Developing New Wave Marketing Initiatives to Optimize
Bancassurance Distribution Channel: Case Study: PT ABL
Ahmad Saputra and Agung Wicaksono
School of Business and Management, Institut Teknologi Bandung, Indonesia, Gd. Graha Irama 12
Floor, Jl. H.R. Rasuna
Said Kav. 1-2, Kuningan Timur, Jakarta Selatan, 12950
Keywords: Bancassurance, Digitalization, Life Insurance, Marketing Initiatives, New Wave Marketing.
Abstract: Bancassurance is a business model that enables life insurance companies to sell their insurance products
through their partnered banks. As part of its strategy, PT ABL has been focusing on the development of its
bancassurance channel to help boost the company’s market share in the domestic life insurance market. The
objective of this research is to develop marketing initiatives that can help PT ABL optimize its bancassurance
channel in the current digital era. Prior to developing the proposed solution, both of the external and internal
environment of the business are analyzed using Kotler’s anatomy of change, Porter’s five forces, STP, and
marketing mix 4P’s frameworks. Purposive sampling method was used in this research. The primary data is
obtained from interviews with internal respondents and a survey to external respondents. The survey shows
that the three major factors that can positively drive the purchase decision are customer service quality, brand
image, and premium price. Using both new wave marketing and marketing 4.0 concepts, the proposed
marketing initiatives focus on improving customer experiences across the new customer path. To optimize its
bancassurance channel, PT ABL needs to increase its brand awareness and improve its customer service
quality through digitalization across its customer value chain.
The demand for life insurance protection in Indonesia
has been steadily increasing in recent years, judging
from the increasing trend of the total insurance gross
premiums and the insurance density. However, since
the level of insurance penetration in the country is still
relatively low, it represents a potential future growth.
As a result, life insurance companies are developing
various innovative ways in marketing their insurance
products in order to increase their market penetration.
One of them is through the development of
bancassurance channel. Bancassurance is a business
model that enables life insurance companies to sell
their insurance products through their partnered bank
distribution channels. According to Teunissen
(2008), depending on the level of the integration
between the bank and the insurance company, there
could be four bancassurance models: pure distributor,
strategic alliance, joint venture and financial holding
company (wholly owned subsidiary).
Currently, PT ABL, as a subsidiary of one of the
state-owned banks in Indonesia, is not a dominant
player in the domestic life insurance market.
According to the data from the Financial Services
Authority, the market share of PT ABL is below two
percent of the total premium in the domestic life
insurance market in 2016 (Otoritas Jasa Keuangan,
2018). In order to increase its market share, PT ABL
focuses on the development of bancassurance
distribution channel. This is in particular because,
compared to other distribution channels, the
bancassurance distribution channel has experienced
significantly higher growth, as shown in figure 1.
However, despite PT ABL has consistently
implemented both ATL and BTL marketing to
increase its brand awareness and sales, the level of
penetration of its bancassurance products to the
customer base of the parent company is still less than
five percent, according to the research interview.
Given the business condition above, the business
issue to be addressed by PT ABL is how the company
can optimize its bancassurance distribution channel,
so that it can subsequently increase its market share.
Since PT ABL is currently also adapting to the
dynamics of the digital economy and is moving
towards digitalization, therefore, the objective of this
research is to develop new marketing initiatives that
Saputra, A. and Wicaksono, A.
Developing New Wave Marketing Initiatives to Optimize Bancassurance Distribution Channel: Case Study: PT ABL.
DOI: 10.5220/0008432604700481
In Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Inclusive Business in the Changing World (ICIB 2019), pages 470-481
ISBN: 978-989-758-408-4
2020 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
can be implemented by PT ABL to optimize its
bancassurance distribution channel in the digital era.
This is needed because, in the current digital era, the
customer behaviour has shifted, which according to
Kotler et al. (2017), the customer path has also shifted
from 4A (Aware, Attitude, Act and Act again) to 5A
(Aware, Appeal, Ask, Act and Advocacy).
Figure 1: Compounded annual growth rate of PT ABL
distribution channels 2015-2017 (source: internal report).
After identifying the business issue, both external and
internal environment of the business were analyzed to
understand the current business situation and the
challenges faced by the company. The external
macroeconomic and industry environment were
analyzed using Kotler's anatomy of change and
Porter's five forces framework. Subsequently, STP
analysis and Marketing Mix 4P’s framework were
used for the internal analysis. The analysis of the
current business situation would be the basis for the
formulation of the solutions.
In order to support the analysis, both primary and
secondary data were used in this research. The
primary data was obtained from survey and
interviews, while the secondary data was obtained
from literature, internal report, third-party survey, and
other publicly available information sources.
Purposive sampling method was used in this research,
in which the respondents were selected for certain
criteria based on the research questions (CIRT, 2018).
In this research, the qualitative data was obtained by
conducting interviews with internals respondents of
the company who are involved in the development of
the bancassurance distribution channel, in order to
gain insights on the current marketing strategy and
the challenges that the company may be facing.
