distributed in 16 out of 29 NBA teams and several
teams implemented the application very quickly in
game analysis and game preparation. Bob Salmi,
former NY Knicks head coach, even stated that he
had received an additional coach in the team. Input
data in the application were unstructured and it was
necessary to clean and transform data into suitable
form. The most known and most used information
system in Europe is FIBA Livestats freeware program
(FIBA Organizer, 2019). The main task of the FIBA
Livestats is to record basketball game statistics and
webcast games in real time. FIBA Livestats
application was developed off the back of extensive
research about how fans, clubs and other media
channels consume basketball statistics. By using
FIBA Livestats application overall experience for
statisticians was drastically improved.
Another software, more appropriate for the
analysis of the basketball players and teams is
Krossover (Krossover, 2019). A very comprehensive
approach offers the basketball coaches to get the
advanced statistics from the game video. The video
material is divided into tagged and searchable clips,
from which the shot charts are drawn and the game
statistics is extracted. Its main strength is the video
support, which enables the coaches to connect the
game’s and players’ statistics with the concrete plays
made on the field. Still, it’s main aim is to provide a
material to investigate and practice some concrete
tactics and technics of the game, and not to aggregate
comprehensive players / team statistics.
In addition to the information systems design, a very
popular area of interest is the outcome prediction.
Outcome prediction is popular in almost all sports,
especially in the most popular sports such as
basketball (Horvat et al., 2018; Lam, 2018; Ping-Feng
et al., 2017; Cheng et al., 2016), soccer (Prasetio and
Harlili, 2016; Igiri and Nwachukwu, 2014; Tax and
Joustra, 2015; Zaveri et al., 2018), baseball (Soto
Valero, 2016; Elfrink, 2018), football (Delen et al.,
2012; Blaikie et al., 2011; McCabe and Travathan,
2008) etc.
In addition to the above-mentioned software tools,
the web application specifically used in professional
basketball is Synergy. Synergy is on-demand video
supported basketball analytics for the purposes of
scouting, development and entertaining (Synergy,
2019). Synergy analysts use a proprietary logging
system to tag and catalogue every action of every
basketball game from NBA, WNBA, NCAA Division
I, FIBA and international professional basketball
leagues. Collected information are synthesized and
classified according to an extensive range of
indicators. Synergy users can access, disaggregate
and cross-reference this information through reports,
custom query tools, charts and graphs with data points
linked to the full archived series of corresponding
video clips. Game videos are available within 12-24
hours after games are played.
In addition to the above-mentioned software
solutions, the popularity of sports statistics and
decision-making in sports was presented by real life
baseball movie from 2011 called “Moneyball”.
Author proposed a model of discovering undervalued
talent by taking a sophisticated sabermetric approach
for scouting and analysing players. The player
selection method proved to be more effective than
approach based on coach and scout experience and
made sabermetrics very important when selecting
players. Sabermetrics is the empirical analysis that
measures in-game player or team activity
The aforementioned software tools primarily refer
to specific statistical data obtained during the played
match. The main goal of this paper is to show a
software tool (in this case data-driven, Web based
information system) that besides the statistics
obtained after the game, further analyses the team's
performance, training, player behaviour before or
after the game, and allows the coach to define the
input data unrelated to the played games.
The plan of the paper is as follows. Chapter 2
gives a short description of the present state of
information system and the method of Web scraping
by which data is collected. Chapter 3 presents the
statistical possibilities and making decision methods
of the BCA information system. Finally, chapter 4
concludes the paper, while chapter 5 provides a
discussion and future research directions.
Information System Basketball Coach Assistant (later
BCA) is a data-driven Web application built by
today’s open source Web standard (PHP + MySQL),
supported on client side with JavaScript and jQuery.
Database has been designed and implemented in
MySQL relation database, while the programming is
performed in script programming language PHP.
Access to the information system can only be via a
dedicated website. Because of its responsive design,
the information system can be used on a variety of
devices, screen sizes and different types of devices
that have a connection to the Internet. The capabilities