Detecting Political Bias Trolls in Twitter Data
Soon Ae Chun
, Richard Holowczak
, Kannan Neten Dharan
, Ruoyu Wang
Soumaydeep Basu
and James Geller
Information Systems and Informatics at CSI, City University of New York, New York, U.S.A.
Information Systems and Statistics, Baruch College, New York, U.S.A.
Department of Computer Science, NJIT, Newark, NJ, U.S.A.
Keywords: Troll Detection, Alt-right Tweets, Political Biases, Twitter, Social Network Mining, Election Manipulation.
Abstract: Ever since Russian trolls have been brought to light, their interference in the 2016 US Presidential elections
has been monitored and studied. These Russian trolls employ fake accounts registered on several major social
media sites to influence public opinion in other countries. Our work involves discovering patterns in these
tweets and classifying them by training different machine learning models such as Support Vector Machines,
Word2vec, Google BERT, and neural network models, and then applying them to several large Twitter
datasets to compare the effectiveness of the different models. Two classification tasks are utilized for this
purpose. The first one is used to classify any given tweet as either troll or non-troll tweet. The second model
classifies specific tweets as coming from left trolls or right trolls, based on apparent extreme political
orientations. On the given data sets, Google BERT provides the best results, with an accuracy of 89.4% for
the left/right troll detector and 99% for the troll/non-troll detector. Temporal, geographic, and sentiment
analyses were also performed and results were visualized.
The presence of trolls using social media to influence
politics, healthcare and other social issues has
become a widespread phenomenon akin to spam and
phishing. Ever since Russian trolls were brought to
light during the 2016 US Presidential elections, the
influence of trolls has been studied in Computer
Science and other fields. However, there is no clear
definition of what a troll is. Most authors assume that
it is obvious and their meaning of the word troll can
only be inferred from their treatment of the subject.
Mojica’s use of the word “troll” focuses on
determining the intentions of the user (Mojica, 2016),
whether the user is attempting to keep their intention
hidden, how the posts were interpreted by other users,
and what the reactions are to specific posts. Kumar et
al. (Kumar, 2014) use the term "trolling" when a user
posts and spreads information that is deceptive,
inaccurate, or outright rude. The authors developed an
algorithm called TIA, Troll Identification Algorithm,
in order to classify such users as malicious or benign.
Kumar’s study is more focused on the integrity of the
network that the trolls are working on. Thus, anyone
who posts information that is incorrect may be a troll,
unlike in (Mojica, 2016), where the intentions of a
user are the focus. In addition, if non-troll users make
negative comments or posts, they are also considered
trolls. The decision for being classified as a troll is not
only based on the users' own posts, but also on the
In our work, we focus on a subclass of trolls
defined by their domain, namely “political trolls” that
have nefarious intentions. We use machine learning
algorithms to identify Russian troll tweets. More
specifically, we employ known Russian troll tweets
(Fivethirtyeight, Roeder, 2018) to build classification
models that classify any tweet as either being from a
Russian troll or not. An initial review indicated that
not all Russian trolls are of the same kind.
Specifically, we discovered that some of the trolls
indicate a “left” political orientation, while other
trolls appear to be politically at the right end of the
spectrum. Therefore, after building a machine
learning model that distinguishes between troll and
non-troll tweets we built another model that separates
left trolls from right trolls. Figure 1 shows the overall
process flow. The box marked as Troll Classifier is
the result of running a machine learning model on
data that was already classified by humans. Similarly,
the Political Bias Classifier model has been
developed to detect the political bias towards “left” or
Chun, S., Holowczak, R., Dharan, K., Wang, R., Basu, S. and Geller, J.
Detecting Political Bias Trolls in Twitter Data.
DOI: 10.5220/0008350303340342
In Proceedings of the 15th International Conference on Web Information Systems and Technologies (WEBIST 2019), pages 334-342
ISBN: 978-989-758-386-5
2021 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
“right” orientation in the troll dataset. To analyze
whether trolls have a political bias toward one or the
other political affiliation, we use a two-step analysis.
