Evolving Art: Past, Present and Future
Penousal Machado
CISUC, Department of Informatics Engineering, University of Coimbra, 3030 Coimbra, Portugal
Evolutionary Computation, Evolutionary Art, Machine Learning, Computational Creativity.
Evolutionary Computation techniques have been applied in recent years to several fields in the Arts. This talk
overviews how they have been used to create different types of artefacts, along with how past developments
relate to current approaches, trends and challenges. The focus is one of the main challenge in the field: fitness
assignment. We analyse this challenge from the perspective of the interplay between the evolutionary system
and the user, and discuss how Machine Learning, Evolutionary Computation and Human-Computer Interaction
techniques can be combined to create Computer-Aided Creativity systems that allow users to express their
artistic and aesthetic intentions.
At the very first Artificial Life conference, held in Los
Alamos in September 1987, Richard Dawkins presen-
ted Biomorphs, a system that allowed users to act as
selective breeders of artificial creatures, guiding the
evolution of their morphology, and thus demonstra-
ting the power of evolution (Dawkins, 1987).
Not long after, Karl Sims demonstrated how user-
guided evolution could be used to evolve abstract ima-
ges, 3D shapes, namely artificial plants, and animati-
ons (Sims, 1991). William Latham and Peter Todd
were also instrumental for the popularisation of Evo-
lutionary Art by commercialising Evolutionary Art
software (Todd and Latham, 1992).
Eventually, the early work of these, and other, pio-
neers led to the birth of Evolutionary Art as an area of
research. The core goal of Evolutionary Art as a disci-
pline can be defined as the development and applica-
tion of evolutionary techniques for the generation of
computer graphics. An analysis of the research done
throughout the years allows the identification of se-
veral core challenges, opportunities, and open issues
(see, e.g., McCormack (2007)). These tend to follow
on two main categories: representation and evalua-
In what concerns representation, it is important to
differentiate three main types of approaches: declara-
tive, parametric, and procedural (Xiao et al., 2019). In
declarative approaches, the genotype encodes or des-
cribes (i.e. declares) the characteristics of the indivi-
dual, i.e. the phenotype. An example of a declara-
tive approach is the work by Baker (1993) who uses a
Genetic Algorithm where each genotype encodes the
coordinates of a set of lines to evolve line drawings. In
parametric approaches, one evolves a set of parame-
ters that influences the behaviour of a generative art
system. Notable examples of this approach include
the works of Draves (2007), where the genotype is a
set of parameters of a fractal formula, and the work
of Machado et al. (2016), where the genotype is a set
of parameters that defines the behaviour of artificial
ants. Finally, in procedural approaches, the genotype
is a program or procedure that, when executed, ge-
nerates the phenotype. The most famous example of
such approach is the seminal work of Sims (1991)
who uses Genetic Programming to evolve symbolic
expressions that, once interpreted, result in colour
images. This expression-based procedural approach
has become the most popular for the evolution of ima-
ges. As such, its theoretical and practical expressive
power becomes of importance. While Machado and
Cardoso (2002) demonstrate that this sort of procedu-
ral representation has the theoretical power to gene-
rate any image, they also point out that in practice the
type of image these systems tend to generate is inti-
mately linked with the primitives they use. As such,
representation has a major impact on the nature and
quality of the results, making it a hot topic of research
since the inception of Evolutionary Art.
We introduce several alternative representation
schemes and analyse the impact of representation in
the outcome of the systems. In particular, we explore
the use of a multi-chromosome Genetic Programming
Machado, P.
Evolving Art: Past, Present and Future.
DOI: 10.5220/0008345700050008
In Proceedings of the 11th International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence (ICAART 2019), pages 5-8
ISBN: 978-989-758-350-6
2019 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
approach to evolve assemblages of objects (Grac¸a and
Machado, 2015), graphs to evolve non-deterministic
context-free design grammars able to create a fa-
mily of images from a single genotype (Machado
et al., 2015a), behavioural parameters to evolve Non-
Photorealistic Renderings (Machado et al., 2014),
and digital stencil templates (Martins et al., 2018) to
evolve typefaces.
If Evolutionary Art lives up to its name, then fit-
ness assignment becomes the biggest challenge, since
evolving art requires assessing the artistic quality of
candidate images, which, arguably, requires Artificial
General Intelligence. Early efforts in the field circum-
vented this difficulty by resorting to user-guided evo-
lution, i.e. the user selected the images to breed, gui-
ding the evolutionary process. While this approach
has many merits, allowing the generation of remarka-
ble images that match the preferences of the user, it
also has severe limitations. By definition, this type
of user-guided systems lacks autonomy and ability to
judge their production, which is a major limitation
from an Artificial Intelligence perspective. Additio-
nally, from a practical perspective, these systems re-
quire constant intervention by the user, which beco-
mes extremely time-consuming, leads to user fatigue
and jeopardises the quality of the results.
Over the years, researchers made several contribu-
tions to the automation of fitness assignment. These
can be classified in two major categories: the use of
hardwired fitness functions and the use of Machine
Learning techniques.
