readiness to enter the era of industrial revolution 4.0.
They have the ability to easily adapt and to be able
to form a large network. They have the flexibility to
diversify their products by joining others, they can
combine core competens to form a strong production
network and supply chain relationship.
That is the strategy that must be built by
Indonesia so that small business actors can
participate and become the foundation of the
national economic development based on freedom
and justice.
Based on the description and analysis above, there
are some interesting notes to be put forward at this
conclusion including:
At present we are entering the industrial era 4.0,
where all processes are carried out based on
Information Technology, especially the internet and
Artificial Intelligence. In this condition there is no
other way but we must adapt to the development of
technology. Technological development cannot be
ignored, so there are two choices, to drive
technology or we are driven by technology.
MSME’s in Indonesia has a very large number
and has a very important role for the national
economy. During the economic crisis in 1998, they
saved the Indonesian economy. Besides its
contribution to GDP, MSME’s is also able to
accommodate a very large number of workers and
even more than the workforce that can be
accommodated by big companies. But they often get
obstacles in terms of capital. Therefore the
government should continues to carry out
affirmative policies to foster them including
providing capital facilities.
It is clear that the MSME’s has enormous
potential to be able to utilize or have readiness to
enter the era of industrial revolution 4.0. They have
the ability to easily adapt and to be able to form a
large network. They have the flexibility to diversify
their products by joining others, they can combine
core competency to form a strong production
network and supply chain relationship.
To improve MSME's competitiveness and
capabilities in the industrial revolution 4.0 era, the
strategies that need to be built are : 1) Encouraging
the development of networks between different
expertise, 2) Helping to build human resource
capabilities, 3) Opening the path of global trade, 4)
Formulating simple regulations and encouraging the
growth of IT-based MSME’s, 5) Translating the
results of research institutions for practical purposes,
6) Building information technology infrastructure
for the public interest, 7) Creating various capital
schemes for MSME’s.
Based on those conclusions, this strategy can be
applied by practitioners or professionals in the field
of MSME’s in order to follow the development of
today's business world.
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