affect the performance and sustainability of property
Property business (like any other business) has a
cycle of ups and downs. But the decline experienced
by the property industry in Indonesia is currently
fairly long. The decline in demand for the property
industry has been going on from 2014 until now and
has not shown signs of recovery. Many predict that
the property industry has been going on after the
2019 elections for which investors are currently
waiting There are many factors that affect the
current sluggishness of the property industry in
Indonesia, but perhaps the main problem is that there
has been a property price bubble that rose nearly 40-
50% in 2010-2013 so that fewer people can afford to
buy homes at increasingly high prices. As a result of
this lethargy it is often a question of how property
and real estate companies in Indonesia maintain their
The awareness of the millennials aged 27-37 to
fulfill basic needs in the form of housing is still low,
even though they form a fairly large part of the
workforce in Indonesia, which is estimated to reach
23 million. In addition, residential prices are
increasing from year to year, making it impossible
for them to buy a property. They are only able to
rent because property prices prices do not match
their income. This condition will certainly be
detrimental to them, because renting alone means
they spend money as a cost, while by deciding to
buy property, they will obtain more benefits in the
shape of assets, which at the same time become a
form of investment. In addition, technological
developments support this trend, that is to say people
can easily rent a house, among others, through the
Air BnB application and Airy Rooms. This factor in
technological development has made it easier for the
millennial generation to rent than to buy an asset in
the form of a property at a relatively high price level,
which requires them to take credit to a bank or other
financial institution. Millennials who are also very
familiar with the internet certainly expect that
Information and Communication Technologies
(ICT) must also be well implemented by property
companies. ICT that is not implemented properly
will create inefficiencies in the market, leading to
high transaction costs.
This phenomenon will directly or indirectly
affect the performance of companies in the property
and real estate sector in Indonesia, especially their
financial performance, due to a decrease in the
number of purchases of property and real estate. By
the same token, financial performance will affect the
sustainability of the company. Sustainability is
generally interpreted as a goal or target that covers
the long-lasting balance between the economy,
environment and society. Sustainability is an
ongoing process that is directed towards achieving
this goal. (Lorenz & Lützkendorf, 2008).
Sustainability of the Property and Real Estate
industry is measured using the ESG Score. ESG
stands for Environment, Societal Aspects and
Government. These three variables are measurement
variables from the ESG Score used to measure the
sustainability of a company. This sustainability is a
measurement for the continuity of the company's
long-term existence.
The problem that arises in this study is that there
is some inconsistency in the results of previous
studies where there are certain studies that claim
financial performance affects sustainability while
others say there is no effect at all. A study conducted
by Halbritter & Dorfleitner (2015) concludes that the
stock portfolio using ESG does not produce
abnormal returns, both for companies with high ESG
and with low ESG ratings. This is in line with
research conducted by Lee, Faff, & Rekker (2013)
which says that there is no significant difference in
return between companies that have high and low
corporate social portfolio values. Likewise in the
study of Bauer, Guenster & Otten (2004), stating
that governance does not affect the performance of
the company and Bello (2005) where social
performance does not affect the performance of the
Company performance is generally measured by
its financial performance through stock prices.
Companies with good performance usually have
high stock prices and vice versa. In a study from
Waddock & Graves (1997) social performance and
financial performance showed a positive and
significant relationship whereas in the study of
Gompers & Metrick (2003) it is said that governance
is very influential on company stock returns. Al-
Tuwaijri, Christensen, & Hughes (2004) conclude
that enviromental performance has a significant
influence on financial performance. Likewise in the
study of Friede & Bassen (2015) it is found that
ESG has a positive correlation with financial
performance. Companies that report ESG to to have
low stock volatility and high returns (Ashwin,
There are two perceptions, namely whether
sustainability affects financial performance or
financial performance affects sustainability. Since
there are still several differences in various previous
studies, this study seeks to find out what the
conceptual effect is of the financial performance of