Explanation of the equation is:
- The value of 0.230 X1 is the variable regression
coefficient of Advertising variable, which means
that every addition of 1 value or number for
Advertising it will increase Brand Equity by
- The value of 0.286 X2 is the regression coefficient
value of Direct Marketing variable, which means
that every addition of 1 value or number for Direct
Marketing, it will increase the Brand Equity by
- The value of 0.087 X3 is the regression coefficient
value of Interactive/ Internet Marketing variable,
which means that every addition of 1 value or
number for Interactive Marketing will increase the
Brand Equity by 0.087.
- The value of 0.050 X4 is the regression coefficient
value of Sales Promotion variable, which means
that every addition of 1 value or number for Sales
Promotion will increase Brand Equity by 0.050.
- Value of 0.148 X5 is the regression coefficient
value of Publicity/ Public Relations variable,
which means that every time there is an addition
of 1 value or number for Publicity/ Public
Relations, it will increase Brand Equity by 0.148.
- The value of 0.182 X6 is the regression coefficient
value of Personal Selling variable, which means
that every addition of 1 value or number for
Personal Selling will increase the Brand Equity by
8.5.2 Simultaneous Test / F Test Results
Simultaneous test or F statistical test is intended to
test whether the independent variables included in the
model have a significant effect together on the
dependent variable. The null hypothesis (H0) that is
to be tested is whether all parameters in the model are
zero, in the sense that all independent variables are
not significant explanations of the dependent
variable. The alternative hypothesis (Ha) is not all
parameters simultaneously equal to zero.
The testing criteria are, if F Count is less or equal
to (≤) F Table or its significance value is more than
(>) 0.05, then H0 is accepted meaning not significant,
and if F Calculate more than (>) F Table or less
significance value from (<) 0.05, H0 is rejected and
H1 is accepted, meaning significant.
a. Dependent Variable: Y: Brand Equity
b. Predictors: (Constant), X6: Personal Selling, X4: Sales
Promotion, X5: Publicity/ Public Relation, X1: Advertising, X3:
Interactive/ Internet Marketing, X2: Direct Marketing
Figure 4: Annova Test Results.
From the results of the ANOVA test as in figure
4, the F statistic value of 274,286 with the calculated
F value is more than F table or the significance value
is less than 0.05, which is 0,000. This means that H0
is rejected and H1 is accepted, which means that the
independent variables namely Advertising, Direct
Marketing, Interactive / Internet Marketing, Sales
Promotion, Publicity / Public Relations, and Personal
Selling, together have a significant effect on the
dependent variable: Brand Equity.
8.5.3 Partial Test / T Test Results
The significance test of individual parameters or
partial test or T test was intended to test whether the
independent variables partially have a significant
effect on the dependent variable.
The hypotheses to be tested are as follows:
H0: Variable Advertising, Direct Marketing,
Interactive/ Internet Marketing, Sales Promotion,
Publicity/ Public Relations, and Personal Selling,
partially do not have a significant effect on Brand
Ha: Variable Advertising, Direct Marketing,
Interactive/ Internet Marketing, Sales Promotion,
Publicity/ Public Relations, and Personal Selling,
partially have a significant effect on Brand Equity.
Table 9: Correlation Between Advertising, Direct
Marketing, Interactive/ Internet Marketing, Sales
Promotion, Publicity/ Public Relations, and Personal
Selling, and Brand Equity of The Firm Based on Partial Test
or T Test Results.
Integrated Marketing
Communication (IMC) Variables
Correlation with The Brand
Direct Marketing
Interactive/ Internet Marketing
Sales Promotion
Publicity/ Public Relations
Personal Selling
*significant level at .05
Y = a + 0,230 X1 + 0,286 X2 + 0,087 X3 + 0,050 X4 +
0,148 X5 + 0,182 X6”