A Novel Query Language for Data Extraction from Social Networks
Francesco Buccafurri
, Gianluca Lax
, Lorenzo Musarella
and Roberto Nardone
DIIES, University Mediterranea of Reggio Calabria, Reggio Calabria, Italy
Multiple Social Networks, Web Analysis, Query Language, Data Extraction.
Online Social Networks (OSNs) represent an important source of information since they manage a huge
amount of data that can be used in many different contexts. Moreover, many people create and manage
more than one social profile in the different available OSNs. The combination and the extraction of the set
of data from contained in OSNs can produce a huge amount of additional information regarding both a single
person and the overall society. Consequently, the data extraction from multiple social networks is a topic of
growing interest. There are many techniques and technologies for data extraction from a single OSN, but there
is a lack of simple query languages which can be used by programmers to retrieve data, correlate resources
and integrate results from multiple OSNs. This work describes a novel query language for data extraction
from multiple OSNs and the related supporting tool to edit and validate queries. With respect to existing lan-
guages, the designed language is general enough to include the variety of resources managed by the different
OSNs. Moreover, thanks to the support of the editing environment, the language syntax can be customised by
programmers to express searching criteria that are specific for a social network.
Over the past decade, Online Social Networks (OSNs)
have become widely used by a large set of users in ev-
eryday life. Most people create and manage profile in
one or more OSNs like Facebook, Twitter, Linkedin,
Instagram. Many people spend a lot of time creat-
ing many contents on every-day life, latest news, pol-
itics, economics, sport, and publish many informa-
tion (posts, photos, videos, etc.) about their passions,
travels, friends. As a consequence, OSNs represent
a source of a huge amount of data, offering a great
variety of information spanning from personal infor-
mation to users interests. For this reason, OSNs are
recognised as an important phenomenon from a so-
cial and economic point of view, and, thus, it is mat-
ter of study for the design and the development of
innovative and modern web applications. In many
cases, both personal information and social interac-
tions coming from social network profiles can be part
of innovative software solutions. Among these, social
Web applications are the most significant example in
which both peoples’ identities and contents they pro-
duced are involved in the business process and data
are mostly owned by users, strongly interlinked and
inherently polymorphic (Bell, 2009).
To allow the data extraction, some of the social
network providers offer different APIs and frame-
work that reflect their internal metadata. In addition,
some other tools and well-known techniques (e.g.,
web scraping) have been proposed in literature with
the aim of extracting data from OSNs. Hence, when
a developer needs to interact with different OSNs,
she/he needs to manage different techinques and lan-
guages. In fact, there is a lack of standard languages
and protocols to query both heterogeneous OSNs and
multiple OSNs with the same language. In this di-
rection, this paper introduces a novel query language
for the extraction of data from multiple OSNs. The
proposed language is, according to Martin Glinz’s in-
sightful remarks (Glinz, 2002), “as simple as possible
and as rich as needed”, in the sense that it provides
simple keywords and powerful mechanisms to allow
writing queries. Moreover, this language offers the
possibility to be customized by its users in order to
add keywords that better reflect the metadata used by
the single OSN.
The paper is organized as follows. Section 2 dis-
cusses the related work in the field of data extraction
from OSNs. Section 3 describes a data model that is
Buccafurri, F., Lax, G., Musarella, L. and Nardone, R.
A Novel Query Language for Data Extraction from Social Networks.
DOI: 10.5220/0008362503650371
In Proceedings of the 15th International Conference on Web Information Systems and Technologies (WEBIST 2019), pages 365-371
ISBN: 978-989-758-386-5
2019 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
necessary for the formal representation of the multiple
social network scenario as a direct graph. Section 4
describes the structure of the query language and its
concrete realization in Xtext, also reporting the for-
mal graph. Section 5 reports some usage scenarios in
order to clarify the final structure of the queries and
to highlight the potentialities of the developed envi-
ronment. Finally, our conclusions and possible future
work are summarized in Section 6.
As stated previously, some OSNs offer some APIs
as a part of their business (Lomborg and Bechmann,
2014). In this way they allow third-party companies
to use these APIs to develop complex applications.
To the other hand, some works as (Marres and Wel-
tevrede, 2013; Buccafurri et al., 2015) analyzed and
exploited web scraping for automated capture of data
from OSNs. Web scraping (also known as web har-
vesting) is a well-known technique to extract online
data. This technique is supported by different tools
such as Selenium, cURL, Firebug, Node js (Rotruck
et al., 1973).
