Using the Biometric System in the Implementation of Digitalization in
Pension Payment Services
Rizky Bachrudin
and Dorien Kartikawangi
Magister of Communication Science Student, Universitas Indonesia, Jakarta, Indonesia
Lecturer of Communication Science, Universitas Indonesia, Jakarta, Indonesia
Keywords: Biometric System, Digitalization, Pension Fund Payment Service, #ICIB.
Abstract: PT TASPEN (Persero) as a state-owned enterprise which is regulated as a pension fund management
institution for all government employees consisting of Civil Servant, Head of Government, up to Board
Member with a total number of participants reaches 6.7 million participants consisting of 4, 2 million active
participants and 2.5 million retired participants. As government agencies that have to serve the community
and have an obligation to pay dividends to the SOE ministries, the effectiveness of services is the main key
to make the management of the company profitable for the country. From the main key of the service, then
TASPEN makes an innovation by using the biometric system which used on pattern recognition. To obtain
the data, the authors make observations, interviews, and studies of supporting documents concerning
TASPEN in realizing the digitalization of pension payments that the process has been initiated since 2014.
Data processing techniques used to perform data reduction because the data obtained from interviews,
observation, and supporting documents are quite complex. The findings in this study are that technology can
be understood in all generations (baby boomers generations included), the level of customer satisfaction
remains high, communication channels are diverse, and the process of Digitalization gets a psychological
The Pension Fund Program is fund management that
promises periodic payments to participants at the time
of retirement or retirement. Payments of pension
funds are paid to pensioners (either participant or
family borne) through a paid partner that may be a
Bank or post. Payments of pension funds will cease
when penalties are subjected to several incidents such
as death, re-active work, or conduct activities that
violate the agreement between the insured and the
insurer (the body that receives pension risk).
Therefore, the payment of pension funds requires
periodic authentication to ensure that the recipient of
the pension fund is eligible.
PT Taspen (Persero) as a state-owned enterprise
that is regulated as a pension fund management body
for all State Civil Apparatus consisting of Civil
Servants, Head of Government, up to Board Members
with a total of 6.7 million participants consisting of 4,
2 million active participants and 2.5 million retired
participants. As government agencies that have to
serve the community and have an obligation to pay
dividends to the SOE ministries, the effectiveness of
services is key to making the management of the
company profitable for the country. Noted, PT
Taspen (Persero) succeeded in becoming an SOE that
always generates a profit since 2014 (Kulsim, 2018).
Some of the breakthroughs made by PT Taspen
(Persero) become a special strategy in giving
maximal servants to the participants including
automatic claims service that makes the participants
do not need to come to the Office of PT Taspen
(Persero) as insurer or partner to pay periodic
authentication to ensure the right recipient under the
Periodic authentication is performed by the
insurer or insurer of the retired face-to-face way by
matching the registration number, photo, or signature
accordingly and Identity Card. Participants need to
take their pension funds regularly in partnership and
the funds received can be either physical in-kind or
sent to the account desired by the participants and the
paying partners.
In its development, the digitalization process
towards pension payments began to grow by
maximizing the existing technology. Now, the insurer
Bachrudin, R. and Kartikawangi, D.
Using the Biometric System in the Implementation of Digitalization in Pension Payment Services.
DOI: 10.5220/0008432704820489
In Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Inclusive Business in the Changing World (ICIB 2019), pages 482-489
ISBN: 978-989-758-408-4
2020 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
and the paying partner do not need to face to face with
the participants. Authentication can be done through
biometric mobile devices by voice recognition,
fingerprint, and face recognition. Any form of
biometric technology used is a manifestation of the
proof of the life process (proof of the recipient of the
pension is still alive). The pension fund will then
automatically log into the participant's account
without requiring attendance to the paying partner. In
the future, both the paying partner and the insurer's
office will have minimal claims for pension
payments. To achieve this, it needs an infrastructure
in the process of digitizing the retirement services that
serves as the authentication and verification of data,
data recording devices, applications, networks and
biometric licenses as a reliable solution for
Information & Communication Technology (ICT) for
the authentication process in the payment process
retirement can run faster and more accurately.