Questionnaires were also distributed to external
respondents to gain insights on the customer
behaviour and customer preferences when deciding to
purchase life insurance products. The target
respondents of this survey are banking customers who
have purchasing power and live in urban areas. It is
expected that the urban population would have higher
financial literacy, and thus a higher level of awareness
on insurance protection. The research questions were
designed to follow the new 5A customer path
framework, in order to understand what drives the
customers to move from one path to another.
Following the analysis, business strategy and
marketing initiatives were subsequently developed.
In developing the marketing initiatives, both new
wave marketing and marketing 4.0 frameworks were
3.1 External Analysis
3.1.1 Kotler’s Anatomy of Change
The dynamics of business environment are always
changing. Understanding the current situation of the
business environment is of importance prior to
developing any business strategy. To analyse the
business landscape, Kotler et al. (2008) formulated an
anatomy of change framework that consists of five
elements: technology, political legal, social-cultural,
economy, and market. The changes in technology,
political-legal, social cultural and economy will
eventually affect the market dynamics, whether
creating new markets and eliminating the old ones, or
the emergence of new players and the disappearance
of the old ones.
Technology. The development of digital
technology has changed how people do things and has
become the enabler for creating new solutions. The
application of the technology can be implemented in
almost every industry, including financial services.
For example, the application of mobile banking and
mobile payments have increased the financial
inclusion, allowing a rural population to access
products and services that were previously beyond
their reach. While the emergence of FinTech has
disrupted the banking industry (by changing the
nature of lending and payment practices), it will not
be surprising that the emergence of InsurTech can
also disrupt the insurance industry (by reinventing the
way how insurance is offered and bought). However,
the insurance company can also leverage on the
development of the technology, such as data analytics
Developing New Wave Marketing Initiatives to Optimize Bancassurance Distribution Channel: Case Study: PT ABL
to improve the business value-chain processes. This
will require a robust digital ecosystem, not only a
user-friendly digital interface but also a reliable back-
end infrastructure.
Politic-Legal. Since 2013, the role of insurance
industry regulator in Indonesia has been assumed by
Financial Services Authority (OJK). In October 2014,
the new insurance law replaced the previous
insurance law. This regulatory change has affected
the business landscape of insurance industry in
Indonesia, where M&A and consolidation activities
are expected to continue as a result of the changes in
regulation, such as the new single presence policy, the
new capital requirement of life insurance companies,
as well as the new rule for foreign ownership of any
joint-venture insurance companies. The ASEAN
Economic Community, launched in 2015, also
represents a major opportunity for global
multinational insurance companies to enter the
domestic insurance market, which could lead to
tighter competition in the domestic market. In
addition, OJK is continuously committed to
developing the financial service sector, by developing
programs to increase the financial literacy and
financial inclusion in the country. OJK has set the
target to increase the financial literacy to 35 percent
and financial inclusion to 75 percent by 2019. This
would represent micro-insurance opportunities, since
there are still a big percentage of the population who
do not have access to financial services.
Economy. The data from Central of Statistical
Bureau of Indonesia has shown that the economic
growth of the country has been recovering since the
economic downturn in 2014/2015 (Badan Pusat
Statistik, 2018). However, despite the increasing
economic growth, it is also imperative to note that the
increasing inflation rate and the recent weakening of
Indonesian rupiah towards US dollars may also have
a negative impact on the purchasing power of the
households. In a society where price is sensitive and
it could be a determinant in making the purchase-
decision, life insurance companies will need to be
more cautious and be more innovative with their
offerings in order to develop products that are
attractive and affordable to the target customers.
Socio-Cultural. As mentioned earlier, the
development of digital technology has changed how
people live, work, and do things. It changes how
people communicate and interact with others. Over
time, it will also change the lifestyle of the society.
Kotler et al. (2017) identify that the digital revolution
has triggered the emergence of three new subcultures:
youth, women, and netizens. Managing these three
influential subcultures will be essential for a company
in order to be competitive in the era of connectivity.
The company should leverage on utilizing the digital
technology to “make friends” or collaborate with
these subcultures.
Market. Life insurance market in Indonesia still
offers an opportunity for future growth due to its low
level of insurance penetration. As mentioned earlier,
the country also represents big micro-insurance
opportunities. However, it is imperative to note that
the changes in the previous factors (technology,
politic-legal, economy, socio-culture) could also shift
the market. Therefore, the company will need to be
able to sense any changes that may occur, for example
changes in customer behaviour. Realizing the
changes after the market has actually shifted would
mean that the company will play a “catching-up”
game in the market.
3.1.2 Porter’s Five Forces
Table 1 below shows the summary of the analysis of
the life insurance industry in Indonesia using Porter's
five forces framework. The analysis shows that
despite having potential future growth, the life
insurance industry may not appear to be attractive for
new players who do not possess superior resources to
enter the industry. On the other hand, the incumbents
who aim to grow and penetrate the market further will
have to leverage on the weak forces and anticipate the
strong forces.
Table 1: Porter's five forces analysis.
