The Use of IMU-based Human Motion Capture to Assess Kinematic
Parameters of Specific Exercises Performed by 400 M Hurdlers
Janusz Iskra
, Michał Pietrzak
and Krzysztof Przednowek
Faculty of Physical Education and Physiotherapy, Opole University of Technology, Opole, Poland
Faculty of Physical Education, University of Physical Education in Katowice, Katowice, Poland
Faculty of Physical Education, University of Rzeszow, Rzeszow, Poland
Keywords: 400 M Hurdles, Hurdle Clearance, Kinematic Analysis, Technique Preparation.
Abstract: The 400 m hurdles is a difficult track and field event, in which the hurdle clearing technique is of crucial
importance. In this work, we analyse hurdle clearance while performing two specific exercises: marching and
running. We evaluated the kinematic parameters (bending angle and movement speed) of the knee joint and
movement trajectory (of the thigh and shank) when performing exercises with the left (“stronger”) and right
(“weaker”) lead leg. Two 400 m hurdlers of the Polish National Athletic Team participated in the analysis.
The exercises were performed on five 91 cm high hurdles; the third hurdle was filmed using a Motion Capture
(Perception Neuron) system with Axis Neuron Pro software consisting of 18 IMU sensors operating at a
frequency of 120 Hz. The analysis demonstrated significant difference in the angle parameters of the “stronger”
and “weaker” trail leg knee (1), no differences in the movement speed during exercises performed with
alternate legs (2) and individual characteristics of movement trajectory in both exercises (3). The results may
be used to optimise of the hurdle training process.
The hurdles (at sprinting distances – 100/110 m and
at a distance of 400 m) is a complex athletic event in
which technique and motor preparation are equally
important. (Boyd, 2000, McFarlane, 2000).
The technique used to clear hurdles is an
important element of preparation for athletes
competing in hurdle events (Iskra, 2012b). Research
on clearing obstacles concerns not only the typical
hurdle distances (100/110 and 400 m), but also the
steeplechase (Hunter et al., 2008), clearing high
obstacles by fitness enthusiasts (Mauroy et al., 2014)
and running through very low obstacles by general
population (Austin et al., 1999). The hurdles is a
difficult athletic event, in which the technique of
clearing standard obstacles at a height (depending on
the distance) of 0.84-1.067 m is essential. These
events mostly involve the movement of the lower
limbs, referred to in the literature as the “lead leg”
(the leg first approaching the hurdle) and “trail leg”
(the leg opposite the lead leg) – see the Appendix.
Thus, the movements of the lower limbs are a basic
subject for biomechanical analyses (kinematic and
dynamic) in hurdling, as evidenced by numerous
scientific publications (Salo, 2002, Coh et al., 2004,
Krzeszowski et al., 2015). The evaluation of hurdle
technique focuses mainly at the assessment of the
individual phases of hurdle clearing (Krzeszowski et
al., 2016). These phases constitute a complex form of
dynamic movement.
The 400 m hurdles kinematic is difficult to
analyse in terms of movement structure. Running the
straight parts and the turns, changing the lead leg and
unpredictable changes in the manner of hurdle
clearing resulting from increasing fatigue demand
certain indirect (non-competitive) means for
movement analysis.
Researchers have mostly focused on changes in
the centre of gravity during hurdles (Przednowek et
al., 2016). An important elements in understanding
the technique in 400 m hurdles are the specific
marching exercises (Iskra, 2008). Kinematic analyses
most often concern the competitive conditions and
less frequently the specific exercises carried out dur-
Iskra, J., Pietrzak, M. and Przednowek, K.
The Use of IMU-based Human Motion Capture to Assess Kinematic Parameters of Specific Exercises Performed by 400 M Hurdlers.
DOI: 10.5220/0008363602090216
In Proceedings of the 7th International Conference on Sport Sciences Research and Technology Support (icSPORTS 2019), pages 209-216
ISBN: 978-989-758-383-4
2019 by SCITEPRESS – Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
Figure 1: Analyzed moments of overcoming the hurdle in the march.
a) b) c)
Figure 2: Analyzed moments of overcoming the hurdle on the run.
ing the preparation period (Grimshaw, 1995, Iskra et
al., 2000, Przednowek et al., 2016).
The most prominent kinematic analyses concern
the running strategy, taking into account the “stride
pattern” and “split times” (Guex, 2012). In the current
literature on the subject, there are no works dealing
with the analysis of the movements performed by 400
m hurdlers during specific exercises taking kinematic
measurements into consideration.
The aim of this work is to evaluate the course of
movement and selected kinematic parameters, known
as the “hurdle step”, performed using the dominant
(stronger) and the opposite (weaker) lead leg by
highly skilled athletes.
The analysis involved two highly skilled 400 m
hurdlers who have competed in the World and
European Championships and the Olympic Games.
Both athletes indicated the left leg as their
“stronger” lead leg (the one they use more often
during a 400 m hurdle race). The basic characteristics
of the athletes are presented in Table 1. Written
informed consent was obtained from all athletes. The
research was conducted according to the guidelines
laid down in the Declaration of Helsinki.
icSPORTS 2019 - 7th International Conference on Sport Sciences Research and Technology Support
Table 1: Study subject characteristics.
