The Existence of Alternative Dispute Outside of Court through
Indigenous Leaders
Abdul Rahman Maulana Siregar, Runtung Sitepu and Edy Ikhsan
Faculty of Law University North Sumatera, Medan, Sumatera Utara, Indonesia
Keywords: Dispute Outside of Court, Indigenous Leaders.
Abstract: Pursuant to Article 18B paragraph (2) of the 1945 Constitution, the State recognizes and respects the unity of
indigenous and tribal peoples as well as its traditional rights as long as it is alive and in accordance with the
development of society and the principle of the Unitary State of the Republic of Indonesia, as governed by
law. Research on The Existence of Alternative Dispute Outside Of Court Through Indigenous Leaders” is a
normative study supported by data obtained in the field. Normative legal research is a study using secondary
data. The effects of globalization cause the occurrence of various types of customary law conflicts. The
customary law approach in non-court settlement disputes results in a win-win solution, resulting in
harmonization for the parties. Resolving conflicts with customary law approaches based on propriety,
harmony, and harmony can prevent prolonged conflict and realize community harmonization. Harmonization
of the life of society and nation, meaningful to realize the ideals of the struggle of the Indonesian nation that
is imbued by the noble values of Pancasila, the 1945 Constitution, NKRI and Bhineka Tunggal Ika.
The Unitary State of the Republic of Indonesia is the
State of Law and not the State of Power. One
indicator of achievement is the formation of
conditions and the ability of citizens or communities
to obey the law or even a law-abiding society. The
process of law enforcement is not entirely done by
using the formal justice method, one of which is
repressive police action and followed by legal
litigation process. The formal act of litigation relies
heavily on the enforced effort and the authority of the
law officers who do so. Furthermore, even if there is
a result, it will generally end up with a "lose-lose" or
"win-lose" situation.
Dispute resolution in Indonesia generally can be
reached by 2 (two) ways that are through the court
and outside the court. Civil procedure law governs the
settlement of disputes within the courts and its
arrangements are contained in the Herziene
Indonesische Reglement (HIR) and Rechtsreglement
voor de Buitengewesten (RBg) or are also governed
by the Criminal Procedure Code No. 8 of 1981.
Dispute settlement outside the court is Law Number
30,1999 on Arbitration and Alternative Dispute
Settlement (APS Law), Supreme Court Regulation
Number 1, 2008 on Mediation or other regulation
related to non-court dispute settlement. If two or more
persons are in dispute and wish to settle the matter, a
third party is required as a way to agree or seek a
verdict, the way taken other than the courts or
litigation is through an out-of-court or non-litigation
settlement deemed to be effective and efficient.
The litigation process places the parties against
each other. Otherwise, the litigation dispute
settlement is the final means after another alternative
dispute resolution has not yielded results [1]. The
alternative to such waivers is expected to be more
appropriate if, under certain conditions, reasons and
or actions, alternative dispute resolution mechanisms
may be employed. The settlement of disputes outside
the court in Article 1 point 10 of the APS Law,
Alternative Dispute Settlement is a dispute resolution
or disagreement institution through a procedure
agreed upon by the parties, namely non-court
settlement by consultation, negotiation, mediation,
conciliation, expert judgment or dispute settlement by
The settlement of the conflict in a litigation case
is defeated to leave suffering for the losers, even the
verdict of the courts that already have the legal force
remains there are not executable, because it is not by
the feelings of community justice. The spirit of the
Siregar, A., Sitepu, R. and Ikhsan, E.
The Existence of Alternative Dispute Outside of Court through Indigenous Leaders.
DOI: 10.5220/0008436107380741
In Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Inclusive Business in the Changing World (ICIB 2019), pages 738-741
ISBN: 978-989-758-408-4
2020 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
struggle of indigenous peoples in settlement of the
conflict with the approach of customary law based on
the principle of propriety, harmony. It aims to achieve
the harmonization of community life and nation to a
life of justice, peace, happiness and prosperous for all
Indonesian people, by the noble values of Pancasila,
1945 Constitution, Unitary State of the Republic of
Indonesia and Bhineka Tunggal Ika. According to
Article 18B Paragraph (2) of the 1945 Constitution,
the State recognizes and respects customary law
community units as well as their traditional rights as
long as it is alive and by the development of society
and the principle of the Unitary State of the Republic
of Indonesia, as governed by law.
Shidarta says that in the civil law system family
tradition, positive norms in the legislative system is
seen as the most important formal legal source. It is
especially emphasized in the realm of criminal law.
The meaning of the written law in the context of
criminal law is often restricted to denotation that is
only in the form of law. Therefore, the law needs to
be made as complete as possible to accommodate and
anticipate any violation of the law.
In some areas of Indonesia, there are still
community communities that use
customary/community dispute resolution
mechanisms. This mechanism is seen as more
efficient, faster and more giving a sense of justice
regarding cosmic balance in the community.
