The Application of Sibelius Software as a Learning Medium of
Vocal Class Methods
, Tri Wahyu Widodo
, Andre Indrawan
Music Education Study Program, FSP ISI Yogyakarta, Jl. Parangtritis Km 6,5 Yogyakarta
Music Department, FSP ISI Yogyakarta, Jl. Parangtritis Km 6,5 Yogyakarta
Keywords: Learning, Vocal Class Method, Sibelius.
Abstract: Vocal Class Method is one of the courses in the Music Education Study Program of the Faculty of Performing
Arts, ISI Yogyakarta, as a sign of the study program that must be taken by all students. The learning of vocal
class method is given in theory about how to sing with good and correct vocal techniques. Furthermore, the
practice of singing is given as the application of vocal technique theory. This discussion focuses on the
application of "Sibelius" software as an alternative musical accompaniment in the Vocal Class Method
learning. The method used in this study was the Class Action Research method by utilizing qualitative data.
The results obtained were the learning process carried out gradually, preceded by an understanding of the
singing methods theory, and then continued by the practice of singing with the accompaniment of Sibelius
software. This is more effective and the teacher can focus more on controlling students in the application of
singing practices.
Education is a learning both in terms of knowledge
and skills, which are usually carried out for
generations from generation to generation through
teaching or training. Learning is a teaching and
learning process showing interaction between
educators and students, which is carried out
consciously to achieve certain goals according to the
target of an educational institution (Zamroni,
2000:29). Qualified learning depends on the
motivation of students and the creativity of educators
in the learning process. Good learning is supported by
smart facilities and the creativity of educators. This
will make students easier to reach the learning target.
In addition, in order to get sucessful education, of
course, it requires a learning that is qualified and
always follows the developments of the time by
paying attention to the advancement of technology.
Zamroni states that the quality of education will
succeed well when the teaching and learning process
is improved. Success or failure of a learning process
is certainly influenced by various factors, both from
internal factors, namely from individuals, as well as
external factors that are outside of the individual
(Slameto, 2003: 54).
In this era of globalization, the rapid
technological development certainly affects the
education process, especially in terms of learning.
With the development of increasingly advanced
technology, human resources are required to be able
to improve their abilities and skills in the field of
technology. Technology and education are two things
that are related to each other and cannot be separated.
Technology in education includes all the tools or
facilities used in the educational process carried out,
including computer network systems. The application
of technology in the learning process certainly
provides very significant changes and provides
Suryati, ., Widodo, T. and Indrawan, A.
The Application of Sibelius Software as a Learning Medium of Vocal Class Methods.
DOI: 10.5220/0008526700620067
In Proceedings of the 1st International Conference on Intermedia Arts and Creative Technology (CREATIVEARTS 2019), pages 62-67
ISBN: 978-989-758-430-5
2020 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
alternative solutions, if obstacles are encountered in
the learning process. This also occurs in the learning
process in the Vocal Class Method course.
The learning process of the Vocal Class Method
in the practice of singing material as an application of
the theory of vocal techniques for students, totalling
to 65, requires a musical accompaniment. In fact, the
number of students taking these course does not allow
the practice of singing with accompaniment directly.
It is not only practiced once or twice, but it must be
done repeatedly until the students really understand.
In this regard, if the learning process in singing
practice is done directly with accompaniment, it will
require a long period of time and make the instructor
tired quickly. In addition, the teacher must also pay
attention and check the truth of the students in
applying the practice of vocal techniques in singing.
With the problems faced, in order to overcome this,
an alternative solution is needed by utilizing
computer technology media with the Sibelius
software to help the singing practice learning process
in the Vocal Class Method course.
Sibelius is a software program that is used
specifically to write musical notations in the form of
beam notation. In general, this program is used in
composing or editing classical music, jazz, pop,
bands, and vocals. Sibelius can also be used to edit
scores and play the results of the song before printing.
In addition, beam notation can also be written without
typing but by playing the piano or guitar contained in
the program. Some types of music that can be heard
through Sibelius's compositions include string
instruments, wooden blowers, brass, percussion,
guitar, piano, vocals, and others. This version of
Sibelius software program started from Sibelius 1.
