative filtering (Lee et al., 2010; Vall
et al., 2019a; Baker et al., 2019; Chen et al., 2019),
the content-based filtering methods (Pampalk et al.,
2005; Cano et al., 2005; Oliver and Kreger-Stickles,
2006) and the hybrid approaches that combine both
techniques to mitigate their possible drawbacks (Vall
et al., 2019b). The collaborative techniques focus on
the analysis of the similarity and the relationships be-
tween users. It is becoming more frequent that the
friendship between social network users is included
in the models of these collaborative approaches (Chen
et al., 2019). Alternatively, the content-based meth-
ods are mainly based on songs’ features and users’
preferences and contexts. Nevertheless, nowadays the
tendency is to integrate different techniques to take
advantage of the strengths of each of them. These hy-
brid proposals also combine the common recommen-
dation techniques with probabilistic models (Wang
et al., 2012; Borges and Queiroz, 2017) or different
classes of neuronal networks (Choudhary and Agar-
wal, 2017; Zheng et al., 2019), for instance.
On the other hand, there is a growing interest in
solving the problem of automating the music playlist
continuation (Oliver and Kreger-Stickles, 2006; Vall
et al., 2019a; Baker et al., 2019). It consists of pro-
icSPORTS 2019 - 7th International Conference on Sport Sciences Research and Technology Support
viding a personalised extension to the playlist that the
user is listening to. Therefore, it is a particular case
of next-song approaches in which the recommenda-
tions are made by considering the songs previously
played (each playlist is processed as a user’s listen-
ing history). The factors that are usually involved in
these recommendations are songs’ order and popu-
larity (Vall et al., 2019b), the songs’ audio features
(Vall et al., 2019a; Baker et al., 2019), the most lis-
tened authors and musical genres, or users’ response
to recommended songs (Pampalk et al., 2005; Oliver
and Kreger-Stickles, 2006; Choudhary and Agarwal,
2017), among others. This last factor gains rele-
vance in these recommendation systems as an imme-
diate and explicit feedback that helps to maximize the
user’s satisfaction. This feedback can be determined
by using sensors to detect physical and physiologi-
cal responses (Oliver and Kreger-Stickles, 2006), by
evaluating the effects of playing the same list of songs
in a different order (Choudhary and Agarwal, 2017),
or by analyzing the user’s dislikes (for example, the
songs that are skipped by the user (Pampalk et al.,
2.2 Music Recommendation Systems
based on Spotify
Most of the works related to Spotify propose mu-
sic recommendation systems to help users to create
their playlists. Recommendations are based on the
user’s preferences (musical genres and artists, mainly)
and the features of songs that he/she usually lis-
tens to. Users’ profiles are determined by utilizing
users’ past interactions (Fessahaye et al., 2019; Ben-
net, 2018) or by processing the messages published
by users in social networks, such as Twitter (Pichl
et al., 2015) or Facebook (Germain and Chakareski,
2013). Internally, these recommendation systems are
programmed integrating content and collaborative fil-
tering techniques (Fessahaye et al., 2019; Pichl et al.,
2015; Germain and Chakareski, 2013). The first ones
help to determine the similarity between songs based
on their audio features, while the latter determine the
similarity between users based on their preferences.
The same approach is currently used by Spotify (Ma-
dathil, 2017). Exceptionally, (Bennet, 2018) makes
recommendations using clustering techniques. As a
conclusion, with the exception of (Fessahaye et al.,
2019), these Spotify-based systems do not consider
music emotions. (Fessahaye et al., 2019) adds a mood
value to the set of songs’ features which is obtained
from the Million Playlist Dataset, released by Spotify
in 2018 as part of the Spotify RecSys Challenge.
The DJ-Running technological infrastructure allows
a runner to configure his/her profile in order to listen
personalized music during the training sessions. The
runner accesses this functionality by a mobile appli-
cation that works with the Spotify streaming service
to play the recommended songs. The aim of this sec-
tion is to describe the design of this application and
its interaction with the user and the environment.
