Comparison of Machine Learning Algorithms for Somatotype
Darko Katović
and Miljenko Cvjetko
Faculty of Kinesiology, University of Zagreb, Croatia
Microsoft (Xamarin Inc.), Software Engineer, Zagreb, Croatia
Keywords: Machine Learning, Multiclass Classifiers, Supervised Classification, Somatotype.
Abstract: System modeling (identification) in complex systems like kinesiological and biological in general is
extremely difficult due to the high dimensions of parameters and usually non-linear functional dependencies.
Data Science and especially Machine Learning (Deep Learning) algorithms seem to be quite a good tool for
analysis and problem-solving in sports today. Data Science (Machine or Deep Learning) algorithms rely on
basic use of statistical algorithms, but extend those with models such as Decision tree, K-means clustering,
Neural networks, and Reinforcement learning, creating new algorithms that handle input data by predicting
outputs that describe correlation relations or predict future states at time points (regression). This study is an
attempt to analyze and research applications of machine learning in Sport science - Kinanthropometry related
problem of determining somatotype by using the Microsoft Azure Machine Learning platform and comparing
several supervised classifier algorithms (Multiclass Neural Network, Multiclass Decision Forest, Multiclass
Decision Jungle and Multiclass Logistic Regression) which were compared versus classical somatotype
categorization algorithms with dataset based on the Heath-Carter method Somatotype determination to gain
experience and expertise.
Some 30-40 years ago, mathematicians and computer
scientists formalized some methods that try to model
principles of human thinking - brain. This area is
called Artificial Intelligence AI which includes
logical systems like Expert (Knowledge Based)
Systems and Fuzzy Logic, then Genetic Algorithms,
Machine Learning (with Deep Learning), Vision with
Pattern Recognition and Language Processing
(written and native) and much more. The fundament
for Neural Networks and parts of data science called
Machine Learning, which involves Deep Learning
(supervised and unsupervised) is brain’s physical
structure. Logical systems that model human thinking
are described through Expert Systems and Fuzzy
Logic, while some other biological behaviors can be
represented and modelled through Genetic
Algorithms. Though theory and math behind this field
is far from trivial and this area is not new for
mathematician, data or computer scientist, for
average user AI might look very complex, scary and
repellent. One of the reasons is nomenclature which
might be confusing. For example, 20 years ago, this
area was called soft computing and today hype
buzzwords like data science, machine learning is used
interchangeable causing confusion for end users and
The advancement of the software industry has
made it possible to use (Neural Networks, Machine
Learning, Deep Learning, etc.) software tools that
implement complex mathematical algorithms using
easily accessible platformers and software (free,
commercial), leaving users alone with tools in
complex scientific fields. On the other hand,
hardware has evolved to the point that complex
computing is possible, even on PCs and some
Today data acquisition can be done with almost
every object (device) that is in some form of
interaction with an athlete (or team), passively
following its movement, transmits information on the
subject's state, position, change in speed in time, the
force it transmits (on the background, to another
object, or even another participant in interaction ...
A large number of sensors, so called "edge
devices" are appropriately integrated into the
subject's clothing, foot-wear, or it is in contact with
subject's skin and communicate with surrounding
c, D. and Cvjetko, M.
Comparison of Machine Learning Algorithms for Somatotype Classification.
DOI: 10.5220/0008368002170223
In Proceedings of the 7th International Conference on Sport Sciences Research and Technology Support (icSPORTS 2019), pages 217-223
ISBN: 978-989-758-383-4
2019 by SCITEPRESS – Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
systems which additionally collect physiological and
biomechanical data. IT protocols in real time transmit
information (data) from IoT (edge) devices to cloud
and they are in general, rarely used.
System modeling (identification) in complex
systems like kinesiological and biological in general
is extremely difficult due to the high dimensions of
parameters and usually non-linear functional
dependencies. Data Science and especially Machine
Learning (Deep Learning) algorithms seem to be
quite good tool for analysis and problem solving in
sports today. In order to increase accuracy of
conclusions possible by application of data science
and machine learning - large amounts of data are
needed which must be integrated with complex
algorithms and processing.
Today there is a global race in implementation of
categories of algorithms known as Machine Learning
(ML) and Deep Learning (DL) allow specialized
applications to reach greater accuracy in
classification, regression or prediction (target event
forecast) and those tools are becoming available to
every user.