We first identify a tweet as coming from a troll or not,
using the troll classifier and then further predict
whether it expresses a right or left bias.
Figure 1: Political Bias Troll Detection Framework.
Twitter data has been widely used in many text
mining projects. Unlike other social media platforms,
tweets are public and easy to retrieve from Twitter.
Twitter has APIs that help users to retrieve data in a
methodological way, e.g., for a specific geographic
region, a specific timeframe, etc. One can fetch data
from a targeted set of users as well.
For building our troll model and the political bias
detection model, we used a dataset published by an
online news portal called FiveThirtyEight (Roeder,
2018). This dataset contains roughly 3 million tweets
that Twitter concluded were associated with the
“Internet Research Agency (IRA).” The IRA is a
company paid by the Russian government to sow
disinformation (Wikipedia, 2019). The data is
completely open source licensed and includes
2,973,371 tweets from 2,848 Twitter handles. It
includes every tweet’s author, text and date; the
author’s follower count and the number of accounts
the author followed; and an indication of whether the
tweet was a retweet. Authors are not real names, but
fabricated personas. We call this data table the
Russian Troll dataset, where each tweet is considered
to be from a troll.
Every tweet in the data is also labeled with an
“account_type” that shows whether the tweet
indicates a left or right political orientation. Many
tweets are written in the Russian language. These
tweets have an “account_type” Russian, which we did
not consider as part of our dataset. There are over
1.538K tweets identified as “right” and
approximately 890K as having a “left” political bias.
In the first step of preprocessing, we removed
URLs. We also removed Twitter handles that
appeared to be irrelevant to the classification, and we
removed Non-ASCII characters from the tweets,
using the ‘Pandas’ package of Python (McKinney,
The training of the troll vs. non-troll and right troll vs.
left troll classifiers was performed using different
machine learning approaches to compare their
performances. For all the machine learning
algorithms that we are using, to derive a classifier,
positive and negative instances are necessary. The
positive instances are constituted by the Russian Troll
dataset. However, we needed to generate a negative
(i.e. non-troll) data set of the same size. For this we
fetched 3 million random tweets from several Twitter
feed sites (e.g.,
and the Tweepy API (Roesslein, 2019) to fetch real
time tweets. We labeled this dataset as “non-troll,”
hence, we will call it Non-Troll dataset.
Unfortunately, it was impossible to ascertain that
every one of these 3 million random tweets is not a
troll tweet, thus, the training data may contain some
errors. Given the very large number of tweets posted
every day (estimated at 500 million), the negative
effect should be limited.
Table 1: Sample Troll and Non-Troll Tweets.
Label Text
1 (troll)
a. Demand paper #VoteTrump #MAGA #TrumpForPresident
b. Is Eva Braun opening for Hillary Clinton?
0 (non
a. I'm at Apple Store, Pheasant Lane in Nashua,
b. Super excited to continue to play basketball at
KCC next year with‚
Thus, the troll detection model was built using the
6 million tweets of the Russian Troll dataset and the
Non-Troll dataset combined together for training and
testing data.
Twitter Fee
Troll Classifier
Political Bias Classifier
Left Troll Twee
Right Troll Twee
Detecting Political Bias Trolls in Twitter Data
A tweet from the Russian Troll dataset was
assigned the label 1, while a tweet from the Non-Troll
dataset was assigned the label 0. Table 1 shows an
example of four tweets taken from the dataset, with
the label and tweet text columns, and Table 2 shows
examples of right and left political bias trolls from the
Russian Troll dataset.
In our experiments, we divided datasets into
training and test data using an 80:20 breakdown.
Table 2: Example of Left and Right biased Trolls.
a. You do realize if democrats stop shooting people,
gun violence would drop by 90%
b. US sailor gets 1 year of prison for being reckless
w/ 6 photos of sub Hillary gets away w/ 33k
a. 1 dat. 4 shootings. It’s Trump’s Birthday Tavis
Airforce Base –
b. 1 black president out of 45 white ones is the
exception that proves the rule. The rule is racism.
