intention in the paper was to start small, with
available data and compare four models of
classification of somatotype data.
The data for models that were obtained by machine
learning was compared with software implementation
of deterministic Heath-Carter formula for
anthropometric somatotype.
Study results show that some of the classification
models used, even with their default settings are
already close to the desired accuracy.
Optimizations and comparison with deterministic
somatotype classification algorithm like Heath-
Carter, will be a topic of further research together
with new applications like prediction, regression, etc.
It may be concluded that machine learning
algorithms and other algorithms used in data science
could help easier modeling of complex biological
systems, like humans in sports and fitness, but experts
performing modeling should be aware of the fact that
machine learning algorithms depend on input data
and in numerous cases "garbage in" will lead to
"garbage out" which in sports might mean that
improper input (training stimuli) in cases of incorrect
model can lead to wrong conclusions.
The implementation of the Heath Carter algorithm
with its non-linear functional dependencies proved
that machine learning could provide more insights in
Heath Carter algorithm itself.
Morphologic somatotype classification module
currently has two implementations – exact Heath
Carter implementation (three algorithms) and ML
implementation. Both variations in the first step map
have ten anthropometric variables mapped into 3-
dimensional numeric representation and in
subsequent step 3-dimensional vector is mapped into
somatotype class. The second step is similar to
HelloWorld sample of machine learning – Iris
The step of mapping anthropometric data to
numeric vector revealed issues with some of current
The morphological somatotype classification
software module is just a one of the modules of larger
software system implementing other larger areas of
kinesiology and sports theory, such as data
acquisition, modelling, analysis, as well as planning
and programming. Current efforts are focused to add
components for data acquisition, so more tests and
research could be done.
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icSPORTS 2019 - 7th International Conference on Sport Sciences Research and Technology Support