Data Science (Machine or Deep Learning)
algorithms rely on basic use of statistical algorithms,
but extend those with models such as Decision tree,
K-means clustering, Neural networks, and
Reinforcement learning, creating new algorithms that
handle input data by predicting outputs that describe
correlation relations or predict future states at time
points (regression).
This work - as witnesses time of data hype, big data
and data science are not only buzzwords, but reality
is to experiment with AI algorithms, compare certain
AI algorithms with other AI approaches, as well as
known deterministic (exact) algorithms and prepare
methodology to explain them to end users in social
science like kinesiology and practitioners like
medical personnel in health and coaches and trainers
in sports and fitness.
Initial work with existing software implementation
showed some implementation flaws in various
software systems. Results led to the decision to
implement several versions of Somatotype
classification algorithms Heath Carter and machine
learning algorithms. Machine learning algorithms
started as parallel investigation during
implementation of Heath Carter algorithm with data
available, but it was insufficient, so data acquisition
continued in spring of 2019.
Based on the data available the first step was
investigation of classification algorithms for
somatotype classification. Somatotype classification
belongs to a group of multi-class classification, so
simple comparison of multi-class machine learning
algorithms comparison is given in this article without
deeper analysis of data for training and validation.
Investigation of other AI algorithms for
mathematical system modelling or prediction and
planning, such as regression is left as a goal for the
1.1 System Theory
One of the main goals in sports, fitness and health is
to bring certain human being (athlete, patient) from
one state called initial state into the other state called
final state. The principle is the same even if final state
is the same as the initial state, in this case one could
talk about maintaining fitness state or health state.
This can be done with supervision of coach, trainer,
instructor, therapist, doctor or team of persons.
If one would make abstraction and think of athlete
or patient as a system, it would become obvious that
those concepts are fundamentals of control theory and
control theory is based on systems theory, which is
based on mathematical (formal) modelling.
System being brought from one state into another
is called controlled system and it represents or
model’s athlete or patient, while coach or doctor
represent or model controlling system. From
terminology it is obvious that for scientific (formal)
approach mathematical model of both controlled and
controlling system is required. And this is where
historical development had huge obstacles, because
humans as biological systems have highly complex,
often non-linear, transient mathematical models,
which exhibit characteristics of several if not all
system model types such as continuous, time discrete
and even discrete event models.
Transforming system's state can be performed
through feed-forward control or feedback control. In
feed-forward control input signal is applied to
controlled system and output is function of
mathematical model of the system applied on the
input signal (see Fig. 1).
Figure 1: Feed forward control.
In feedback system there is "interaction" of
controlled and controlling system. Output of the
mathematical model function of the controlled system
applied on the output is observed/measured by
controlling system as a its input signal and applies its
function on its input signal which is actually outputs
icSPORTS 2019 - 7th International Conference on Sport Sciences Research and Technology Support
signal of the controlled system. Resulting output
signal of the controlling system is mixed or directly
fed on the input of the controlled system (see Fig. 2).
Figure 2: Feedback control.
In both cases mathematical function or model of
the controlled system (f) is required for various
reasons - accuracy, precision, stability proofing etc.
This is a responsibility of system identification, part
of system theory in general.
This work is an attempt to compare system models
based on deterministic and well-known Heat-Carter
Anthropometric Somatotype formula and models
based on machine learning algorithms.
1.2 Literature Review
Machine learning topics, in sport studies, can be
summarized inside few categories: prediction of a
game outcome (Bunker and Thabtah, 2019), (Panjan,
Sarabon and Filipcic, 2010), (Sipko, 2015), (Torres
and Hu, 2013), prediction, developing and improving
of teams or individual players performances
(Gombolay, Jensen and Son, 2017), (Keim et al.,
2017), classification, modeling, planning and
selection of competitive strategies (Meżyk and
Unold, 2011), (Miller, 2016).
Kinanthroplogical studies are not an exception in
today usage of machine learning. Common steps for
determination of the body morphology and
composition, in these days, are connected with
mathematical formulas based on the Heath and Carter
methodology as described by Carter (Carter and
Heath, 2002). Mentioned technique also allows
determination of the body morphology and
composition associated with specific health issues or
sports activity.