And then Trump came next.
3.1 Support Vector Machine Classifier
SVM (Support Vector Machines) is a popular
supervised machine learning technique (Vapnik,
1995). The Support Vector Machine conceptually
implements the following idea: input vectors are
(non-linearly) mapped to a very high-dimensional
feature space. SVM has been proven effective for
many text categorization tasks.
In SVMs, we try to find a hyperplane in an N-
dimensional space that can be used to separate the
data points with two different classifications.
“Support Vectors” define those points in the data set
that affect the position of the hyperplane. These are
the data points nearest to the hyperplane on both
sides. Usually, there are several possible hyperplanes
that can be used to classify a dataset into two different
classes. The main objective of the SVM algorithm is
to find a hyperplane with the maximum margin
between the data points. This ensures that when this
model is used to classify new data points, it is likely
to classify them correctly. It requires input data
represented as multi-dimensional vectors.
Data Preprocessing and Representation: Besides
the steps described in Section 2, we deleted emoticons
from our dataset, since we are not taking them into
consideration for building the model. For methods of
using emoticons in sentiment analysis, see, e.g.,
(Bakliwal, 2012) and our previous work (Ji, 2015).
As the next step, we applied stemming to the
dataset, using the Porter Stemmer (Porter, 2006).
To construct one input data model, we used a
Term Frequency — Inverse Document Frequency (tf-
idf) vectorizer to convert the raw text data into matrix
features. By combining tf and idf, we computed a tf-
idf score for every word in each document in the
corpus. This score was used to estimate the
significance of each word for a document, which
helps with classifying tweets.
SVM Classification Model: We built the SVM
model using the FiveThirtyEight dataset. The stored
model can be called later for classification of new
data. We used the SVM scikit-learn implementation
named SVC (Support Vector Classification). It is an
implementation based on libsvm (Chang, 2001).
In this text categorization problem, we made use
of a linear SVM classifier with the regularization
parameter, C = 0.1. The regularization parameter is
used to control the trade-off between
misclassifications and efficiency. The higher C is, the
fewer misclassifications are allowed, but training gets
slower. In our case, since our regularization
parameter is very small, misclassifications are
allowed, but training is relatively faster. As this
dataset is very large, this was necessary.
We use a Radial Basis Function (RBF) kernel for
our SVM model as the set of unique words in our data
set presents a high dimensional vector space (Albon,
3.2 Neural Network Classifier with
One-hot Encoding
Data Representation: There are two popular ways of
representing natural language sentences: vector
embeddings and one-hot matrices. One-hot matrices
contain no linguistic information. They indicate
whether words occur in a document (or a sentence)
but suggest nothing about its frequency, or itsr
relationships to other words. The creation of one-hot
matrices begins with tokenizing the sentence, that is,
breaking it into words. Then we created a lookup
dictionary of all the unique words/tokens, which need
not have a count or an order. Essentially, every word
is presented by a position/index in a very long vector.
The vector component at that position is set to 1 if the
word appears. All other components in the vector are
set to 0. For example, in a dictionary that contains
only seven words, the first word would be represented
by [1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0], the second by [0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0,
0], etc. Each vector is of the length of the dictionary
(in our case 3000 words), and vectors are stored as
Python arrays. A whole sentence needs to be
represented by a 2-dimensional matrix.
Neural Network Classifier: For comparison with
SVM, we first built a sequential classifier, which is a
simple neural network model that consists of a stack
of hidden layers that are executed in a specific order.
WEBIST 2019 - 15th International Conference on Web Information Systems and Technologies
We used one dense layer and two dropout layers.
Dense neural network layers are linear neural network
layers that are fully connected. In general, in a dense
layer, every input is connected to every output by a
weight. A dense layer is usually followed by a non-
linear activation function. Dropouts are randomly
used to remove data, to prevent overfitting.
