BTS Tower Camouflage Products Design based on Zonation of Urban
Rahmawan Dwi Prasetya
, Nor Jayadi
and Endro Tri Susanto
Department of Product Design, Indonesia Institute of the Arts Yogyakarta, Yogyakarta, Indonesia
Keywords: zonation, BTS tower, camouflages design.
Abstract: The era of industrial revolution 4.0 which was marked by digitalization in almost all lines of human life
demands the availability of supporting physical facilities and infrastructure. BTS tower (Base Transceiver
Station) is one of the important components to accommodate digital activities in the industrial era 4.0. The
problem that arises is that there are still negative perceptions from several parties in the community. They
assume that the existence of BTS towers in their area has a negative impact on them such as bothering
environmental aesthetics, causing health problems, and bringing insecurity. Even though they are unaware,
the main users of this facility are actually the community itself. This condition raises challenges for creating
telecommunications tower design innovations that are better able to adapt to the environment. Camouflage
Tower BTS is a term for BTS towers that are designed to be able to adjust to their environment through
their ability to camouflage. The five design criteria formulated by Jayadi and Prasetya, namely friendly,
proportional, safe, redesignable, and thematic, and in accordance with the zone of the urban area where the
tower was built and used as the BTS tower camouflage design following the criteria. The research was
conducted in the city of Yogyakarta using the 6-stage design development method from Ulrich and
Eppinger. The result is five selected designs that meet the specified technical requirements and the design
In the present era, which is called the industrial
revolution era 4.0, there is a belief that the more the
population of a region, the more the number of
cellular telephone network needs. Such conditions
occur in cities in almost all countries in the world,
including Indonesia. The era of industrial revolution
4.0 has a digitizing feature on all fronts (Schwab,
2017). The industrial revolution which began with
the use of steam engines in the 18th century
(Industrial Revolution 1.0) reached its peak today
with the birth of digital technology that had a
massive impact on human life throughout the world.
The latest industrial revolution or fourth generation
encourages automation systems in all processes of
human activity. The increasingly massive internet
technology not only connects millions of people
around the world but also has become the basis for
online trade and transportation transactions
(Rosyadi, 2018). To face the industrial revolution
4.0, the Ministry of Industry of the Republic of
Indonesia has launched the initiative "Making
Indonesia 4.0." The initiative was declared to
implement the strategy and Roadmap 4.0 (Industrial
Revolution 4.0/ 4IR) in Indonesia (Kementerian
Perindustrian Republik Indonesia, 2018; Soesatyo,
2018). Through the Indonesian Ministry of Industry,
Indonesia will encourage 10 national priorities in the
initiative "Making Indonesia 4.0", namely (Ministry
of Industry of the Republic of Indonesia, 2018),
1. Improved flow of goods and materials
2. Redesign of industrial zones
3. Accommodating sustainability standards
4. Empowering MSMEs
5. Building a national digital infrastructure
6. Attract foreign investment
7. Improving the quality of human resources
8. Development of an innovation ecosystem
9. Incentives for technology investment
10. Harmonization of rules and policies
One of the national priorities mentioned above is
building national digital infrastructure. Specifically,
the Ministry of Industry of the Republic of Indonesia
states that Indonesia will accelerate the development
Prasetya, R., Jayadi, N. and Susanto, E.
BTS Tower Camouflage Products Design based on Zonation of Urban Area.
DOI: 10.5220/0008526800680076
In Proceedings of the 1st International Conference on Intermedia Arts and Creative Technology (CREATIVEARTS 2019), pages 68-76
ISBN: 978-989-758-430-5
2020 by SCITEPRESS – Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
of digital infrastructure which includes high speed
internet, and digital capabilities in an effort to
support the Making Indonesia 4.0 Road Map. The
infrastructure development will involve investment
cooperation between the government, the public and
the private sector in the field of digital technology
such as cloud, data center, security management, and
broadband infrastructure.