Threat of New Entrants. Life insurance business
is highly regulated by the government in order to
protect the customers and make the business
environment healthy. While groups with big capital,
expertise, and strong brand image may not have a
significant barrier to enter the industry, the smaller
groups will certainly face some restrictions. Thus, the
threat of new entrants for life insurance industry can
be considered low to medium.
Bargaining Power of Suppliers. Bargaining
power of suppliers would normally be high when the
ICIB 2019 - The 2nd International Conference on Inclusive Business in the Changing World
numbers of suppliers are relatively small compared to
the numbers of players in the industry. In life
insurance industry, the suppliers are reinsurance
companies and custodian banks. The number of
reinsurance companies in Indonesia is still limited.
According to the data from OJK, there are only six
reinsurance companies in Indonesia in 2016 (Otoritas
Jasa Keuangan, 2016). Thus, life insurance
companies will have limited options of reinsurers and
will highly be dependent on few reliable reinsurers.
On the other hand, there are several alternatives for
custodian banks in Indonesia. That means life
insurance companies can select any custodian banks
that offer lower cost, more benefits, and better
services. Therefore, depending on which supplier, the
bargaining power of suppliers in life insurance
industry can be medium to high.
Bargaining Power of Buyers. The bargaining
power of buyer can be influenced by several factors
such as number of customers, switching cost,
availability of products or services, and price
sensitivity. While Indonesia has a large population, it
does not necessarily mean that the bargaining power
of insurance buyers must be low. According to the
data from OJK, there are about 55 life insurance
companies in the domestic market (Otoritas Jasa
Keuangan, 2016). This means that there are many
alternatives for the customers to choose where they
want to get their insurance protection from. The
customers in Indonesia are also price sensitive, in a
way that they will prefer insurance companies who
can offer affordable premium while still delivering
acceptable services that meet their needs. The
switching cost for the customer is also low.
Customers can easily change their insurance
providers to any providers that can meet their needs
and requirements. It is also not uncommon for
Indonesian customers to own more than one
insurance protection. As a result, the customers still
have strong bargaining power, especially those
corporate customers who seek for a group insurance
provider for their employees.
Threat of Substitute Products. Nowadays,
insurance is sold either as a protection, investment or
a combination of both. When insurance is sold as
investment, there are many alternatives of substitute
products, such as bank deposits, bonds, stocks,
mutual funds, indexes, forex, or other derivative
products. In fact, when insurance is linked to
investment products, the insurance funds are usually
invested to one or more of those investment products.
Therefore, it is not surprising if a direct investment to
those investment products would offer a more
attractive price to performance trade-off. This direct
investment will be more attractive for those
customers who are seeking for higher return of
investment and are more familiar with the investment
in the capital market. As a protection, the national
insurance protection schemes (BPJS) have become an
option for those customers looking for more
affordable protection. With low switching cost, it
means that the threat of substitute products for life
insurance protection is quite high.
Rivalry among Existing Competitors. The level
of rivalry among existing competitors can be analysed
by looking at the numbers of the players in the
industry, the status or the size of the incumbents, the
exit barrier, or even the industry growth. Since there
are many life insurance companies in Indonesia and
Indonesian are price sensitive, the life insurance
companies will have to be able to differentiate
themselves, either by being innovative in the product
development and offering, widening distribution
channels, or delivering superior services compared to
those of the competitors. Major incumbents often
possess superior brand image and reputation, wider
distribution channels, and enough capital to make
further investments. And considering the potential
future growth of the insurance industry in Indonesia,
these big incumbents are still committed to make
investments that they believe can help them penetrate
the market further. This makes the exit barrier for the
incumbents high, in addition to the amount of
obligation that they have to pay if they wish to quit.
Combination of these factors makes the level of
competition in life insurance industries is
considerably high.
3.2 Internal Analysis
3.2.1 STP Analysis
STP (Segmentation, Targeting, Positioning) is a
strategic process in modern marketing. It helps the
company explore and map the market, so that it can
design and develop an appropriate strategy according
to the selected target market. This is imperative
because of the fact that companies cannot serve all
customers, and the customers may have different
needs and may also behave and value the products or
services differently. Segmentation is a process of
dividing the market into distinct groups of customers
which could be based on geographic, demographic,
psychographic or behavioural, while targeting is a
process of selecting market segments that the
company is going to serve. PT ABL target segments
for bancassurance products are the customers of its
parent company across Indonesia, who are in their
Developing New Wave Marketing Initiatives to Optimize Bancassurance Distribution Channel: Case Study: PT ABL
productive years needing either insurance protection
or investment solution. The development of each
products is therefore in accordance to each target
market. For example, it develops micro-insurance
product for the micro-consumers, a unit-link product
for retail customers needs both investment and
insurance protection, or health insurance for retail
customers who only need health insurance protection.
PT ABL aims to position itself as trusted future
protection, which is in line with its vision to be a
leading and trusted life insurance company.