As a consequence, the data extraction and the con-
sequent realization of innovative web applications on
the top of social networks is technically feasible. Nev-
ertheless, its complexity is due to different and vari-
able organization of data from the OSNs and the con-
sequent variety of APIs and continuous updates they
offer to programmers and/or the different organization
of web pages. Indeed, despite the conceptual uni-
formity among the structures, mechanisms, features
of existing social-networks, each platform adopts in
practice its own terms, resources, actions. This is a
strong handicap for the design and implementation
of applications enabling internet-working functions
among multiple social networks, and, then, for the
achievement of the above goal. As a matter of fact,
a few exist in terms of models and languages to sup-
port the interaction with multiple social networks.
Up to now a lot of effort has been spent in the
definition of standards and models for the data ex-
change on web. For example, the Resource Descrip-
tion Framework RDF(rdf, ) is a W3C standard model
for data exchange on web, in particular proposed for
Semantic Web. Based on RDF, many researchers pro-
posed different ontologies, because it guarantees in-
teroperability. Indeed, the authors of (Choi et al.,
2009) proposed SPIDER, a query processing system
for RDF data which supports the SPARQL query lan-
guage (spa, ; Prud et al., 2006). In the literature, many
works use RDF and/or SPARQL approaches for the
manipulation and extraction of general data from web
sources ((Silva et al., 2017; Diamantini et al., 2018;
Thushar and Thilagam, 2008; Barbieri et al., 2010) to
cite a few).
Some of the social network providers offer
query languages and/or extraction techniques as well.
For example, Facebook offers a simple query lan-
guage (fac, 2008) in order to process mainly your
own and your friends’ relational data. This language
does not give any support for complex data extraction.
From 2016, Facebook offers also a specification and
a reference implementation of a framework, named
GraphQL, which introduces a new type of web-based
data access interface (Buna, 2016). This framework is
seen as an alternative to the standard REST-based in-
terface (Richardson et al., 2013). The query language
at the basis of GraphQL queries uses the JavaScript
Object Notation (JSON) (Crockford, 2006) and asks
its users to define a schema in JSON. In particular,
this schema defines the types of objects and the fields
that the query has to populate. Consequently, this ap-
proach is very powerful but it is limited to complete
knowledge of the possible types and it is also not ex-
tensible to multiple-social network scenario. The au-
thors of (San Martın et al., 2011) proposed SNQL, a
data model and a query language for Social Network
by representing data as graph database. Although
the idea and the work are very interesting, these lan-
guages cannot be easily extendend to multiple social
network scenarios given the different organization of
the data.
In the context of multiple social networks, it is
more appropriate to analyse the graph query lan-
guages. As an example, Neo4J (Miller, 2013) is
one of the most complete query languages for Graph
Databases, where data can be structured as edges and
vertices. GOQL (Sheng et al., 1999) is a different
graph query language and it is based on an object-
oriented data model. GOQL uses the traditional se-
lect... from... where... statement for querying and
offers also temporal operators such as next, until and
connected. The graph query languages can be bet-
ter adapted to manage complex data structures, where
nodes have properties and are organized by relation-
ships, which can also have properties. However, these
approaches are not tailored for extracting data from
multiple social networks and they are not able to man-
age the different organization of data from the avail-
able sources, which represents, as said before, one of
the the main issues in multiple social network.
With respect to the considered works, our ap-
proach is different because it aims at developing a
complete framework for the creation, verification and
execution of queries that are able to extract data from
WEBIST 2019 - 15th International Conference on Web Information Systems and Technologies
multiple OSNs. This framework has to offer the fol-
lowing functionalities:
1. Enable users to define customized keywords
and the mapping towards the specific metadata
adopted by the OSNs;
2. Support to users during the query editing and val-
idate the results;
3. Enable users to execute queries by chosing among
the usage of APIs, of the web scraping techniques
or of mixed approaches.
With respect to existing languages, the designed
language aims at being general enough to include the
variety of resources managed by the different social
networks. Moreover, it allows users to extend its syn-
tax, adding keywords to the language that map spe-
cific metadata offered by a single social network. The
design of this language started from the formaliza-
tion of a conceptual data model for the generaliza-
tion of the structure of commonly known social net-
works. Then we defined the syntax and we realized
the corresponding grammar file into the Xtext frame-
work (Eysholdt and Behrens, 2010).
