Having different behavior because of the more
advanced technology. Their knowledge of the digital
world is far greater than their parents (Wong & Chin,
2018). Characteristics of Genes suggest that they
want work-life balance. They need a relaxed and
flexible work environment (Brown et al., 2015)
2.2 Employee Engagement (EE)
There are so many scientists who define employee
involvement. Kahn, W.A. 1990, began research on
employee engagement and defining it as harnessing
the potential of employees for their work roles so that
they are involved physically, cognitively and
emotionally for the benefit of the organization.
According to (Muthike, 2017), employee engagement
can be explained as the readiness of workers to work
extra, trust the company and what they stand for in an
attempt to help the success of the organization.
Employee engagement is a work area approach
deliberated to confirm that workers will be committed
to the targets and values of their organization,
encourage to support to the success of the
organization, and at the same chance able to increase
their own feeling of prosperity (Dash & Mishra,
2014) .
2.3 Employee Motivation (EM)
The term “motivation” comes from the Latin word
"movere". "Movere" imply about a move.
Accordingly, it makes a description of something that
will increase, maintain us to working and helping the
company to reach our purpose (Korth 2007 on
Nguyen 2019). “Motivation is psychological forces
that determine the direction of a person’s behavior in
an organization, a person’s level of effort and a
person’s level of persistence” (Jones & George 2008
on Nguyen, 2017). Motivation in community has an
important key of the part to play for the viability and
competitiveness of businesses in the environment of
economic recession (Cardoso et al., 2015). All
indicator in this study refers to Maslow theory that
consisting of physiological, security, affiliation,
esteem, and self-actualization.
2.4 Compensations (CP)
Compensation theory according to Dessler (1997),
states that compensation is one form of payment or
compensation given to employees because the
employee is employed by the organization. Which
includes the dimensions of compensation according
to Dessler include:
1. Financial compensation: Included in financial
compensation, include wages or incentives,
commissions, and bonuses
2. Non-financial compensation: those who enter
the non-financial category include health
benefits or health insurance, entertainment, and
all that is given is not in the form of money.
The compensation dimension can also refer to
the applicable laws and regulations in Indonesia,
in this case referring to Labor Law No. 13 of
2.5 Work Life Balance (WLB)
In a study conducted by Fisher, Bulger & Smith
(2009), there are four parts of work life balance
A. Work Interference with Personal Life (WIPL).
This dimension explains how big the effect of the
work can disturb with one's private life, for example
the work can make the person becomes difficult to
manage time with his activities.
B. Personal Life Interference with Work (PLIW).
This dimension is the opposite of the previous
dimension where this dimension analyzes the extent
to which an employee's private life can disturb with
his work. An example that we often encounter every
day is when an employee is having a personal
problem, sometimes to impact his work. Work lazily
or become out of focus
C. Personal Life Enhancement of Work (PLEW).
This dimension can illustrate how personal life can
improve the performance of individuals in the world
of work. For example, an individual has a good
religion or level of faith so he can rely on work
because of his honesty at work.
D. Work Enhancement of Personal Life (WEPL).
The point of WEPL refers to the extent to which work
can increase the quality of the individual's private life.
We can give an example, someone who acquires the
skills and knowledge of the world of work (for
example getting knowledge of 5R), then this
knowledge can be applied in his personal life every
day at home.