Using 3D Motion Capture to Analyse Ice Hockey Shooting Technique
on Ice
Mikael Swarén
, Quirin Söhnlein
, Thomas Stöggl
and Glenn Björklund
Royal Institute of Technology, Department of Mechanics, Stockholm, Sweden
Swedish Olympic Academy, Stockholm, Sweden
Dalarna University, Department of Sport, Fitness and Medicine, Falun, Sweden
University of Salzburg, Department of Sport and Exercise Science, Salzburg, Austria
Swedish Sports Confederation, Stockholm, Sweden
Mid Sweden University,
Department of Health Sciences, Östersund, Sweden
Keywords: Slap Shot, One Timer, Kinematics.
Abstract: This study investigates the feasibility to use a passive marker motion capture system on ice to collect 3D
kinematics of slap shots and one timers. Kinematic data were collected within a volume of 40x15x2 m by 20
motion capture cameras at 300 Hz, a resolution of 12 megapixels and a mean residual for all cameras of
3.4±2.5 mm, at a distance of 11.6 m. Puck velocity, blade velocity, ice contact time and distance to the puck
were analysed for ten consecutive shots for each technique, for two professional ice hockey players. The total
mean puck velocity was 38.0 ± 2.7 m/s vs. 36.4 ± 1.0 m/s. (p=0.053), for one timers and slap shots
respectively. One player had higher puck velocity with one timers compared to slap shots 40.5 ± 1.0 m/s vs.
36.9 ± 1.0 m/s (p=0.001). Puck contact time was longer for slap shots than for one timers, 0.020 ± 0.002 s vs.
0.015 ± 0.002 s, (p<0.001). The motion capture system allowed continuous kinematic analyses of the puck
and blade velocities, ice contact times and detailed stance information. The results demonstrate the
possibilities to use motion capture systems to collect and analyse shooting kinematics on ice, in detail.
Ice hockey is a physical demanding sport with high
intensity and tempo that obliges the players to have
excellent physical condition and high levels of
precision and technical skills. The shooting technique
is an essential keystone in ice hockey and the two
most commonly used shooting techniques in ice
hockey are the slap and the wrist shots. The slap shot
generates the highest puck velocities (33 - 36 m/s),
whereas wrist shots generate lower puck velocities
(20 - 28 m/s) but generally with higher accuracy
compared to slap shots (Michaud-Paquette, Magee,
Pearsall, & Turcotte, 2011; Villasenor, Turcotte, &
Pearsall, 2006; Worobets, Fairbairn, & Stefanyshyn,
The slap shot is generally divided into six
different phases: i) the backswing, ii) downswing, iii)
preloading, iv) loading, v) release and vi) the follow
through (B. Kays & Smith, 2014; Pearsall,
Montgomery, Rothsching, & Turcotte, 1999). During
preloading, the stick contacts the ice several inches
behind the puck to initiate the bending of the stick.
The puck is then impacted during the loading phase,
which increases the bending of the stick. The built-up
strain energy in the stick is then transferred to the
puck during the release phase.
A wrist shot uses less swing compared to a slap
shot and the player starts with the puck near the heel
of the blade. The puck is propelled forward as the
player does a forward sweeping motion while
creating shaft bending by applying a downward
pressure. The puck then rolls of the blade as the shaft
recoils (B. Kays & Smith, 2014; Pearsall et al., 1999).
Several studies have used high speed video or
motion capture to investigate these two different
shooting techniques as well as how the stick stiffness
affects the puck velocity (Frayne, Dean, & Jenkyn,
2015; Goktepe, Ozfidan, Karabork, & Korkusuz,
2010; Hannon, Michaud-Paquette, Pearsall, &
Turcotte, 2011; Michaud-Paquette et al., 2011;
Pearsall et al., 1999; Villasenor et al., 2006).
However, to the authors knowledge there are no
studies investigating a third shooting technique, the
“one timer”, which is similar to a slap shot but with
the difference that the player meets the puck with an
immediate slap shot, without touching or trying to
Swarén, M., Söhnlein, Q., Stöggl, T. and Björklund, G.