The implementation of the digitization of pension
payment services provides more valid retirement data
and makes it easier for all retirees to perform an
authentication process. The application of digitizing
pension payments is considered important because of
the complaints of retirees who often find it difficult to
introduce themselves to paying partners and become
commonplace because retired people are usually very
old (Iqbal in Setiawan, 2018). For retirees who cannot
take pension funds either due to physical or health
impairments, it can be represented by a power of
attorney. From the side of paying partners and
pension fund management agencies, if the handling
of pension payments remains done manually, eating
will be a difficult process of arranging and reporting
data of participants. This has caused a lot of fraud
(fraud) in which pension funds are used by
unauthorized people. Changes in communication
between insurers and participants from face-to-face
communication to mediated-communication to
ensure valid participant data gives rise to a number of
advantages and disadvantages that should be
examined more deeply. The advantages that occurred
visible from the effectiveness of communication
patterns of time and place on the process of periodic
pension payments while the lack intensity of
interaction between the two parties that can lead to
decreased customer attachment to pension fund
management company. The author believes that
opportunities in the utilization of technology in the
communications industry that occurs in the business
of pension funds can continue to grow so that the
effectiveness of communication patterns can be in
line with the goal of organizing a business pension
fund without reducing the emotional bond between
pension fund management companies with
From the legal point of view, the digitization of
pension payments has been guarded by the Guard,
Protection, Government and Development Team of
Kejati DKI (TP4D) for mechanisms that comply with
the legal rules concerning procurement development
and implementation, digitizing pension payment
services. The trick is to harmonize the rule of law
between the internal TOR of PT Taspen with other
legal rules including the rules concerning the Ministry
of SOEs and related to the budget mechanism and its
loading (Siagian, 2017).
The concept of digitizing the pension fund service
is technically adapting across the communication
sciences ie the field of information technology. This
digitalization is an integration of audio concepts in
which this digitalization system to recognize the
identity of the retiree uses sound sensors, then audio-
visual concepts are also used as a sensor system, there
is the concept of Data-Distribution-Network or better
known as Big Data, where the whole data on
pensioners is in the Big Data this later data will be
used to optimize the digitization of this pension fund
payment service.
The existence of new technology that aims to
provide convenience for retirees in terms of mobility,
of course, has decreased, then PT. Taspen holds this
digitization of course after passing through a series of
processes without exception judging from the side of
ethics and regulation. Referring to the ethical
understanding by Paul & Elder that ethics is a set of
concepts and guiding principles in deciding which
behaviors can be helpful or harmful to living beings
(2006), this digitization is in a position to make it
easier for living things. In terms of regulation,
digitization conducted by PT. Taspen has been
running as it should and has been legally guarded.
Based on the background of the problem
described above, the authors have the assumption that
the development of information and communication
technology in the face-to-face service industry,
especially in the service industry of pension fund
payments will have an impact on decreasing the
participant's engagement to the pension fund
management agency due to the reduced intensity.
Although current communication patterns built
between the two do not require high intimacy, with
face-to-face communication that has been done can
produce valuable information. The insurer will know
the personal difficulties experienced by retirees more
deeply, not just formal interaction to pay the rights of
Using the Biometric System in the Implementation of Digitalization in Pension Payment Services
The ease of being built through communication
patterns assisted by technology will lead to
difficulties because mediated communication
requires skills in using media for both parties.
Feedback received will experience delayed) because
the process of sending messages in the authentication
process requires the process.
Therefore, the purpose of this paper is to integrate
between the assumptions, propositions, and the
results of the discussion on a phenomenon that exists
in the service of pension fund payments that also
develop with the implementation of strategic
management in the field of information and
communication technology.
Pension fund
According to Wild, Subramanyam, and Halsey (in
Bachtiar: 2005: 177): The pension plan is the
employer's promise to provide employee pension
benefits, and the agreement involves three parties: the
employer, who contributes to the pension plan;
workers receiving rewards; and pension funds. A
pension fund is separated from the employer and
administered by the trustee. Meanwhile, according to
Kieso, Weygandt, and Warfield (in Wibowo: 2002:
147), "The pension plan is an agreement that provides
that employers or employers provide benefits to
employees after they retire on services they give
while still working ".
