GPU Acceleration of PySpark using RAPIDS AI
Abdallah Aguerzame, Benoit Pelletier and François Waeselynck
Atos, Grenoble, France
Keywords: CloudDBAppliance, BullSequana S, Scale-up, Spark, PySpark, GPU, Pandas UDFs, RAPIDS AI.
Abstract: RAPIDS AI is a promising open source project for accelerating Python end to end data science workloads.
Our quest is to be able to integrate RAPIDS AI capabilities within PySpark and offload PySpark intensive
tasks to GPUs to gain in performance.
Within the scope of the CloudDBAppliance project,
we investigate how Apache Spark™ can leverage a
many cores and large memory platform, with a scale
up approach in mind, as opposed to the commonly
used scale out one. That is, rather than spreading a
Spark cluster on many vanilla servers, the approach is
to deploy it on a few BullSequana™ large servers
with many cores (up to several hundreds) and large
memory (up to several tera-byte).
The target hardware platform of
CloudDBAppliance is a BullSequana S server, a
highly scalable and flexible server, ranging from 2 to
32 processors (up to 896 cores and 1792 hardware
threads), up to 32 GPUs and 48 TB RAM, and 64 TB
In previous work (Waeselynck, 2019), we
inculcate NUMA awareness to Spark, that provides a
smart and application transparent placement of
executor processes. This paper in the other hand will
be dedicated to expose a solution that leverages GPUs
in PySpark workflow using the new Nvidia library
RAPIDS AI (RAPIDS, 2019). Our initiative is
inspired from a previous work done by an Nvidia
team to accelerate UDFs (user defined functions) in
PySpark with Numba and PyGDF (Kraus and Joshua
Patterson, 2018). Our work however will be adapted
with the new library recently launched by NVIDIA
This document is organised in the following order.
We first start by introducing PySpark and explaining
how it is possible to offload tasks to the GPU using
Apache Arrow (Apache Arrow, 2019) and RAPIDS
AI. Then we represent the two types (Scalar and
Grouped Map) of Pandas UDF within PySpark that
leverages Apache Arrow. After that, we illustrate two
implementations examples, that show how to create
within PySpark both a scalar Pandas UDF that
computes on the GPU the product of 2 columns and a
Grouped Map Pandas UDF that subtract on the GPU
the mean from each value in the group. Finally, we
show and discuss the results obtained from our
experiments with RAPIDS AI and PySpark.
In 2018 Python was the most popular language in data
science (KDnuggets, 2019), and year after year it gets
more and more attraction by data scientists. PySpark
is Spark’s response to this trend: The python API for
Spark, that enables Python programming on Spark.
In this paper we introduce and make use of new
technologies that recently come to surface and allow
to accelerate Python functions on GPUs, where the
processing pipelines spans from Spark executors to
Python workers and finally lands on GPUs, all of that
without dramatically losing speed-ups in cost of
serialisations, data conversions and data movement.
Apache Arrow
(Apache Arrow, 2019) is a
framework to minimize data conversions and
data serialisations when a data processing
pipeline includes different computing
RAPIDS AI (RAPIDS, 2019) is a promising
project recently announced by Nvidia.
RAPIDS AI aims to speed-up data science end
to end workflow; it contains APIs and libraries
that allow for executing Python jobs on GPUs.
Aguerzame, A., Pelletier, B. and Waeselynck, F.
GPU Acceleration of PySpar k using RAPIDS AI.
DOI: 10.5220/0008191404370442
In Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on Data Science, Technology and Applications (DATA 2019), pages 437-442
ISBN: 978-989-758-377-3
2019 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
2.1 PySpark Execution Model
Spark runs Python programs differently than Scala
programs: unlike Scala programs, Spark executors do
not run Python programs directly that operate on the
data they hold, but delegate their execution to Python
workers, that are separate processes. This architecture
has some drawbacks, especially for data movements
between Spark executors and Python executors due to
data serialization/deserialization between those
processes. The conversion of a Spark data frame to
Pandas with the DataFrame.toPandas()
method is quite inefficient: rows are collected from
the Spark executor, serialized into Python’s pickle
format, then moved to the Python worker, after that
deserialized (from pickle format) into a list of tuples,
finally transformed to a Panda data frame. And the
reverse operations are to do in the other way for
results. This overload gives results far below to the
execution of an equivalent Scala program.
Developers commonly work around this problem by
defining their UDFs (user defined functions) in
Scala/Java, calling them from PySpark. Experiments
have shown that the time spent in serializing and
deserializing data often exceeds the compute time
(Kraus and Joshua Patterson, 2018), thus, targeting
GPU acceleration would not be a good option,
because so much time will be lost in serializing,
deserialization and copying data.