In the first case, the authors create a static function
or program that assesses the quality of the evolved
images. However, it has been proven extremely hard
to formally define aesthetic criteria and, in most cases,
it is trivial to demonstrate by counterexamples that the
conditions considered by the authors are neither suf-
ficient nor necessary to capture a general notion of
aesthetics. Notwithstanding, several examples exist
that indicate that some aesthetical principles can be
partially formalised, explored and exploited, allowing
the autonomous evolution of images. Among such re-
search efforts we highlight the works of Machado and
Cardoso (2002), who use complexity estimates to as-
sign fitness; Greenfield (2003), who proposes a multi-
objective optimisation approach to evolve images that
satisfy several criteria; Ross et al. (2006), who pro-
motes the evolution of images that show a “natura”
distribution of colour gradients; Romero et al. (2012),
demonstrate how complexity measure can be used in
aesthetic appreciation tasks, later showing how they
relate to humans perception of complexity (Machado
et al., 2015b); and Reed (2013), who revisit Birk-
hoffs work, using aesthetic measures to evolve vase
In what concerns the use of Machine Learning for
fitness assignment purposes, the seminal work of Ba-
luja et al. (1994) is the first effort in the field of Evo-
lutionary Art. Interestingly, they propose the use of a
Deep Neural Network to learn user preferences, and
although their results do not live to their own expec-
tations, this work paves the way for future research
in this area. Romero et al. (2003) realise that lear-
ning user preferences is a demanding task and suggest
combining a general purpose Evolutionary Art system
with a Machine Learning classifier, trained to detect
human faces. Roughly ten years later, Machado et al.
(2012) implement this idea, showing that a conven-
tional expression-based Evolutionary Art system gui-
ded by Machine Learning classifiers is able to evolve
recognisable faces, flowers, leaves, lips, etc. In la-
ter works, they combine several classifiers to evolve
ambiguous images, i.e. images that induce multista-
ble perception, a phenomenon that occurs when the
brain (or the computer) is confronted with visual sti-
mulus that can be interpreted in multiple ways (Ma-
chado et al., 2015c). Furthermore, by changing the
representation, they are able to evolve typefaces (Mar-
tins et al., 2018), photorealistic faces (Correia et al.,
2016), as well as other types of imagery (Assunc¸
et al., 2015), showing the impact of representation on
the outcomes of the evolutionary process.
This type of works highlight the power of Ma-
chine Learning, but also its current limitations. As
Baluja et al. (1994) already indicated, the evolutio-
nary engine tends to find ways of exploiting the li-
mitations of the Neural Networks and this way fool
them. For instance, when trying to evolve faces, the
evolutionary engine routinely finds and converges to
images that, albeit detected as faces by the Machine
Learning classifier, do not resemble faces to the hu-
man eye. The use of false positives generated throug-
hout the evolutionary runs to enrich training data-
sets has been explored by Correia (2018), who shows
that significant improvements of performance can be
In a different line of research, Machado et al.
(2007) present an adversarial system that promotes
the competition between a Neural Network discri-
minator and an Evolutionary Computation generator.
This approach, which precedes Generative Adversa-
rial Networks (Goodfellow et al., 2014), results in a
continuous pursuit of novelty, style change and re-
Although the automation of fitness assignment po-
ses many relevant scientific challenges and questions,
full automation has a cost: users are no longer able to
express themselves through such systems. This rea-
ICAART 2019 - 11th International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence
lisation led us to propose an approach, meta-level in-
teractive evolution, that overcomes these limitations.
The core idea is to allow users to become designers of
the fitness function, by allowing them to specify their
preferences and goals through the use of a responsive
user interface, which implicitly defines fitness. This
approach frees users from the need of evaluating thou-
sands of images, as is the case of user-guided evolu-
tion, while still engaging the users, allowing them to
influence the result of the system and, above all, gi-
ving them a sense of authorship. Following this line
of research, Photogrowth (Machado et al., 2016), a
system that relies on the simulation of artificial ant
species to produce Non-Photorealistic Renderings, al-
lows the user to design fitness functions by specifying
features pertaining the desired behaviour of the ants,
as well as features related with the output image.
A final word goes to recent advancements in the
field of Machine Learning. Considering the success
of Generative Adversarial Networks and Style Trans-
fer approaches, which set new expectations for the ap-
plication of Artificial Intelligence to artistic domains,
we analyse their strengths and limitations, identifying
opportunities for research.
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Penousal Machado leads the Cognitive and Media Sy-
stems at the University of Coimbra. His research inte-
rests include Evolutionary Computation, Computati-
onal Creativity, and Evolutionary Machine Learning.
In addition to the numerous scientific papers in these
areas, he is the recipient of scientific awards, inclu-
ding the EvoStar Award for Outstanding Contribu-
tion to Evolutionary Computation in Europe and the
award for Excellence and Merit in Artificial Intelli-
gence granted by the Portuguese Association for Ar-
tificial Intelligence. His works have been presented in
venues such as the National Museum of Contempo-
rary Art (Portugal) and the Talk to me exhibition of
the Museum of Modern Art, NY (MoMA).
ICAART 2019 - 11th International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence