Using a Skip-gram Architecture for Model Contextualization in
Dimitris Poulopoulos and Athina Kalampogia
QIVOS, Athens, Greece
Keywords: Context-aware Recommender Systems, Proximity Marketing, Deep Learning.
Abstract: In this paper, we describe how a major retailer’s recommender system contextualizes the information that is
passed to it, to provide real-time in-store recommendations, at a high level. We specifically focus on the data
pre-processing ideas that were necessary for the model to learn. The paper describes the ideas and reasoning
behind crucial data transformations, and then illustrates a learning model inspired by the work done in Natural
Language Processing.
IKEA is the world's largest furniture retailer, with a
presence in over 45 countries. Every day, thousands
of customers roam the stores' exhibitions, considering
new purchases for their homes or workplaces. In this
work, we present how the recommender system that
was developed for the Greek branch of the
organization, contextualizes the information that
receives as input, and helps the customers discover
new, interesting products in real-time. For example,
if a customer navigates through the living room
section of the exhibition, the system should push
recommendations for products that are in close
proximity to the customer. Our approach should
cover the following challenging requirements:
Real-time: Recommendations should arrive in
real-time, in less than 30 seconds, while the
ideal goal is under 10 seconds. This
requirement derives from the fact that
customers that pass a specific location rarely
return to pick up a late recommended product.
Thus, the time requirement drives us to either
scale up complex solutions or turn to more
straightforward techniques.
Proximity: IKEA exhibitions define a precise
path that every customer follows. For example,
the customer passes through the living room
sector, then enters the bathroom region, and
finally, ends up exploring kitchen products.
Thus, customers should be able to quickly
match what they already have in their basket
with products from the same category.
Up-selling: One of the requirements is to detect
similar products to what a customer has already
in the basket, and recommend those that,
although a bit pricier, present an opportunity
due to some in-store special offer, or a stock
Common recommendation systems employ
traditional matrix factorization techniques to offer
personalized content to the users. In our work, we also
consider the context in which a purchase was made,
using dynamic and fully observable factors that
deployed sensors in-store provide to the system. Our
method is based on the work done in Natural
Language Processing using deep learning, and it can
be thought of both as contextual pre-filtering and
contextual modelling (Adomavicius et al. 2011).
Moreover, in contrast to the much more
researched matrix factorization methods [2, 3],
especially those that feed on explicit datasets, little
work has been done on recommender systems using
deep learning. However, we seem to get into a
paradigm shift. Neural networks are utilized to
recommend news (Oh et al. 2014), citations
(Vázquez-Barquero et al. 1992), and review ratings
(Tang et al. 2015), while YouTube recently converted
its method to follow the deep learning trend in the
organization (Covington, Adams, and Sargin 2016).
Moreover, the standard technique in recommender
systems is collaborative filtering, and it has been
recently developed as a deep neural network (Wang,
Poulopoulos, D. and Kalampogia, A.
Using a Skip-gram Architecture for Model Contextualization in CARS.
DOI: 10.5220/0008256304430446
In Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on Data Science, Technology and Applications (DATA 2019), pages 443-446
ISBN: 978-989-758-377-3
2019 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
Wang, and Yeung 2014) and autoencoders (Sedhain
et al. 2015).
Our system is built on TensorFlow (Xu et al.
2016), an open sourced version of Google Brain
(Dean and Corrado 2012). Our model learns
approximately 3 million parameters and is trained
over millions of customer transactions.
This work is concerned with the first part of
IKEA's recommender, namely the one that captures
the context and generates lists of candidate products.
It is structured as follows: We present a brief, bird's
eye view of the system in Section 2. Section 3
describes the reasoning and process behind data pre-
processing. Finally, Section 4 illustrates the
inspiration and architecture of the model.
Figure 1 depicts a high-level overview of the IKEA
recommender system. It consists of two discrete
components; the data pre-processing unit and the
component responsible for producing
recommendations. The customer shopping cart and
location are also sketched, as two other sources of
Figure 1: IKEA skip gram context-aware recommender
conceptual diagram. Data are retrieved by the operational
database and fed to the neural network through the data pre-
processing unit. In real-time the customer's location and
shopping cart are fed as extra input to the model.
Initially, we feed the customer's historical data,
stored in the database, in the pre-processing unit. The
unit must shape them in a form that the neural
network accepts. Moreover, it logically transforms
the data so the network can discover intricate patterns
behind customers' purchases and behaviour (more on
this in Section 3).
The training of the algorithm is done periodically,
offline. In real-time, we feed the customer's location
and shopping cart into the model. By the time a
customer adds something to the shopping cart, or
moves to a new in-store location, the system produces
candidate items. The primary job of the algorithm,
that is in the scope of this paper, is to create a list of
items, that might be of interest to the user and are
located nearby. During the next step a ranking
algorithm sorts these candidate items to create
personalized recommendations. This will be
addressed in a following publication.