2.2 Apache ARROW in Spark
Things have changed yet, as starting from version 2.3,
Spark can leverage Apache Arrow technology.
Apache Arrow
(Kraus and Joshua Patterson, 2018) is
a cross-language development platform for in-
memory data. It specifies a standardized language-
independent columnar memory format for flat and
hierarchical data, organized for efficient analytic
operations on modern hardware. It also provides
computational libraries and zero-copy streaming
messaging and interprocess communication. It
enables execution engines to take advantage of the
latest SIMD (Single instruction multiple data)
operations included in modern processors (CPU,
GPU)), for native vectorized optimization of
analytical data processing. Columnar layout is
optimized for data locality for better performance on
CPUs and GPUs. The Arrow memory format
supports zero-copy reads for lightning-fast data
access without serialization overhead.
As of Spark 2.3, Apache Arrow is introduced as a
supported dependency to offer increased performance
with columnar data transfer. Once the data is in
Arrow memory format, it can transit (possibly
without moving) along the processing pipeline from
a framework to the next without the need to multiple
serialization/deserialization, e.g. from the Spark
executor (a java process) to the GPU through the
Python worker (a Python process).
Figure 1: RAPIDS AI components (RAPIDS AI, 2019).
RAPIDS AI is a collection of open source software
libraries and APIs recently launched by NVIDIA to
execute end-to-end data science analytics pipelines
entirely on GPUs. It relies on NVIDIA CUDA
primitives for low-level compute optimization, but
exposes GPU parallelism and high-bandwidth
memory speed through user-friendly Python
interfaces. RAPIDS AI also focuses on common data
preparation tasks for analytics and data science. This
includes a familiar DataFrame API that integrates
with a variety of machine learning algorithms for end-
to-end pipeline accelerations without paying typical
serialization costs. RAPIDS AI also includes support
for multi-nodes nodes, multi-GPU deployments,
enabling vastly accelerated processing and training
on much larger dataset sizes.
The RAPIDS AI cuDF API is a DataFrame
manipulation library based on Apache Arrow that
accelerates loading, filtering, and manipulation of
data for model training and data preparation. The
Python bindings of the core-accelerated CUDA
DataFrame manipulation primitives mirror the
Pandas interface for seamless onboarding of Pandas
users. Previous efforts were provided by GoAI (GPU
Open Analytics Initiative) project that initiated
PyGDF (Python GPU DataFrame library): PyGDF is
based on Apache Arrow data format, converts Pandas
DataFrame to GPU DataFrame, and interfaces with
CUDA using Numba, a compiler for Python arrays
and numerical functions to speed up Python programs
with high-performance functions. PyGDF is already
integrated with cuDF, a more elaborated and
complete library.
ADITCA 2019 - Special Session on Appliances for Data-Intensive and Time Critical Applications
2.4 Bringing Data to the GPU
Our objective is to bring GPU capabilities to Pyspark
framework, as shown in the figure 2. Thanks to the
common playground using Apache Arrow, allowing
python processes to work more efficiently on Spark,
data movements are no or low burden with optimized
data conversion and serialisation, with a columnar
format suited for GPU consumption.
Figure 2: PySpark GPU acceleration model with cuDF.
In Spark we can create user defined functions (UDFs)
that have a column-based format. This UDFs are used
to create functions outside of the scope of Spark built-
in functions, they can be defined in Scala/Java or
Python and be called from PySpark. As explained in
the previous chapter, Arrow format is used in Spark,
so data can be transferred most efficiently between
JVM and Python processes, then to the GPU. Using
Arrow in spark is not automatic and requires some
changes to configurations or code. As shown in figure
3, arrow optimization is needed when converting a
Spark DataFrame to a Panda DataFrame using the
call toPandas() and the way around when creating
a Spark DataFrame from a Panda DataFrame with
Figure 3: Data conversion with Apache Arrow.
To insure that Arrow format is used when
executing these calls, we need to set the spark
configuration ‘spark.sql.execution.arrow.enabled” to
‘true’, this is disabled by default in Spark.
In PySpark, we recognize two types of UDFs,
Scalar Pandas UDFs and Group Map Pandas UDFs.
