Market Orientation and Innovation: The Impact of Entrepreneurial
Orientation among Traditional Snack Entrepreneurs in Sanan,
Malang, Indonesia
Ratih Indriyani, Widjojo Suprapto and Jessica Calista
Management Department, Petra Christian University, Surabaya, Indonesia
Keywords: Market Orientation, Entrepreneurial Orientation, Innovation, Small Medium Enterprises.
Abstract: The food and beverage industry has beome a mainstay sector in Indonesia and is projected to experience
better growth in the coming year. However, the growth of this industry also causes a tight competition
among similar businesses. In facing the competition, one key to succeed is innovation and entrepreneurial
orientation. This research aims to determine the influence of market orientation on entrepreneurial
orientation, the entrepreneurial orientation on innovation, and the market orientation on innovation in
traditional snack SME entrepreneurs in Malang. This research is quantitative research, which is using an
explanatory method. Data collection uses questionnaires that are distributed among 100 respondents of the
SME entrepreneurs in Sangan, Malang. The sampling method is using purposive sampling to determine the
amount of samples with certain considerations. The consideration is the length of operation for at least one
year for the SME owners in Sanan, Malang. The data analysis method is using Partial Least Square (PLS).
This research shows that market orientation has a positive significant influence on entrepreneurial
orientation, and entrepreneurial orientation also has a significant influence on innovation. Finally, market
orientation has a significant and positive influence on innovation among traditional snack SME
entrepreneurs in Sanan, Malang.
Small Medium Enterprise (SME) has a big role in
Indonesia. Its existence has a big contribution to
business activities, and it has provided new
employment opportunities (Nurfadilah, 2018). SME
in the food and beverage sector is also rising in
Indonesia, especially in East Java. This sector
constructs 25% of the total business sectors in East
Java. Besides, it increases by 7.04% annually and
will still be potentially rising in the following years.
Some factors that influence the growth of small and
medium enterprises include massive product
development, various market demands, and their
adaptive capability (Waluyo, 2017). This shows the
importance of small medium enterprises to focus on
their market orientation. According to Kohli &
Jaworski (1990), market orientation refers to the
orientation of an organization in digging out
information from consumers, especially information
about their need and demand, in taking action based
on the information and research, and in formulating
the strategy based on the insights from the
consumers. Based on the understanding of the
consumers, market orientation becomes an important
aspect for an organization to stay alert in the
competition. Market orientation is an important
element to support the ability of an organization to
innovate based on the orientation of the consumer,
the orientation of the competitors, and the
interfunctional coordination (Grinstein, 2007).
Miller and Friesen (1983) study that companies
with strong entrepreneurial orientation tend to be
able to innovate if compared to others with no
entrepreneurial orientation. SMEs have a strong
growth because of several factors, such as the ability
to focus, flexibility, low cost, and fast innovation.
However, SMEs have to consider how to implement
the innovation. The purpose of innovation is to offer
different types of products or services from
competitors, which the customers should like them
(Setiawan, 2015). Innovation is important to an
organization's success and continuity. According to
Han, Kim, and Srivastava (1998), innovation creates
Indriyani, R., Suprapto, W. and Calista, J.
Market Orientation and Innovation: The Impact of Entrepreneurial Orientation among Traditional Snack Entrepreneurs in Sanan, Malang, Indonesia.
DOI: 10.5220/0008429902460253
In Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Inclusive Business in the Changing World (ICIB 2019), pages 246-253
ISBN: 978-989-758-408-4
2020 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
superiority in competition, which becomes a mean to
survive in uncertainty environments. An
organization can create an innovative product,
increase the quality of the service, or do different
things that have not been done by the competitors
(Jiménez-Jiménez & Sanz-Valle, 2011).
Malang is a city that has many tourist
destinations, it has been visited by many tourists. On
the other hand Malang is a city that has various
natural resources which can be processed into
various snacks. Both this condition causes a variety
of typical foods to emerge, such as fruit chips and
tempeh chips. Sanan is an area in Malang that has
grown into a center area for the production of food
made from tempeh.
The tempeh industry has been in Sanan since the
year of 1.800 and has been managed across
generations. Now there are around 400 tempeh
producers in the area and have involved many
workers. The focus of the business is relatively the
same, but the models taken are slightly different
from each other. Most produce tempeh from
soybean as raw materials into semi-finished
products. The raw material is produced into chips
and other snacks. Some producers take semi-finished
materials from other producers to process them
The growth of entrepreneurs in Sanan brings
competition between businesses in the area. On the
other hand, the abundance of modern Malang food
also becomes a competitor for Sanan's traditional
snacks. This encourages them to continue to strive to
innovate their products.