Activation functions of a node compute the output
of that node, when given any specific input or set of
inputs. The output of the activation function is then
used as the input for the next layer. Some of the most
common activation functions are ReLU (Rectified
Linear Unit), Sigmoid, SoftMax and Logistic
function. In our first input layer, we made use of the
ReLU activation function and 512 outputs come out
of that layer. Our second layer, which is a hidden
layer, consisted of a Sigmoid activation function with
256 outputs. Our output layer, consisted of SoftMax
activation functions. This configuration was the result
of a number of preliminary experiments and achieved
the best classifier performance.
We made use of a categorical crossentropy loss
function. This loss function is also called the SoftMax
loss function. It measures the performance of a
classification model, whose output is a probability
value between 0 and 1.
We used small batch sizes of 32 sentences to train
our model so that we could check its accuracy.
Smaller batches make it faster and easier to train a
model with a large dataset. We ran the algorithm for
five epochs while training, where epochs measure the
number of times the machine learning program goes
through the entire dataset during training. We
observed that six epochs led to overfitting, hence we
reverted to five epochs. We implemented the Neural
Network model using keras (Chollet, 2015) with
Tensorflow (Tensorflow, 2017) backend, which has
its own loss function and optimization function for
computing the accuracy and loss.
After the model was constructed, it was saved in
two parts. One part contains the model’s structure, the
other part consists of the model’s weights. The model
can then be used for predicting categories of tweets
on a new dataset. Results will be shown in Section 4.
3.3 CNN Neural Network Classifier
with Word2vec Representation
Data Representation: Vector embeddings are spatial
mappings of words or phrases onto a vector. In a
vector embedding a word is represented by more than
one bit set to 1. Similar patterns of 1s suggest
semantic relationships between words— for instance,
vector embeddings can be used to generate analogies.
An important vector embedding method is Word2vec
(Le & Mikolov, 2014).
Word2vec can be constructed and trained to
create word embeddings for entire documents.
Word2vec can group vectors of similar words
together into a vector space. With enough data,
Word2vec models can constrain the meaning of a
word using past appearances. The output of a
Word2vec model is a vocabulary where each item has
a vector attached to it, which can be used to query for
relationships between words.
For building our classifiers, we used an existing
Word2vec model, by the name of “Google
Word2Vec” (Skymind, 2019). It is a huge model
created by Google, which comprises a vocabulary of
about 3 million words and phrases. It was trained on
a Google news dataset of roughly 100 billion words.
The length of the vectors is set to 300 features.
Since the Word2vec representation of 3 million
words and phrases was unnecessarily large, we cut it
down to around 20,000 words, by computing the
intersection between words in our dataset and the
Word2vec model. Our embedding dimension is
equivalent to the length of the vectors, which is 300.
CNN Classifier: Convolutional Neural Networks
(CNNs) (LeCun, 1995) are a supervised machine
learning algorithm, which is mainly used for
classification and regression. CNNs usually require
very little preprocessing as compared to other neural
networks. Though CNNs were invented for analyzing
visual imagery, they have been shown to be effective
in other areas, including in Natural Language
Processing (Kim, 2014). A CNN consists of input,
output and multiple hidden layers. The intermediate
layers, which are the hidden layers, generally
comprise convolutional layers.
We used three convolutional layers other than the
input and the output layers, and we used ReLU as the
activation function for all of them. The three
sequences have the same number of filters, which is
equivalent to the total number of data points in the
training data. The filter sizes for the three
convolutional layers were 3, 4 and 5 respectively. The
activation function in the final output dense layer is
SoftMax, and the number of word embeddings is
around 20,000.
We developed CNN models with both described
data representations, one-hot encoding and
Word2Vec encoding. We trained the CNN models
over 10 epochs. We ran our model using keras with
Tensorflow backend.
