Literature (Song, Y. J., Zhou, Z. Y., Zhang, Z. S.,
Yao, F., & Chen, Y. W, 2019) considers several
problems in satellite mission planning and proposes
a generalized solution framework including mobile
edge computation. Literature (Zheng, Z., Jian, G., &
Gill, E, 2018) studied the multi-star system and
designed a multi-star synergy. Literature (Song, Y. J.,
Zhang, Z. S., Sun, K., Yao, F., Chen, Y. W, 2019)
solved the problem of satellite data downlink
mission planning by using genetic algorithm. This
paper will consider both satellite fault detection and
satellite mission planning, and design an efficient
and versatile autonomous operation framework.
The structure of this paper is as follows. In the
second part, the satellite autonomous fault detection
and recovery framework proposed in this paper will
be introduced. The third part will adopt the effect of
an application scenario verification framework.
Finally, the conclusions and prospects of this paper
will be given.
Using satellite autonomous fault detection and
recovery technology can quickly diagnose faults,
allowing satellites to return to normal operating
conditions and perform new tasks in a short period
of time. The autonomous fault detection and
recovery framework provides a solution for the
satellite to quickly detect and diagnose faults and
transition from an abnormal state to a normal
working state. First, we will analyze the functional
requirements of the autonomous fault detection and
recovery framework for satellites to meet
autonomous operation and fault recovery. After that,
we will give the overall structure of AFRF and give
the specific content of each module.
2.1 Functional Requirements
Combined with the characteristics of satellite
autonomous operation and execution tasks,
according to the high reliability and high stability
operation requirements of satellites, the functional
requirements for rapid fault detection, autonomous
fault recovery and on-board mission re-planning are
proposed for satellite autonomous fault detection
and recovery.
Fast fault detection the occurrence of the fault is
serious for the satellite, which will result in the
satellite not functioning properly or even the satellite
being scrapped. The satellite needs to establish a
complete fault detection mechanism, monitor the
satellite health status according to the data of each
sub-system on the star, and adjust the abnormal sub-
system to a normal level. When a fault occurs,
quickly locate the sub-system in which the fault
occurred based on the satellite's existing fault
template library and determine the specific fault
Autonomous fault recovery Satellites will not
function properly after a satellite failure, which
requires a quick return of the satellite to its normal
state. The traditional way of using ground
commands for satellite fault repair has strict
requirements on satellite position, and the timeliness
of repair is not high. Autonomous fault repair allows
the satellite to initiate the fault repair process at the
same time as the fault occurs, and the satellite can be
quickly restored to normal operation in a short
period of time, and the task can be continued.
On-board task re-planning after the satellite
failure occurs, the original task will be aborted until
the fault is repaired. At this time, since the satellite
position is different from the position before the
fault, many tasks will not be executed. The satellite
should regenerate a new mission execution plan after
the fault is fixed and complete the subsequent tasks
according to the new scheme.
2.2 Overall Design
Throughout the framework, the main functions
completed are training and improvement of fault
detection models, fault detection and re-planning,
and fault repair. Among them, the training and
improvement of the fault detection model is carried
out on the ground, because the ground has more
sufficient computing resources than the satellite,
which can better support the training and
improvement process of the artificial intelligence
model. Fault detection and re-planning, fault repair
is performed on the satellite. Satellite self-execution
fault diagnosis and repair has the ability to quickly
detect faults, quickly diagnose faults and repair, and
ensure that the satellites return to normal operation
in a short time.
ICVMEE 2019 - 5th International Conference on Vehicle, Mechanical and Electrical Engineering