3.2.2 Marketing Mix 4P’s Analysis
Marketing mix is a set of tactical tools used in
marketing the product. The purpose of the marketing
mix is to engage the target customers and deliver the
proposed customer value. Marketing mix 4P's
consists of four elements: product, price, promotion,
and place. In terms of product, PT ABL currently
offers three bancassurance products, which include
health-insurance, unit link, and micro-insurance
products. In term of price, the amount of premium of
each bancassurance products will vary, depending on
which plans or riders are chosen by the customers.
According to the interview with internal respondent,
the premium of PT ABL bancassurance products is
competitively lower than those of the competitors.
For the promotion, PT ABL does both above the line
and below the line marketing communication to
increase its brand awareness and sales. For its
distribution channel, PT ABL has a wide distribution
network, especially since the distribution of its
bancassurance products is through the parent
company's branches and sub-branches. To fill the
assignments in those branches, PT ABL also
continuously recruits the required sales forces. PT
ABL currently has over 1,300 bancassurance sales
forces to cover its bancassurance distributions across
the country.
3.3 SWOT Analysis
Based on the external and internal business situation
analysis, the SWOT analysis of PTB ABL is
developed to determine the strengths, weaknesses,
opportunities, and threats of the company. The
internal insights from the interviews with internal
respondents, as well as the internal data obtained
during the research, are in particular used to identify
the strengths and the weaknesses of PT ABL. While
the analysis of macroeconomic and life insurance
industry is used as the basis in identifying the
opportunity and threats. The SWOT analysis of PT
ABL is summarized as follows:
Strengths: long experience with credit life
insurance and insurance product development
and wide distribution networks.
Weaknesses: brand image is not yet strong, IT
system is not yet integrated, service delivery is
not yet optimum.
Opportunities: large customer base of the parent
company, low level of life insurance penetration
in the country, micro-insurance opportunities.
Threats: AEC (foreign investments), price
sensitive market or weakening purchasing
power, national health insurance scheme
(BPJS), and the emergence of InsurTech.
As mentioned earlier, the survey questions were
designed to follow the new 5A customer path (Aware,
Appeal, Ask, Act and Advocate), in order to
understand what drives the customers to move from
one path to another. Table 2 shows the descriptive
analysis of the survey data, presenting the mean value
of each variable, which will be used for the analysis
of each customer path.
Aware. The first step in the customer path is
aware. This could be in the form of level of awareness
to have insurance protection and the level of
awareness of the brand itself. Based on the primary
survey data, when asked about the importance of
owning insurance protection, most respondents agree
that it is important to have insurance protection (mean
score value=4.0). This implies that the urban
population already have a high level of awareness on
insurance protection. For the level of brand
awareness, according to the interview with internal
respondent, PT ABL had conducted the survey in
eight major cities in Indonesia through a consultancy
agency. The data from the survey shows that the level
of brand of awareness of PT ABL is close to 90
percent. However, it is still behind the level of brand
awareness of the market leader which is around 97
Appeal. The next path after being aware is appeal.
As shown in figure 2, the primary survey data shows
that most respondents obtain information about
insurance from direct contacts, such as friends or
families and insurance agents, or through bank
representatives and telemarketers who approach
them. Only four percent of the respondents mentioned
that they obtain information on insurance products
from internet or social media. Very few respondents
ICIB 2019 - The 2nd International Conference on Inclusive Business in the Changing World
Table 2: Descriptive analysis of the survey variables (source: survey data).
gain information from traditional media, such as TV,
radio, and billboards.
It appears that the current life insurance
advertisements are not attractive enough to lure the
target customers to pay attention for the information.
However, the survey data also shows that attractive
advertisements could still arguably drive the
customers to look for further information about the
life insurance product (mean score value=3.47).
Therefore, the challenge for life insurance companies
is to find innovative ways (style) to deliver their
messages, so that it can attract the attention of the
target customers. When the attention is obtained, the
message must also contain valuable offering or
solution (substance) for the customers. Only when the
style meets substance, the target customers may be
Figure 2: The sources of information of insurance products
(source: survey data).
Ask. After being attracted to a certain life
insurance product, customers often seek for further
information and recommendation. This is expected
because there are many considerations that the
customers need to weigh prior to making the purchase
decision. This is supported by the survey data that
shows that majority of the respondents agree that they
always look for further information before making a
purchase decision on insurance products (mean score
value=4.29). Most respondents also agree that they
seek for recommendation from friend and families
about the insurance products in question (mean score
Act. The survey also asks the respondents on
several factors that can affect their purchase decision
when choosing a life insurance product. The survey
results on the variables that could affect customers
purchase decision is shown in figure 3.
Figure 3: Survey results on purchase decision factors
(source: survey data).
According to the survey data, the top three
determinants that can positively affect customers
purchase decision are as follows:
Customer service quality (mean score value =
4.39). The majority of the respondents prefer
life insurance provider that owns a reputation of
having good customer services. This would be
the challenge that needs to be addressed by PT
Developing New Wave Marketing Initiatives to Optimize Bancassurance Distribution Channel: Case Study: PT ABL
ABL as one of the weaknesses of the company
is the customer service delivery that is still not
Brand image or the reputation of the life
insurance company (mean score value=4.34).
