duce the problem, but slightly increased it.
Quite surprisingly, the virtual screen with the cam-
era image was relatively well-connected to the virtual
scene most of the time, which even slightly exceeded
expectations, especially given that the test drone cer-
tainly did not have the most accurate sensors avail-
able. Professional drone data is likely to be even more
The further development will be primarily focused
on solving problems that were discovered during test-
ing and on other designed ideas that were not imple-
mented (e.g. the visualization of other sensor data,
the point cloud, and the completion of area boundary
visualization). Then, VR glasses with a head-tracker,
which allows natural looking around the scene, will
be connected to the application. Another such thing
is to implement a free camera and test its capabilities.
The aim of this work was to improve pilot’s orienta-
tion and to reduce his mental load during the drone
remote control. Based on research and experience,
a system has been designed that is based on aug-
mented virtuality, where on-line data from drone sen-
sors (video-stream, flight data, etc.) are integrated
into the virtual environment model. The 3D vir-
tual model consists of the data from external data
sources like topography maps, elevation maps and
3D building models. The model also includes the
user-specified planned mission information like way-
points, safe zone boundaries or flight directions.
The system architecture is designed to be scalable
to communicate with multiple drones simultaneously.
This could be useful in situations where more pilots
are simultaneously carrying out a mission and have to
work together.
The preliminary user tests proved that the pro-
posed concept and technical implementation of the
entire system improves the operator’s orientation and
navigation skills and so reducing the mental load.
More user tests are planned in future work. The pro-
fessional pilots will test the system to refine the con-
cept, to improve or include more UI elements and for
further development based on their needs.
The work was supported by Czech Ministry of Educa-
tion, Youth and Sports from the National Programme
of Sustainability (NPU II) project “IT4Innovations
excellence in science – LQ1602” and by Ministry of
the Interior of the Czech Republic project VRASSEO
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CHIRA 2019 - 3rd International Conference on Computer-Human Interaction Research and Applications