Indonesia itself, as reported by APJII
(Association of Indonesian Internet Service
Providers), internet users in 2017 have reached
143.26 million people, equivalent to 54.7% of the
total population of the Indonesian people (APJII,
2018b). This number shows an increase from the
previous year (132.7 million people). The latest data
shows that the number of internet users in Indonesia
in 2018 has reached 171.18 million or 64.8% of
Indonesia's total population of 264.16 million
(Kusnandar, 2019). Most internet users in Indonesia
are dominated by people in Java (55%), followed by
Sumatra (21%), Kalimantan (9%), and the rest
Sulawesi, Maluku and Papua (10%), as well as Bali
and Nusa Tenggara ( 5%).
Therefore, in the millennial era marked by the
4.0 industrial revolution characterized by
digitalization on all lines, internet service providers
were required to improve the quality of their
services, including the scope of their operations. Not
only are ISPs (Internet Service Providers) preparing
themselves to improve their service infrastructure,
but also cellular mobile telecommunications
operators as mobile internet providers. Cellular
telecommunications operators operating in Indonesia
have 5, namely Telkomsel, XL Axiata, Indosat,
Three, and Smartfren (Ariansyah, 2014). The five
operators, based on a survey of the Emarketer
Digital Marketing Research Institute, are expected to
serve more than 100 million active smartphone users
in 2018 (Rahmayani, 2015). Keep in mind,
smartphones are the most widely used devices when
accessing the internet beside a computer / laptop. Its
use is also spread to several areas as follows, in
urban areas smartphone ownership reaches 70.96%,
rural urban (45.42%), and rural (42.06%). The use of
computers themselves tends to be stagnant, namely
urban area (31.55%), rural urban (23.42%), and rural
(23.83) (APJII, 2018a). With the description of these
conditions, Indonesia is projected to rank fourth in
the world with the largest active smartphone users in
the world, under China, India and US.
Yogyakarta city, which is a heterogeneous
community, is also not expected to be much
different in circumstances related to cell phone use.
The need for cellular communication networks in the
city which can be said as a representation of
Indonesia's diversity is increasing from year to year.
To improve service quality and coverage of cellular
network areas, cellular operators such as Telkomsel,
XL Axiata, Indosat, Three, and Smartfren, build
more telecommunications towers (BTS / Base
Transceiver Station towers) in certain locations in
the city. The location of the tower placement must
be in accordance with business interests that are in
line with the regulatory aspects (Fauzi, 2014;
Widyatmoko & Mauludiyanto, 2015). But the
problem arises when one operator and another
operator points to the same area to set up a tower.
The existence of several towers in an area will
certainly damage the environment visually, and
potentially lead to rejection from the community
(Hidayah, 2015; Zam/din, 2014). Even according to
a research, the existence of 1 telecommunications
tower (BTS tower) alone has the potential to disrupt
the environment in terms of beauty (Nagle, 2012).
The solution to this problem is usually to use 1
tower that can be used together. The solution will be
even better if there is a treatment for the tower itself.
The intended treatment is to give a different visual
appearance to the tower. The visual appearance is
usually applied to monopole type towers (1 pole)
which are then referred to as camouflage towers.
To suit the city of Yogyakarta which has a
variety of nicknames, from city students, city
tourism, cities of struggle, cities of culture, cities of
artists, to cities that are warm, it is necessary to
design a visual form of camouflage BTS towers that
are in harmony with the environmental conditions in
the area . Some designs have been obtained with a
visual form of taking inspiration and philosophy of
the local community, by applying the criteria that
have been formulated in previous research, namely
friendly design, proportional, safe, redesign, and
thematic (Jayadi & Prasetya, 2017), and in
accordance with the zone where the tower was built
(Jayadi & Prasetya, 2018).