Now, it comes up with Sibelius 7 version. Therefore,
piano accompaniment notation in a song can also be
written with the Sibelius program and can be played
to accompany the song. In connection with these
problems, it is interesting to study and study more
deeply in a study entitled "The Application of
Sibelius Software in Learning Vocal Class Method at
Music Education Study Program in Performing Arts
Faculty, ISI".
This study used the Classroom Action Research
method by using qualitative data. Class Action
Research (Classroom Action Research) is an activity
carried out to observe events in the classroom to
improve the practice in the learning process to be
more qualified, so that learning outcomes are better
(Bahri 2012: 8). In qualitative research, a researcher
is required to be able to explain all the trusted parts of
the information source he knows and does not cause
contradictions with the interpretations presented
(Soedarsono, 1999).
This research can be carried out chronologically
through several stages, namely field studies
(observation), literature studies, and data analysis.
Field study research is conducted to obtain data about
the object under study through observation,
interviews by asking questions to informants or
informants, and recording (Moleong, 1999). The
observation was conducted at the time of the learning
process in the course of the Vocal Class Method
directly. Furthermore, to obtain data that could not be
done through observation, direct interviews were
conducted with students who took the course. Then,
to support the interests in the discussion of this
research, an audio visual recording and photography
were carried out during the teaching and learning
activities. Data that have been collected from the
results of field studies and literature were then
analyzed qualitatively. The data were grouped
according to the problems faced and arranged in
certain categories to refer to the subject matter that
has been determined in the study.
3.1 Learning Process of Vocal Class
The subject of the vocal class method in the
Education Study Program in the Faculty of
Performing Arts ISI Yogyakarta is embedded in the
curriculum in the fourth semester. But in general,
every semester all students who take these courses are
65 students consisting of the fourth semester and the
second semester students. In this regard, a learning
strategy is needed to help and facilitate the learning
The learning process is a process that contains
a series of activities ranging from plan,
implementation, to assessment. Therefore, the
learning process of the vocal class method in the
Music Education Study Program begins with the
planning of making a lecture contract and Semester
Learning Plan (Rencana Pembelajaran Semester/
hereinafter referred to as RPS). After making a plan,
carry out the learning process according to the
program plan prepared. Besides carrying out the
learning process, evaluation of learning outcomes is
The Application of Sibelius Software as a Learning Medium of Vocal Class Methods
also carried out through assessment in the form of
theory (knowledge) and practice (skills).
The learning process of the vocal class method
in the Education Study Program of the Music Faculty
of the Performing Arts of ISI Yogyakarta is
conducted through several stages. This is because the
subject matter is given in theory and practice. The
theoretical lecture material is given about the steps
and basic techniques of singing well and correctly,
and students are expected to be able to actualize it. In
accordance with RPS, this course is allocated for 16
meetings with 2 hours of lectures which are 50
minutes per lecture. Therefore, one meeting requires
2 hours of lectures which is 100 minutes.
Stages in the course learning process of even
semester vocal class method in Music Education
Study Program begins with the method of learning
vocal techniques including classical, group, and
individual. Then, the students are given the theory of
basic techniques to sing well and correctly. The steps
for basic singing techniques are as follows,
3.1.1 Breathing
Breathing here includes the types of breathing
including shoulder breathing (claviculair), chest
breathing (costal), breathing of the abdomen
(abdominal) and breathing between the septum of the
chest cavity and the body cavity called the diaphragm
(Rahardjo, 1990). The fourth most correct respiration
for singing is diaphragmatic breathing. The process
of diaphragmatic breathing exercises begins to
breathe air through nose and mouth with 8 counts,
then the breath is held by 4 counts, exhale through 8
counts and hold by 4 counts. Carry out repeatedly.