Despite a limited number of applications,
different types of approaches explain importance of
body structure determination dependency with some
aspects of sport result success (Houcine, Ahmed and
Saddek, 2014), (Ramos-Jiménez et al., 2016), (Tóth
et al., 2014), abilities to perform physical activity
(Ryan-Stewart, Faulkner and Jobson, 2018),
(Willgoose and Rogers, 1949) or health issues
(Koleva, Nacheva and Boev, 2000), (Koleva,
Nacheva and Boev, 2002), (Malina et al., 1997).
Comparison of algorithms in this study was done
using Microsoft Azure Machine Learning Studio
The research covered following algorithms which
are part of Microsoft Azure Machine learning Studio
(Barnes, 2015): Multiclass Neural Network,
Multiclass Decision Forest, Multiclass Decision
Jungle and Multiclass Logistic Regression (Barnes,
2015). These machine learning comparison
algorithms were compared versus simplified classical
somatotype categorization (central, endomorph, ecto-
endomorphic, mesomorphic, meso-ectomorph, endo-
mesomorphic, and ectomorphic) algorithms based on
the Heath-Carter method of Somatotype
determination (Carter and Heath, 2002).
2.1 Data
Due to the lack of required amount of data needed to
test the model ratings, used somatotype
categorization were generated based on the
parameters (Table 1) from a somatotyping study on
adolescents (Subramanian et al., 2016).
Table 1: Random generated sample.
Max. scale value
The size of such a random generated, normal
distributed sample n=1000 (round=0.5).
Due to a later evaluation of the model a given
dataset was split for analysis into a training (75%) and
testing (25%) subsets of data (Microsoft Azure
Machine Learning Studio (MAMLS) parameters:
Splitting mode = Split Rows, Fraction of rows in the
first output dataset = 0.75, Randomized split).
2.2 Algorithms
Classification in Machine Learning, in general, is a
technique of learning, where an instance is mapped to
one of many labels. In multiclass classification, the
goal is to archive classification in more than two
classes. By using selected classification algorithms,
the machine learns patterns from data in such a way
Comparison of Machine Learning Algorithms for Somatotype Classification
that the learned representation successfully maps the
original dimension to the suggested class without any
intervention from a human expert.
Multiclass Neural Network (Multiclass Neural
Network - Azure Machine Learning Studio | Microsoft
Docs, no date) node is used to build a multiclass
model based on a feedforward artificial neural
network. The feedforward artificial neural network
adopts a unidirectional multi-layer structure. Each
layer contains several neurons, and the neurons of the
same layer are not interconnected. Inter-layer
information transmission is unidirectional.
Multiclass Decision Forest (Multiclass Decision
Forest - Azure Machine Learning Studio | Microsoft
Docs, no date) works by building multiple decision
trees and then voting on the most popular output
class. Voting is a form of aggregation, in which each
tree in a classification decision forest outputs a non-
normalized frequency histogram of labels. The
aggregation process sums these histograms and
normalizes the result to get the probabilities” for
each label. The trees that have high prediction
confidence have a greater weight in the final decision
of the ensemble.
Multiclass Decision Jungles, (Multiclass Decision
Jungle - Azure Machine Learning Studio | Microsoft
Docs, no date) (Shotton et al., 2013) are a recent
extension to decision forests. Their advantages are
lower memory footprint and better generalization
performance than with a decision tree (which result
of a somewhat higher training time). It should also be
mentioned that Decision Jungles are non-parametric
models, which can represent non-linear decision
boundaries, they perform integrated feature selection
and classification and are resilient in the presence of
noisy features.
Multiclass Logistic Regression (Multiclass
Logistic Regression - Azure Machine Learning Studio
| Microsoft Docs, no date) use classifier that can be
used to predict multiple outcomes. The multiclass
classification problem can be solved by naturally
extending the binary classification technique for
some algorithms. These include neural networks,
decision trees, k-Nearest Neighbor, Naive Bayes, and
Support Vector Machines (Aly, 2005). While some
classification algorithms naturally permit the use of
more than two classes, others are by nature binary
algorithms; these can, however, be turned into
multinomial classifiers by a variety of strategies.
Due to a better understanding of the results
obtained, it is necessary to explain the terms in which
they are expressed: precision, recall and accuracy. All
three are metric for evaluating classification models.