2.1 Camouflage Tower
Why is it called a camouflage tower? So called
because the tower design is able to disguise its
existence in the middle of the environment where
the tower was erected. Camouflage was originally
known as one of the techniques to defend animals in
the face of threats. Camouflage is the deployment of
all abilities involving colour, lighting, or materials to
BTS Tower Camouflage Products Design based on Zonation of Urban Area
hide themselves so that they are not detected by their
opponents. Basically there are 2 types of
camouflage, namely cryptic and mimesis. Cryptic
makes animals or objects difficult to see. Cryptic is
the ability of animals to avoid observation or
detection by other animals. Cryptic can also involve
olfaction (with pheromones), or hearing
concealment. Visual cryptic can be achieved in
various ways, such as living underground or only
active at night, and with various other camouflage
methods (Forbes, 2009). Changing the colour of its
body to the colour of the surrounding environment is
included in this visual cryptic. Some animals, such
as chameleons and octopuses, are able to actively
change their skin pattern and colour, both for
camouflage and for signalling.
Mimesis is changing animals or things into
something else. In mimesis (also called
masquerade), objects that are disguised look like
something that is not attractive to observers (Gullan
& Cranston, 2014). Some insects have the ability to
change themselves to resemble leaves or tree
branches so as to avoid them from threats
originating from their surroundings. Observer or his
opponents are not aware of its existence because
both the colour and shape are similar to the
environment in which they are located.
In its development, camouflage has become a
more general terminology. Camouflage strategies
are then used in the military field. In warfare, the
ability to hide is one of the keys to victory. Its
existence which is difficult to detect by an opponent
makes a group of troops can attack suddenly without
being noticed by the opposing army. Army uniforms
with unique motifs are one form of their efforts to
camouflage themselves. Or heavy weapons such as
tanks that are designed to resemble unarmed
transport trucks become camouflage strategies.
In other fields, such as communication
construction, it is known as the BTS (Base
Transceiver Station) camouflage tower. BTS tower
is one type of telecommunication tower, which is a
special building that functions as a supporting
facility for placing telecommunications equipment
whose design or form of construction is adapted to
the needs of telecommunications (Kementerian
Keuangan Republik Indonesia, 2017). In general, the
BTS camouflage tower has a shape and colour that
resembles a tree.
Based on the shape and construction, BTS towers
are divided into 3, namely Self-Supporting four-
legged Tower, Self-Supporting three-legged Tower,
and Monopole Tower (single leg). In general, BTS
towers designed to be disguised are monopole
(single-legged) types. The Indonesian Ministry of
Finance, in this case the Director General of State
Wealth, in its Decree numbering 378 / KN / 2017
concerning Technical Guidelines for Building
Evaluation of Telecommunication and / or
Broadcasting towers distinguishes the meaning of
monopole tower and camouflage tower (minaret).
The decree defines monopole tower as one type of
tower in the form of a single pile or has only one leg
using steel plate forming a profile of a large round or
polygon pipe and having a top diameter tends to be
tapered and erected on land (Greenfield). The height
of monopole ranges from 20 to 40 meters.
Figure 1 : The camouflaged BTS tower becomes a tree
(left) and street lights (right). Source: (Jayadi & Prasetya,
Whereas Camouflage or Minaret towers are not
much different from other types of
Telecommunication towers and / or Broadcasting,
but use certain materials to disguise the devices
installed on the tower itself, so that they are aesthetic
and more environmentally friendly. The naked eye is
no longer like an antenna and a tower, because its
placement tends to be adapted to the design or
camouflaged with the place where the tower is
erected, camouflage examples resemble trees, water
towers, or towers of houses of worship
(Kementerian Keuangan Republik Indonesia, 2017).
With a variety of considerations, this paper is more
directed towards the study on the monopole shaped
BTS camouflage tower.
2.2 Urban Zoning
Definition of zones in Yogyakarta City Regulation
Number 1 of 2015 concerning Spatial Planning and
Zoning Regulations of Yogyakarta City Year 2015-
2035 are areas or areas that have specific functions
CREATIVEARTS 2019 - 1st International Conference on Intermedia Arts and Creative
and characteristics (article 1 paragraph 35). The
urban zone is divided into 2, namely the protected
zone and the cultivation zone. A protected zone is an
area within a part of an urban area that is defined by
the main function of environmental preservation
which includes natural resources and artificial
Figure 2 : Zoning of the Keraton and its surrounding areas
(above) and the Malioboro and surrounding areas (below).
