Role of National Council for Aeronautic and Space of Republic
Indonesia (DEPANRI) from Institutional Economic Perspectives
Intan Perwitasari
Magister of Economics and Development Studies, UNDIP, Jalan Erlangga Tengah, Semarang, Indonesia
Center for Aerospace Policy Studies, LAPAN, Jalan Cisadane No. 25 Cikini, Jakarta, Indonesia
Keywords: DEPANRI, Institutional Economy, Social Capital, Transaction Costs.
Abstract: National Council for Aeronautic and Space of Republic Indonesia (DEPANRI) the highest coordination forum
that has the task of formulating aeronautics and space policies in Indonesia, which president is the chairman.
In other countries this council has an important role and still exists today, but its was dissolved. The purpose
of this study is to see the role or contribution of the National Aeronautics and Space Council (DEPANRI) as
long as it stands from an institutional economic perspective. Descriptive approach with unit of social capital
analysis and transaction cost become analysis tool in this research. The results obtained are (i) the low
participation of members and commitment in the members of DEPANRI were description of how asymetric
information, low interest of the member to space issues (not become priority), and not reapons and watched
presidential transtition thats all be a part of social capitall, which be the factor of DEPANRI organization is
not optimal, and (ii) low cost of political economy transactions and low organizational managerial
implementation becomes one of the factors urgency of the existence of DEPANRI that do not carry out
optimally their functions.
National Council for Aeronautic and Space Of
Republic Indonesia (DEPANRI) is one of the Non-
Structural Institutions (LNS) which was dissolved by
the government in 2014. It’s was the higest
coordinating body in formulating aeronautic and
space policy in Indonesia. The existence of such
councils in the fields of aerospace namely aeronautics
and space in several countries such as the United
States, Japan and Brazil is a structural institution
strategic nature and still survive until today. The
existence of DEPANRI since its inception in the
1960s, has undergone several changes in
organizational structure. DEPANRI is an
organization whose initial goal is to assist the
President of Indonesia in formulating general policies
in the field of aeronautics and space.
DEPANRI institutional funding as a public
institution originates from the state budget (APBN),
which has undergone a transformation into the body
of a public organization of the National Aeronautics
and Space (LAPAN). The DEPANRI budget merged
into one ceiling in the LAPAN budget, as the
DEPANRI secretary. The Institute of Public
Administration (LAN) recommends the abolition of
DEPANRI which is the basis for the dissolution of
this organization. This dissolution is one indicator of
failure in the concept of institutional economy where
there is asymmetric information from organizational
units in carrying out their functions, where the
performance of the institution is considered
inefficient. The important role of institutions in
economics is a means of reducing uncertainty or
turning it into a risk. The decrease in uncertainty will
reduce transaction costs, so transactions (markets,
management and politics) will increase (Azansyah,
Institutional economics tries to analyze the
problems that arise from the dissolution of DEPANRI
according to the institutional point of view. Jaya
(2004) in his research tried to see the contractual
relationship between principals in the concept of
state, namely constituents with representative agents.
DEPANRI has a performance contract with
representatives of the people in terms of running the
organization according to their duties efficiently. The
new institutional economy builds its idea that
institutions and organizations strive to achieve a level
of efficiency and minimize overall costs, where the
concept of overall costs, not only in the form of
Perwitasari, I.
Role of National Council for Aeronautic and Space of Republic Indonesia (Depanri) from Institutional Economic Perspectives.
DOI: 10.5220/0008435507020708
In Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Inclusive Business in the Changing World (ICIB 2019), pages 702-708
ISBN: 978-989-758-408-4
2020 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
production costs such as the concept of neoclassical
economics, but also transaction costs (Santoso,
2008). Therefore, how the process of DEPANRI's
performance before it was dissolved became an
interesting analysis amid the development of the
existence of similar councils in international forums.
In this study, we will discuss (i) how DEPANRI's role
or social capital contribution to performance output,
(ii) DEPANRI's managerial influence on transaction
This research is intended to see the application of
institutional economic analysis (social capital and
economic transaction costs) of DEPANRI before
being dissolved by the government, and knowing the
dominant factors that affect the high and low
economic transaction costs which then affect the
performance of these institutions which are
considered inefficient.