3.1 Scalar Pandas UDFs
Scalar Pandas (Spark SQL, 2019) UDFs are used for
vectorizing scalar operations. They can be used with
functions such as select and withColumn. They
require a pandas.series as input and a
pandas.series as output. Both the input and the
output must be of the same length. Internally when
executing a Pandas UDF, Spark will split its columns
into batches and calls the function for each batch as a
subset of the data, then concatenating the results
together. In this regard cuDF API call
cudf.Series()” can be used inside the UDF to
transform the input Python DataFrame to a GPU
DataFrame, so operations will be carried out on the
def gpu_scalar_pandas_udf_example(spark):
import pandas as pd
import cudf
from pyspark.sql.functions import col,
from pyspark.sql.types import LongType
# Declare the function and create the UDF
def gpu_multiply_func(a, b):
# Create GPU Data Frame using cuML API
gdf_a = cudf.Series(a)
gdf_b = cudf.Series(b)
gdf_rslt = gdf_a * gdf_b
return gdf_rslt.to_pandas()
multiply_gpu =
The above code is an example of a scalar user
defined function UDF that takes as input two columns
and gives the computed product as a result. We create
a Spark DataFrame from a Pandas DataFrame and
applied a UDF function to its column.
x = pd.Series([1, 2, 3])
df =
, columns=["x"]))
The variable ‘x’ is a Pandas series that we
transform to ‘df’ which is a Spark DataFrame.
Internally Arrow format will be implicitly applied as
we activate it in our Spark session configuration
row.enabled", "true")”.
Therefore, in the code above ‘gdf_a’ and
‘gdf_b’ will be executed as GPU DataFrame and
the multiplication operator will be a CUDA primitive
provided by the cuDF API and will be executed on
GPU. Finally we convert back the result to a Pandas
DataFrame ‘return gdf_rslt.to_pandas()
creatDataFrame ()
GPU Acceleration of PySpark using RAPIDS AI
because the specified type in the return value of the
UDF is ’LongType() which is a Pandas type."x"),
# +-------------------+
# |gpu_multiply_func(x, x)|
# +-------------------+
# | 1|
# | 4|
# | 9|
# +-------------------+
As a result, we have the multiplication of the
column of a spark DataFrame by itself.
3.2 Grouped Map Pandas UDFs
Grouped map Pandas
UDFs are used by the
groupBy().apply() function, it has a three steps
execution paradigm “split-apply-combine”. It first
splits the data into groups by using
DataFrame.groupBy then apply a function on each
group and finally combine the results into a new
DataFrame. The input and output data are both
pandas.DataFrame. The output DataFrame can be
any length.
In order to use groupBy().apply() we need to
designate a Python function that defines the
computation for each group, and a StructType object
or a string that defines the schema of the output
DataFrame. Each column of the returned
pandas.DataFrame should be labelled according to
the specified output schema. Either they match the
field names in the defined output schema if specified
as strings or they match the field data types by
position if not strings.
Seemingly data for each group must be converted
to GPU DataFrame using
cudf.DataFrame.from_pandas ()” from cuDF
API. Therefore, the execution will be carried out by
the GPU.
from pyspark.sql.functions import
pandas_udf, PandasUDFType
import cudf
df = spark.createDataFrame(
[(1, 1.0), (1, 2.0), (2, 3.0), (2,
5.0), (2, 10.0)],("id", "v"))
@pandas_udf("id long, v double",
def subtract_mean(pdf):
# pdf is a pandas.DataFrame
gdf = cudf.DataFrame.from_pandas(pdf)
v = gdf.v
return gdf.assign(v=v -
In this example, we show how to implement a
Grouped Map user defined function that subtracts the
mean from each value in the group. We start by
creating a Spark DataFrame ‘df’ then we create a
UDF where the inputs matches the Spark DataFrame
schema (id,v) and a returned value as
PandasUDFType.GROUPED_MAP Pandas type.
Inside the the UDF we convert the pdf to a gdf
(GPU DataFrame) so the execution of the mean will
be carried out by the GPU. Seemingly the returned
result is a Pandas DataFrame so the result can be
shown as bellow.
| id| v|
| 1|-0.5|
| 1| 0.5|
| 2|-3.0|
| 2|-1.0|
| 2| 4.0|
In our work, we use a docker container containing all
the needed libraries. RAPIDS AI proposes different
docker containers, we use the latest image tag
“cuda9.2-runtime-ubuntu16.04” that comes with
RAPIDS AI 0.6, CUDA 9.2 and a Jupyter notebook.
We add to it Spark 2.4.3 that supports Apache Arrow
We run our code in a Jupyter notebook. It’s based
on the Grouped Map Pandas UDF example we show
in the section 3. It contains two functions, one that
uses RAPIDS AI API to calculate the mean and
subtracted it from each value in the group, and
another function that does the same thing but uses
PySpark native API instead.
