or SP. In this case, we want to be sure that, when CP
sends Q
(message 11) to SP, it includes all and only
the symmetric keys of U. This goal is reached by gen-
erating a transaction T = hid
, Add
, Add
, datai
where data = (H(q
||. . . ||q
)) and ∀i ∈ [1, n], q
We highlight that other action can be notarized, as
those regarding the interaction between SP and AP. In
this position paper, we do not care this aspect which
will be treated in the next steps of our research.
In this paper, a self-sovereign-based approach to
manage privacy consensus to access personal data
is provided. The solution leverages the combina-
tion of blockchain with some advanced cryptographic
schemes, like attribute-based encryption and proxy
re-encryption. As message exchange flow, our pro-
tocol resumes the scheme of federated authentication,
like SAML2 (Lockhart and Campbell, 2008) or Open-
Id Connect (Sakimura et al., 2014). So, a full imple-
mentation of our protocol can be done by extending
the features of one of the protocols mentioned earlier.
In a real-life adoption of our solution, we should also
understand who play the role of the various entities, in
particular CP, PKG and AP. While no high-level trust
is required to CP, which can be a company (as the
identity provider in public digital identity systems),
AP and PKG play a more critical role. Therefore,
they should be government institutions, or solutions
to decentralize also these function should be studied.
Observe that this problem exists also for the attribute
providers of public digital identity systems compliant
with the EU regulation (Union, 2014). As a future
work, we plan to address the above problems (i.e.,
implementation and real-life setting), together with a
careful security analysis to state more formally which
are the security features of our solution,
This paper is partially supported by the project
“SecureOpenNets-Distributed Ledgers for Secure
Open Communities”, funded by Ministry of Research
and Education (MIUR), project id ARS01 00587.
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Self-sovereign Management of Privacy Consensus using Blockchain