The owners of small tempeh businesses in Sanan
Malang have done some product innovation to
attract their consumers. The innovation is created
through the various existing snack products from
tempeh, such as tempeh chips with various flavors,
tempeh flavored brownies, tempeh flavored cake,
tempeh flavored steak, tempeh flavored chocolate.
However, these small businesses need to observe the
market demands and market opportunities to create
an innovation to build their competitive advantages.
To understand the market demands and market
opportunities, the business owners require the ability
to be proactive and take risks, which are reflected in
entrepreneurial orientation. Therefore, the aim of
this research is to investigate the impact of market
orientation toward entrepreneurial orientation,
entrepreneurial orientation to innovation. This
research also examines the impact of market
orientation toward innovation among small business
2.1 Literature Review
2.1.1 Market Orientation
Market orientation is a process and activity that are
related to creating and satisfying customers by
evaluating their need and demand (Uncles, 2000).
Market orientation is an important factor for a
company to understand the market, so that the
company can develop product and service strategies.
The company with strong market orientations has a
faster basic improvement, and it is reflected on the
success of their new main products, profitability,
market share, and sustainable competitive advantage
(Baker and Sinkula, 2009). Market orientation is
related to the availability of resource management in
an organization because its purpose is to create new
added values for existing products or the services.
The market orientation measures some components,
such as customer orientation, competitor orientation,
interfunctional coordination (Grinstein, 2008; and
Kohli & Jaworski, 1990). Customer orientation can
be explained in some elements, such as to give the
best service to the customer, to offer the benefit to
the customer, to satisfy customer, to give value for
the customer (Grinstein, 2008). Competitor
orientation is described as an understanding the
short-term power and weakness, the recent long-
term capability and strategy, and the potential of the
main competitor. Interfunctional coordination can be
explained in these indicators, such as all departments
working together to fulfill costumer need, sharing
information and resources among departments, and
all functions in the organization working together to
offer value to the customer.
2.1.2 Entrepreneurial Orientation
Entrepreneurial orientation is the orientation of a
company that follows the principal of the effort to
identify and exploit business opportunities. Eshima
and Anderson (2016) define entrepreneurial
orientation as an attitude and tendency to do
entrepreneurship in an organization.
Entrepreneurial orientation must be possessed by
the leader and by all people in the managerial levels.
A company with a strong entrepreneurial orientation
tends to take the risk (Lumpkin & Dess, 1996).
Besides, that company also implements
innovativeness, proactiveness, and risk taking
tendency. Entrepreneurial orientation in a company
Market Orientation and Innovation: The Impact of Entrepreneurial Orientation among Traditional Snack Entrepreneurs in Sanan, Malang,
is behavioral dimensions and managerial attitudes
(Anderson et al., 2015). According to Rhee et al.
(2010), entrepreneurial orientation is shown through
active behaviors, ready to take the risk, fast response
in business changing.
Wang (2008) explains that entrepreneurial
orientation consists of three indicators;
aggressiveness, risk taking and proactiveness.
Aggressiveness is a competitive attitude reflected
through the desire to beat competitor’s products and
to seek market opportunity in order to win the
competition. Risk taking is an entrepreneur
willingness to use the available resources in the
uncertainty, and the courage to face the challenge by
exploiting resource or strategizing business.
Proactiveness is a process to search and identify
business opportunities by developing, introducing,
improving product or service, and anticipate the
market changes.
2.1.3 Innovation
Innovation is the main core of the entrepreneurial
process. According to Kotler and Keller (2009),
innovation is a new product, service, idea, and
perspective from someone. Innovation is always
perceived by the customers as the availability of new
products or services. Innovation is also defined as a
breakthrough related to new products.
Ramadani and Gerguri (2011) explain innovation
as a transformation of knowledge to a product,
process and service by using something new.
Innovation is a result of the success of exploitation
from a new idea. In other words, it is the result of
developing and employing knowledge, and
technological skill to create a new product through
the process of producing new goods or services.
Mahmoud et al. (2016) measure innovation by four
indicators: willing to try a new idea, searching new
ways to sell, implementing creativity in operational
methods, and being less resistant to innovation.
2.2 Hypothesis Development
2.2.1 Market Orientation and
Entrepreneurial Orientation
A company with a strong entrepreneurial orientation
produces higher profitability (Baker & Sinkula,
2009). The process to follow changes in customer,
competitor, the market response on a product, and
the coordination of resources forces small
enterprises to be active in adapting and improving
the changes. Market orientation makes a company
understand the importance of its resources to reach
success, and gives a chance to find important factors
to create a new product. Market orientation
encourages a small company to response to a
business environment with more aggressive and
proactive attitudes (Riviezzo et al., 2013).
: market orientation has a significant influence
on entrepreneurial orientation
2.2.2 Entrepreneurial Orientation and
Entrepreneurial orientation has an important role in
innovation. The attitude in entrepreneurial
orientation triggers individuals to learn, be active,
and be able to adapt fast. Entrepreneurial orientation
as the company behavior can create a better
innovative environment (Madhoushi et al, 2011).
This behavior becomes the organizational culture
that encourages the leader's to be aggressive and
proactive in taking internal action and in facing
dynamic business environments. Entrepreneurial
orientation facilitates various developments and
product ideas. In the end, entrepreneurial orientation
encourages the ability to create new products and
innovation process. Entrepreneurial orientation has
moderating effects on innovation activities such as
product, administration and profit (Jaaffar et al.,
: entrepreneurial orientation has a significant
influence on innovation.
2.2.3 Market Orientation and Innovation
Market taste is always changing in accordance with
the changing trends, therefore, small businesses need
to comprehend their targeted market orientation.
Market orientation brings important roles in
innovation. The pressure of customer demands has
influenced the need of a company to innovate
(Manzano et al, 2005). Grinstein (2008) studies
market orientation components and its influence
omn innovation. Internal coordination as the
component of market orientation influences
company ability to innovate. Internal coordination is
the integration between organizations' supporting
activities, including innovation. Besides, market
orientation is one of the crucial elements that
encourage a company to innovate. Market
orientation acts as an antecedent involving many
things, and also focuses on competitions and internal
configurations that bring new values to customers
(Didonet et al., 2016).
ICIB 2019 - The 2nd International Conference on Inclusive Business in the Changing World
: market orientation has a significant influence
on innovation.
2.3 Research Framework
This research uses a research framework to show the
relationship between the research vaiables. The
framework is shown: below.
Figure 1: Research Framework.
This is quantitative research. Quantitative research is
research that can be measured using statistical
methods. This quantitative research examines the
causal relationships. This research aims to describe a
generalization of samples from a population or to
explain the relationships, differences, or influences
of a variable with other variables including the test
for the causal relationship (Cooper and Schlinder,
2013). Causal relationships are relationships from
independent variables and dependent variables.
The population is the sum of all the
characteristics to be estimated (Cooper and
Schlinder, 2013). The population that becomes the
object in this study is the owners of Sanan Malang
Tempe UKM. The sampling technique in this study
is using a non-probability sampling technique,
namely purposive sampling with several
considerations. The sample for this research is as
many as 100 business owners of Tempe Sanan,
Malang. These small business owners must have
been operating the business for at least one year. The
research data are collected using questionnaires. The
measurement scale follows the Likert scale, as it is
used to measure attitudes, opinions, and perceptions
of a person or group of people about a social
The data are processed by using Smart Partial
Least Square (PLS) software. There are some stages
to comply for using the Smart PLS software, such as
an outer model test, inner model test, and hypothesis
tests. Outer model is used to measure the convergent
validity, discriminant validity, composite reliabiity
and average variance extracted (AVE). Test for
structural model use R
(determinant coefficient)
predictive relevance (Ghozali, 2012). R
square classified to strong, moderat, and weak. The
strong R square is considered to be a good model to
predict the structural model of the research. PLS
model evaluation using Q
shows the predictive
relevance of the research model.
4.1 Outer Model Evaluation
Before testing hypotheses to predict relational
relationships in a structural model, testing the
measurement model must be done to verify
indicators and latent variables. These tests include
testing construct validity (Convergent and
Discriminant) and construct reliability.
The outer model analysis is to measure the
convergent validity and discriminant validity as
Table 1: Convergent Validity.
Table 1 presents the convergent validity of each
measurement item.The value of convergent validity
for all items is presented by loading factors that are
higher than 0.70 in order to be declared as valid.
This reseach shows that all item is fullfill the validt
Entrepreneurial Orientation
Risk taking
Market Orientation
Customer orientation
Trying new ideas
New ways to do a
Method creativity
New product
Market Orientation and Innovation: The Impact of Entrepreneurial Orientation among Traditional Snack Entrepreneurs in Sanan, Malang,
From table 2, The value of the loading factors of
each item to its construct is declared valid because
the value is higher than the value of each cross
Table 2: Cross Loading.
Table 3: AVE.
As in table 3, this research value of AVE
Average Variance Extracted ) of each construct is
higher than 0.50 so the construct does not have
problems in convergent validity.
Table 4: Cronbach’s Alpha.
This study uses Cronbach's alpha to measure
reliability or internal consistency among the items in
an instrument. Based on table 4, the results of testing
the measurement item is said to be reliable if it has
an alpha coefficient greater than 0.6. The test results
in this study are reliable because they have a value >
4.2 Structural Model Evaluation
The goodness of Inner Model is used to determine
the ability of endogenous variables to explain the
diversity of exogenous variables. The inner model
evaluation is done by observing the value of R
Table 5: R square.
As in table 5, the result of R
in this research is
0.635, which is considered to be a strong value. This
shows that the variable of market orientation
influence innovation as 63.5%. R square value for
entrepreneurial to innovation is 0,696 . This reflectcs
that entrepreneurial orientation influence innovation
as 69,6%. The value of Q
in this research is
0.88904. It shows that this model has predictive
relevance, which means the structural model as a
relevant one.
Q square = 1–(1–R
EO) x (1–R
Innovation (1)
= 1(10,696) x (10,635)
= 1(0,11096)
= 0,88904
4.3 Hypothesis Testing
Hypothesis testing is used to determine the causality
developed in the model, to examine the influence of
exogenous variables on endogen
Significance testing can be known through t statistic
value, which is greater than the critical value 1.96.
Figure 2: Bootstraping structural model.
4.3.1 The Influence of Market Orientation
on Entrepreneurial Orientation
The result of the testing from the table above is that
the t-statistic value of market orientation to
entrepreneurial orientation is 21.558. The result of
the testing shows that the t-statistic is more than 1.96
and the P value is 0.000 less than 0.05. This means
that market orientation influences directly to
entrepreneurial orientation.
ICIB 2019 - The 2nd International Conference on Inclusive Business in the Changing World
4.3.2 The Influence of Entrepreneurial
Orientation on Innovation
The result of the testing above is that the t-statistic
of entrepreneurial orientation to innovation is 4.611.
The result shows that the t-statistic is more than 1.96
and the P value is 0.000 less than 0.05. It means that
entrepreneurial orientation influences directly to
4.3.3 The Influence of Market Orientation
on Innovation
The result of this section is that t-statistic of market
orientation to innovation is 3.292. The result shows
that the t-statistic is more than 1.96 and the P value
is 0.001 less than 0.05. This means that market
orientation influences directly to innovation.
Table 6: Path Diagram.
The conversion of the path diagram into the
measurement model is intended to find out the
strength of the influence between constructs that are
explained in the effect of the model,both the effect
directly or indirectly, as for the model effects shown
in table 6.
4.4 Discussion
4.4.1 The Influence of Market Orientation
on Entrepreneurial Orientation
The result of the table describes that t-statistic of
market orientation to entrepreneurial orientation is
21.558. The result of the test shows that t-statistic is
more than 1.96 with P value 0.000 less than 0.05 and
the coefficient value is 0.835 which is positive or in
the same direction. The increasing variable of
market orientation will affect entrepreneurial
orientation about 0.835. It means that the market
orientation directly influences entrepreneurial
orientation significantly and positively. Market
orientation is the most important factor for a
company to understand the market, and develop a
strategy of the product and service to fulfill
customer and market needs (Baker & Sinkula,
Innovation is started from the selling strategy,
benefit of the product, strategy in delivering product
knowledge, delivery accuracy of the product
corresponding the benefit usability etc. The
requirement to fulfill customer changing-need, a
company needs to renew its product or innovate by
observing the market first. In launching an
innovation, a company needs to take the risk, follow
market development, observe the opportunity. A
company that has strong market orientation and
entrepreneurial orientation will produce high
profitability (Baker & Sinkula, 2009).
4.4.2 The Influence of Entrepreneurial
Orientation on Innovation
The result of the test shows that the t-statistic value
of entrepreneurial orientation to innovation is 4.611.
The result of the testing shows that t-statistic is more
than 1.96 with P value 0.000 less than 0.05 and the
coefficient value is 0.473 which is positive or in the
same direction. The increasing variable of
entrepreneurial orientation will affect innovation
about 0.473. It means that the entrepreneurial
orientation directly influences entrepreneurial
orientation significantly and positively.
Entrepreneurial orientation is the company
orientation that has the principal to identify and
exploit chances (Lumpkin & Dess, 1996).
Entrepreneurial orientation is shown in the behavior
such as active, aggressive, risk-taking, fast response
in every aspect of what happened in changing
business especially in a small medium enterprise that
is susceptible in facing giant companies. The
behavior toward entrepreneurial orientation triggers
individual to keep learning, active and adaptable
quickly. The aggressiveness and activeness in
learning are able to affect the new ideas creation.
The activeness affects in the experiment to try
various ways to sell a product, production, product
value improvement or the other innovation.
Moreover, by changing market target is one the
ways to innovate. By taking the risk, they are letting
go of the comfort zone as an entrepreneur. They
learn new thing, ask the expert, ask for suggestion
and apply the training process or knowledge as a
new strategy in innovating of product improvement.
4.4.3 The Influence of Market Orientation
on Innovation
The result of the test shows that the t-statistic value
of market orientation to innovation is 3.292 with P
value 0.001 less than 0.05 and the coefficient value
is 0.358 which is positive or in the same direction.
Market Orientation and Innovation: The Impact of Entrepreneurial Orientation among Traditional Snack Entrepreneurs in Sanan, Malang,
The increasing variable of market orientation will
affect innovation improvement about 0.358. The
result of the testing shows that t-statistic is more
than 1.96. It means that market orientation directly
influences innovation significantly and positively.
Market orientation is a process and activity related
to creation and customer satisfaction by keeping on
valuing customer need (Uncles, 2000). A company
has to develop ideas or innovation because
customers tend to be surfeited if the same product is
being produced without any variations. On the other
hand, before launching an innovation, a company
needs to observe what customers want
Consumer demand can be a trend happening in
the society. Market orientation can be a strategy of a
company to attract a customer through the
innovation of a new product, unique packaging, new
variants etc. Rhee et al. (2010) explain that market
orientation is a market target or segment by the
producer that has certain characteristics wanted by
the customer in targeted market level related with
their taste, desired product, packaging, selling
strategy, and branding to capture the market. The
success process in reaching the targeted market is by
the product selling, it will improve the innovation
process by the producer to reach the success of the
product in fulfilling customer demand.
The result of the study shows that the indicator of
interfunctional coordination plays the most
important role in the market orientation of the
business owners in Sanan. The highest mean for the
entrepreneurial orientation belongs to the level of
aggressiveness of the business owner in carrying out
their business operations. The business owners have
the tendency to try new ideas in running their
The result of the study proves that market
orientation influences positively and significantly on
entrepreneurial orientation. Market orientation also
influences positively and significantly on
innovation. This result also proves that
entrepreneurial orientation influences positively and
significantly on innovation among the small medium
enterprise owners in Sanan, Malang. Entrepreneurs
need to do marketing activities more aggressively
and proactively. Marketing strategies in SMEs tend
to be created and run spontaneously according to the
habits that have occurred for a long time. So far,
more marketing has been done by reselling large
buyers such as souvenir centers. Many tempe
processed products are purchased in large quantities
for resale at higher prices. Employers must build
relationships and create communication with
consumers to get repeat and continuous purchases.
Business owners in Sanan can be more proactive
in sales and try to increase distribution channels
outside the region or abroad. The development of the
market can be done at an inexpensive cost.
Promotional media as well as distribution tools can
be reached by using online marketing. In general,
consumers prefer products that they have used
before, therefore it is very important to introduce
products online to be widely known to consumers.
Online marketing will help sellers to reach their
costomers and communicate with them in an easy
This research is conducted in an industrial center
that encompasses a group of entrepreneurs who have
products made of tempeh. For future researchers, the
model can be replicated in other small businesses.
Other researchers can develop other variables to
investigate the factor affecting the success of
innovation in small medium entreprises. Innovation
also can be observed as one aspect that influences
business survival.
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Market Orientation and Innovation: The Impact of Entrepreneurial Orientation among Traditional Snack Entrepreneurs in Sanan, Malang,