The system under test comprises of a BullSequana
S800 server with 8x12 cores processors and 4
terabytes (TB) RAM memory, that is a total of 96
cores and 192 hardware threads, as hyperthreading is
activated. The machine is coupled with 4 Tesla V100
GPUs with 16 Gb of memory each.
Our PySpark application is run with a parallelism
of 40 tasks - where each task is run by a thread,
launched in local mod with 40 GB Heap size. System
metrics are gathered by means of a sar command.
ADITCA 2019 - Special Session on Appliances for Data-Intensive and Time Critical Applications
Figure 4: Screenshot of nvidia-smi output.
Only one GPU is used during our tests. Figure 4
shows a screenshot of the nvidia-smi command
output, that shows the GPU is used while executing
the first function that implements RAPIDS AI API.
Figure 5: CPU Load for the Grouped Map UDF example.
The input data is generated locally using Spark.
Figure 5 illustrates the CPU load while executing our
application of a grouped map Pandas UDF over a
vector of 800 million elements.
The blue area of the graph shows CPU load while
executing the first section of the code that uses
RAPIDS AI API and the gray area shows CPU load
when executing the second section that uses native
PySpark API.
We clearly distinguish that the CPU load is less
important in the blue area, because tasks are offloaded
to GPU when using RAPIDS AI API, whereas tasks
are fully computed by the CPUs where native
PySpark API is used.
Figure 6 demonstrates how much speed up we get
when using RAPIDS AI API with PySpark. We can
go as high as 3 time faster with RAPIDS AI when
using input data of 800 million elements. However,
we can only benefit of speed up when there is enough
data, so offloading tasks to GPU will not be
significantly affected by the overhead of data transfer
between CPU and GPU. Our experiments show that
when using RAPIDS AI we get a speed up for input
datasets of more than 500 million elements, whereas
we get a slow down below.
The results obtained here are bounded by the fact
that our code is executed on a Jupyter notebook from
a Docker container. We presume that more speed up
can be achieved if the Jupyter notebook is bypassed.
Speed up can also be more significant if executing
more complex operations over larger datasets, so
GPU power can be fully exploited and data transfer
overhead between GPU and CPU will be negligible.
Figure 6: Grouped map panda UDF example with different
data size.
Big Data analytic workloads have become more and
more demanding in terms of computational power.
Thus, CPU-only systems can no longer handle
efficiently the task. Especially that Moore’s law is
now coming to an end. So, hardware acceleration
using GPU becomes a key feature in modern
computational systems. Spark, as the most used
framework in Big Data, is a target for scaling up its
working environment to the GPUs.
RAPIDS AI might be a young project but its
growing rapidly profiting from NVIDIA’s backup.
RAPIDS AI cuML API contains a handful of machine
learning algorithms, such as K-Means, NN, SGD and
others which makes a big asset for data scientist
and data engineers. There is also a graph analytics
API cuGraph containing a collection of graph
analytics that process data found in a GPU
DataFrame. All this makes RAPIDS AI an
auspicious project that is well suited for bringing
GPU capabilities to Apache Spark.
Our work is a verification process to make sure
that the connection between RAPIDS AI and Spark is
possible, and delegating Spark tasks to GPU is within
our reach. This however will in return open for us
other possibilities to make Apache Spark capable of
leveraging High-end servers such as BullSequana S
coupled to GPU. Thus enabling to process large
amount of data within a single system or few systems
in less time than if using larger systems with CPUs
only. Further work can be carried out to establish a
comparison test between Spark ML lib and RAPIDS
GPU Acceleration of PySpark using RAPIDS AI
AI cuML with Spark to elaborate on how much
acceleration we can get and provide some insights on
the benefits of using GPUs.
The CloudDBAppliance project
has received funding from the
European Union’s Horizon 2020
research and innovation
programme under grant
agreement No. 732051.
Waeselynck, F. and Pelletier, B. (2019). A NUMA Aware
SparkTM on Many-cores and Large Memory Servers.
In Proceedings of the 9th International Conference on
Cloud Computing and Services Science - Volume 1:
ADITCA, ISBN 978-989-758-365-0, pages 648-653.
DOI: 10.5220/0007905506480653
Keith Kraus and Joshua Patterson. "GPU-accelerating
UDFs in PySpark with Numba and PyGDF”.
AnacondaCon 2018.
Apache Arrow,
Spark SQL.
ADITCA 2019 - Special Session on Appliances for Data-Intensive and Time Critical Applications