In analyzing institutional economics, it is not only
centered on economic transaction activities but also
on social actions. This action is an action needed to
establish, maintain and or change social relations
(Weber, 1968), including the establishment and
efforts to maintain an institutional framework where
the process of economic transactions can occur. Both
rules that are formal or informal, including the
character of coercion, are components therein.
Political transactions are very significant, namely
transactions that occur between people involved in
politics, bureaucracy and interested groups.
According to Williamson (1979: 239), both
political transactions and economic transactions are
characterized as follows:
a. Uncertainty;
b. Frequency, where transactions often occur; and
c. The degree or level of occurrence of transactions-
including investments in them.
Transaction costs arise because of the occurrence
of economic activities among actors in the
community, namely the use of resources needed
including social transactions (including economic
transactions in them). Defining transaction costs
based on Richert and Furuboth, (2000) are costs for
using the market (market transaction cost) and the
cost of exercising the right to give orders within the
company (managerial transaction cost). Besides that,
there is also a range of costs associated with moving
and adapting to the institutional political framework.
This transaction fee arises because the transfer of
property rights in this case is the result of
technological innovation. In economic activity there
are two types of costs, namely costs related to the
production and physical distribution of an item or
service and both the costs required for an exchange.
The total economic costs are not only determined by
the production costs (technology and inputs used) but
also the transaction costs determined by the
institution. Transaction costs are substantial. Based
on some estimates, transaction costs in the modern
economy market range from 50-60% of net national
products. The development, the economic theory of
transaction costs is used to measure the level of
efficiency of institutional design, where high
transaction costs are one indicator of the inefficiency
of existing institutional design (Sukarsih and
Gunawan, SD, 2012). Furuboth and Richert (2000)
divide transaction costs into three types of costs,
namely market transaction costs, managerial
transaction costs and political transaction costs.
Institutional efficiency is one way to improve
economic and institutional growth which is
considered efficient if transaction costs are low
(Furubotn and Richer, 2000), and social capital has a
positive effect on economic growth (Lapavitsas and
Fine, 2004). Social capital is the norm, trust and
network that is embedded in the social structure of
society that can facilitate collective action for
mutually beneficial relationships (Porter, 1998). The
essence of institutional analysis is how formal rules
(contracts, organizations, political law and systems,
markets) informal rules (systems of values, norms,
traditions, religions, and habits) and enforcement
mechanisms are applied in people's lives. This means
how the DEPANRI institution has so far run the
organization and produced efficient performance by
looking at the development and allocation of
transaction costs and the social capital that is formed
in it in coordinating work between institutions, to
achieve the objectives of aerospace development.
This study uses a deskriptive analysis aims to carry
out exploration and classification activities on
economic transaction cost data and social phenomena
that occur in organizing DEPANRI. According to
Loeb, Susanna, et.all (2017), descriptive analysis
characterizes the world or a phenomenon
answering questions about who, what, where, when,
and to what extent, and the goal is to identify and
describe trends, or describe samples in studies aimed
at identifying causal effects, description plays a
critical role in the scientific process in general and
Role of National Council for Aeronautic and Space of Republic Indonesia (Depanri) from Institutional Economic Perspectives
education research in particular. The method of data
collection is done by conducting literature studies,
and documentation analysis. The data that used were
secondary data from LAPAN, internet, jurnals or
In this discussion, it will be analyzed in terms of the
urgency of the existence of the council in aeronautics
and space in international forums, then followed by
an analysis of the contribution of the role of
DEPANRI and the formed social social capital, and
analysis of DEPANRI's economic transaction costs.
4.1 Urgency of Council Needs
The existence of similar councils in several countries
is one of the driving factors for the urgency of the role
of DEPANRI in Indonesia. In this section we will see
how strategic level organizations like DEPANRI in
the United States, and India.
In 1958 (Based on the National Aeronautics and
Space Act of 1958), institutional coordination in the
handling of the United States Aeronautical and Space
(Aeronautical and Space) was handled by the
National Aeronautics and Space Council (NASC),
namely an aeronautical coordinating agency in the
United States called under the name "Council". The
Council advises and assists the President regarding
national space policy and strategy and is directed to
review United States Government space policy and
develop a strategy for national space activities. The
Council also fosters close coordination, cooperation,
and technology and information exchange among the
civil, national security, and commercial space sectors.