Detecting Political Bias Trolls in Twitter Data
3.4 State-of-the-Art NLP Model BERT
BERT (Bidirectional Encoding Representations from
Transformers) (Devlin et al. 2019) applies
bidirectional training of “transformers” to language
modelling. A transformer is used for converting a
sequence using an encoder and a decoder into another
sequence. BERT is the first deeply bidirectional
model and relies on a language learning process that
is unsupervised. It has been pre-trained using only a
plain Wikipedia text corpus.
In a context-free model, the system generates a
single word embedding representation for each word
in the vocabulary, whereas previous contextual
models generated a representation of each word that
is based on other words in the sentence. However, this
was done only in one direction. BERT uses a
bidirectional contextual representation that is, it uses
both the previous and next context in a sentence
before or after a word respectively.
We made use of the BERT-base, Multilingual
Cased model with 12 layers; 768 is the size of the
hidden encoder and pooling layers and in all there are
110 Million parameters. A Cased model preserves the
true upper and lower case (cased words) and the
accent markers. Thus “bush” (the shrub) is different
from “Bush (the president). We trained our model
for three epochs with a batch size of 32 and sequence
length of 512. The learning rate was 0.00002. As
before we used keras with Tensorflow.
The max_position embedding was set to 512,
which is the maximum sequence length. That means
that a specific tweet can have a maximum length of
512 characters. Everything beyond 512 characters is
ignored. The num_attention_heads parameter was set
to 12, which is the 12-head attention mechanism. In
this mechanism, the vector is split into 12 chunks,
each having a dimension of 512/12 = 42 (42.666…)
and the algorithm uses these chunks for each attention
layer in the Transformer encoder. Exhaustive
experiments with these hyperparameters is practically
impossible, but the chosen parameters provided the
relatively best results in our experiments.
We made use of an Adam optimizer, which is the
default optimizer for BERT. Adam is an alternative to
Stochastic Gradient Descent (SGD), which is used to
update network weights iteratively when training
with data. A learning rate is maintained for each
network weight (parameter) and separately adapted as
learning unfolds. The model was saved for future use
for classification and was also evaluated.
3.5 Political Bias Classifiers
To classify the political orientation of tweets, we
trained the corresponding models described in
Sections 3.1—3.4, based on the Russian Troll dataset.
The Russian Troll dataset has a field labeled
“account_type” with the political bias or orientation
values of left or right (among others).
The right and left political orientation data
distribution in the Russian Troll dataset used for
training and testing is as follows: Right: 1,538,146;
Left: 890,354. The SVM, Fully Connected NN, and
CNN models and the BERT-encoded CNN model
were used to classify the left and right political bias
in a tweet.
4.1 Political Bias Troll Detection
Table 3 compares the accuracy, precision and recall
scores for the troll detection and political bias
detection models. It shows that the neural network
models (fully connected NN and CNN models)
performed worse than the base SVM model. On the
other hand, the BERT model outperformed all other
models with an accuracy level of 99%, and with
precision and recall levels of 98% and 99%
Table 3: Comparing the accuracy, precision and recall of
five Machine Learning Models.
Classifier Type
Accuracy Precision Recall
Troll Detector 84% 85% 86%
Political Bias
86% 88% 91%
NN with
Troll Detector 74% 76% 76%
Political Bias
84% 88% 90%
CNN with
Troll Detector 74% 78% 81%
Political Bias
84% 85% 86%
CNN with
Troll Detector 56% - -
Political Bias
85% - -
Troll Detector 99% 98% 99%
Political Bias
89% 89% 90%
An important drawback of one-hot encoding is that it
increases the length of the data vectors. We used only
the 3000 most commonly occurring words in the
WEBIST 2019 - 15th International Conference on Web Information Systems and Technologies
training corpus, and hence each one-hot vector is of
dimension 3000. The performance of CNN with the
Word2vec model is significantly lower than that of
the SVM, NN or CNN with one-hot encoding models,
with an accuracy level of only 56%.