Using 3D Motion Capture to Analyse Ice Hockey Shooting Technique on Ice.
DOI: 10.5220/0008351602040208
In Proceedings of the 7th International Conference on Sport Sciences Research and Technology Support (icSPORTS 2019), pages 204-208
ISBN: 978-989-758-383-4
2019 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
control the puck first. The one timer is a shooting
technique that often initiates a rapid change of
direction of the opposing defenders and is frequently
used in power plays where at least one opposing
player is serving a penalty.
Previous ice hockey studies on ice, have mostly
used high speed cameras to capture kinematic data
while studies using 3D motion capture systems have
been executed off-ice by simulating real ice condition
by using e.g. synthetic ice (Frayne et al., 2015;
Goktepe et al., 2010; B. T. Kays & Smith, 2017;
Michaud-Paquette et al., 2011; Worobets et al.,
Stidwall et al. (2010) investigated skating kinetics
and kinematics on ice and on synthetic ice and found
that synthetic ice permits comparable mechanics for
on-ice forward skating. However, it is fair to assume
that the large difference in friction coefficients
between ice and synthetic ice (µ = 0.003 to 0.007 vs.
µ = 0.27) can affect the mechanics in technical
exercise such as shooting and agility drills. It can also
be hypothesised that shooting kinematics, stance and
distance to the puck at impact differ between slap
shots and one timers as one timers depends greatly on
timing and how the player positioning himself in
relation to the incoming puck, to achieve a good
shooting technique. Hence, there is need for a 3D
kinematic system that can be used on ice to acquire
realistic, detailed and accurate ice hockey shooting
Upjohn et al. (2008) stated that passive marker
systems for motion capture have limited applications
for collecting data in a field setting due to the large
capturing volume needed for ice hockey and
problems with controlling ambient lighting.
However, new and better motion capture systems
have developed during the last years which allow data
capturing in poor lighting conditions, e.g. outside in
sunlight and/or in vast capturing volumes with large
quantities of unfavourable reflections. Shell et al.
(2017) and Renaud et al. (2017) used modern motion
capture systems to analyse ice hockey skate starts on
ice. Still, the use of a marker-based motion capture
system to collect 3D kinematics of different ice
hockey shooting techniques on ice has yet to be
The main purpose of the current study was to
investigate the feasibility to use a passive marker
motion capture system to collect 3D kinematics of
professional ice hockey players on ice while
performing shooting exercises. A secondary aim was
to investigate possible differences between the
conventional slap shot and the one timer shot with
regard to puck velocity, blade velocity and distance to
the puck at puck contact.
Two professional ice hockey players were recruited
(player A and B) from a team in the Deutsche
Eishockey Liga (DEL) in Germany. Both players
were right hand shooters and used their own skates,
gloves, helmets and sticks. Soft reflective markers
were attached to the skates at the front tip, the heel
and at the position of the lateral malleolus. Six
markers were placed on each stick where four
markers were placed on the shaft, 0.30, 0.57, 1.1 and
1.5 m below the top of the shaft and two markers were
place on the heel and the tip at the backside of the
blade. For velocity measurements, markers were
placed on every puck. Each marker had a diameter of
15 mm and was attached by double-sided tape and
additionally fixed with tape around the base to avoid
movement of the markers.
The players performed a 15 min individual warm
up, including the various shooting techniques.
Following the warm up, to familiarise themselves
with the test setup, both players completed 20 shots.
During the data collection, each player performed 10
slap shots and 10 one timers, in opposite order. With
the one timers, the puck was hit directly from a pass,
coming from a 45 degrees angle to the right. All 10
shots in each series were executed in one sequence
without any rest between each shoot. For the
slapshots, all 10 pucks where lined up next to each
other and with the one timers, the next puck was
passed directly after the previous shot. The players
had a five minutes rest between the two different
shooting techniques.