Each Online Social Network has been designed for a
particular (main) purpose: for example, Facebook for
keeping in touch with friends, Twitter for microblog-
ging, LinkedIn is business-oriented, Instagram for
sharing pictures. However, all social networks have
some common properties on which they are built:
some examples are (1) user’s profile, which stores
personal data of the user, (2) the concept of rela-
tionship, which is necessary to build the connections
among users, (3) the presence of shared resources,
which can be short texts, Web links, images, videos,
and so on, and (4) actions that can be done from
users, such as appreciating, commenting, sharing of
resources. It is worth noting that social networks usu-
ally implement in a different way (or use a different
name for) similar properties: for example, the friend-
ship is symmetric in Facebook, whereas it is asym-
metric in Twitter, it is built by the concept of cir-
cle in Google+, it is called connection in LinkedIn
whereas in Twitter the terms followers and follow-
ing are adopted. Again, appreciation is implemented
by like in Facebook, endorsement in LinkedIn, +1 in
Google+ (recently closed).
From these examples, it is clear that, in spite of the
intrinsic similarity of social networks, each one de-
fines its own terminology, thus making social network
depending on the reference to an entity when we want
to write a high-level language for querying social net-
work data: for example, to refer to the contacts of a
social network user, we should ask for connections
if the user is on LinkedIn and followers/following if
the user is on Twitter. Consequently, the need to have
an ontology describing and integrating the character-
istics of social networks arises.
In this section, we solve this problem by present-
ing the ontology used to model social network con-
cepts at an abstract level. The data model presented
in this section is general enough and it is independent
of the specific social network.
Among the several approaches proposed in the lit-
erature to represent social networks, we used an on-
tology based on the model presented in (Buccafurri
et al., 2016), which has been designed with the goal
of integrating information coming from different so-
cial networks.
Social network data are modeled by a direct graph
G = hN, Ai, in which the set of nodes is N = PR B,
with P RB = {}, and the set of arcs is A = F M
Pu S T Re L Co with F M Pu S T
ReLCo = {}. Now, let’s define the sets introduced
Each element of the set P represents
the profile of a user and consists in the tu-
ple hurl, socialNetwork, screen-name,
[personalInformation], [picture]i, where
url is the Web address that identifies and localizes
the profile, socialNetwork is the commercial name
of the Online Social Network which the profile
belongs to (the same value is shared by profiles in
the same social network), screen-name is the name
chosen by the user who registered the profile to ap-
pear in the home-page of the profile or when posting
a resource, and, finally, personalInformation and
picture are the information and the personal image
which the user inserted as related to the profile.
The set R models resources of the Web or created
by users. A resource is represented by a tuple hurl,
type, [description], [date]i, where url is the
Web address to access the resource, type indi-
cates the type of the resource content, and finally,
description and date represent the string inserted
by who published the resource and the publishing
date, respectively.
The set B models bundles, a set of resources han-
dled simultaneously by a user, and represented by a
tuple huri, [description], [date]i, where uri
is the identifier of the bundle, description is the
string chosen by the user to be shown with those re-
sources and, finally, date represents the publishing
The follow arcs set F A = {p
, p
| p
, p
A Novel Query Language for Data Extraction from Social Networks
models the fact that in the (source) profile p
, it has
been declared a certain type of relationship towards
the (target) profile p
The me arcs set M A = {p
, p
| p
, p
P} de-
notes that the user with profile p
has declared in this
profile to have a second profile p
The publishing arcs set Pu A = {p
, b
| p
P, b
B} indicates that the user with profile p
published in this profile a bundle b
The shared arcs set S A = {b
, b
| b
, b
specifies that the bundle b
(published by a user) is
derived from an already published bundle b
The tagging arcs set T A = {p
, br
, w | p
P, br
B R and w is a word}, denotes that the user
with profile p
assigned the word w to describe a bun-
dle or a resource br.
The referencing arcs set Re A = {b
, p
| b
B, p
P} models the fact that a bundle b
includes a
reference to the profile p
The like arcs set L A = {p
, pbr
| p
P, pbr
B R P} describes the information that a user with
the profile p
expressed a preference/appreciation for
a bundle, a resource or another user profile pbr
The containing arcs set Co A = {b
, r
| b
B, r
R} indicates that a bundle b
contains the re-
source r
Starting from the data model described in the previ-
ous section, we define the syntax of the query lan-
guage which can be adopted by users to easily extract
data from multiple social networks. We describe its
syntax and its realization through a formal grammar.
The structure of our query language is based on the
well-known select statement of the SQL language,
that retrieves zero or more tuples from one or more
tables in a database. The basic idea behind this lan-
guage is to conceptually substitute entities to tuples
and social networks to tables in the standard mean-
ing of the select statement. It means that, after the
select keyword, the user has to specify the kind of
entity he/she is looking for (i.e., profiles, resources or
bundles), then he/she specifies the list of social net-
works to query after the from keyword and, at last,
it is possible to add filtering criteria after the where
keyword. Obviously, the language allows for the use
of logical operators in the where clause in order to
enable more complex predicates.