Included in the protected zone are the Cultural
Heritage Zone (SC), the city's Green Open Space
Zone (RTH); and Local Protection Zone (PS).
Whereas the Cultivation Zone is an area within a
part of an urban area that is defined by the main
function for cultivation activities on the basis of the
conditions and potential of natural resources, human
resources, and artificial resources.
Without ignoring the significance of other zones,
this paper will only raise the themes of the BTS
Tower camouflage design in the Cultural Heritage
Zone. The consideration of determining this zone is
inseparable from the predicate of the City of
Yogyakarta which has many buildings and heritage
areas. The Regional Regulation of Yogyakarta City
Number 1 of 2015 concerning Spatial Detail Plans
and Zoning Regulations of the City of Yogyakarta
Year 2015-2035 states that the Cultural Heritage
Zone is set no less than 66 Ha spread across 7
regions. The area or subzone is located in Kota Gede
(8 Ha), Vredeburg Fort area (7.5 Ha), Gedung
Agung Presidential Palace complex (6 Ha), Great
Kauman Mosque (1.5 Ha), Yogyakarta Palace
complex (28.5 Ha), Tamansari area (10 Ha), and
Puro Pakualaman complex (4.5 Ha). The distribution
of these sub-zones is also known as a tourism area
which is the main destination for tourists visiting the
city of Yogyakarta.
The method used at the beginning of the study is
qualitative-explorative (Creswell, 2014; Groat &
Wang, 2002). FGD (Focus Group Discussion) is
used as a method of collecting data. The study
resulted in the formulation of 5 design criteria or
specifications of the BTS camouflage tower design
based on public opinion. Furthermore, in the second
stage, the method used is the design method from
Ulrich and Eppinger, namely planning, concept
development, system-level design, detailed design,
testing and refinement, and production ramp-up
(Ulrich & Eppinger, 2012).
Every design always starts with planning or
planning. This phase occurs before project approval
and the actual product development process are
launched. Therefore, this phase is often referred to
as "zero phase". At this stage, an identification of
some of the things needed to start the design is
carried out, such as an effective design
implementation strategy and methods of
achievement. At this initial stage, the design brief
formulation is obtained through the mechanism of
The Zoo
Green open space
Middle density housing
High density housing
City forest/garden
Health facilities
Sport facilities
Education facilities
Transportation facilities
River border
BTS Tower Camouflage Products Design based on Zonation of Urban Area
the designer team's internal discussion. The agreed
formula is "designing the camouflage design of BTS
tower that is suitable with the environment within
the Yogyakarta City heritage zone".
In the next stage, Concept Development, which
is the concept development phase, the target market
needs are carefully identified, alternative product
concepts are generated and evaluated, and one or
more concepts are selected for further development
and testing. The concept is a description of the
shape, function, and features of the product and is
usually accompanied by a set of specifications,
competitive product analysis, and economic
justification of the project. Because the BTS
camouflage tower is included in the infra-structure
category that is public in nature, the design goals are
clearly identified as a broad community, without
exception. This means that its existence is visually
accessible to everyone in the environment where the
BTS camouflage tower is located. This stage also
identifies the icons of Yogyakarta City which have
the potential to be excavated and used as inspiration
for the BTS tower camouflage design. Data
transcript of Focus Group Discussion about
Yogyakarta City icons involving 7 participants was
categorized and analyzed as shown in the Table 1.