Technology Determination Theory
In the Technology Determination Theory, there are
three forms of the emergence of this theory. Three
forms are:
1. Normative
2. Logically important
3. Unintentional Consequences
In a journal by Paul S. Adler, The International of
Encyclopedia of Organization Studies, it is affirmed
that Technology determinism is divided into several
levels of analysis. At the broadest level, Technology
Determination has informed many analyzes of
changes in socio-economic configurations: the
transition from feudalism to capitalism, changing the
structure of work and skills of the workforce in the
20th century, the post-industrial emergence in post-
World War II era, the subsequent emergence of
"information society," "post-Fordism," and
globalization. For some, technological progress
represents a gradual emancipation promise of
mankind from unnecessary burdens of illness and
labor. For others, this same path represents the loss of
our humanity, ensnares us in a more complex,
alienating, and dangerous technological web.
Basically, the biometric system is a pattern
recognition system. There are four basic components
in this biometric system as described in the book
"Biometrics: Concepts, Methodologies, Tools, and
Applications, namely:
1. Sensors: The process of procuring data (or
sensors) that capture images and/or videos and
individuals who register to a biometric system
or use it for verification/identification
2. Features: The creation of templates that develop
biometric template patterns from input data
using machine learning, computer vision, and
pattern recognition techniques
3. Database System: Repository of registered
biometric user patterns
4. Matcher: Compare biometric patterns from the
user's "live" image to each biometric pattern
that is stored in the database system module.
Based on matching results, then made a
decision with respect to the identity of the
stored user then displayed on the system.
The biometric identity authentication system is
based on a person's biological characteristics, such as
face, voice, fingerprint, iris, gait, hand geometry or
signature. Identity authentication using faces or voice
information is a research area where scientists are
currently working very actively to develop
technology using this biometric system (Jadhav,
An identity authentication system must relate to
two types of events: whether the person claiming the
given identity is referred to as the client or if it is not
proven to have a relationship it can be said that the
person is not a person entitled to receive. Moreover,
the system may generally take one decision: accept
the client or reject it and decide he/she is a suspect
alien. Biometrics provides two functions of
identification and authentication or verification.
Data Collection Technique
To obtain the data, the authors make observations,
interviews, and studies of supporting documents
concerning PT Taspen (Persero) in realizing the
digitalization of pension payments that the process
has been initiated since 2014. Observations made
ICIB 2019 - The 2nd International Conference on Inclusive Business in the Changing World
directly by the author of the work process, symptoms,
and behavior to record the various phenomena that
occur Observation Techniques / Observations,
according to Sutrisno Hadi in Sugiyono (2013), is a
complex process, two of which are the most important
processes of observation and memory. To strengthen
the results of the author's observation, the interviews
were conducted on the parties who have authority
over the pension payment service that is the Main
Manager of Services and Marketing Division as the
head of the work unit and Functional Marketing as an
expert staff in service at PT Taspen (Persero). The
writer's interview is appropriate to deepen the
material because according to Esterberg in Sugiyono
(2013), through interviews can be constructed
meaning in a certain topic which is the result of the
exchange of information and ideas. Subsequent
supporting data of the authors get based on the results
of annual management reports from 2015 to 2017.
According to Pivac (2017), the annual report can
provide a fair review of the company's development
in a business and the position of the company.
Data Processing Technique
Data processing techniques used to perform data
reduction because the data obtained from interviews
are not structured observes, and supporting
documents are quite complex. In the process of
summarizing, choosing the things that are considered
important, as well as looking for patterns according to
the theme that the author lifts, it takes a coding
process (Creswell, 2014) is a process where
researchers search for keywords from the description
interview that can answer the formulation of the
problem. The coding type is open coding because the
researcher studies the text (interview transcript, field
note, document) for information categorized as
prominent by the researcher (Creswell, 2014).