Data were collected within a volume of 40 x 15 x
2 m by 20 Qualisys Uqus 7+ cameras (Qualisys AB,
Gothenburg, Sweden) at 300 Hz and with a resolution
of 12 mega pixels. Eight cameras were positioned on
high tripods, placed on isolated plates on the ice to
prevent the tripods from melting down into the ice.
The remaining 12 cameras were placed on top of the
safety glass surrounding the rink (Figure 1).
Protective padding was positioned behind the goal
to collect the pucks and to protect the boards and glass
from being hit by a puck and hence cause camera
movements. The measurement volume was calibrated
by using a hand-held T-wand, consisting of two
reflective markers at each end, with a known distance
between them. The orientation of the coordinate
system was performed by placing an L-frame at the
Using 3D Motion Capture to Analyse Ice Hockey Shooting Technique on Ice
Figure 1 A: Overview of half of the capture volume where the cameras are highlighted with circles. Photo courtesy of
Reimund Trost, Qualisys AB. B: 3D view of the capture volume where the player’s stick, markers on the skates and pucks
are visible.
decided origin. The mean residual for all cameras was
3.4 mm, s = 2.5 mm, at a distance of 11.6 m from each
2.1 Data Analysis
Stick blade velocity was determined by the resulting
speed of the marker, positioned at the tip of the blade.
The velocity data for all shots in each session were
synchronised concerning the time of puck contact.
The puck contact time was determined from the 3D
kinematic data.
Shooting stance was calculated as the distance, d,
between the left and right lateral malleolus markers,
in the xy-plane (the transverse plane) by equation 1.
 
 
where x
, y
, x
and y
are the xy-coordinates for the
left and right ankle markers respectively.
The distance from the player to the puck was
defined as the shortest distance between the puck
marker and the line between the left and right ankle
markers in the xy-plane. The line was constructed by
using the basic slope-intercept equation for a straight
line through two points, Eq. 2 and Eq. 3.
  
where m is calculated by:
 
 
The general form of a linear equation is:
   
and the distance D from a point P
) to this line
can be calculated by Eq. 5.
 
 
 
The data analyses from the two players and for
each condition were averaged separately for each
player. All data were checked for normality,
calculated with conventional procedures and
presented as means () and standard deviations
SD). The coefficient of variance was calculated as:
and presented in percent.
Significant effects between shooting techniques
were investigated with a two-sided paired Student t-
test and a unpaired two-sided Student t-test between
players, choosing an alpha level of 0.05 as criterion
for significance. Hedge’s g effect size (ES) was
further calculated and ranked as low (0.2), medium
(0.5) and high (0.8+) (Thomas, Salazar, & Landers,
1991) to determine the meaningfulness of the
differences between one timers and slap shots
between and within the same player.
Mean maximal puck velocity for slap shots versus
one timers for player A and B, respectively, were 36.0
± 0.9 m/s vs. 35.4 ± 1.0 m/s (p = 0.4, ES = 0.54) and
36.9 ± 1.0 m/s vs. 40.5 ± 1.0 m/s (p = 0.001, ES =
3.2). The total mean puck velocity showed a trend
towards lower velocity for slap shots compared to one
timers 36.4 ± 1.0 m/s vs. 38.0 ± 2.7 m/s, (p = 0.053,
ES = 0.79). Both players had a lower coefficient of
variation when shooting slap shots compared to one
timers 9% and 7% vs.14% and 34%.
icSPORTS 2019 - 7th International Conference on Sport Sciences Research and Technology Support
The blade velocities for slap shots and one timers
can be seen in Figure 2 A-B and the puck contact time
for slap shots was significantly longer compared to
one timers, 0.020 ± 0.002 s vs. 0.015 ± 0.002 s, (p <
0.001, ES = 2.2).
The perpendicular mean distance to the puck at
impact for slap shots versus one timers for player A
and B respectively, was 0.95 ± 0.05 m vs. 0.86 ± 0.08
m (p = 0.07, ES = 1.2) and 0.97 ± 0.09 m vs. 0.95 ±
0.07 m (p = 0.4, ES = 0.2).