Before using the mobile application for the first
time, the runner sets up his/her personal profile
through a Web application. This profile includes an-
thropometric characteristics, demographic data, mu-
sical preferences, the type of runner, etc. It is highly
recommended to update this information periodically.
On the other hand, the user also has to purchase a li-
cense of Spotify. When the application is installed in
the mobile phone the first time, it requires the user’s
credentials created by the Web application (to access
to the information of the profile) and the license code
of Spotify. Once the software installation is com-
pleted, the application is ready to be used during the
training sessions. Figure 1-a shows the initial appli-
cation screen. Before starting to run, the runner must
introduce the kind of training session that he/she will
do and his/her emotional state at that moment (happy,
relax, stressed, etc.). The screen in which the runner
is asked about the emotional state is presented in Fig-
ure 1-b, and it is based in the ’Pick-A-Mood’ (PAM)
model (Desmet et al., 2012), a cartoon-based pictorial
instrument for reporting and expressing moods. This
model classifies the possible emotional states of the
user according to the reference model of affect pro-
posed by Russell (Russell, 1980). Optionally, the ap-
plication can also be connected to an emotional wear-
able developed in the frame of our project (
et al., 2019). This device incorporates a set of sen-
sors (GSR, HR and oximeter) that allow to detect the
runner’s emotional state during the training session.
These estimations are carried out by an artificial in-
telligent system that translates the low level signals
of the sensors into emotions. After this initial con-
figuration stage, the application starts to play person-
alized music by the streaming of Spotify. Figure 1-c
shows the interface of the application while it is play-
ing the music. The runner can stop the player, skip
the song (this actions is considered for future recom-
mendations) o stop the training session (top right of
the screen). During this stage, the application also
monitors the runner’s geographic location.
The decision about which song must be played at
each moment is complex. The DJ-Running recom-
mendation service is in charge of taking this deci-
DJ-Running: An Emotion-based System for Recommending Spotify Songs to Runners
Figure 1: Interface of the DJ-Running mobile application.
sion based in three different types of input parameters:
the runner’s profile (set when he/she registered in the
system), the data explicitly introduced by the runner
before starting the training session (kind of training
and emotional state), and, lastly, the data automati-
cally recorded during the sport activity (runner loca-
tion, his/her heart rate, running pace and the changes
experienced in his/her emotional state, mainly). Fur-
thermore, the recommendation system also interacts
with the Spotify services to access to the musical pref-
erences of the user, and with different geographic
systems that offer relevant information related with
the runner’s current location (meteorological informa-
tion, level of noise, kind of terrain, altimetry, etc.).
The system takes into account all this information to
determine, in a personalized way, the next song to
play. The technological components that are involved
in this complex process are described in detail in the
following section.
Finally, when the runner ends the training session,
the application shows in a Google Maps map the route
followed and a summary of the session activity.
Figure 2 shows the software architecture of the DJ-
Running system. Once the runner has signed up into
the system, he/she connects with the music recom-
mendation service using the DJ-Running mobile ap-
plication (right part of the figure). Internally, the ar-
chitecture consists of a set of Web services that pro-
vide the functionality needed to create users’ profiles,
to access music information and geographic data,
and to make personalised music recommendations.
These services require to interact with other external
providers to offer the mentioned functionality, for ex-
ample, with Spotify, Acoustic-Brainz, Weather Under-
ground or some Spatial Data Infrastructures (left part
of the figure).
The Music recommendation service is the core of
the DJ-Running system. It receives the recommenda-
tion request from the runner’s mobile application and
predicts the next song to play. These recommenda-
tions are made considering the runner’s context infor-
mation, the runner’s profile and emotionally-labelled
songs available in the system. Most of these data are
accessible through the DJ-Running data services: the
User Profile service, the Geo Data service and the
Music Delivery service. On the other hand, the Music
data service integrates a Music Emotion Recognition
systems (MER) that has been used to annotate emo-
tionally Spotify songs. A complete description of all
these services is presented in the next section.