Furthermore, these prominent data writers make
reference to being analyzed more in-depth. According
to Ahmadi (2016), the analysis includes organizing
data, dividing data into manageable units, finding
patterns, and finding what is important, which can be
learned, and deciding what researchers will report in
this case the researchers focus on the process of
digitizing pension payments from a communication
point of view.
Technology Can be Understood In All
The use of information and communication
technologies has accelerated the social networking
process for all generations, including elderly genders
that are the main targets in digitizing pension
payments. Enthusiastic of the elderly in using
information and communication technology is very
big seen from the number of participants who attend
to follow the enrollment of the process of recording
biometric data which will be used as the basis receipt
of payment pension. The online authentication
process can be done through biometric-based
smartphones such as fingerprint, face recognition,
and voice recognition. The pension payments that last
several years take about three hours by queue,
according to Iqbal in Riyandi (2018), now 3 minutes.
The management believes that technology is
beneficial to all people and the age of retirees is not a
barrier to information and communication technology
can be maximized. The process of enrollment or
biometric data recording is conducted from May to
October 2018. The enthusiasm for recording is highly
visible from the number of participants who are
recording at the Main Branch Office of Jakarta PT
Taspen (Persero). Based on the observation of the
author, the number of participants who attend always
meets the waiting room since early May. There is a
concern for pensioners that their rights cannot be paid
if they have not yet done biometric recording
especially on the payment of Pension 13 and Hari
Raya allowance (THR) to be paid in June 2018. This
is supported by the press release spread by the
company on 28 May 2018, it is stated that the
biometric data recording activity does not affect the
payment of Pension 13 and THR for pensioners
because it is not mentioned in the technical guidance
of the implementation of the grant referred to the
Government Regulation No. 18 of 2018 on the
Provision of Salaries, Pensions or Third Allowance of
Civil Servants, Soldiers The Indonesian National
Armed Forces, Members of the Indonesian National
Police, State Officials and Pensioners or Benefits.
The enrollment process can be done in all the paid
Partners who have the means adequate. In accordance
with the statement a Functional Marketing as follows:
"Implementation of enrollment may be performed in
all paying partners where the relevant pensioner is
registered as long as the intended paying office
already has sufficient means to enroll"
Biometric recording activities for retirees
reaching 2 million participants take about six to eight
months and use approximately 10 thousand
socializing workers. As stated by Faisal Rahman,
Director of Planning, Business Development and
Information Technology, "Taspen is working with
Dukcapil (Directorate General of Population and
Using the Biometric System in the Implementation of Digitalization in Pension Payment Services
Civil Registration) to enroll 2, 5 million retired
participants". This shows that in maximizing
information and communication technology, it
requires large data processing and involves various
parties. Dukcapil plays a major role in the
management of participant's retirement data because
it is fully responsible for all the formulation and
implementation of policies in the field of population
and civil registration in accordance with the
provisions of the legislation.
The Level of Customer Satisfaction Remains High
The level of customer satisfaction on the services of
PT Taspen (Persero) as the agency of pension fund
manager is quite high in the recent period. From the
last two years management report, the corporate
satisfaction index in 2016 reached 96.6% for pension
participants and in 2015 it reached 92.9%. In that
year, the use of technology for digitizing pension
payments through biometric data does not yet exist.
The use of the only technology that has been used is
automatic claim payments in which participants do
not need to collect all data requirements to file a
pension claim. The management body will utilize Big
Data which is already a part of the cooperation
between PT Taspen (Persero) with Dukcapil.
Through integrated data, the automated claims
service system ensures that the pensioner will
immediately get the right as a pensioner upon
entering full time. Participants only need to fill out a
completed payment receipt from before the pension
limit and are payable immediately upon maturity. The
automated Claims Service program can be said to be
the embryo of digitizing pension payments that can
facilitate pensioners.
In terms of communication, the use of Big Data is
a profitable business because abundant data can be
obtained in real-time, much information can be
obtained and used. The results of data processing can
facilitate various circles, including the elderly who
are not too closely related to technological
Through the use of big data in cooperation with
Dukcapil, payment management companies such as
PT Taspen (Persero) will make the data accuracy and
completion of claims of participants faster and easier
validation of claims process. Through Electronic
Identity Card (e-ID card) data integrated with Taspen
participant number, registration of members of the
Civil State Apparatus will be more effective.
