The aim of the research was to develop a simple
algorithm for eye state recognition working in
industrial applications. A solution has been proposed
based on the fact that many more details are shown in
the image of an open eye than in an image of a closed
eye. An algorithm was introduced in which Gaussian
blur is applied. Then, using a differential comparison,
an image is prepared in which the pixel values
determine the measure of details for the image of the
We have also built the model of the glasses in
which the proposed algorithm was tested. The
solution was tested on a large set of eye photos. The
pictures were recorded in a group of 10 participants.
The accuracy of eye state recognition was 96.5%.
This was a very good result that allows for application
in the assumed conditions. Experiments have shown
that the proposed algorithm works correctly in
conditions of changeable lighting. The algorithm also
works correctly for the specific working conditions of
the camera – position very close to the eye and
application of a wide-angle lens. In this way, the
required project assumptions have been met.
The algorithm allows correct recognition of the
eye state (closed or open). This recognition is not
affected by the opening time and closing time.
Therefore, the algorithm allows the identification of
spontaneous blinking as well as intentional winking.
In this way, it can be applied to the applications that
were considered: for recognition of whether glasses
are correctly put on and for control by eye blinking.
In the future, we plan to try to extend the
algorithm with the possibility of automatically
adjusting the threshold (parameter MofOE –
Measure of the Open Eye) – without experimental
analysis on a large set of photos. We are also planning
to use a special microcamera that will allow it to be
built into the frame of the glasses.
This paper has been based on the results of a research
project carried out within the framework of the fourth
stage of the National Programme "Improvement of
Safety and Working Conditions" partly supported in
2017–2019 within the framework of research and
development by the Ministry of Labour and Social
Policy. The Central Institute for Labour Protection –
National Research Institute is the Programme's main
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CHIRA 2019 - 3rd International Conference on Computer-Human Interaction Research and Applications