From a technological point of view, the Spring
framework has been used for developing all these ser-
vices (Pivotal Software, 2017). It provides the core
features needed for programming, configuring and de-
ploying any Java-based service. More specifically,
these services have been implemented as RESTful
Web services in order to facilitate their integration
in Web-accessible applications. On the other hand,
the Kubernetes technology has been also used to au-
icSPORTS 2019 - 7th International Conference on Sport Sciences Research and Technology Support
Figure 2: Architecture of the DJ-Running system.
tomate and manage the deployment of services in
cloud-based execution environments. Ideally, these
deployments should consider runners’ location for re-
ducing the communication latency and improving the
quality of service, in particular the deployment of the
music recommendation service. The fog computing
paradigm (Mahmud et al., 2018) has been applied to
fulfill these deploy requirements.
Figure 3: Deployment of the DJ-Running services.
Figure 3 shows the deployment of DJ-Running
system. Data Web services have been deployed and
executed in a public cloud provider, more specifically,
in the Amazon EC2 infrastructure. These services are
the back-end of the system and do not interact di-
rectly with runners and their applications. The mu-
sic recommendation service is the front-end of the
system and, therefore, it must reside at the edge of
the network (or fog node). We have programmed the
recommendation system as a lightweight service that
can be deployed into a node with low computing and
storage capacity, for example, into a Raspberry Pi 3
computer. In our deployment, this small-size com-
puter has been connected to a network close to the
area where the runners who participate in the system
test-beds ran. Additionally, different instances of the
recommendation service could be easily configured
and deployed into geographically distributed servers
to cover a wider geographical area.
In this section the functionality of the Web data ser-
vices and the most relevant implementation decisions
are detailed.
5.1 The User Profile Service
An user model has been defined to create a digital
representation of runners. It includes runners’ anthro-
pometric characteristics (height, weight, etc.), demo-
graphics data (age, genre, education, etc.), musical
preferences (musical genres, authors, popularity, etc.)
and social relationships. Most of these data are cur-
rently completed by the runner as part of the sign-up
process, and can be updated via the Web application at
any moment. Others can be automatically gathered by
the system. For example, musical preferences can be
continuously updated from the user’s Spotify listen-
ing histories, or friendships can be determined from
the user’s social network account (such as, Twitter or
Facebook). Both gathering processes require the user’
extra information and permissions. On the other hand,
the model also includes the songs that are skipped by
an runner as part of the musical preferences. This
feedback is sent to the system by the runner’s mobile
application during training sessions.
The User Profile service stores runners’ descrip-
tions defined from the previous model and manages
DJ-Running: An Emotion-based System for Recommending Spotify Songs to Runners
the gathering processes needed to update them. Its
Web API provides access to these descriptions, offer-
ing a set of search operations. This functionality is
mainly used by the music recommendation service.
5.2 Services for Accessing to Music
Two services are responsible for managing and pro-
viding access to the collection of songs available in
the DJ-Running system. The Music Data service in-
teracts with the Spotify Web API for developers in
order to retrieval songs of interests by applying dif-
ferent criteria (songs’ popularity, musical genres, or
artists, for instance). Metadata and audio features of
these songs are requested to the music provider and
stored them locally into the service’s database. Sub-
sequently, these songs are annotated emotionally by
a Music Emotion Recognition system (MER). It inte-
grates a set of machine learning models able to deter-
mine the emotion perceived by an user when listening
to a song from its audio features. These emotions are
represented by means of labels that are stored jointly
with song’s metadata into the service‘s database. The
current version of our annotated database contains
over 60,000 popular songs. Nevertheless, the sys-
tem has been developed for automatically processing
a massive collection of songs by providing an alter-
native to other approaches based on evaluations with
users or experts.
In this work, the emotional labels are based
on the Russell’s circumplex model (Russell, 1980),
one of the most popular dimensional models in af-
fective computing. It represents affective states
over a two-dimensional space that is defined by
the valence (X-axis) and arousal (Y-axis) dimen-
sions. The valence represents the intrinsic plea-
sure/displeasure (positive/negative) of an event, ob-
ject or situation, and the arousal the feeling’s in-
tensity. The combination of these two dimensions
(valence/arousal) determines four different quadrants:
the aggressive-angry (negative/positive), the happy
(positive/positive), the sad (negative/negative) and the
relaxed (positive/negative) quadrant. In our proposal
the emotional annotation of a song can have one of
these four values: Angry, Happy, Sad and Relaxed.