Examples of people who still use customary law are
strictly Tenganan indigenous Balinese people who
have the structure of government, law and customary
institutions that are still running well and coexist with
the national legal system. If there are Tenganan
residents who steal, for example, it will be sanctioned
if done in the territory of indigenous peoples
Tenganan. Customary sanctions usually have more
deterrent effect compared to sanctions given by the
state [2].
The existence of alternative dispute outside of
court through indigenous leaders is expected to create
a win-win solution for the parties to the dispute. The
role of the indigenous leader is urgently needed to
avoid dispute resolution through the courts.
Legal research is a scientific activity, based on
methods, systematics and individual thoughts, which
aims to study one or several specific legal
phenomena, by way of analysis. There is also a
thorough examination of the legal facts and then
attempts to solve the problems that arise in the
relevant phenomena [3]. The research on The
Existence Of Alternative Dispute Outside Of Court
Through Indigenous Leaders” is data obtained in the
field supports research normative. Normative legal
research is a study using secondary data.
Research the existence of alternative dispute
outside of court through indigenous leaders as
research Normative legal is collecting data that is
sourced from literature study using various scientific
literature, books, magazines, documents, legislation,
and the work of law, as well as other sources of
literature. Data in normative legal research, i.e., data
obtained directly from the subject of research [4].
3.1 Alternative Dispute Outside the
Court Through Indigenous Leaders
It can be known from the application of the law in
conflict resolution to understand the enactment of the
law in public life. With the rise of customary conflicts
in society, it is imperative that efforts be made to
resolve them justly and wisely, to prevent the
occurrence of prolonged conflict, leading to national
With the approach of customary law that contains
the value of propriety, harmony, and harmony then
the settlement of adat conflicts conducted outside the
court leads to a win-win solution. Historically, the
culture of Indonesian society upholds the familial
approach. In the case of disputes arising within
indigenous peoples, the members of the community
choose to resolve them customarily either through
traditional elders or deliberation.
The role of Through Indigenous Leaders has a
huge role in solving adat conflicts democratically
based on the principles of deliberation and consensus
to realize the harmonization of community life and
nationhood, to achieve justice, peace, prosperity and
happiness in the midst of rapid development and
social change.
Customs and customary institutions strived to be
empowered and conserved and developed to be useful
for national development. The empowerment of
customs, customs, and customary institutions are
intended to make the condition and existence
sustainable and stronger. It plays a decisive role in
national development and is useful for the people
concerned by the level of progress and development
of the times and especially to maintain ethical values,
moral and culture which are the core of customs,
The Existence of Alternative Dispute Outside of Court through Indigenous Leaders
customs in society and customary institutions so that
their existence is maintained and continues.
The customary law approaches non-litigation
conflict resolution by creating a win-win solution,
resulting in harmonization for the parties. Resolving
conflicts with customary law approaches based on
propriety, harmony, and harmony can prevent
prolonged conflict and realize community
harmonization. Harmonization of the life of society
and nation, meaningful to realize the ideals of the
struggle of the Indonesian nation that is imbued by
the noble values of Pancasila, the 1945 Constitution,
the Unitary State of the Republic of Indonesia and
Bhineka Tunggal Ika.
According to Lawrence M. Friedman (1994)
differentiated the legal system into three components
namely structure, substance and legal culture.
Structural components include institutions such as
courts as institutions authorized to apply the law.
Substance component is the real form produced by
the legal system either in the form of norm, doctrine,
prohibition, obligation, sanction, and legal validity.
The legal culture includes the attitudes or values of
the community that determine the workings of the
legal system concerned. Legal culture plays a vital
role in guiding the development of the legal system,
which affects the behavior of society, because it
relates to the perception, values, ideas, and
expectations of society against the law. The legal
culture determines the workings of the legal system
in society.
In real life, people act by the legal culture
prevailing in the society. People must not only obey
the national law but also pay attention to the living
rules of society. In resolving adat conflicts,
communities use laws that live in communities such
as customary law and religious law.
3.2 Comparison of the Legal System to
Dispute Resolution Outside the
Only emphasizing state law as the only law that
should be applied in dispute resolution is inadequate.
In the life of the Indonesian people, especially in the
dispute resolution of valid legal diversity that is in
addition to legislation also apply the existing law in
society such as customary law and religious law
which is maintained as a guide to behavior that can
play effectively.
In legal positivism, that positive law is the law.
The positive law is the legal norms that have been
built by the state authorities. The law of the state is
obeyed or obeyed in absolute terms concluded in a
statement "gezetz ist gezet" or "law is the law." This
view differs from legal positivism which teaches that
the way of view is abstract and formal legalist, the
sociological or empirical juridical paradigm, such as
the von Savigny pioneered school of thought, which
has begun to draw the attention of many from an
abstract and ideological analysis of law to a legal
analysis focused on the social environment that
shaped it.