Training experience
Personal best in 400
m hurdles [s]
Athlete 1 26 181 73 10 51.00 7/3 Left
Athlete 2 28 185 80 15 50.84 6/4 Left
* – in the course of a 400 m hurdle race the athlete cleared the hurdles 7 (6) times with the left (= “dominant”) lead leg and 3 (4) times with
the right (= “opposite”) lead leg.
The kinematic analysis included specific
exercises performed while marching and running.
These are basic exercises for hurdle training at any
distance, and are used throughout the annual training
cycle (Arnold, 1992, McFarlane, 2000, Husbands,
2006). Both athletes made two attempts to march over
the hurdles and two attempts to run over the hurdles.
Five hurdles were cleared in each of the marching and
running exercises, and their movement at the third
(middle) hurdle was analysed (filmed). In the
marching exercise, the distance between the hurdles
was 100 cm, while in the running exercise it was 8.50
m – a distance chosen for specific exercises
performed by 400 m hurdlers during technical
training by the best coaches (McFarlane, 2000, Iskra,
2012a). In both types of exercise, the first attempt of
hurdle clearing was performed with the “stronger”
lead leg and the second with the “weaker” one.
During the exercise, the competitors were able to
clear hurdles with a height of 91 cm (standard height
in this event). Both marching attempts were carried
out in such a way that the hurdle was cleared with
only the trail leg while the lead leg was placed beside
the hurdle (trail leg march). This is the most
frequently used exercise in hurdle technical training
(McFarlane, 2000).
Three essential time points were designated for
marching over the hurdle (Figure 1). The first point
was the take-off, which is the moment when the
athlete performs the take-off in order to clear the
hurdle. The second point was the moment when the
knee joint of the trail leg was located over the hurdle.
The third point was the landing, determined by the
moment when the player put the lead leg behind the
hurdle and the knee joint of the trail leg was drawn up
to the chest. This division of the movement phases in
hurdling is consistent with many previous
publications (Iskra and Przednowek, 2016,
Krzeszowski et al., 2016). Analogous points were
determined for the running exercises (Figure 2).
The analysis included the movement of the lower
limb, i.e. the thigh and shank, the speed of the point
determined by the location of the knee joint and the
angle of its bending. These parameters have been
particularly emphasized by many authors. The
analysis of changes regarding the angle of the knee
joint is justified by the frequent use of this parameter
in the kinematic structure of the hurdle clearing
movement and taking into account the relatively
small coefficient of multiple repetition variation over
time (Salo and Grimshaw, 1998).
The acquisition of the kinematic parameters was
carried out using the inertial Motion Capture system.
The Perception Neuron system with AxisNeurono
Pro software (Noitom Technology, 2017) was used in
the study. The system consisted of 18 IMU sensors
operating at 120 Hz. Each sensor included an
accelerometer, a gyroscope and a magnetometer.
According to the manufacturer, the accuracy of the
system is determined by the accuracy of the
individual sensors (Static accuracy: Roll:<1 deg,
Pitch:<1 deg, Yaw angle:<2 deg). The data were
captured wirelessly using a WiFi network. The device
was calibrated before each sequence. The analysis
was carried out using Matlab software and the BoB
Biomechanics package. The data generated by the
motion capture system (.calc file with global
coordinates xyz of segments) were processed. A
script was developed that transformed the data into
the common coordinate system and calculate the
resultant linear velocities. In addition to the parameter
values for individual points, the mean values (M),
standard deviation (sd) for the parameter during the
entire movement were taken into account in the
analysis. The statistical significance of differences
between mean values was determined using the U
Mann-Whitney test.
Analysis of the knee joint bending angle showed
significant differences between the “stronger” and
“weaker” leg only in the case of the trail leg (Table 2).
Angular values (in all phases of movement) were
for exercises performed with the “stronger”
and “weaker” lead leg. It should be pointed out that the
differences observed in the analysis were of an
individual character. During the running exercise, the
differences in both subjects (Athlete 1 and Athlete 2)
were significant (p<001). During the marching exerci-
The Use of IMU-based Human Motion Capture to Assess Kinematic Parameters of Specific Exercises Performed by 400 M Hurdlers
Table 2: The knee joint bending angle [
Athlete Athlete 1 Athlete 2
Trail Lead Trail Lead
Side L R L R L R L R
P1 59 65 139 137 64 75 151 133
P2 157 159 52 69 169 139 43 59
P3 166 152 65 59 172 133 82 70
M 139 144 104 113 146 138 105 104
29 27 46 35 28 19 40 33
D -5 -9 8 1
0.2699 0.6479 0.0001* 0.1402
P1 71 78 144 145 91 71 160 170
P2 144 157 51 104 152 120 41 83
P3 163 169 85 79 165 116 82 59
M 142 149 83 97 147 113 79 81
23 24 45 46 19 12 39 51
D -7 -14 34 -2
0.0021* 0.1049 0.0001* 0.6651
P1, P2, P3 – time points; M – mean value; sd – standard deviation; D – difference between left and right leg; p – probability of U Mann-
Whitney test; L – left leg; R – right leg.
