2.1 Digital Mesurement Technology
The digital measurement was conducted by an iPad
Air 2 tablet with the iOS (ver. 10) operational system
and a 3D-scanner Structure Sensor - model: ST01
(Occipital, 2019) and with support of BodyRecog
PRO software (ver. 0.9.19).
Structure Sensor’s technical specification
includes the following technical elements important
for the study: Maximum recommended range
(3.5m+), minimum recommended range (40cm),
precision (0.5mm at 40cm, 30mm at 3m), field of
view (Horizontal: 58 degrees, Vertical: 45 degrees),
Resolution (VGA 640x480, QVGA 320x240).
Each of the above mentioned has a direct impact
on the result obtained.
2.2 Subjects
A convenience sample consisted of 71 participants of
both genders (men: n=52, age in years: mean±21,7;
SD±0,7; women: n=19; age in years: mean±20,9;
SD±0,4), students of the Faculty of Knesiology in
Zagreb. Participants were first manually measured –
by a set of standard anthropometric measurements of
circumferences, and then a digital measurement was
conducted using a newly constructed measuring
instrument BodyRecog PRO.
2.3 Variables
Entities were described by the sample of 34
, out of which 18 were variables obtained by
the classical measurement of anthropometric
dimensions, whereas 16 variables were obtained by
the digital measurement of anthropometric
dimensions; the latter variables were defined by the
body sites and points that were either equivalent to
the ones of the traditional anthropometric
measurement (three measurement trials), or were
repositioned in an acceptable way.
A group of the traditional anthropometric
measures consisted of the following variables: body
height (BH), body mass (BM), waist circumference,
abdominal circumference, hip circumference, neck
circumference, breast circumference, chest cavity
circumference, left upperarm circumference, right
upperarm circumference, left forearm circumference,
right forearm circumference, left wrist circumference,
right wrist circumference, left thigh circumference,
Measurement units (classical and digital measurement):
BodyMass (kg), BodyHeight (cm), Girths (cm), Diameters
right thigh circumference, left lowerleg (calf)
circumference, right lowerleg (calf) circumference.
A group of the digital anthropometric measures
consisted of the following variables
: D-BodyHeight,
D-NeckGirth, D-WaistGirth, D-AbdominalGirth, D-
HipsGirth, D-ChestGirth, D-BreastGirth, D-
RightUpperArmGirth, D-LeftUpperArmGirth, D-
RightForearmGirth, D-LeftForearmGirth, D-
RightWristGirth, D-LeftWristGirth, D-
RightWristDiameter, D-LeftWristDiameter, D-
RightUpperLegGirth, D-LeftUpperLegGirth, D-
RightLowerLegGirth, D-LeftLowerLegGirth.
2.4 Measurement Protocols
The traditional anthropometric measurement used the
standard procedure, conducted according the
International Biological Programme (IBP) and using
the standard measurement instruments but for a slight
modification – the examinee’s position was adjusted
to the position assumed in the digital scanning (the
feet hip-width apart and the extended arms raised
laterally at the shoulder height). Extremity
circumference measurements were executed on both
The digital anthropometric measurement
followed the traditional one. For the standardisation
purposes, the digital anthropometric measurement
protocol was designed. Here is a shortened version:
The space within which measurement scanning is
conducted must be at least 3 x 3 m with the central
marker for the participant. The examinee stands
quietly with the feet hip-width apart facing the
measurer. The arms are in side raise, paralell with the
floor, with the palms facing the floor. The
participant’s gaze is directed straight forward
throughout the measurement procedure. The
measurer, facing the participant 2-2.5 m apart
(distance in calibration phase) and holding the iPad
with the scanner perpendicular to the floor and at the
height corresponding to the participant’s abdomen,
positions the reference framework of the software
(guided by the software). Upon the software signal
saying that the action has been executed properly, the
measurer circles around the examinee 1 m apart
(distance in digital scaning phase); iPad must be
perpendicular to the floor all the time and at the half
of the participant’s height. The measurer stops
circling for a while after every circle quarter in order
to enhance body contours’ imaging. The measurement
Prefix “D” denotes a digital measurement.