Additionally, the Council advises the President on
participation in international space activities (NASA,
2017). The Council is assisted by an Executive
Secretary with no more than three staff. In the
government of President George H.W. Bush formed
the "National Space Council" (NSpC) (1989 to 1993)
which was a little more narrow in scope than NASC.
The newly formed NSpC members include: Vice
President; Minister of Foreign Affairs; Ministry of
defence; Minister of Trade; Minister of
Transportation; Director of the Office of
Management and Budget; Presidential Chief of Staff;
Assistant President for Security; Director of Central
Intelligence; and NASA Administrator. NSpC is
headed by the Vice President. The implementing
institution is the National Aeronautics And Space
Administration (NASA), led by an Administrator and
a Deputy Administrator, and is responsible directly to
the US President (Nasution,, 2010, and NASA,
Source: Uchino, Takashi (2018)
Figure 1: Governmental in Space Policy of United States.
Indian aerospace activities are coordinated by the
Department of Space (The Department of Space -
DOS). DOS is assisted by the Space Commission, and
the Insat Coordination Committee, and Planning
Committee of the Natural Resource Management
System. DOS, among others, oversees various
institutions such as:
• National Remote Sensing Agency (NRSA);
• PRC;
• NMFK; and
• Space Corporation
By looking at benchmarking above, it can be seen
that the existence of a kind of council has a strategic
position under the President in order to coordinate all
sectors that have an impact in the field of aeronautics
and space. This is actually in line with the authority
inherent in DEPANRI, where the initial formation in
1955 with the legal basis of Government Regulation
Number 5 of 1955, dated February 3, 1955.
4.2 Performance of DEPANRI form
Social Capital Perspektive
The DEPANRI organization underwent a change in
terms of matters including aeronautics but also space
(joint Law Number 83 of 1958 concerning
Aeronautics, December 27, 1958 and Republic of
Indonesia's Presidential Decree Number 99 of 1993,
October 26, 1993 concerning DEPANRI). The
ICIB 2019 - The 2nd International Conference on Inclusive Business in the Changing World
organization of DEPANRI can be seen in Figure 2
about the National Aerospace Organizational
Structure where, the President of the Republic of
Indonesia as chairman, Minister of Research and
Technology as the vice chairman, and chairman of
LAPAN as secretary.
The function of the DEPANRI Secretariat
(Nasution, Husni, et. Al. 2010) was held by LAPAN,
and all funding needed for the implementation of
DEPANRI activities was integrated on LAPAN
budget. Before, DEPANRI and LAPAN are
independence institution or separate, but then
there was a merger. LAPAN in carrying out its duties
and functions as the DEPANRI Secretariat appoints
one of its organizational units, namely the Center for
Aerospace Analysis and Information (Pussisfogan,
now its called Center for Aerospace Policy).
Pussisfogan has the task, among others: "...
preparation of materials and assessment of materials
in order to carry out the tasks and functions and
secretariat of DEPANRI." In the United States have
secretariats for the conference body (Uchino,
Takashi, 2018), and the same as the DEPANRI
secretariat function.
Previous time the organization only held 2
congresses and 1 session:
a. Organization of the First DEPANRI May 28,
b. Implementation of the First National
Aerospace Congress, 3-4 February 1998;
c. Implementation of the Second National
Aerospace Congress, December 22-24,
When compared to how a similar council works
in the United States during the Trump administration,
after 2016 at least the National Space Council has
held meetings until 2019 as many as 5 meetings or
meetings during Mike Pence's leadership, on the
contrary DEPANRI from until 2014, there has never
been a congress or national space council meeting
with lead by President, the last in 2003 during
President Megawati's administration. How the team
and working group can convey and become a policy
in the field of aeronautics and space if there is no
meeting between DEPANRI members namely the
president and its members, or some kind of congress
in 1998 and 2003. From the above, it shows that the
problem of coordination of work between members
of DEPANRI which contains a minimum of echelon
1 (ministerial level) is very difficult. This shows that
it is difficult to realize strong political will on
government policy in the field of aeronautics and
space and coordination of work between agents and
also with principals. From this, it shows that there is
a channel of information or asymetris information
that is interrupted between agents and principals.
Even though there is a contract that must be fulfilled,
that is, the function of the council must be carried out.