Table 1 : Analysis of FGD Data
Kategori Ikon Detil ikon
Tugu Jogja
Pendopo, Gapura/gate,
Keraton fort, Kandang
Tamansari, Great
Vredeburg fort, façade
of Tugu Train Station,
façade of central post
office, and BNI
Malioboro street
Surjan, blangkon, iket,
jarik, lurik
Uniform of
Keraton soldier
Topi, ageman,
Vehicle Andong, becak
Activity Membatik Canting, wajan, anglo
Weapons Keris, tombak
Culinary Gudeg, kipo,
Figures Abdi dalem,
Keraton soldier,
The bride,
Keraton dance,
Figure 3 : Some alternative designs for camouflage BTS
The next step is to make design sketches based
on the analysis table. Twenty alternative design
sketches were produced at this stage (Fig 3 and 4).
All of them refer to the analysis table as the basis for
design inspiration. Of the 20 alternatives, 4 designs
were taken that had high scores in the analysis of
design selection with certain criteria. The stage
design system (System-level design phase) briefly
includes the definition of product architecture
camouflage the BTS tower as a whole and breaks it
down into small parts per component. Technical
specifications and assembly procedures for these
components need to be determined.
Figure 4 : The other alternative designs for camouflage
BTS towers
The next stage is detail design. This detailed
design phase provides detailed and complete
information about the material, size, geometric
CREATIVEARTS 2019 - 1st International Conference on Intermedia Arts and Creative
shape, and about the suppliers of each product
component. The output of this phase is a complete
and detailed technical drawing that contains all
important information as a basis for the fabrication
and product assembly process. In addition to the
design criteria that must be met, the main source of
inspiration of the design is of course that is in
harmony with the characteristics of the Yogyakarta
region. The inspiration was then poured into 4
selected designs, namely the camouflage design of
the Palace Gate, Malioboro Lamp, Canting Batik,
and Tugu Jogja.
3.1 Palace Gate Camouflage Design
This design is based on the existence of the
Yogyakarta Palace as a cultural centre, with its
iconic building form. The building that was used as
inspiration for camouflage design is the Palace Gate,
which is a building that has access in and out
between parts of the palace. The main part quoted as
an inspiration for camouflage design is the bottom or
the so-called umpak, which above is decorated with
flower ornaments with the dominant colour typical
of the Yogyakarta Palace building, which is green
with yellow combs. The top of the design then
adjusts to the shape of the camouflage tower (Fig 5).
Figure 5 : Palace Gate Camouflage Design
3.2 Malioboro Lamp Camouflage
Malioboro as a crowd center which is also a tourist
center in Yogyakarta offers a variety of interesting
design inspirations. The Malioboro street section
whose form is familiar both for local and foreign
tourists is street lights. The design is quite simple,
which is embodied in a sturdy pillar with vines. The
dominant color is the palace's distinctive diatonic
color, which is a combination of green with a yellow
combing accent. The shape is unique and distinctive
and is technically congruent with the shape of the
tower. Such a form will better harmonize
camouflage design with its environment. This design
adds another function to the BTS tower, namely as
street lighting (Fig 6).
Figure 6 : Malioboro Lamp Camouflage Design
3.3 Canthing Batik Camouflage Design
Canthing as referred to in various references to batik
is a tool used to move night fluids to make batik.
Tonight is a naturally produced liquid wax. The
parts that are in canthing are: (1) Nyamplung, which
is a liquid wax pool or commonly called 'malam',
which is made of copper; (2) Cucuk, which is the tip
of nyamplung where the liquid is released at malam;
and (3) The handle (canthing stalk which is usually
made of bamboo or wood). There are several types
of canthing according to their uses.
The function of canthing as a tool for batik
makes it very closely related to Javanese or
Yogyakarta culture in particular. Batik itself is a
cultural product that is well known not only in
Indonesia but also the world. At present people don't
only wear batik, but more and more also want to
understand the manufacturing process. Some tourist
locations have even opened opportunities for visitors
BTS Tower Camouflage Products Design based on Zonation of Urban Area
to witness the batik process or at the same time take
part in batik classes. In addition to the functions of
canthing as mentioned above, the typical form of
canthing is seen as quite familiar to the public. The
community will easily associate it with batik craft.