3.1.2 Sound Formation
This sound formation is done by enlarging the
resonance space by sounding "ma me mi mo you" in
tone 5 (sol), and by sounding "Ko ko ko" on tones 1
2 3 4 5 4 3 2 1 (do the fa sol fa mi re do), in addition
to strengthening the walls of resonance (Marquart,
2005). All of which are carried out repeatedly by
continuously raising the half pitch, for example,
beginning with the basic note "C", then going up
"Cis", and going up again "D" and so on according to
the ability of sound ambitus possessed. As an
example of notation for resonance cavity training,
enlarging the resonant cavity, and strengthening the
resonant cavity wall can be seen in the following
Notasi 1: Latihan memperbesar rongga resonansi
Notasi 2: Latihan memperkuat rongga resonansi
Exercises to train feeling the resonance cavity
can be done by sounding "Mm", "Nn" and "ng" on
tones or solmization 1 2 3 4 5 3 2 1 (do this fa sol fa
mi do) . The way to sound "Mm", put the upper and
lower lips freely, relax, do not stiffen the upper and
lower teeth open, to produce good resonance. Then,
to sound "Nn", the mouth is slightly open, place the
tip of the tongue behind the upper root of the tooth
without tension and the upper lower teeth are spaced
out. Feel it to produce good resonance. Likewise to
sing "Ng", the mouth opens slightly, the position of
the tongue is flat and is more directed at the resonance
of the nose. Here's the notation for resonance training.
Notasi 3: Latihan rongga resonansi
3.1.3 Vibration
Vibration is a smooth wave or sound vibration that
occurs due to the breath coming out of the human
vocal cords. Then, the material about the sound
source of the human vocal cords has a different
register of sounds or range of tones, including chest
registers for low notes, throat registers for moderate
notes and head registers for high notes. Apart from
sounds register, there are different types of sounds
according to the high and low tones of each male and
female. The human voice has its own sound color or
characteristics both male and female, such as
Dramatic, Lyrical, and Coloratura (Bel Canto, 2003).
CREATIVEARTS 2019 - 1st International Conference on Intermedia Arts and Creative
3.1.4 Articulation
Articulation is the correct pronunciation or
pronunciation of vowels and consonants,
demonstrating the correct vowel formation exercise
"a, e, i, o, u". In pronouncing the "a" vowel, the mouth
must be opened more or less as wide as we yawn or
we can put three fingers in our mouth, the tip of the
tongue slightly pulled back against the root of the
lower teeth, and the surface of the tongue flat. To
pronounce the "e" vowel, the mouth is opened smaller
than the pronunciation of the vowel "a", except that it
is stretched to the left and right, the lip attitude is like
someone laughing, the position of the tongue
sideways and slightly pulled up. To pronounce the
vowel "i", the shape of the mouth is almost the same
as the pronunciation of the vowel "e", except that the
upper and lower lips are rather tightened like a smile.
To pronounce the vowel "o", the mouth is opened
slightly wide and both lips are rounded and the tongue
is pulled inward. The lips form a "trumpet" of the
lower jaw, the tip of the tongue is located at the root
of the lower teeth and the back, the tongue is flat and
relaxed. To pronounce the vowel "u", the mouth is
opened smaller, the shape of the lips and the position
of the tongue are the same as in "o" except that the
back tongue is rounded up slightly (Katamsi, 2011).
How to practice articulation or pronunciation
in vowels a, e, i, o, u, to form the correct mouth
position can be done by sounding long tones
beginning with tone 1 (do) or "C" or tone 3 ( mi) or
"E", then it can be done by increasing the ½ tone
continuously. Here's an example of a long notation for
practicing articulation in vowels.
Notasi 4: Latihan huruf vokal a,e,i,o,u dengan notasi
In addition, it can be three tones or
solmization 1 3 5 1 5 3 1 (do mi sol do sol mi do) with
arpeggio. This is done repeatedly by raising the half
pitch continuously, for example beginning with the
basic note "C", then going up "Cis", and going up
again "D" so on according to the ability of the sound
ambitus possessed (Okatara, 2011). The following is
an example of a notation for practicing articulation in
Notasi 5: Latihan huruf vokal a,e,i,o,u dengan
3.1.5 Hyphenation, Interpretation, and
Hyphenation of the sentence must pay attention to the
structure of the sentence, either sentence language or
musical sentence. By paying attention to the sentence
of language, it is necessary to study the meaning of
the poem, poet, history, and background of the poem.
Likewise in sentences, music needs to pay attention
to punctuation in music and signs of legato or signs
of break (silence). However, many composers make
a phrase in a musical sentence that does not match the
phrase in the sentence of language (, 1972). This is
because the composer wants to give certain nuances.