With Von Savigny's view, it is stated that the law
arises not by command of authority or power, but
because of the sense of justice that lies within the soul
of the nation. The soul of the nation is the source of
the law. The dialectic process between the legal
positivism thesis and the antithesis of the historical
flow pioneered by Von Savigny spawned another
school called the Sociological Jurisprudence which
teaches that good law must be law by the laws that
live in society. This theory separates strictly between
positive law and living law. The following figures
include Eugen Ehrlich, who argues that the question
of law today is no longer a matter of formal legality
but moves toward the use of the law as a means of
contributing to the formation of a new order of life or
according to the conditions of the day. The new
positive law will apply effectively when it contains or
conforms to the living laws of the community.
Empirically it can be said that the law that prevails
in society other than formed by state law is also
formed from customary law. However,
anthropologically the formation of mechanical
mechanisms in community communities is also a law
that locally serves as a means of maintaining social
Legal pluralism is generally defined as a situation
in which two or more legal systems work side by side
in a similar field of social life or to explain the
existence of two or more systems of social control in
one area of social life. Strong legal pluralism refers to
the fact that there is a plurality of legal orders in all
societies that are regarded as equal, so there is no
hierarchy that shows the one legal system which is
more dominant than other legal systems. For this,
Eugene Ehrlich's Living Law theory states that in
every society there are living rules of normative order
which are usually contrasted or contrasted with the
legal system of the state in the category of strong legal
Shidarta [9] says that in the civil law system
family tradition, positive norms in the legislative
system is seen as the most important formal legal
source. It is especially emphasized in the realm of
criminal law. The meaning of the written law in the
context of criminal law is often restricted to
ICIB 2019 - The 2nd International Conference on Inclusive Business in the Changing World
denotation that is only in the form of law. Therefore,
the law needs to be made as complete as possible to
accommodate and anticipate any violation of the law.
Shidarta further said, that: "However, such beliefs
above are only limited to assumptions." [10].
According to Koesno [11], there are at least four main
points that can be as a theoretical problem of
customary law. First, the application of the law of
custom. In fact, it is an ontological problem which
shows Koesno's view of the difference between adat
and adat law. Second, the categorization of adat in
Indonesia. Also still in the ontological domain, is the
issue of indigenous diversity according to some
regions in Indonesia. The third thing is about the
search for customary law through research. Its search
activities through field research on indigenous and
tribal peoples in Bali and Lombok. This subject is in
the epistemological domain. Fourth is the principles
of work in settlement of customary cases. Three
principles are included such as the principle of
harmonious, proper and barrel. These principles
reflect the axiological dimension of customary law in
1. The existence of alternative dispute outside of
court through indigenous leaders is expected to
create a win-win solution for the parties to the
dispute. The role of the indigenous leader is
urgently needed to avoid dispute resolution
through the courts. With the approach of
customary law that contains the value of
propriety, harmony, and harmony then the
settlement of adat conflicts conducted outside
the court leads to a win-win solution.
2. The effects of globalization cause the
occurrence of various types of customary law
conflicts. The customary law approach in non-
litigation conflict settlement which resulted in a
win-win solution, resulting in harmonization for
the parties. Resolving conflicts with customary
law approaches based on propriety, harmony,
and harmony can prevent prolonged conflict and
realize community harmonization.
Harmonization of the life of society and nation,
meaningful to realize the ideals of the struggle
of the Indonesian nation that is imbued by the
noble values of Pancasila, the 1945
Constitution, the Unitary State of the Republic
of Indonesia and Bhineka Tunggal Ika.
Hendra Frans Winarta, 2012, Hukum Penyelesaian
Sengketa, Sinar Grafika, Jakarta, page 1-2.
Yayasan Lembaga Bantuan Hukum Indonesia [YLBHI]
and Australian Aid, 2014, Panduan Bantuan Hukum Di
Indonesia, Yayasan Obor Indonesia, Jakarta, page 38.
Soerjono Soekanto and Sri Mamudji, 2004, Penelitian
Hukum Normatif Suatu Tinjauan Singkat, PT. Raja
Grafindo Persada, Jakarta, page 14.
Soerjono Soekanto and Sri Mamudji, 2004, Penelitian
Hukum Normatif Suatu Tinjauan Singkat, PT. Raja
Grafindo Persada, Jakarta, page 14.
Shidarta, Penemuan Hukum Melalui Putusan Hakim,
Makalah diskusi tentang penemuan hukum dalam
putusan Hakim, tanpa tanggal, tahun and tempat, hal.
Shidarta, Penemuan Hukum Melalui Putusan Hakim,
Makalah pengantar diskusi tentang penemuan hukum
dalam putusan Hakim, tanpa tanggal, tahun and tempat,
hal. 2.
Mohammad Koesnoe, 1979, Catatan-catatan terhadap
Hukum Adat Dewasa Ini, Airlangga University Press,
Surabaya, page 66.
The Existence of Alternative Dispute Outside of Court through Indigenous Leaders