This means that PT ABL will have to improve
its brand image in order to be more competitive
in the life insurance market.
Premium Price (mean value=4.30). In the
market where price is sensitive, premium price
becomes one of the major purchase decision
factors. Majority of the respondents prefer
buying a life insurance policy from a life
insurance provider that can offer affordable
premium price. This could be a challenge that
needs to be addressed by life insurance
providers, because while the customers are
demanding an affordable premium price, they
also expect to have superior service quality.
Following those three major purchase-decision
factors, the respondents also prefer life insurance
providers that can offer a wide range of premium
payment options (mean score value=4.29) and a
customized or a more personalized insurance product
(mean score value=4.16). Recommendation from
friends and families can also influence the purchase
decision (mean score value=3.88). In addition, the
data also show that the respondents appreciate life
insurance provider that has an online system (mean
score value=3.83) or mobile applications (mean score
value=3.88), as these facilities would make the whole
administrative processes easier, more convenient, and
faster to complete.
However, unlike in other industries, the
endorsement or opinion from public figures and
influencers would not influence much the customers
purchase decision on insurance products (mean score
value=2.48). Additionally, those incentives or
additional bonuses that are expected to attract the
potential customers are actually not affecting much of
the customers purchase decision (mean score
Advocate. When asked whether the respondents
are satisfied with the current life insurance providers,
they are arguably in a neutral position (mean score
value=3.56 on satisfaction level). As a result, they are
not in a strong position to recommend their life
insurance provider to others either (mean score
value=3.44 on advocacy level). This represents a
homework for life insurance companies that, in order
to increase the level of advocacy, they must first
ensure a high level of customer satisfaction. And to
achieve that, they must first deliver superior service
5.1 Business Strategy Formulation
Business strategy aims to gain and sustain
competitive advantage, which is a company’s
performance relative to the competitors. This means,
in developing the business strategy, a company needs
to compare its performance to the performance of
other companies in the same industry. Competitive
map can be used to measure the position of the
company relative to the competitors in the industry.
Figure 4 shows the competitive map of some life
insurance companies in Indonesia based on their
market share and growth in 2016.
The data shows that PT ABL is considered having
high growth but low market share, while the top life
insurance companies have both high growth and high
market share. This implies that, with current growth,
it might be difficult for PT ABL to "catch-up" with
the top players, because the business of top life
insurance companies is still continuously growing as
well. Therefore, in order to increase its market share,
PT ABL will need to take different approach to
penetrate the insurance market further and boost a
significant growth. This can be achieved if PT ABL
has certain uniqueness that can increase the value
creation for the customers and differentiate the
company from its competitors. Based on the
interview with internal respondent, the current
offering of bancassurance products of PT ABL is
differentiated by offering a more competitive
premium pricing or lower acquisition cost. However,
it is still not enough to increase PT ABL market share.
The data from the survey shows that the customer
quality and brand image are the two major factors that
could drive customer purchase decision, and PT ABL
still lacks on these two factors.
Figure 4: Competitive map of life insurance companies in
Indonesia in 2016 (source: OJK data).
ICIB 2019 - The 2nd International Conference on Inclusive Business in the Changing World
In order to create unique differentiation, PT ABL
can focus and leverage on its strengths, which is as a
company who has long experience on life insurance
products and wide distribution networks, and also as
a subsidiary of the largest micro financing provider.
The parent company of PT ABL is known for having
a solid digital infrastructure to support its operation
and coverage in remote areas. Since the
bancassurance products of PT ABL are being
distributed through its parent company’s channels,
this represents an opportunity for PT ABL to integrate
with the digital infrastructure of the parent company
digital eco system and penetrate the micro-insurance
market. With these resources and capabilities, PT
ABL has the potential to pursue a differentiation
strategy to become the largest digital micro-insurance
provider, that is to become an insurance provider that
can deliver seamless digital customer experiences
across its customer value chain and have extended
network coverage across the country to reach those
who are not yet tapped by insurance protection.
5.2 New Wave Marketing Approach
According to Kotler et al. (2017), the business
landscape has shifted to become inclusive, horizontal,
and social”. As a result, the company should no
longer consider customers as a king, rather they
should be viewed as a friend, who demand more
participation, more collaboration and more human-
centric approach. This leads to the birth of new wave
marketing, a concept developed by Markplus Inc.,
which shifts the nine core elements of legacy
marketing to the 12C’s of new wave marketing as
shown in figure 5. This approach will be used as it fits
to address the shifts occurring the current digital
Figure 5: The 12C's of new wave marketing (source: Kotler
et al., 2017).
Communitization. In legacy marketing,
companies group their target customers through
segmentation. In the era of connectivity, the
customers are viewed as social beings who live in
certain communities. Consequently, in developing
the bancassurance distribution channel, PT ABL can
partner and synergize with its parent company to
develop their communitization strategy to engage the
existing communities or build a new community. This
is inevitable because competitors are also
approaching local communities as an entry point to
build brand awareness.