For political bias classification experiments, the
accuracy of SVM, 86%, was slightly better than NN
or CNN with one-hot encoding and CNN with
Word2Vec, with accuracies of 84%, 84% and 85%,
respectively. However, the BERT-based
classification model again outperformed the others
with an accuracy level of 89%.
4.1.1 Political Bias Troll Analysis in Tweets
We collected a new unique data set of tweets starting
in October of 2016, just prior to the US election. An
initial set of 500 Twitter handles belonging to “Alt-
Right,” "Right,” “Right-Center,” “Left-Center,” and
“Left” biased magazines, web sites and personalities
was identified using data collected from the Media
Bias/Fact Check web site (Media Bias/Fact Check).
The initial set of Twitter handles was thus labeled
with biases as follows:
Alt-Right Bias: 103 twitter handles
Right Bias: 133 twitter handles
Right Center Bias: 77 twitter handles
Left-Center Bias: 122 twitter handles
Left Bias: 65 twitter handles
The Alt-right bias media sources are often described
as moderately to strongly biased toward conservative
causes, through story selection and/or political
affiliation. They often use strong, “loaded” words to
influence an audience by using appeals to emotion or
stereotypes, publish misleading reports and omit
reporting of information that may damage
conservative causes.
We next identified followers of each of these
Twitter handles (eliminating duplicates) and then
proceeded to download their complete tweet histories,
thus including tweets from many years back. Each
tweet was then labeled with the Twitter handle and
political bias. The results of the data collection
include 1.6 billion tweets from 25 million unique
Twitter handles. Random samples of 1 million, 5
million and 20 million tweets were extracted to form
the data set for further analysis. We call these samples
Political Bias datasets, and we applied our model to
classify them into trolls vs. non-trolls.
The SVM models were used on the Political Bias
1 million tweet dataset and the results are in Table 4.
Among 1 million tweets, 730,215 are considered
trolls and among these, the right trolls (546,430)
outnumber the 183,785 left trolls. When the CNN
neural network classification model with one-hot
matrices representation was applied to the 5 million
tweets, over 3,586K tweets were classified as trolls.
Among these, the right troll set consisted of 2,553K
tweets, outnumbering the left trolls (1,032K tweets),
as shown in Table 4.
Table 4: Political Bias trolls using SVM and CNN with one-
hot encoding and two classifier models.
Tweet Type SVM CNN
Sample datase
1000000 5000000
Troll Tweets 730215 3586213
Left Troll Tweets 183785 1032422
ht Troll Tweets 546430 2553791
Thus, 75% and 71% of all troll tweets were found to
be politically right tweets, compared to left tweets
(25% and 29%) for the respective models.
We applied the BERT-encoded CNN model for
classifying the 5 million tweet Political Bias dataset
into troll vs. non-troll tweets. The results show that
3,598,898 (72%) were trolls and 1,401,102 (28%)
were non-trolls. The breakdown of Political Bias
tweets into trolls and non-trolls is shown in Table 5.
Table 5: Political biases in non-troll tweets and troll tweets
using BERT -CNN Classification Model.
on-Trolls Trolls
530,990 2,013,935
31,897 64,533
162,061 330,314
eutral 492,820 766,660
122,681 270,755
60,653 152,701
Table 6: Average Number of Troll tweets and % of Trolls
by Political Bias of Unique Tweet handles.
Poltical Biases
# of
Avg # of
Troll tweets
% of Trolls
AltRight 541 1098 76%
Right 29 530 2%
RightCenter 78 789 8%
Neutral 189 393 10%
LeftCenter 43 595 3%
Left 37 180 1%
Grand Total 917 844 100%
We identified 917 unique Twitter handles (users) that
were associated with trolls from the 1 million tweet
machine-labeled dataset, as shown in Table 6, using
BERT classifiers. A much higher average number of
troll tweets (on average 1098 tweets per unique
handle, 76% of all trolls) were associated with the 541
Detecting Political Bias Trolls in Twitter Data
unique Twitter handles with an alt-right bias, while a
total of 80 user accounts considered as left center or
left posted on average 595 (3%) and 180 (1%) troll
tweets, respectively.