Management believes that through the use of data and
information technology and communications, it will
be able to improve service to participants who will be
seen on the level of satisfaction of participants in the
next year.
The Channels of Communication are Diverse
In doing the service, in essence, technological
progress does not necessarily immediately kills the
existing communication channel before. Through
digitizing pension payments, branch offices are being
added to meet the needs of participants all over
Indonesia. Finally, at the beginning of 2018, it has
inaugurated two branch offices for Bone (South
Sulawesi) and Pamekasan (East Java). Total branch
offices of PT Taspen (Persero) reached 57 scattered
in all provinces in Indonesia. In fact, the spirit of
digitalization of pension payments has been echoed
from mid-2017 which aims to not many participants
who must come to the Branch Office of PT Taspen
(Persero) or to the Partner Office Pay. It aims to have
participants of various options to authenticate so that
the payment of pensions can be in accordance with
applicable provisions. Iqbal Latanro (in October
2018) as President Director emphasized that
innovation continues to bring closer service so that
participants get faster, easier, safer, more comfortable
and maximal service. As a service provider,
organizations can not force all parties to
simultaneously shifting into digitizing pension
payments. For participants who do not have the skills
in using existing technology, especially in
authentication of pension payments through
biometry, it is also necessary face-to-face service to
answer those needs so expanding the network by
building a new Branch Office is one of the right ways.
The Process of Digitalization Gets a Psychological
Information and communication technology is
essentially a basic human need for the process of
managing and obtaining information in a context that
will benefit the whole society. But in practice in the
industry of management and payment of pension
funds, there is a psychological aspect of the challenge
that is the need of retirees to interact. In fact, the
pensioners are often queued since dawn on the day of
pension payments. This then motivates pension fund
managers to provide a payment pattern that does not
require a queuing system as it takes time and energy
for retirees who are not young anymore. The queue is
not a problem as retirees flock to paying partners with
a mission to meet old friends and wait for pension
money. According to Ali, a Retired teacher in 2000 in
Rahman (2016), "Not just want to take pension
money, but meet friends become one thing routine
every month,".
ICIB 2019 - The 2nd International Conference on Inclusive Business in the Changing World
Culture is inherent in the community of
pensioners, of course, be a challenge for pension fund
management agencies such as PT Taspen (Persero).
Although technology is needed to make a process
effective, it will still face many challenges in its
implementation process.
We Technological sophistication is not just based on
a single discipline. In the subject of today's authors,
the digitization of pension payments proves that
clumps of communication fields also need to
collaborate with other clumps of fields. Technology
system used by PT. Taspen (Persero) is a system that
uses biometric concepts that we look for journals
about biometrics (Fingerprint, Face recognition, and
voice recognition). What is the same effect of
The use of information and communication
technologies has accelerated the social networking
process for all generations, including elderly genders
that are the main target in digitizing pension
payments. Kolehmainen (2016) revealed that the
development of information and communication
technology had increased the knowledge of the older
generation and its skills in accessing information.
Information technology is proven to improve the
welfare of the elderly as part of a holistic way of self-
The technology included in Kolehmainen also
includes virtual-tools, robots, games, and remote-
operated monitoring systems which show that all of
these communications technologies play a major role
in improving the welfare of the elderly as they
successfully create social networks and
communication portals so that stimulating the thought
process that ultimately pushes itself to dependency.
According to Reardon (2010), many people
ignore the role of technology in the elderly generation
because of the adaptability to technology that is not
as fast as the younger generation when it actually
distances the elderly's chance to maintain and
improve their physical, mental, and emotional well-
being. So to ensure the elderly get the same benefits
of technological advances, it takes the structure of the
design and management of personal skills according
to the criteria of the elderly generation. Kolehmainen
(2016) also explained that in the future technology is
needed to be built on the character of the elderly
because the evidence of his research shows that
information and communication technology is used to
create inter-generational communication both
personally and publicly.