The final structure of our query language is re-
ported in the following listing.
se l ect E1 , E2 ...
from S1 , S2 ...
whe r e P1 l o p P2 ...
In the previous listing, Ei represents the kind of
the requested entity. According to the data model de-
scribed in the previous section, it is a keyword among
profile, resource and bundle. Note that the query
language allows selecting different kinds of entities
in a single query. Si is a conventional name of the
social network; the user specifies the set of social net-
works separating their names by commas. At last, Pi
is a logical proposition which can be used to filter re-
sults; the logical proposition are combined together
by logical operators lop. Following the data model
of the previous section, in the where clause the user
can specify the value of some elements of the tuple
representative of the requesting entity (specified af-
ter the select keyword). For example, if the user is
querying for resources, he/she can specify an url, a
type, a description and/or a date. Similarly, if he/she
is asking for profiles, it is possible to specify the url,
the screen name, personal information and/or picture
name as search criteria.
Among the different searching criteria that can be
used in the where clause, some of them are strictly re-
lated to the specific social network. For example, the
kind of a resource (e.g., film, book, song) strictly de-
pends on the metadata used by the social network it-
self which stores that information. For this reason, our
language implements a property we named aware-
ness. It represents the capability of the language to be
extended in keywords by users that are “aware” of the
metadata used by every single social network to store
its data. Consequently, we can distinguish between
“known” and “unknown” social network. In the first
category, the user inserts the social networks he/she
previously analyzed, while in the second he/she puts
the rest of social network he/she wants to use.
The list of social networks the user wants to use
is stored in a configuration file. In this file, the user
specifies the list of keywords identifying social net-
works he/she wants to add to the query language in the
from clause. If a social network is “unknown” (i.e.,
the user does not know the metadata related to the
social network), the user is automatically limited by
the language syntax to use a set of general keywords
given by the data model; for each “known” social net-
work, instead, he/she has to define a specific config-
uration file in which he/she details the (sub-)kinds of
profiles, resources and bundles can be requested. It
means that, if a social network, for example, is able to
manage books, films, and songs as kinds of resources,
the user is allowed also to ask for a specific kind of
them. In this case, the user specifies in the configu-
WEBIST 2019 - 15th International Conference on Web Information Systems and Technologies
ration file of the social network the keywords he/she
want to use in its concrete language and the mapping
with the metadata of the social network. After this
one-time operation, he/she can open the language ed-
itor and use the keywords he/she specified.
The awareness property allows also for future
easy integration of additional social networks. The
operations needed are: (1) edit the configuration file
of the social network and add the new social to the list,
(2) possibly create a configuration file for the new so-
cial network with the mapping between keywords and
The described language has been completely re-
alized by means of the Xtext framework (Eysholdt
and Behrens, 2010). Xtext is a complete framework
for developing programming languages and domain-
specific languages with textual grammars. Within
Xtext it is possible to define your own language using
a powerful grammar language. As a result, you get
automatically the full infrastructure including parser,
type checker and the entire editing environment for
To realize our query language in Xtext, it is nec-
essary to code the syntax of the language. It has to
be defined as a set of rules to which the text has to
be compliant. The main rule, named Query checks
for the overall structure of the query. The following
listing reports this grammar rule.
Que r y :
sel ec t se lec t io n += Se l ec t ion
so c ial += So c ial ( , s o cial +=
So c ial ) *
( wher e fi l ter += Fi l ter ) ? ;
This rule specifies the sequence of keywords and
textual portions that have to be satisfied by a query.
The syntax of each clause has been designed with a
specific rule. In the following listing, we report the
remaining part of the grammar.
Se lec t io n :
(( pro f ile pr ofil e += Pro fil e ( ,
pr o fil e += Pro file ) *) |
( re s our ce
re s ou r ce += Re sou r ce ( ,
re s ou r ce += Re sou r ce ) *) |
( bun d le b undl e += Bun d le ( ,
bu n dle += Bu n dle ) *) ) * ;
So c ial :
name = ID ;
Fi l ter :
( c ond iti o n += Co ndi t io n
(( a n d | or ) co ndi t io n +=
Co ndi t io n ) *) ;
Co ndi t io n :
(( p r ofi le += Pro file )? &
( r eso u rce += Res our c e ) ? &
( b u ndle += B und l e ) ?) ;
Pr o fil e :
( pr ofi leN ame name = ID ) ?
(( pe rs on a lI nf o rm at io n
pe rs on a lI nf or m at io n = S TR ING ) ?
