obey and be responsible for what God gives to leaders
who function to lead others by emulating responsible
spiritual leadership.
Louis W. Fry defines spiritual leadership as follows:
“The values, attitudes, and behaviors required to
intrinsically motivate one’s self and others in order to
have a sense of spiritual survival through calling and
membership i.e., they experience meaning in their
lives, have a sense of making a difference, and feel
understood and appreciated”.
Spiritual leadership aims to motivate and inspire
through the creation of a vision and culture based on
altruistic values to produce workers who have
organizational commitment and productivity.
Spiritual leadership variables can be measured by
dimensions and indicators that refer to and adopt from
Louis W. Fry's book. Dimensions of Leader Values,
Attitudes, and Behaviors are measures of spiritual
leadership that can be seen through the following
indicators; Vision, Hope and Altruistic Value.
Dimensions of Spiritual Welfare are measures of
spiritual leadership that can be seen through the
following indicators; Feelings Appreciated and
Understood. Dimensions of Organizational
Outcomes can be seen through Organizational
2.2 Youth Spiritual Growth
The word growth means a condition that is growing
or developing. The spiritual word means relating to
the spirit. Spiritual growth begins with the existence
of spiritual formation. The word "Spiritual
Formation" in English is "Spiritual Formation";
which comes from the word "spiritual" (spiritual),
meaning things related to religion / spirituality while
"formation" (formation) which means is an action that
can give shape to something. So literally, the term
Spiritual Formation is defined as the action taken to
give shape to spirituality and growth.
Spiritual Life God's people must grow, because
that is God's will for His people (Col. 2: 6-7, I Pet. 2:
1-5, etc.). Strength and power (dynamic & power) to
grow come from God (Romans 1: 16-17).
According to Tomatala Yakob, the basis of the
spiritual life of Jesus Christ is reconciling God with
humans through His death (1: 21,22), releasing from
the power of sin, entering into the kingdom of God,
having the redemption of Christ (1: 13-14; 2: 13 -15),
giving part of His work to those who believe (2:20; 3:
Spiritual growth is a process of growth from a
pure baby to spiritual maturity characterized by
characters that are increasingly similar to the
character of Christ. Spiritual growth is also
characterized by an increase in closer relationships
with God, so that he knows him better. Spiritual
growth will last a lifetime, and according to the
teachings of the Bible, where someone who has
believed in the Lord Jesus, should not stop only at the
level of trust, but must grow older, toward perfection
in Christ.
In the Big Indonesian Dictionary, youth are young
men; teenagers; cadets. But even so youth not only
focuses on men but also includes attitudes and
behavior of women. According to Richardson and
Raines, Youth is a time when many young people
decide their way of life and make important decisions
in their lives. Mary Go Setiawan categorizes young
people from 18 to 24 years.
GBKP Cililitan has a categorical partnership for
youth called PERMATA GBKP. The youth who
joined the PERMATA GBKP Cililitan was a young
man aged 18 years until he married / married.
Based on the explanation of several figures above,
it can be concluded that youth is a group of people
who have a passion and passion that is burning and
proactive in developing their abilities or potential, so
that they begin to experience many changes both
physically, mentally, socially, emotionally, and
spiritually. Because youth are in the process of
development towards self-discovery and maturity.
Youth is a wonderful time to serve, time to work
and produce works for God. Humans can and have the
capacity to be relied upon in service in the midst of
the church and society. The presence of youth in the
church is not to be served but to serve, not to be loved
but to love, not to be pityed but to feel sorry. Youth
services are not just worshiped every week, choir or
vocal group, but young people want to serve, because
that is what God wants from young people in today's
youth. Youth is not a barrier for us to participate in
ministry, taking responsibility for the calling of three
churches, namely fellowship, witnessing and serving.
The Apostle Paul said, "Let no one consider you
inferior because you are young." (1 Tim. 4: 12a).
If traced in the Bible, it can be seen the way God uses
young people to speak the truth. Yusuf, who was used
by God through his evil and ironic goals from his
brothers in his youth, was the first person used by God
to become the leader of the nation even outside of his
own people.
When the Israelites entered the promised land,
Joshua was the one who had to lead them easily. The
twelve disciples of Jesus were young people. They are
mostly fishermen, not great figures, but are used to
preach the gospel. even Jesus himself lived for 33
years in the world, Jesus did a ministry task that was
ICIB 2019 - The 2nd International Conference on Inclusive Business in the Changing World