upkeep of buildings and electrical components of the
University of Indonesia region which causes
kerugaian material up to 40 billion rupiah.
Besides avoiding damage incidents that may
occur, maintenance and treatment work of electrical
component can also increase the level of satisfaction
of building occupants (Au-Yong, 2014), Research
This will produce guidelines for the implementation
of maintenance and treatment of electrical work in
the building at the University of Indonesia based
Work Breakdown Structure (WBS) to be structured,
managed, measured, and scheduled.
The novelty of this research is the
implementation guidelines are made based on Work
Breakdown Structure and the addition of the
University of Indonesia area components to
electrical maintenance and treatment work package
such as power house, telephone, and backup power
generators. This research will contribute to the
University of Indonesia in the hope that it will
impact the implementation guidelines so the
guidelines become structured, complete, and avoid
all components mistakes of maintenance and
treatment electrical work, where electrical work is
very important because of all building facilities
supported by electrical components. Also become a
reference in making guidelines for maintenance and
treatment work of buildings, especially for electrical
components for other institution. For academic
purpose, this provides knowledge about the process
of making WBS-based implementation standards.
The objectives of this research are:
To identify the work section, work type, and
work package of WBS for maintenance and
treatment work of electrical components in
buildings and areas at Univesitas Indonesia.
To identify alternative design/method and
activity in each package of maintenance and
treatment work of electrical components in
buildings and areas at Univesitas Indonesia.
To identify resources for each activity in the
maintenance and treatment work of electrical
components in buildings and areas at the
University of Indonesia.
To identify technical specifications used in each
activity of maintenance and treatment work of
electrical components in buildings and areas at
the University of Indonesia.
To identify ways to develop guidelines based on
the WBS (Work Breakdown Structure) for the
maintenance and treatment work of electrical
components in buildings and areas at the
University of Indonesia
3.1 University of Indonesia Buildings
and Area
The University of Indonesia certainly has sufficient
and reliable sources of funds and resources for
research and community service activities so that
research and community service activities can
produce new findings that are beneficial to humanity
and contribute to the accumulation of knowledge
(BPMA, 2007). The building is used to support the
achievement of the main goals and functions of a
user organization optimally, and is expected to be
able to follow changes that can occur in the user
organization (Achmada, 2013). The University of
Indonesia consists of 85 buildings located in an area
of 320 hectares (Prayitno, 2018). To support this,
good maintenance and treatment need to be done,
one of which is in the electrical components of the
3.2 Maintenance and Treatment Work
There are four aspects that need to be considered and
become the requirements for the success of
maintenance and treatment of building buildings,
namely the safety of buildings, the health of
buildings, the comfort of buildings, ease of building
(Direktorat Jenderal Cipta Karya, 2008).
3.2.1 Maintenance Work
Maintenance of building is an activity to maintain
the reliability of buildings and infrastructure and
facilities so that buildings are always functional.
Maintenance work includes several activities such as
cleaning, tidying, inspecting, testing, repairing, and
replacing building materials or equipment
(Direktorat Jenderal Cipta Karya, 2008).
3.2.2 Treatment Work
Treatment of building is an activity to repair and / or
replace parts of a building, components, building
materials, and / or infrastructure and facilities so that
the building remains functionally feasible.
Treatment work includes repairing and / or replacing
building materials, components, building materials,