The candidate generation algorithm is inspired by
the work done in language models (Collobert and
Weston 2008; Mikolov et al. 2006, 2013),. Its job is
to find the correlations between the items that
customers choose together, as well as the reasoning
behind these purchases (e.g., same color, brand, style,
etc.). In Section 4, we present the model architecture
and logic in detail. During training, we make use of
offline metrics like precision, recall, and ranking loss,
but the real value of a recommender is not only to
predict the held out data in a test set, but also to
discover new items that might be of interest to the
customers, even if they were unaware of their
existence. Thus, we can only draw a safe conclusion
using specifically designed A/B tests in production.
To take advantage of the work done in language
models, and especially the word2vec notion
(Goldberg and Levy 2014), we need to transform the
products in a way that they can be viewed as words in
a document. This transformation would permit us to
learn informative distributed vector representations,
for each product, in a high dimensional embedding
space. To achieve this, we need a data pre-processing
component. We cannot convey this as feature
engineering because the features that fed into the
algorithm are still raw product IDs.
We view the customers' purchases on a specific
visit, i.e., on a unique date, as a set of purchased
products 𝑃, whose elements are taken from a set of
items 𝐼, which encloses every product. If we assume
a set 𝐶, that contains every product category, we can
filter the set 𝑃 into distinct product categories, thus
creating subsets𝑃
, such as 𝑃
𝑃, that consists of
what each customer bought on a specific date,
grouped by product category. We treat the resulting
sequences of transactions, i.e., the elements of 𝑃
, as
"purchase sentences", where each product 𝑖 𝐼 is a
"word" composing the "sentence". This way we can
compose "chapters" for each category, that in the end
concatenate into a "book" or "document" to train our
model. Figure 2 depicts the process.
ADITCA 2019 - Special Session on Appliances for Data-Intensive and Time Critical Applications
Figure 2: Data pre-processing procedure. Customers'
transactions are split on purchase date and product category
to form sequences of transactions within a specific product
category. These sequences are viewed as "purchase
sentences", with which we can create a so-called "purchase
For instance, consider a customer who enters the
store and purchases products from three different
product categories; kitchen accessories, bedroom
furniture and children toys. We split the customer's
transactions by product category and get three
sequences of continuous events, one for each
category. If we do this for every customer, on each
date, we can create those "purchase chapters" we
need for each category. Finally, we concatenate those
chapters to build the resulting "book" or "document",
that serves as the input to our model.
The intuition behind splitting on transaction date,
as well as unique customers and product categories,
is because the same user can enter the store and
purchase a sink and its accessories from the kitchen
department in one visit, and kitchen furniture in a
second visit. Although the customer makes these
transactions within the same product category, we
treat them as different events, because furniture
products can have different correlations than kitchen
Inspired by the work done in Natural Language
Processing, and especially the ideas concentrating
around the word2vec model architecture, we employ
a similar network engineering to learn a distributed
representation for each product, in a high dimensional
embedding space. The idea is that given the "book"
we generated in the data pre-processing phase, we
exploit the capabilities of a skip-gram model, trying
to predict the items that complete a "purchase
sentence", given one item that exists in a random
position inside this sequence.
Figure 3 depicts the model architecture. Given an
item in position 𝑡
, we try to predict its surrounding
items. During this process, we learn a high
dimensional vector representation for this item, in the
Embedding layer of the network. At serving time, we
throw away the prediction layer keeping the learned
embeddings. The model generates the candidate items
by taking the top-n closest items to the product that a
customer added to the shopping cart.
Figure 3: IKEA skip gram recommender model. Inspired by
the work done in NLP, we try to predict the items that are
in the same context as the item we feed as input to the neural
network. At serving time, we throw away the prediction
layer keeping the learned item embeddings. The candidate
generation problem is then reduced to a simple k-nearest
neighbours question.
While experimenting with different variants of the
architecture, we found that adding more hidden layers
assisted with integrating different item features into
the model. Although it did not help much with the
model accuracy by itself, it provided a way of passing
more item features to the model, such as the item's
age, brand, pricing level, etc., which helps to discover
better candidates. Other aspects of data pre-
processing in language models, such as the notion of
stop words and sub-sampling, did not help us in this
case, and they were skipped. Moreover, we did not
use the idea of windows or padding to consider only
a small, random number of surrounding items in a
sentence, as we consider all items in the sentence of
equal importance.
This work has received funding from the European
Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation
programme under grant agreement number 732051,
CloudDBAppliance project.
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ADITCA 2019 - Special Session on Appliances for Data-Intensive and Time Critical Applications