Table 3: The knee joint speed [m/s].
Athlete Athlete 1 Athlete 2
Trail Lead Trail Lead
Side L R L R L R L R
P1 5.3 3.8 0.7 0.9 0.9 1.7 0.7 1.0
P2 0.9 0.3 4.4 5.7 1.1 1.4 4.1 3.9
P3 0.4 1.3 2.7 2.4 0.8 0.6 2.5 3.0
M 1.6 1.9 3.0 2.7 1.6 1.3 2.2 2.2
0.9 1.0 1.5 1.7 1.7 0.8 1.6 1.4
D -0.3 0.3 0.3 0.0
0.1192 0.2018 0.9663 0.3767
P1 5.8 7.5 2.3 1.8 5.0 5.1 1.3 1.7
P2 4.2 4.4 6.1 5.4 3.9 4.2 6.1 2.8
P3 4.8 3.8 5.5 8.2 1.8 3.9 6.2 4.2
M 4.8 4.5 5.7 6.0 3.7 3.8 4.8 4.6
1.5 1.0 2.4 2.5 1.7 0.9 1.3 2.5
D 0.3 -0.3 -0.1 0.2
0.5517 0.3686 0.1131 0.0915
P1, P2, P3 – time points; M – mean value; sd – standard deviation; D – difference between left and right leg; p – probability of U Mann-
Whitney test; L – left leg; R – right leg.
cise, the differences concerned only Athlete 1 (p<01).
The analysis did not reveal differences between
knee bending of the lead leg in the case of exercises
performed using the left and right leg (both while
marching and running). Further information on the
differences in hurdle clearing was provided by
movement trajectory analysis (Figure 3 and 4).
During specific exercises performed while
marching the “weaker” leg's thigh movement was
ahead of the same movement performed with the
“stronger” lead leg. The hurdle was cleared from a
farther distance and the movement ended closer to the
hurdle. This applied to both athletes.
The movement of the trail leg was more individual
– the above mentioned aspect applied only to Athlete
When marching over the hurdle, the shank of the
“stronger” leg made the movement more smoothly
(“round” on the chart); the movement of the “weaker”
limb was more ragged (“peak” on the chart). This
applied to both the lead leg and the trail leg.
icSPORTS 2019 - 7th International Conference on Sport Sciences Research and Technology Support
Athlete 1
Athlete 2
Figure 3: Trajectory of the march (UpLeg – Thigh, Leg – shank).
The Use of IMU-based Human Motion Capture to Assess Kinematic Parameters of Specific Exercises Performed by 400 M Hurdlers
Athlete 1
Athlete 2
Figure 4: Trajectory of the running (UpLeg – Thigh, Leg – shank).
During specific exercises performed while
running, the course of movement while clearing the
hurdle was very diverse and individual. In the case of
Athlete 1, the movement performed with the
“stronger” leg occurred earlier than with the “weaker
leg. In the case of Athlete 2, the situation was
reversed. The movement profiles for both athletes
were incomparable, which indicated the individual
nature of hurdle clearing techniques by the best
athletes. The analysis of knee joint speed (resultant)
did not show any significant differences between
exercises performed with the “stronger” and
“weaker” leg (Table 3).
icSPORTS 2019 - 7th International Conference on Sport Sciences Research and Technology Support
The analysis of hurdle clearing in the course of a 400
m hurdle race requires the consideration of multiple
methodological issues (research needs) and aspects
strictly related to the competition rules (Iskra and Coh
2011). The primary issue is being able to organize the
research work in a way that allows the evaluation of
the running technique with respect to both legs (as
lead legs), “stronger” and “weaker”. To reconcile
both positions (scientific and training), certain basic
specific exercises were selected for the analysis. The
analysis allowed the following conclusions to be
drawn from the analysis:
1. During a hurdle race, the knee joint bending angle
was significant in differentiating between the
technique of hurdle clearing using the “stronger”
and “weaker” trail leg. Such differences were not
observed in the case of the lead leg.
2. The resultant knee joint speeds cannot be
differentiated between exercises (marching and
running) performed with either leg.
3. In the case of 400 m hurdlers, the assessment of
the technique of performing specific exercises
refers to spatial (knee joint bending angle) and not
temporal (in this case knee speed) parameters.
4. The leg movement trajectory for marching and
running was completely different. In view of the
above, the use of both forms of technical training
for hurdling are of different significance in the
organization of the training.
The presented paper has potential limitations. Study
limitations are related to the number of athletes. The
conclusions being drawn may be potentially not
precise. Other limitations are related to the IMU
mocap suits. Sensors placed on the athlete's body can
move gently, which affects the accuracy of the
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Lead Leg – the leg that approaches the hurdle first.
Trail Leg – the leg that is bent at the knee joint and
positioned sideways behind the lead leg
Dominant Leg – the preferred (most frequently used)
lead leg during a 400 m hurdle race
Opposite Leg – the leg that is used as lead leg in 400
m hurdle race only in the case of a change in the
“stride pattern”.
icSPORTS 2019 - 7th International Conference on Sport Sciences Research and Technology Support