This annotation represents the emotion perceived by
the users and corresponds with one of the Russell
model’s quadrants.
On the other hand, the Music Delivery service pro-
vides the recommendation system with access to the
songs stored in the database. Internally, it creates a
set of indexes to improve the efficiency of searches in
large-scale datasets of emotionally annotated songs.
These indexes were built considering the decision
rules that guide the recommendation process of songs.
Additionally, the service provides a wide variety of
search criteria and options to facilitate the access to
songs of interest.
5.3 The Geographic Data Service
Some geographic data related to the runner’s location
are used as contextual factors by the DJ-Running rec-
ommendation service. We are mainly interested in
meteorological information and data that describe the
environment in which the user is running. The Geo
Data Service is responsible for interacting with Web
services that provide these data as well as updating
periodically a local database in which the geodata of
interest are stored. Some of these data are change-
able and, therefore, they must be constantly updated
(the meteorological, noise-level or pollution data, for
instance); whereas, others have a more static nature
(the type of terrain, the average slope of terrain, the
altitude, etc.).
Currently, the service interacts with the Weather
Underground API to get meteorological information
at real time. Besides, it integrates the set of services
published by the Spanish Spatial Data Infrastructure
(SDI). These enable the download and analysis of a
wide variety of geographic data produced in Spain.
Figure 4 shows the high-level architecture of the rec-
ommendation service. The core component is the
recommendation system. Its implementation is based
on a Nearest Neighbor Search algorithm (NNS). This
class of algorithms solve the problem of finding the
point in a given set that is closest (or most similar) to
a given point. Formally, they are defined from a set of
points in a space M and a metric distance that allows
to determine the similarity (or dissimilarity) between
these points.
In our proposal, each Spotify song has been trans-
lated to a point of the space M. A point is a nu-
meric vector created from the song’s audio features
and emotional labels. Before starting the service exe-
cution, these points have been calculated from songs
available into the Music Delivery service, and stored
them into a local repository (it represents the space
M). Different indexes have been also created to im-
prove the performance of executing the metric dis-
tance on the repository of points.
icSPORTS 2019 - 7th International Conference on Sport Sciences Research and Technology Support
Figure 4: DJ-Running Music Recommendation system.
Despite these indexes, the search space of our
problem is complex (Spotify stores more than 30 mil-
lion of songs and a point is defined for each of these
songs). Besides, it is not necessary to retrieve an exact
search result, which is an overkill in this type of appli-
cations. Therefore, we have decided to use the Annoy
algorithm (Erik Bernhardsson, 2013), an approximate
NNS algorithm that has provided good results in the
field of multimedia recommendations. These algo-
rithms are able to retrieve approximate nearest neigh-
bors much faster than NNS algorithms. Internally,
our implementation of Annoy was configured for us-
ing the angular distance as similarity measurement
between the points. Its performance and accuracy
were evaluated by executing the ANN-benchmarks en-
vironment, a benchmarking framework for approxi-
mate nearest neighbor algorithms search (Aum
et al., 2018), by obtaining satisfactory results from the
point of view of our problem.
The other two components of the recommenda-
tion system are the Input analyzer and a set of Fil-
ters. The former is responsible for determining what
kind of song (or songs) will be recommended to the
runner considering the service request’s input param-
eters (the runner location and mood, the kind of train-
ing, the emotion to be induced to the runner, or level
of fatigue, among others). A rule engine translates
these parameters to a vector that describes the audio
and emotional features of the song (or songs) to find
in the search space. The emotional labels of interest
are mainly determined from the geographic and envi-
ronmental data related to the runner location and the
emotions that the system tries to induce him/her. Fi-
nally, the resulting vector corresponds with the point
in the space that will be submitted as input to the rec-
ommendation system.
On the other hand, a list of candidate songs is re-
turned as output of a recommendation request. Cur-
rently, 50 songs are recommended for each input re-
quest (this number is easily configured). Filters are
responsible for scoring and ranking the returned songs
in order to personalize the final recommendations.
