electrode that collects brain waves from the area
strongly associated with the impact of the appropriate
stimulus. Research has shown that the selection of
electrodes can be made in a way that gives a higher
statistical significance of the impact. At the same
time, it is worth paying attention to the fact, that
presented in this article study is one of the first studies
of this type (if not the first one at all). Similar research
should be continued.
It is worth analyzing others, additional factors that
can affect the significance of the interaction - and thus
the selection of electrodes for signal analysis. In the
presented study, the extreme chronotypes were taken
into account. It turned out that this has a significant
impact - the interaction maps for different
chronotypes are different (Figures 3 and 4). Only
right-handed participants took part in the study. It
seems that from the point of view of the slightly
different functioning of the brain dependent on
lateralization, this is one of those factors that is worth
additional research. Attention should be paid to the
fact that while the influence of blue light on alertness
is documented in many articles, the influence of red
light is confirmed in a much smaller number of
publications. This is mainly due to the well-
documented impact of melatonin level on alertness
and the documented ability to influence light on
melatonin production.
The study described here shows that the effect on
brain waves of blue and red light is similar. What
once again confirms the possibility of interaction with
red light on alertness, although through a mechanism
other than melatonin production control.
This paper has been based on the results of a research
task carried out within the scope of the fourth stage of
the National Programme "Improvement of safety and
working conditions" partly supported in 2017–2019 -
-- within the scope of research and development ---
by the Ministry of Science and Higher Education /
National Centre for Research and Development. The
Central Institute for Labour Protection -- National
Research Institute (CIOP-PIB) is the Programme's
main co-ordinator.
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