It is commonly thought how precision and recall,
both, indicate accuracy of the model. Because of a
clearer interpretation, it should be emphasized that
precision (1) expresses the proportion of the data
points for given model and their actual relevance and
recall (2) expresses the ability to find all relevant
instances in a dataset. Accuracy (3), of course,
explains correctness of classification model
(Precision vs Recall - Towards Data Science, no
Precision =
True Positive
Actual Results
Recall =
True Positive
Accuracy =
True Positive + True Negative
Several supervised classifier algorithms were
compared to gain experience and expertise using the
Microsoft Azure Machine Learning platform.
Machine Learning Algorithms combined with
modern tools that implement them offer quite a
simplistic problem-solving framework, but without
deeper understanding and inadequate datasets can
lead to wrong conclusions.
For better understanding let’s recall what was the
goal: Classification of seven somatotypes (simplified
classification) based on sampled data (sampled data
size n=1000). Evaluation of multiclass classifiers was
made using precision, recall and accuracy metrics.
Additional understanding of data requires further
analysis of micro precision, micro recall, etc.
Table 2: Classification algorithm comparisons.
Multiclass Neural
Decision Jungle
Decision Forest
icSPORTS 2019 - 7th International Conference on Sport Sciences Research and Technology Support
The results in Table 2. and their parallel
comparisons indicate that Multiclass Decision Jungle
algorithm has the highest accuracy of all algorithms
(for this type of data).
Another thing we can see that the model created
by using Multiclass Neural Network has the best
(macro) precision, while the same model accuracy is
marginally lower than the Multiclass Decision Jungle
Additional technique for summarizing the
performance of a classification algorithm includes
analysis of Confusion matrix (error matrix) gave us a
better understanding of what types of errors (Type I
or Type II) algorithm is making and it can be used to
describe the performance of a classification model on
a set of test data for which the true values are known.
Figure 3: Multiclass Neural Network Confusion Matrix.
Figure 4: Multiclass Decision Jungle Confusion Matrix.
The main diagonal of Multiclass Neural Network
Confusion Matrix and Multiclass Decision Jungle
Confusion Matrix (Figure 3 and Figure 4) follow the
conclusions (about the model choice) given earlier
and additionally assist in selecting a model.
Figure 5: Multiclass Logistic Regression Conf. Matrix.
Figure 6: Multiclass Decision Forest Confusion Matrix.
Multiclass Decision Forest Confusion Matrix
(Figure 6), points to a somewhat weaker model
precision, while the Multiclass Decision Forest
Confusion Matrix (Figure 5) additionally confirms
unacceptable deviations in the classification.
The research did not go further into optimizing and
tweaking machine learning algorithms in order to
achieve better performance (precision and speed),
which is a partially limiting factor of this study and
will be overcome in the future.
Machine and Deep Learning are quite new and
complex fields in science and technology, so
Comparison of Machine Learning Algorithms for Somatotype Classification
intention in the paper was to start small, with
available data and compare four models of
classification of somatotype data.
The data for models that were obtained by machine
learning was compared with software implementation
of deterministic Heath-Carter formula for
anthropometric somatotype.
Study results show that some of the classification
models used, even with their default settings are
already close to the desired accuracy.
Optimizations and comparison with deterministic
somatotype classification algorithm like Heath-
Carter, will be a topic of further research together
with new applications like prediction, regression, etc.
It may be concluded that machine learning
algorithms and other algorithms used in data science
could help easier modeling of complex biological
systems, like humans in sports and fitness, but experts
performing modeling should be aware of the fact that
machine learning algorithms depend on input data
and in numerous cases "garbage in" will lead to
"garbage out" which in sports might mean that
improper input (training stimuli) in cases of incorrect
model can lead to wrong conclusions.
The implementation of the Heath Carter algorithm
with its non-linear functional dependencies proved
that machine learning could provide more insights in
Heath Carter algorithm itself.
Morphologic somatotype classification module
currently has two implementations exact Heath
Carter implementation (three algorithms) and ML
implementation. Both variations in the first step map
have ten anthropometric variables mapped into 3-
dimensional numeric representation and in
subsequent step 3-dimensional vector is mapped into
somatotype class. The second step is similar to
HelloWorld sample of machine learning Iris
The step of mapping anthropometric data to
numeric vector revealed issues with some of current
The morphological somatotype classification
software module is just a one of the modules of larger
software system implementing other larger areas of
kinesiology and sports theory, such as data
acquisition, modelling, analysis, as well as planning
and programming. Current efforts are focused to add
components for data acquisition, so more tests and
research could be done.
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Comparison of Machine Learning Algorithms for Somatotype Classification