The canthing form is also considered technically
feasible if applied to camouflage tower designs (Fig
Figure 7 : Canthing Batik Camouflage Design
3.4 Tugu Yogya Camouflage Design
The most iconic building and a landmark of
Yogyakarta is the White Paal Monument or often
just called Tugu Jogja or Tugu Yogya. The
monument originally built by Sri Sultan
Hamengkubuwono I in 1755 was also known as the
Tugu Golong Gilig. Golong is a cylindrical pole and
Gilig is a rounded peak, which is a symbol of
Manunggaling Kawula Gusti, or the union of the
people with kings and kings with God. Tugu Yogya
is located in the north of Yogyakarta City and is one
part of the imaginary axis between the southern
coasts, the palace with the peak of Mount Merapi.
His physical form is very distinctive and full of
philosophical meanings in every curve (Morin,
The current form is different from the Tugu
Golong Gilig which was collapsed because of the
earthquake on June 10, 1867. The basic philosophy
was also different. The Dutch government rebuilt
and replaced it with De Witte Paal (White Paal
Monument) in 1889 in its present form. Even though
the philosophy of the ‘manunggaling kawula gusti’
underlying the Golong Gilig Monument was
removed, the new form of Tugu Paal Putih still has a
deep meaning. Until now, almost every time the
crowd happened at the Tugu, because besides being
the main intersection of the road protocol, it was
also a favourite tourist attraction to be used as a
background for self-photos.
Figure 8 : Tugu Yogja Camouflage Design
The next phase is testing and refinement. This
testing and refinement phase uses a product model,
which can be a 1: 1 scale prototype or a smaller
scale mock up. Early prototype (alpha), the model
on a real scale can be tested in full and real. Smaller
scale mock ups are tested in terms of proportions
and visual aesthetics. Mock up is used before
making a prototype. Production ramp-up is the last
phase. At the ramp-up production stage, the product
is made using a predetermined production system.
The purpose of ramp-up is to train the workforce and
to overcome the remaining problems in the
production process. Products produced during ramp-
up production are sometimes supplied to selected
customers and carefully evaluated to identify
deficiencies remaining. The last two stages are not
discussed in this paper.
CREATIVEARTS 2019 - 1st International Conference on Intermedia Arts and Creative
The icon of Yogyakarta City has great potential to
be a source of inspiration for the BTS tower
camouflage design. This has the potential to increase
the tourist attraction of the city of Yogyakarta and
strengthen its existence as a creative city. The four
selected BTS tower camouflage designs are
considered capable of representing the existence of
the city of Yogyakarta through the BTS tower to
blend with the heritage zone where the tower is
located. The four designs are expected to provide
added value to the environment around the BTS
tower. In turn, the community around the tower will
actually get a positive contribution from the
construction of the tower. Exploration of the basic
idea of zoning tower-based camouflage design of
urban areas in the city of Yogyakarta needs to be
developed so that the existing designs are not
monotonous and can be more accepted by the people
around the tower. In addition to the cultural
preservation zone, several other Yogyakarta City
zones are urban green open space zones and local
protection zones, housing zones, trade zones and
services, office zones, public service facilities zones,
industrial zones, and other allotment zones. BTS
camouflage towers established in these zones need
to be designed creatively and innovatively, adjusting
to their environment.
This research was supported by The Applied
Research Grant Program 2019 from the Directorate
of Research and Community Service, Ministry of
Research, Technology, and Higher Education-
Republic of Indonesia. We would like to express our
warm thanks to Mr Rakhmat Kurniawan who
provided data from interview, questionnaire, and
observation. Finally, we would like to convey our
highest appreciation and heartfelt thanks to Mr
Sumartono, M.A. Ph.D. who provided helpful
comments on earlier versions of this manuscript.
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Bermasalah, disebut Belum Kantongi Izin. Harian
Radar Jogja. Retrieved from
CREATIVEARTS 2019 - 1st International Conference on Intermedia Arts and Creative