Two class of filters have been implemented: Per-
sonal filters and Social filters. The first ones score
the candidate songs in accordance with the runner’s
musical preferences. These preferences were speci-
fied by the runner when he/she registered in the sys-
tem. The social filters are based on the concept of
similarity between runners. This similarity has differ-
ent dimensions: the range of age groups, the physi-
cal/emotional response to a kind of training, the mu-
sical preferences or the friendship in social networks
(such as Twitter or Facebook), for instance. Cluster-
ing algorithms and Collaborative filtering techniques
have been combined to implement a prototype version
of these social filters. Once all these filters have been
executed, the three best ranked songs are returned as
result of the recommendation service.
Finally, as an example, we explain the kind of
songs that would be recommended for a specific train-
ing session. The runner’s profile is a man, middle-
aged and half-marathon runner. He is in the final stage
training previous to a race and, therefore, he needs to
maintain a good running pace. The training session
consists of three parts: 15 minutes easy run, then 10 x
(1 minute fast, 1 minute jog) and, finally, 15 minutes
easy run (a total of 50 minutes). Besides, the route
is mostly flat to favour a good running pace, and the
day is sunny and with a pleasant temperature. In this
example, if the runner is having a good performance
during the training, the input analyzer will propose the
following kinds of songs. For the first part of the train-
ing, there are selected happy songs, but not specially
motivating. Then, motivating and relaxing songs will
be alternated for each of the 10 repetitions (for the fast
and jog pace, respectively). And, finally, calm and re-
laxed songs will be again selected to make easier the
runner’s recovery during the last part of the session.
Nevertheless, if the runner’s performance is not as ex-
pected, alternative songs should be proposed (for ex-
ample, motivating songs that help him to improve an
undesirable running pace during the third part of the
training as an alternative to calm and relaxed ones).
In any of the cases, these emotional labels are deter-
DJ-Running: An Emotion-based System for Recommending Spotify Songs to Runners
mined by the analyzer at real-time and, later, used by
the recommendation algorithm to determine the con-
crete songs to be played at each moment. As conclu-
sion, these songs have been selected by considering
the runner’s profile, location and emotional state.
In this paper a next-song recommendation system for
runners has been proposed. The system makes per-
sonalised recommendations to increase runners’ mo-
tivation and performance. Different context-aware
factors are considered as part of the recommendation
process, specially, the runner’s emotions and the kind
of training session. The inclusion of users’ emotions
in this process has forced us to emotionally annotate
Spotify songs using machine-learning techniques and,
then, to interpret these annotations in the recommen-
dation algorithms. The current version of the system
consists of a mobile application able to play music
from the Spotify streaming service and a set of Web
services that provide the functionality needed to make
context-aware recommendations.
The DJ-Running system is being currently vali-
dated with real users (more specifically, with triath-
letes) in collaboration with the Sports Medicine Cen-
tre of the Government of Arag
on (Spain). We are in-
terested in studying the runners’ emotional and phys-
ical responses when they train with certain kind of
music. Triathletes must complete the session of 50
minutes described in the previous section on two oc-
casions (during two consecutive weeks, once a week).
The first time, the system is configured for recom-
mending songs that produce a positive effect in the
runner. We have used the emotional labels described
in the example for selecting the songs to be played.
The second time, the goal is to produce a negative
effect in the runner and, therefore, we have selected
noisy and aggressive-angry songs instead of the ones
proposed previously. Although this validation is still
in progress, preliminary results show that the differ-
ent kinds of songs affect runners’ performance and
perceive exertion.
As future work, validation results will be used to
improve the interpretation of context-aware factors as
well as the recommendations. Besides, we would
like to enhance the proposed user model, to automate
the processes for gathering registered users’ data, and
to improve the efficiency of recommendation algo-
rithms. Our final aim is to publish a version of our
application on Google Play.
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Ministerio de Econom
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the DisCo-T21-17R and Affective-Lab-T25-17D
projects, granted by by the Aragonese Govern-
ment and the European Union through the FEDER
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DJ-Running: An Emotion-based System for Recommending Spotify Songs to Runners