applications to exemplify the potential of the ILS
Finally, we also review some of the most relevant
extensions of the ILS that have been developed or are
under studied to be applied to many other problems,
including stochastic and multiobjective problems.
Notice that most of the real-life problems present
these two characteristics. There are still too many
questions that need more research in this last mention
extensions and there are definitely worth to study. For
example, the design of the MathILS is still an open
problem for many optimization problems. Also, the
study of MoILS and MoSimILS is still relatively new
and it requires a deeper study and more applications.
I would like to thank Thomas Stützle, Oliver Martin
and Angel Juan for all the work done in Iterated Local
Search along these years. I also would like to thank
the organization of the ICORES 2019, and in
particular to Marc Demange, for the opportunity to
present this work. And finally, none of this research
work could have been done without the amazing
support of Victor, Vera and Bruno.
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ICORES 2019 - 8th International Conference on Operations Research and Enterprise Systems