Confirmation. In legacy marketing, following the
segmentation, companies will choose the target
segment that they consider the most profitable, based
on the market size, market growth, and competitive
condition. In digital era, customers no longer want to
be considered as passive recipients. If a company
continues with the legacy marketing communication
approach, not only the customers may not pay
attention to the messages the company tries to
convey, but they may even consider the company's
attempt to reach them as spam. Therefore, after
exploring the communities that PT ABL wants to
engage, PT ABL will need to first gain permission, to
ensure that the community is willing to accept and
communicate with the company. Once the
communities accept the invitation, they become
"confirmed" communities. PT ABL will then be able
to engage further with the members of the
communities to participate in certain program or
Clarification. Positioning has also shifted to
clarification. In the legacy era, company attempts to
win the mind of the customers through frequent
communication of their value proposition or
positioning statement to the customers. However, it
does not necessarily work anymore in the current
digital era. This is because customers can now easily
access any information. They can easily clarify the
value proposition that the company offers with their
peers in the community. Kotler et al. (2017)
suggested that the approach that can be utilized in the
clarification process is by creating content that has
been adjusted according to the customer needs, in a
way that the content may not be directly related to the
products or services being offered, but it should
provide real values to the customers instead. For
example, PT ABL can create content such as tips on
how to live a healthy lifestyle, information on certain
illness, or even tutorial on personal financial
planning. This is because the main difference
between positioning and clarification is, while
positioning is about the service being offered,
Developing New Wave Marketing Initiatives to Optimize Bancassurance Distribution Channel: Case Study: PT ABL
clarification is all about the customer, how the
information can become useful for the customers.
When customers perceived the information is useful,
or when the service is exceeding their expectation,
they may voluntarily share the information and their
perception to their community. When communication
among the customers occurs, the community
consensus or clarification could be achieved.
Codification. In legacy era, value proposition is
delivered through differentiation. Without
differentiation, it could result in over-promise or
under-delivery of the offerings. In the digital era,
differentiation has shifted to codification.
Codification refers to a uniqueness, an authenticity of
a brand that cannot be easily imitated by the
competitors. Thus, in order to achieve a unique
differentiation, PT ABL can focus on its strength.
From the SWOT analysis, one of PT ABL strengths
lies on its wide distribution network. PT ABL can
therefore leverage this internal competitiveness with
the network and infrastructure that the parent
company has. As the largest micro-financing provider
and the bank that has largest coverage to remote areas
in the country, the parent company of PT ABL has
successfully integrated the technology and human
approach. Therefore, by integrating with the parent
company digital ecosystem and leveraging on its
extended network coverage, PT ABL can establish a
uniqueness that cannot be easily imitated by the
Co-creation. The product development process
has shifted from company-centric to customer-
centric. The development of internet platform has
allowed the company to become more collaborative
with their customers, allowing the customers to get
involved in the product development process. This is
called co-creation. In co-creation, the company would
act more like a facilitator. By developing a platform,
PT ABL can interact and communicate actively with
customers or communities. The objective is to capture
ideas and insights directly from the customers, so that
the products or services developed can be more
personalized or customized according to customer
needs and wants. Co-creation will not only help PT
ABL make the product development process more
effective, but also help the products or services
become more acceptable when they are commercially
launched to the market.
Currency. Kotler et al. (2017) argued price has
become currency, where the advancement of
technology has enabled price customization by the
customers, in a way that the customers can determine
the price they are willing to pay based on the services
they need. Currently, PT ABL already offers
premium price flexibility depending on the type of
bancassurance products and the plans or the riders the
customers opt to have in their insurance plan. As
development of additional bancassurance products
and digital platform is inevitable in the future, PT
ABL certainly needs to make this flexible and
transparent customization of premium pricing
available in their digital platform. This would be
convenient for the customers and make the process of
customer acquisition easier and faster. The use of
data analytic will also allow advanced flexible pricing
in the future, in a way that the premium price could
be tailored based on the customer historical data.
Communal Activation. Kotler et al. (2017) also
argued that not only the company needs to get the right
mix of online-offline distribution channels, once the
company identified the confirmed communities, they
also need to be able to activate those communities, by
creating a platform where the community members can
interact and share opinion with each other. Engaging
the communities will not only help PT ABL increase
its brand awareness, but it can also act as another
distribution channel through word-of-mouth.
Conversation. In legacy era, company sends a
one-way message to the target customers through
promotion. However, as the data from the survey has
previously shown, this is not always the most
effective way to convey the message to the target
customers. In the era of connectivity, it is now easy
for the customers to gain information and to get
validation from others. This communication between
customers creates conversation. This conversation
can be positive and negative. Positive conversation
can definitely have a positive impact to the brand, and
vice versa. Since conversation is more effective than
promotion, PT ABL will need to create marketing
contents that could trigger conversation, in addition
to ensuring the delivery of beyond expectation
services. This could drive the satisfying customer to
share the positive experiences with others. This
would trigger conversation. PT ABL can facilitate
this conversation through its website, social media, or
digital platform.