4.2 Temporal Analysis
We performed a temporal progression analysis of left
and right trolls after identifying trolls using the 5
million Political Bias sample dataset to understand
how political bias troll tweets have changed over
time. Figure 2 shows the temporal analysis from 2004
to 2016. In 2009, there was a notable peak of trolls,
especially right-biased trolls. This coincides with the
beginning of Barak Obama’s first presidency.
4.3 Geospatial Analysis
We performed a geospatial analysis on 5 million
tweets to locate the left and right troll tweets. In the
dataset, only 133,801 tweets (2.7%) had geolocation
information and 83,232 geolocated tweets were
classified as trolls. Table 7 shows the number of left
and right troll tweets based on the geolocation data.
Figure 2: Temporal Analysis on Political Bias Trolls: Blue
= Left Trolls. Yellow = Right Trolls.
Figure 3 show the geospatial distribution of approx.
50K right troll tweets. The distribution of left troll
tweets is omitted due to space constraints.
Table 7: Breakdown of tweets containing geo location
information from the 5 Million tweets dataset.
Tweet type (from 5 Million) Count
Total tweets with geolocation 133801
Total Troll Tweets with geolocation 83232
Right Trolls with geolocation 50154
Left Troll with geolocation 33078
The total ratio of right to left troll tweets is 60:40 in
Japan, South Korea and Thailand, where the right
troll tweets are more prominent. In the UK, the count
of left troll tweets is significantly higher as compared
to the right troll tweets. In the United States, the ratio
of left to right troll tweets is 60:40. We also observe
that the right troll tweets and left troll tweets are
evenly distributed in most of the countries.
Figure 3: Geospatial distribution of Right troll tweets.
4.4 Sentiment Analysis on Political Bias
Dataset of Five Million Tweets
Sentiment analysis was performed for left and right
troll tweets to understand the emotional tone that
trolls used to influence people’s minds. The sentiment
analysis model was built using the Sentiment140
dataset (Sentiment140)
Figure 4 illustrates the breakdown of sentiments
of right troll tweets, which have been classified into
five different classes, namely neutral, positive,
extremely positive, negative and extremely negative,
based on the data. Figure 5 shows the same
breakdown for left troll tweets. Figure 6 shows a side-
by-side comparison.
Figure 4: Sentiments of
right bias trolls.
Figure 5: Sentiments of
left bias trolls.
The sentiment analysis results show the following:
The ratio of positive, negative and neutral trolls
does not vary much in either left or right troll
The number of negative tweets is slightly higher
in right troll tweets by a count of around 7,000
The number of positive tweets is slightly lower in
right troll tweets by a count of 13,000 tweets.
WEBIST 2019 - 15th International Conference on Web Information Systems and Technologies
Figure 6: Sentiment analysis on right (in red) and left (blue)
troll tweets.
In this paper, we built several machine learning
models to identify the political bias of trolls. The
classifiers for troll identification were developed with
the Russian Troll dataset. The BERT-encoded
classification models had an accuracy of 89.4% for
left/right troll detector and 99% for troll/non-troll
detector, which is higher than SVM, CNN with
Word2vec and Neural Network with one-hot
encoding. Using the troll detection and political bias
detection models, we analyzed the large scale
Political Bias datasets of varying sizes. There are
more Alt-right accounts/users associated with large
numbers of troll tweets in the number of trolls and
total proportion of trolls than left biased users. We
also presented geospatial, temporal and sentiment
analyses. Sentiment analysis on the Political Bias
tweets shows that there are slightly fewer positive
right troll tweets compared to left troll tweets.
In future work, we plan to develop a large-scale
web-based system that performs real time
classification of political bias trolls to monitor the
trolls and their political biases and to perform the
geospatial and temporal analyses for identifying
extreme political bias regions and time intervals. We
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Reddit, following work by Weller and Woo (2019).
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