Our research point out that, increasing the intensity of
irradiation reducing the germination time from 197
days (without treatment) become 61 days (dose 40
Gy). Increasing irradiation intensity also decreasing
the sprouting ability from 83.8% (without treatment)
to 75.0% and 57.5% (dose 10 and 20 Gy). The
irradiation also affects the number of leaves. The
number of leaves was 10 sheets (without treatment)
but decreases after irradiated at an intensity of 10 Gy
to 8 sheets. The irradiation treatment also affects plant
height. But statistically the response of the two
treatments is the same. Conversely, irradiation
treatment does not affect stem diameter and number
of branches.
I would like to extend thanks to Wijaya Murti
Indriatama, Agriculture researcher on National
Atomic Energy Agency (PAIR BATAN).
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