( sc r ee n Na m e
Sc ree nNa me = STRI NG )? &
( UR L pr o fi l e URL = STRI NG ) ?) ;
Re s ou r ce :
(( ty p e type += Type ) ? &
( de sc ri p ti on Re s ou rc e
de scr ip t io n = S T RING )? &
( cr ea t io n _d at e
cr ea t io n_d at e += Da te )? &
( UR Ire sou rce URI = S T RING ) ?) ;
Type :
name = ID ;
Bu n dle :
(( de sc r ip ti onB un dl e
de scr ip t io n = S T RING )? &
( cr ea t io n _d at e
cr ea t io n_d at e += Da te )? &
( UR I bu n dle URI = S T RING ) ?) ;
Date :
d = Day - m = Mont h -y = Year ;
Day : INT ;
Mon t h : INT ;
Year : I N T ;
The Selection rule mainly checks the usage of the
three keywords (profile, resource, and entity), and
properly calls three specific rules. The Social rule
is very simple as, at grammar level, it could check
only for the presence of a sequence of social network
identifiers. As previously said, the keywords identi-
fying social networks are defined by the user itself in
a proper configuration file. At last, the Filter rule,
together with an additional rule named Condition,
checks the format of the search filter and allows to
create complex combinations of conditions by using
logical operators. The filtering mechanisms the user
A Novel Query Language for Data Extraction from Social Networks
Figure 1: Examples of usage of our query language: (a) content assist enabled; (b) wrong query (c) query for Facebook; (d)
query for Instagram.
can specify for entities are defined in the three rules
Profile, Resource, and Bundle. These rules check for
the presence of keywords related to the attributes of
these entities which are given by the data model of
the previous section.
The implementation of the awareness property of
the language, that is the verification of additional key-
words in configuration files, is realized by specify-
ing customized validation rules. Specifically, we de-
fined the behavior of the Validator class that is used
in the Xtext framework to customize the verification
activity. Mainly, in this class we inserted the code
necessary to check for the presence of the social net-
work identifier in the configuration file and the verifi-
cation of the existence of the configuration file related
to the social network addressed in the query. In this
case, the validation allows using additional keywords
as given by the configuration file and previously de-
scribed. The same logic has been implemented also
in the ProposalProvider class to enable the content
assist and suggest users the accepted keywords with
respect to the structure of the query.
This section shows some examples of use in order to
better clarify the objective of the defined query lan-
guage and to demonstrate its effectiveness.
Fig. 1 depicts 4 different usage scenario. Fig. 1(a)
shows the suggestions of the content assist in the from
clause. In this scenario, the editing environment re-
trieved the list of social network from a configuration
file and suggest them to a user. The user can select a
social network from the shown list, avoiding syntacti-
cal errors.
Fig. 1(b) shows a validation error. In this scenario
the user specifies that he/she is looking for resources
from the Facebook social network and, in the where
clause he/she filters result on the type Tweet. In this
case, the environment check that this type (expressed
as a keyword) is not specified in the configuration file
related to the Facebook and raises an error.
Fig. 1(c) and Fig. 1(d) show two correct usage
examples. In the former example the user asks for
nametags in Instagram, while the latter shows a query
requesting events from Facebook. These last exam-
ples show the concrete support the environment of-
fers to users by enabling the writing of query which
uses specific keywords related to the social network
This paper proposes a preliminary version of a novel
query language for the data extraction from Online
Social Networks. The main feature of this language
is the possibility to retrieve data from multiple On-
line Social Networks through a single query. With
respect to existing languages, the proposal also of-
fers the possibility for users to add keywords in the
language which reflect the metadata used by social
networks to address its data. This feature, which
we called awareness, enables the possibility to add
knowledge into the language. The proposed language
has been realised by means of the Xtext framework,
a well-known framework for the realisation of textual
Domain Specific Languages.
WEBIST 2019 - 15th International Conference on Web Information Systems and Technologies
This work represents a first step in a wide project
which will conduct to the complete development of
a framework for data extraction from multiple social
networks. In fact, future works include the develop-
ment of the needed transformations that could auto-
matically translate the queries into executable code,
whose execution performs the needed operations on
the OSNs to obtain data. We plan to integrate different
existing techniques for the data extraction from web
sources (such as web scraping and APIs call) in order
to design an efficient and effective tool. Of course,
the most critical issue is to cope with the continuous
changes in web presentation layers and in APIs, of-
fered by the OSNs. At last, we plan to build inno-
vative applications which could use the social data to
enforce the trust associated with web profiles.
This work has been partially supported by the
project “Secure Citizen Remote Identification (SE-
CRI)” (CUP J88C17000150006), funded by Regione
Calabria - POR Calabria FESR-FSE 2014-2020 -
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A Novel Query Language for Data Extraction from Social Networks