The author believes that information and
communication technology can play a much bigger
role than simply making the communication process
more effective in terms of the distribution of pension
funds. The ease was given so as not to queue and
travel to the partner pay as well as Branch Office PT
Taspen (Persero) make the life of the elderly better.
Lancu and Lancu's (2017) study revealed that
information and communication technology
indirectly increases life expectancy when used
appropriately. As life expectancy increases, the need
will also increase realistically and force the industry
to compete in providing better products/services to
offer. Knowing how the elderly generation
understands technology and understanding the profile
of the elderly generation becomes an important aspect
and needs to be taken into account by the business
industry, government, to stakeholders such as social
service companies. Lancu and Lancu (2017) add that
the elder generation is caught as a sensitive
community and is often characterized as a lowly,
demanding group, and has plenty of free time. But in
reality, the elderly actually require integration in
social interaction.
The implementation of digitizing pension
payments by maximizing biometric data recording
has addressed the need for the elderly generation of
technology. However, face-to-face communication is
still needed by pensioners as a society needs. Through
the integration of the use of information and
communication technology, the elderly generation
can be more independent and participate in social
The right technology for the elderly is the
Assistive Technology defined by Chernbumroong
(2010) personalizable tools that can maintain or
enhance a person's capacity such as wireless
communication systems, mobile data collection, and
how to control the environment to maintain physical,
cognitive and active involvement. The digitalization
technology of pension payments can be said precisely
because it minimizes the dangerous work for
pensioners. This is in line with what Gamberini stated
in Chernbumroong (2010) which explains that to
unify technology and the elderly generation needs to
avoid excessive physical contact and make
connections between old-age users and pension fund
managers. Existing communication patterns tend to
be transactional where both parties have their own
goals to get their rights and obligations, so that when
the channel changes it will not have a significant
Using the Biometric System in the Implementation of Digitalization in Pension Payment Services
Evident from the assessment of the level of
customer satisfaction within the last two years when
digital services through big data began to be done, the
result of customer satisfaction remains high and
considered very satisfactory for participants. But with
the development of information and communication
technology that resulted in the absence of the
participants coming directly to the paying partners to
take pension funds, need to be developed more deeply
so as to meet also the social needs of the pensioners
to interact with others. Nedopil et al (2017) argue that
parents will be more motivated to use technology
especially in certain situations such as when the
technology is compatible with their routines and
when they are able to directly assess that the
technology is greater than the effort while learning to
use it. When it meets both requirements, then the
number of users of the elderly generation to utilize
information and communication technology will
continue to increase.
This study concludes that technology can be used in
all circles including the elderly generation especially
in the financial business such as pension payments.
The technology used needs to have several conditions
such as avoiding pressure for the user, facilitating
communication or authentication process, and
meeting the integration needs of social interaction
owned by the older generation.
Minimal service of face-to-face communication
does not have an impact on the sense of engagement
because the communication process is built only to
the extent of transactional communication whereby
participants make sure to get pension funds and
pension fund managers to perform their duties
through the authentication process. In order to know
the difficulties and complaints of the participants, the
pension fund management agency needs to regularly
conduct customer satisfaction assessments every
As a result, digitizing pension payments can make
participants satisfied with the services provided. The
elder generation is essentially a sensitive community
of technology and wants to increase its knowledge
and skills in accessing information and
communication technology because it can increase
independence and communication with its
Based on the conclusions presented by the author,
information and communication technology can be
utilized for authentication needs through biometrics
consisting of voice recognition, fingerprint, and face
recognition. The pattern of communication that turns
into mediated communication is not an obstacle when
the communication meets the needs of the parties
concerned. This form of information and
communication technology needs to be supported by
good data management (big data) with the right
human resource skill. The use of biometric data can
be done in various industries that require personal
authentication in a fast, accurate and valid manner
with sufficient intensity of interaction so as to support
the satisfaction and needs of the use of information
and communication technology.
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Using the Biometric System in the Implementation of Digitalization in Pension Payment Services