Commercialization. Kotler et al. (2017) define
commercialization as utilization of social networks
for new customer acquisition and old customer
retention. This can be done by utilizing both internal
and external networks. Internally, PT ABL can
leverage on its parent company extensive networks to
commercialize its products. One example is to create
a synergy with the parent company in developing a
bundled product or an insurance solution. In addition,
PT ABL can also facilitate its bancassurance sales
forces to bond with the employees of the parent
ICIB 2019 - The 2nd International Conference on Inclusive Business in the Changing World
company. Once a good bonding is established, the
employees of the parent company may be able to
provide a lead for potential customers. Externally, PT
ABL can also leverage on the customer community
networks, for example by developing a “customer-
get-customer” program.
Character. Brand is a value indicator, because a
strong brand is an asset that can deliver values to both
the customers and the company. However, branding
merely with physicalities such as name, symbol,
packaging, or building is no longer enough. Brand
must also have a character. Instead of being an
institution, a brand must become more "human",
because customers now only trust human, their
friends and families. Therefore, PT ABL must
become "human", in a way that it must own human
characters of a trusted friend for the customers. PT
ABL, and its whole employees, must embrace and
apply their own corporate values, such as integrity,
professional, and customer satisfaction, in their daily
activities. They need to establish a personal
relationship with their customers, to ensure that the
interaction with the customers is not only
transactional basis.
Care. In the current era, relying only on Standard
Operating Procedures (SOP) in delivering the
services is no longer sufficient. The company must
also show genuine concerns and efforts to the
customers. Because when the customers see that the
company is indeed showing a genuine care to their
needs and anxieties, and able to provide a true
solution to them, they may not only be willing to
recommend, but also advocate the brand. This would
only happen if PT ABL can deliver outstanding
service quality in all customer touch points, by
integrating seamlessly between the technology and
the human touch.
Collaboration. In legacy era, process plays an
important factor in creating and delivering value to
the customers. The whole processes in the value chain
are normally controlled by the company, and the
success of the process is often measured by quality,
cost, and delivery. With the advancement of digital
technology, the company can now conveniently
manage and improve the processes by developing
collaboration with other parties in the value chain
process. This collaboration can be done with both
internal or external parties. In the development of
bancassurance channel, for example, PT ABL can
collaborate with its parent company to develop
seamlessly integrated system. PT ABL can also
collaborate with external parties, such as hospital
networks or health providers, to ensure they can
deliver differentiated values to their customers.
5.3 Marketing Initiatives using
Marketing 4.0 Framework
By understanding the new customer path, the
company can align its resources and implement the
appropriate tactics accordingly. Kotler et al. (2017)
argued that company could do few interventions
across the customer path to "create Attraction, trigger
Curiosity, secure Commitment, and build Affinity
(ACCA)". The proposed marketing initiatives is
developed using this framework.
Creating Attraction. Making the potential
customers aware of the brand only is not sufficient.
The brand also needs to be appealing to the potential
customers. Otherwise, the potential customers may
only know about the brand, but may not move
forward to the next step in the customer path. The
customer is aware but not appealing to the brand. If
this happens, it means that the brand has not created
enough attraction. This often results from poor
positioning or poor marketing communication. The
survey data also shows that there is a need to improve
the current marketing communication so that it can be
more appealing to the customers. The following are
some proposed marketing initiatives to increase the
brand attraction:
PT ABL can aim to develop a brand image as
the largest trusted digital micro-insurance
service provider, who is socially responsible in
contributing to the financial inclusion
development in the country. This is because the
customers are now more appealed to brands that
possess human-centric values. For example, the
parent company of PT ABL has a strong brand
image as the largest micro-financing bank who
helps to develop the country by assisting micro
and small businesses, even in some remote areas
in the country. Thus, as its subsidiary, PT ABL
can definitely follow its footstep to become the
largest micro-insurance provider in the country,
who can reach those who are previously not
tapped by insurance protection.
Improve the marketing communication, by
optimizing the use of internet and social media
to raise brand awareness. The available social
media accounts need to be more utilized to
establish valuable interaction with the
customers. Instead of only delivering one-way
product information contents, the social media
can also be used to provide useful information
for customer daily lives. The aim is to increase
brand awareness by being sociable brand.
Participate or sponsor in local community
events, such as seminar, education, sports,
Developing New Wave Marketing Initiatives to Optimize Bancassurance Distribution Channel: Case Study: PT ABL
social event, customer gathering, or other
events. The aim is not only to increase the brand
awareness, but also to humanly interact with the
communities for social listening.
Improve the website display and develop a
simple, attractive, friendly user interface for
digital platform. The aim is to make customer
experience when accessing the company’s
website or application seamless and easy.
PT ABL can also create a fun and catchy mascot
or jingle for the brand. The objective is to
develop a quick and easy brand association in
customer’s mind.
