itself and where analytics will be applied. BAM is one
of the approaches that we use to understand a business
organization. The BAM approach used in this
research is the same as the research conducted by
Hindle & Vidgen (2018) which uses the business
model canvas (BMC) (Osterwalder and Peigneur,
2010) which is combined with problem situation
structuring and business modeling from Soft System
Methodology (SSM) (Checkland, 1981; Checkland &
Scholes, 1990; Wilson, 1984) namely CATWOE
After analyze the business situation, the next is to
identify what kind of the data that they need using
Linking Model. Linking Model developed by Pape
(2016) that separated business analysis into four
hierarchial. This method help the company to find the
data that will be useful and valueable to get
competitive advantage and achieve their goals
2.1 Business Analytics
Analytics is used to find, explore, describe, and
communicate patterns or trends in data and produce
information that is known from data sources (Starkey
& Schniederjans, 2014). While business analytics is
an advanced stage where information that has been
obtained through analytic is used to develop or
improve business performance. Business analytics
plays an important role in a business organization in
creating strategies for competitive advantage and
making decisions. (Liberatore & Luo, 2010; Starkey
& Schniederjans, 2014).
The application of business analytics for enhance
the decision-making process such as to increasing
customer profitability, risk reduction, human
resource decision, business performance tracking,
etc. Furthermore, business analysis can be a strategy
for competitive advantage such as price leadership,
sustainability, service effectiveness, etc.
2.2 Business Analytics Methodology
Business Analytics Methodology (BAM) (Hindle &
Vidgen, 2018) is an approach that supports an
organization to get value from business analytics starting
from initial thinking to getting complete analysis results.
BAM is also a process of business understanding to
explore the business goals and conditions of a
business organization which is then analyzed to find
and determine parts of businesses that require
Basically BAM has two interrelated work streams
namely top-down analysis and bottom-up analysis.
Top-down analysis is a process that focuses on the
business model of an organization to develop
business analytics. While the bottom-up analysis does
analytics on data.
This BAM approach combines business model
canvas (BMC) (Osterwalder and Peigneur, 2010)
problem situation structuring and business modeling
from SSM (Checkland, 1981; Checkland & Scholes,
1990) namely CATWOE Analysis. dalam melakukan
top-down analysis to structure, map, and develop
business models.
The application of BAM involves four activities
(Hindle & Vidgen, 2018) namely, problem situation
structuring, business model mapping, business
analytics leverage, and analytics implementation.
1. Problem situation structuring: in this stage the
rich picture used to see how the business model
function as a whole and the world view from
various stakeholder becomes clear.
2. Business model mapping: this stage uses a
Business Model Canvas (BMC) supported by Soft
System Method (SSM) to map business models.
The CATWOE (Clients, Actors, Weltanschauung,
Owners, and Environment) Analysis technique is
SSM tool and also used to describe the root
definition. Then, the root definition from the
CATWOE Analysis can open the opportunity for a
business model innovation.
3. Business analytics leverage: The BMC, SSM,
and CATWOE generated in previous stages used
to identify leverage point and opportunities for
business analytics that is to identify data, tools,
and analysis that are most likely to address
business objectives and make the best utilizing
scarce resources.
4. Analytics Implementation: in this stages data is
collected and build the models and deployed.
2.3 Linking Model
Besides using BAM in business analytics, to develop
business analytics capabilities start from the first step
in business analytics process that finds the type of
data that will be useful and valuable for the
organization to get a competitive advantage and
achieve their goals. In accordance with Pape (2006)
who states that to gain insight, business functions in
an organization must collect data items regularly to
analyse their activities. Linking model by Pape