enhancement of the stamina and physical
performance of the body race drivers.
It has been established that the increase of
statokinetic stability under the influence of DCME is
caused by the change in the sensitivity threshold of
the vestibular, visual, interoceptive, tactile and
proprioceptive analyzers (Wrigley, 2015).
In turn, this improves tolerance to statokinetic
loads through faster and more adequate build-up of a
single statokinetic stability system in athletes.
1) The use of NBHT in combination with DCME
during the month of training significantly increases
the tolerance time of the CCCA test, while reducing
the severity of the sensory, vegetative and somatic
components of the statokinetic reactions of the race
2) The highest value of the time of portability of
CCCA is noted immediately after the monthly use of
NBHT in combination with DCME. The achieved
effect lasts for two months, then gradually decreases
to baseline. This indicates the need for such training
with racers at the final stage of the preparatory
period for competitive activities.
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Methods of Increasing Statokinetic Stability in Racers using Normobaric Hypoxia and Neck Muscle Training