Triggering Curiosity. If customers are appealing
to the brand but there is low conversion rate from
Appeal to Ask, it would mean that the brand is not
able to create enough conversation. The conversation
can be created when there is curiosity. When people
are curious, they will ask around. Kotler et al. (2017)
argued that one way to trigger curiosity is through
content marketing approach, which is a process of
developing and distributing a marketing content that
is relevant for the customers. Thus, the key point in
creating a conversation lies on content marketing
creation and its distribution. Some proposed
marketing initiatives to trigger more conversation are
as follows:
Create conversation among the customers or
communities through content marketing. The
content of the marketing communication done by
PT ABL must be relevant to the customers.
When the customers are able to see the relevance
between the content and themselves, or when
they think that the content is of values and worth
sharing, they will be willingly sharing the content
with their friends or families. Conversation
among them will then be created.
Amplify the content conversation through
proper distribution channel and communities. In
addition to distributing their marketing content
through social media or traditional public
spaces, PT ABL can also place their content in
cinemas or local community events. Engaging
and involving local communities is another way
to trigger and amplify the conversation.
Create a content creation competition where
both customers and non-customers in
communities can create and share their contents
based on a certain theme. If given a theme that
is of values and relevant to the customers, they
will be willing to put their creative ideas to join
such competition. If successful, this
competition could create a strong conversation
among the communities.
Securing Commitment. The next step in the
customer path is Act. This is a point where the
customers actually buy the product. This is where the
marketing mix 4P's could be a deciding factor. The
product or service must be of good quality, the price
must be reasonable and affordable, the promotion and
the sales forces must be convincing, and the product
must be available when the customers need it.
Channel management becomes important to ensure
the availability of the product or service. The human
capital across customer touch points is also critical to
delivering excellent customer experiences. The
survey data shows that the top purchase-decision
factor is customer service quality, followed by the
brand image. The following are some proposed
marketing initiatives to secure the commitment of the
Ensure seamless integration between offline
and online channels. The aim is to create
seamless customer experiences. Both channels
must be complementing each other.
Ensure seamless integration with parent
company digital ecosystem. This is to ensure
that the bancassurance products or services can
be made available through the parent company
digital platform and all the processes can be
completed seamlessly.
Optimize channel experiences using data
analytic. Data analytics would enable the
company to get deeper insights and improve the
processes across the customer value chain.
Develop a sales force management program for
both PT ABL and parent company sales forces.
It is equally important also to ensure the
employees of the parent company understand
that it will be beneficial for both companies if
the bancassurance channel is growing. Some
additional incentives program could also be
made for parent company employees who help
to provide a lead for bancassurance customers.
Building Affinity. After securing the
commitment of the customer, the next objective is to
increase brand advocacy. According to the survey,
most respondents are not strongly willing to
recommend their current insurance provider to others.
This is arguable because their customer satisfaction
level is not spectacular either. Thus, to increase the
customer advocacy level, the company must first
deliver superior customer services. Some proposed
marketing initiatives to build affinity with the
customers are as follows:
Improve service quality through digitalization
across customer touch points to increase
customer satisfaction level. With digitalization,
ICIB 2019 - The 2nd International Conference on Inclusive Business in the Changing World
PT ABL can develop self-service experiences,
make the administrative processes fast and easy,
or enable virtual customer service or chat bots to
provide real time assistance to the customer as
Develop customer service training program for
human capitals working at various customer
touch points. Automation through self-service
is great. However, it must still be combined with
a human touch. Excellent digital ecosystem can
be jeopardized if the customers are handled
poorly by the personnel at touch points. On the
other hand, exceptional human interaction can
also make the difference and amplify the
customer satisfaction.
Develop customer engagement program to
build close relationship with the customers. In
the service industry, good relationship with the
customers needs to be maintained so that the
customer satisfaction can also be managed. The
relationship with the customers cannot be
transactional only. The objective is to facilitate
the bancassurance sales forces to become
trusted friends for their respective customers
Develop a customer-get-customer program to
encourage word-of-mouth recommendation.
However, the main homework still lies on getting
very high customer satisfaction level. Any
incentive programs will not work when the
service quality is still poor, because no customers
would want to jeopardize their reputation by
providing unreliable recommendation.
The business issue in this research is for PT ABL to
increase the market share of the company by
optimizing the bancassurance distribution channel. A
survey done by a consultancy agency shows that the
brand awareness of PT ABL is still behind the leading
life insurance companies, and the primary survey data
shows that the top three factors that could drive the
customer’s purchase decision are the customer
service quality, the brand image, and the premium
price. Therefore, to optimize its bancassurance
distribution channel, PT ABL needs to increase its
brand awareness and improves its customer service
quality across its customer value chain. This can be
achieved by enhancing its marketing communication
initiatives and its customer service quality. This is
because brand image cannot be separated from
customer service quality, and a superior customer
service quality can also positively increase the brand
image of the company.
Since PT ABL is moving towards digitalization,
the proposed marketing initiatives are developed
using the new wave marketing and marketing 4.0
frameworks and are focusing to enhance the customer
experiences across its customer path through
digitalization by integrating both offline and online
channels. The customer experiences, and thus
customer satisfaction, can be improved by leveraging
on the digitalization to increase the productivity and
applying the human-centric approach to establish the
customer engagement.
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