Integral Paraphrase of Physical Parameters of Non-uniformly
Induced Medium in Optical Current Transformer
Dong Yin
1, a
, Zhizhong Guo
1, b
, Guoqing Zhang
1, c
, Wenbin Yu
1, d
, Guizhong Wang
2, e
, Caiyun Mo
1, f
School of Electrical Engineering and Automation Harbin Institute of Technology Harbin, China
Research Institute of Industrial Technology Harbin Institute of Technology Zhangjiakou, China
Keywords: Optical effect, non-uniformly induced medium, Jones Matrix, average uneven angle, average induction
angle, global phase shift difference.
Abstract: The three global physical quantities is presented to reveal optical sensing properties of a non-uniformly
induced medium. The study found that, the sine function of average induction angle is the weighted integral
of sine function of induction angle of optical path; the exponential function of average uneven angle is the
weighted integral of exponential function of uneven angle of optical path; the global phase shift difference
is the weighted integral of induced birefringence of optical path. The values verify that physical quantities
have a specific but non-approximate integral relation with the corresponding physical quantity of optical
The optical medium generates the optical effect
under the action of the physical field. The physical
field distributed along the optical path is sometimes
uniform, but sometimes not. Uniform case is an
exception of uneven cases, and the non-uniform
physical field is more universal. The uneven
physical field results in that the eigen coordinate
system of optical medium changes along the optical
path, unless the induction angle is constant. This
optical medium is a non-uniformly induced medium
(Xiao Zhihong, et al, 2017), and its Jones Matrix is
obviously different from that of the uniform medium.
Jones Matrix describes the input and output
relations of optical medium on the whole and its
basic physical parameters belong to the whole
medium (S.–Y.Lu and R. A. Chipman, 1994; Kyung
S. Lee, 1999; S.–Y.Lu and R. A. Chipman, 1994;
Sergey N. Savenkov et al, 2007; No´e Ortega-
Quijano et al, 2015; Alessandra Orlandini et al, 2001;
H. Kogelnik, L. E. Nelson, J. P. Gordon, and R. M.
Jopson, 2000). As for the non-uniformly induced
medium, the induction angle, uneven angle and
induced birefringence of the optical path cross
section are distributed unevenly. Intrinsically, the
global physical quantity depends on the physical
quantity of optical path. The relations between
average induction angle and induction angle of
optical path, between average uneven angle and
uneven angle of optical path and between global
phase shift difference and induced birefringence of
optical path are in close contact with each other.
Reference (Xiao Zhihong, et al, 2017)
established the three-part analytical expression with
the property of determinant of unitary matrix, laying
a model basis for analyzing the optical effect of
uneven physical field. In this paper, based on the
research of reference (Xiao Zhihong, et al, 2017),
the relational expression between global physical
quantity and physical quantity of optical path is
deduced with the Jones Matrix recurrence formula.
The result indicates that the global physical quantity
is the weighted integral of the corresponding
physical quantity of optical path.
A. The first recurrence relation of Jones Matrix
The non-uniformly induced medium is equally
divided into n+1 infinitesimal element. The
infinitesimal element Jones Matrix is
Yin, D., Guo, Z., Zhang, G., Yu, W., Wang, G. and Mo, C.
Integral Paraphrase of Physical Parameters of Non-uniformly Induced Medium in Optical Current Transformer.
DOI: 10.5220/0008384102800287
In Proceedings of 5th International Conference on Vehicle, Mechanical and Electrical Engineering (ICVMEE 2019), pages 280-287
ISBN: 978-989-758-412-1
2020 by SCITEPRESS – Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved