The increasing variable of market orientation will
affect innovation improvement about 0.358. The
result of the testing shows that t-statistic is more
than 1.96. It means that market orientation directly
influences innovation significantly and positively.
Market orientation is a process and activity related
to creation and customer satisfaction by keeping on
valuing customer need (Uncles, 2000). A company
has to develop ideas or innovation because
customers tend to be surfeited if the same product is
being produced without any variations. On the other
hand, before launching an innovation, a company
needs to observe what customers want
Consumer demand can be a trend happening in
the society. Market orientation can be a strategy of a
company to attract a customer through the
innovation of a new product, unique packaging, new
variants etc. Rhee et al. (2010) explain that market
orientation is a market target or segment by the
producer that has certain characteristics wanted by
the customer in targeted market level related with
their taste, desired product, packaging, selling
strategy, and branding to capture the market. The
success process in reaching the targeted market is by
the product selling, it will improve the innovation
process by the producer to reach the success of the
product in fulfilling customer demand.
The result of the study shows that the indicator of
interfunctional coordination plays the most
important role in the market orientation of the
business owners in Sanan. The highest mean for the
entrepreneurial orientation belongs to the level of
aggressiveness of the business owner in carrying out
their business operations. The business owners have
the tendency to try new ideas in running their
The result of the study proves that market
orientation influences positively and significantly on
entrepreneurial orientation. Market orientation also
influences positively and significantly on
innovation. This result also proves that
entrepreneurial orientation influences positively and
significantly on innovation among the small medium
enterprise owners in Sanan, Malang. Entrepreneurs
need to do marketing activities more aggressively
and proactively. Marketing strategies in SMEs tend
to be created and run spontaneously according to the
habits that have occurred for a long time. So far,
more marketing has been done by reselling large
buyers such as souvenir centers. Many tempe
processed products are purchased in large quantities
for resale at higher prices. Employers must build
relationships and create communication with
consumers to get repeat and continuous purchases.
Business owners in Sanan can be more proactive
in sales and try to increase distribution channels
outside the region or abroad. The development of the
market can be done at an inexpensive cost.
Promotional media as well as distribution tools can
be reached by using online marketing. In general,
consumers prefer products that they have used
before, therefore it is very important to introduce
products online to be widely known to consumers.
Online marketing will help sellers to reach their
costomers and communicate with them in an easy
This research is conducted in an industrial center
that encompasses a group of entrepreneurs who have
products made of tempeh. For future researchers, the
model can be replicated in other small businesses.
Other researchers can develop other variables to
investigate the factor affecting the success of
innovation in small medium entreprises. Innovation
also can be observed as one aspect that influences
business survival.
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