Singing a song by a singer is required to be able to
interpret or convey a message from the composer. In
addition, in singing a song, an expression is needed as
an expression of the meaning of the song delivered.
After the theory is completed, then the
students actualize and implement the theory of basic
techniques of singing in the practice of singing, on
songs whose intervals are rather difficult. In this case,
take the Indonesian seriosa song entitled "Wanita",
and "Cempaka Kuning" because this song has a
difficult interval or pitch. The learning process in the
practice of singing begins with reading the notes
together, then the lyrics, and singing by implementing
the correct basic singing techniques, such as
diaphragmatic breathing, clear pronunciation or
The Application of Sibelius Software as a Learning Medium of Vocal Class Methods
articulation, correct placement of the resonance
3.2 The Application of "Sibelius" Software
and Effectiveness in Course Learning of
Vocal Class Method
The Application of Sibelius Software in the learning
of vocal class method course was done during
singing practice learning. This "Sibelius" software
serves to accompany the song that will be delivered.
The practice of singing in learning was done as an
implementation of the theoretical lecture material that
has been given. This singing practice was followed by
65 students who took the course, which was done in
a classical and group manner. The practice of singing
was given in the last six meetings, namely the tenth
to fifteenth meeting.
The process in the application of Sibelius
Software in subject learning vocal class method
begins by writing piano notations from parts of the
songs "Wanita" and "Cempaka Kuning" with the
Sibelius Software. After completing writing the part,
it was then used as "Midi" as a companion that can be
raised and lowered the tone as desired. The
application of Sibelius Software as a song
accompaniment can simplify the learning process.
Moreover, the teachers focus more in observing and
controlling students who are practicing singing. The
examples of writing introduction part of the songs
entitled "Wanita" and "Cempaka Kuning" in Sibelius
Software are as follows.
Notasi 6: Introduksi lagu “Wanita” dalam Software
Notasi 7: Introduksi lagu “Cempaka Kuning” dalam
Software “Sibelius”.
Singing practice with the accompaniment of
Sibelius software is very helpful and more effective,
compared to direct piano accompaniment. Yet all of
them have advantages and disadvantages of each. The
advantage of singing with accompaniment of
Sibelius software is the teachers find it easier and
focus on observing students, while the disadvantage
is that students must follow the accompaniment and
it is less free in expressing a song. Unlike singing with
piano accompaniment, students are more free to
express themselves, because the accompanists follow
the singer. With a number of 65 students taking
classes in the vocal class method, if accompanied
directly it would be tiring for the accompanists and
teachers to be less able to focus on students who
practice singing.
The impacts of the use of Sibelius Software in
the learning process of the vocal class method on the
practice of singing are students have more control
over the correct mistakes in implementing singing
techniques. In addition, the accompaniment of
Sibelius Software can help students learn to sing
independently, both at home and on campus.
Therefore, the application of Sibelius Software for
writing piano accompaniment notation is more
effective and efficient in the course learning process
of vocal class method with a total of 65 students.
Based on the explanation of the results achieved, it
can be concluded that the learning process of the
vocal class methods in Music Education Study
Program can be done through several stages. The
learning process of the vocal class method course
begins with planning to make a lecture contract and
RPS (Semester Learning Plan). Then carry out the
learning process according to the prepared program
plan. Furthermore, evaluation of learning outcomes is
carried out through assessment both in the form of
theory and practice. The course learning process of
vocal class method is given material theoretically
about the steps and basic techniques of singing well
and correctly. The basic techniques of singing are
how to produce sounds such as the use of breathing,
the use of resonance, the correct pronunciation of
articulation and at the same time actualizing it. This
course is given for 16 meetings with material theory
and practice of singing.
The application of Sibelius software in singing
practice learning in the vocal class method is used to
accompany the songs "Wanita" and "Cempaka
Kuning". The application of Sibelius Software as a
song accompaniment can simplify the learning
process. In addition, the teachers have more focus in
CREATIVEARTS 2019 - 1st International Conference on Intermedia Arts and Creative
observing and controlling students who are practicing
singing. Although students are less free to express
themselves in singing, this media is more effective
and efficient.
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The Application of Sibelius Software as a Learning Medium of Vocal Class Methods