If we see the competence of the organisation, the
membership of DEPANRI is the same as the structure
of NSpC or National Space Council US, which
consists of the President and the Ministers. The
cairman of DEPANRI is Indonesia President, with the
member are Minister for Foreign Affairs, Minister for
Defence and Security, Minister for States
Development Planning, Minister for Trade and
Industry, Minister for Research and Technology, the
Chief off Staff of Indonesian Air Force, Minister for
Tourism, Art and Culture, Minister for
Telecomunications, Minister for Transportation, the
Chief off LAPAN and other institution (see Figure 1)
(Wiryosumarto, H, 1999; Nasution, Husni,
The conditions of trust and commitment of the
holders of DEPANRI's authority are very low. It has
not been a priority issue for decision makers in our
country to be one barometer of the low intensity of
meetings with members. Even though in terms of
utilization and independence, the issue of aeronautics
and space is a significant sector in developed
countries, even in Indonesia. The high dependence of
these 2 sectors is not only felt at the government level
but also by the wider community. For a number of
countries the two sectors are related to the mastery of
sensitive technology concerning state sovereignty
and state ownership rights, so that the regulation of
resources within it, both aeronautics and space
exploration, is an important concern, in contrast in
The weak coordination and political will of the
members of DEPANRI became an LNS that was not
optimal in its duties and functions, even though
according to Wiryosumarto (1999), the the council
function as a higets national coordination and general
policy formulation forum in Indonesia aeronautics
and space development. Awareness of the
importance of the functions of the DEPANRI-level
body in various countries, one of which can be seen
in the United States that has mastered space
technology is a comparison that should be seen. In
June, 2017, President Trump signed an Executive
Order to Revigorate the National Space Council,
where appointed Vice President Mike Pence to serve
as the Chair as a part of re-establishing of the national
space council (NASA, 2017, and Vedda, James A.
2016). The interesting thing is how this organization
still exists and works to this day, behind the dynamics
of changing leaders and government. Therefore, the
Role of National Council for Aeronautic and Space of Republic Indonesia (Depanri) from Institutional Economic Perspectives
author himself regretted the conditions in Indonesia,
where DEPANRI was dissolved in 2014, and there
was no role for the institution or the structure of other
government organizations that held the role of the
Source: Wiryosumarto, H, (1999)
Figure 2: Organizational Structure of DEPANRI.
4.3 DEPANRI's Managerial Institution
for Transaction Cost
In running the DEPANRI organization, which
originates from the LAPAN budget, it is reflected in
the DEPANRI secretarial implementation budget
from echelon 2 level work units. The mechanism of
the organization is run at echelon 2 and below by
forming technical committees and working groups
which are reflected in the types of expenditures on
their economic transaction costs. In supporting its
activities, economic transaction costs for manajerial
are only reflected in the general expenditure
- salary for teams and working groups;
- material expenditure; and
- activities of meetings and seminars.
DEPANRI's organizational functions are
reflected in the managerial side of the organization
reflected in transaction costs, where coordination
costs are low, where political lobbying costs and other
costs are part of the national coordination forum led
by the President. From 2009 to 2014, the congress had
never been held. To operational secretariate, since
2009 until 2014, were under Rp 500 million, its
means they were low of interest from the budget
planner and they didn't know that its strategic
program, and not priority. If we see how much LPDP
sponsoring 1 research grant that can reach Rp 500
Million in Indonesia, so the nominal budget is so
limited to conduct a meeting or national coordination
(see Figure 3).
Note *: realisation
Source: Center for Aerospace Policy (2012;2013), data
Figure 3: DEPANRI Secretariat Budget (IDR).