Figure 2: Areas of variance around the mean (±SD)
illustrating instantaneous blade velocity for both players for
slap shots (A) and for one timers (B). The position for when
the blade contacts the ice is represented by the dashed line
a, and for the puck contact position by the dashed line b.
In contrast to previous studies, 3D kinematics were
successfully acquired from ice hockey shooting
exercises on ice by using passive markers and motion
capture cameras. The motion capture system allows a
higher sampling rate (>240 Hz) compared to
previously used measurement systems on ice which
have used different setups of video cameras with a
sampling rates of 60 200 Hz (Goktepe et al., 2010;
Lafontaine, 2007).
The results for the slap shot puck velocities and
contact times are in line with the results by previous
studies (B. T. Kays & Smith, 2017; Lomond,
Turcotte, & Pearsall, 2007; Villasenor et al., 2006;
Worobets et al., 2006), even if lower puck velocities
also have been reported by Wu et al. (2003) and Woo
et al. (2004). The characteristics of the blade velocity
are shown in Figure 1 A-B and are similar compared
to previous studies (B. T. Kays & Smith, 2017;
Villasenor et al., 2006).
It is interesting that the trend towards higher puck
velocity for one timers is achieved with shorter puck
contact time, compared to slap shots. This is most
likely accomplished by a higher pre-loading of the
stick that increases the stored potential energy in the
shaft and affects the puck velocity. However, future
studies are necessary to understand the mechanisms
which allow similar and even higher puck velocities
but with shorter puck contact times.
Neither blade velocity nor stance showed any
significant differences between the two shooting
techniques. However, it is interesting to note that both
players had a higher repeatability, indicated by a
lower CV (7% and 9% vs. 34% and 14%), for slap
shots compared to one timers, which Figure 1 A-B
also demonstrates. Even though no significant
difference, it is worth noticing that player B’s higher
puck velocity for one timers, is achieved without any
difference in stance, whereas player A had very
similar puck velocities but with a shorter stance with
one timers. Future studies should investigate if a
maintained stance is a performance indicator to
increase one timers shooting performance.
Only two players and two different shooting
techniques were analysed, making it difficult to
perform any reliable statistical analysis. Still, small
differences between the different shooting techniques
and players can be detected and analysed by using a
motion capture system, such as the one used in the
present study.
Even though all markers were placed with great
care, several came loose during the trials, most likely
due to high accelerations when the stick impacted the
ice and the puck. However, if using stronger adhesive
tape and additional reflective markers, the motion
capture setup in the present paper could be used to
analyse stick bending and the recoil effect when
shooting on ice. Stick bending and the recoil effect
were investigated by Villaseñor et al. (2006) but they
only used one high-speed video camera,
perpendicular to the sagittal plane, and synthetic ice.
Compared to using video cameras, the methodology
in the present paper appears to allow detailed 3D
kinematic analyses on ice, which entails the correct
friction coefficient between the blade and the ice.
Previous studies have only used synthetic ice to
simulate on-ice condition when analysing stick and
puck kinematics during slap, which plausible affects
Using 3D Motion Capture to Analyse Ice Hockey Shooting Technique on Ice
the results (Frayne et al., 2015; B. T. Kays & Smith,
2017; Lomond et al., 2007; Villasenor et al., 2006).
The ability to measure shooting kinematics
accurately on ice is vital in order to analyse ice
hockey biomechanics and to identify key
performance indicators for different shooting
techniques. The presented method is shown to
perform well for analysing ice hockey kinematics and
shooting performance on ice. However, the capturing
volume requires a large number or cameras and the
long time for setting up cameras should be taken in
consideration for future studies. Still, 3D motion
capture data enable numerous possibilities to
investigate ice hockey shooting kinematics on ice.
The use of a 3D motion capture system, as the one
used in the present study has the potential to enable
new possibilities to accurately analyse ice-hockey
shooting kinematics and shooting performance on ice.
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icSPORTS 2019 - 7th International Conference on Sport Sciences Research and Technology Support