This work represents a first step in a wide project
which will conduct to the complete development of
a framework for data extraction from multiple social
networks. In fact, future works include the develop-
ment of the needed transformations that could auto-
matically translate the queries into executable code,
whose execution performs the needed operations on
the OSNs to obtain data. We plan to integrate different
existing techniques for the data extraction from web
sources (such as web scraping and APIs call) in order
to design an efficient and effective tool. Of course,
the most critical issue is to cope with the continuous
changes in web presentation layers and in APIs, of-
fered by the OSNs. At last, we plan to build inno-
vative applications which could use the social data to
enforce the trust associated with web profiles.
This work has been partially supported by the
project “Secure Citizen Remote Identification (SE-
CRI)” (CUP J88C17000150006), funded by Regione
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A Novel Query Language for Data Extraction from Social Networks