The low cost of political transactions that have an
impact on the low transaction costs of DEPANRI
organizations is an indicator of performance
assessment where the expected output of tasks and
organizational functions is not achieved. Where in
general, the DEPANRI scope of activities carried out
by Nasution, et. Al (2010) are grouped into:
a. activities for formulating national policies
and strategic plans (development and
b. the establishment of national aerospace
c. designing national aerospace rules and
d. designing ratification of international
aerospace laws and regulations;
e. formulation of basic positions and attitudes
of Indonesia in international political
f. organizing coordination through Council
Sessions, Congresses, Work Meetings,
Group Technical Meetings,
Interdepartmental Technical Meetings, and
Scientific Forums;
Judging from the urgency of the existence of an
organization involving the chair and members, then
the budget post that has been compiled with low or
minimal political transaction costs, shows the
organization's organization is not optimal. Nasution
(2010) revealed these problems due to factors:
a. the composition of DEPANRI has not been
adjusted to the composition of the United
Indonesia Cabinet for the period 2004 2009;
b. the DEPANRI Working Procedure has not yet
been compiled so that the DEPANRI Working
ICIB 2019 - The 2nd International Conference on Inclusive Business in the Changing World
Group and the DEPANRI Working Group's
duties and functions are unclear;
c. since the DEPANRI technical team is currently
not working optimally;
d. the existence of various DEPANRI working
groups by the Secretary of DEPANRI has not
carried out their duties and functions
e. the DEPANRI secretariat as a driving force for
DEPANRI has not worked optimally as
evidenced by the many tasks and functions
that have not been implemented; and
f. membership of the technical committee and
working group is very dynamic with regard to
the transfer of officials to their respective
The space community has watched each
presidential transition to see how the new
administration would handle decision making on
space policy and strategy, from leadership in response
to the presidential transition (Vedda, James A. 2016),
and this was not done manajerialy in DEPANRI. In
the USA, while the President does not chair the
Space Council, a role left to the Vice President
(Uchino, Takashi., 2018).
4.4 DEPANRI Products
Depanri has annual performance products, which
become the annual president's report. In the United
States, NSpC or NSC compiles the president's annual
report in a good summary of the Government's
aerospace activities each year. Mandated by law, it
contains information on aerospace activities
conducted by 14 Federal departments and agencies,
as well as appendices containing useful historical data
on spacecraft launches and budget figures (NASA,
2017), and how the president determines overall
national space policy as well as civil, commercial,
and national security space policy (Alver, James G
and Gleason, Michael P, 2018)
DEPANRI's product is formulating aeronautics
and space policies as national guidelines, in this case
such as national space policy. Until now, Indonesia
does not have a national aerospace policy product.
DEPANRI is still relevan as the highest coordination
forum and needs re-establishing to the future because
the cabinet of office or other institution havenot the
outhority like that. There are coordinator ministry in
cabinet structure or other LNS didnot have a function
as DEPANRI on aeronautic and space. LAPAN's
position is liked NASA's position, while NASA
focused on a mission such as research and
development (Uchino, Takashi., 2018).
Based on Vedda, James A (2016) recomendation
to National Space Council in the US, that its relevan
with DEPANRI, so from this research strategy to re-
establishing DEPANRI to be successful such a
council should consider:
1) The president’s level of interest must be
sufficiently high to allow aeronautics and
space issues a place on the agenda over time.
2) Productive relationships with Congress and
relevant agencies must be maintained, its
means that to creat politic transaction cost in
the form of national congressional activities
led by the President,
3) Organizational structure and staffing are
critical to the efficient operation of
interagency policy-making mechanisms, and
follow-up on policy implementation. The
council staff needs to have adequate size and
expertise and a good relationship with the
Office of Management and Budget staff
working on space related budgets,
4) The council and its staff must recognize that
events beyond their control drive the agenda,
so they must be agile enough to quickly adapt,
5) Regardless of the formal mechanisms the
council may adopt, informal interactions and
individual personalities matteras part of a form
of social capital.
From the analysis above, it can be concluded as
1) The low participation of members and
commitment in DEPANRI members is a
description of weeksness social capital which
is a factor in DEPANRI's organizational role
not optimal and inefficient performance, and
2) The low cost of political costs and manajerial
that reflect transaction costs that do not carry
out optimally their functions, because there is
an expected output gap with non-linear
organizational funding. Organizational and
managerial structures reflected in transaction
costs do not pay attention to the organizational
environment like presidential transition, so
that reflected post-2003 stagnation
From this study, the authors suggest that need for
re-establishing DEPANRI back as a council with the
function, supported by a mechanism of good social
Role of National Council for Aeronautic and Space of Republic Indonesia (Depanri) from Institutional Economic Perspectives
capital between members and an adequate financing
structure according to the needs of the organization.
Thank you for my lecture Dr. Agr Deden Dinar
Iskandar, Se, MA to the discussion and new
knowledge about institution economic perspective in
this paper.
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ICIB 2019 - The 2nd International Conference on Inclusive Business in the Changing World