compare those two audio-remakes and fill the
questionnaire given.
There had been no studies that investigated the
effects of non-diegetic sound to human perception. In
this study, subjective listening test is presented to
examine respondents’ preferences on the impact of
non-diegetic sound.
determine the effects of non-diegetic sound to human
perception in animated film.
The current investigation involved recording and
mixing diegetic and non-diegetic sounds in Battle of
Surabaya to examine students’ perceptions of non-
diegetic sound.
2.1 Research Concept
2.1.1 Production Preparation
The animated film chosen as the object of the research
is “Battle of Surabaya” because the film has a warfare
background which could be explored more in the
application of non-diegetic sound. Non-diegetic
sound has an important role in causing emotional
warfare situations even though the film is an animated
work (not real).
The one-minute scene was analysed in each shot.
Diegetic and non-diegetic sound that were going to be
used were determined after scene analysis. Diegetic
sound that would be used are wind, explosion, flame,
running footsteps, people screaming, planes, etc.,
while non-diegetic sound that would be used are low
frequency, distortion, whoosh, low frequency impact,
etc. Furthermore, diegetic and non-diegetic sound
that had been classified would be recorded, collected,
and edited into sound bank as well as the mixing
process such as giving filters, reverberation time,
balancing, and panning.
2.1.2 Materials
Materials used in this research were Macbook Pro 15-
inch 2016 Laptop, Logic Pro X Digital Audio
Workstation (DAW), BeyerDynamic DT770 Pro 250
ohm Headphone, Avid Fast Track Duo Audio
Interface, and Sennheiser MKH 416 Microphone.
Laptop was used as a medium for audio
engineering, DAW was used in editing and mixing
audio, headphone was used as hearing aid for
researcher to mix the audio and respondents to listen
to the audio-remakes, audio interface was used as a
tool for processing analogue to digital signal from
microphone to laptop. Microphone was used to
capture and record the sound that is needed to
2.1.3 Questionnaire Making
The questionnaire contains four questions – three
closed questions and one opened question. The closed
questions contain three main statements of non-
diegetic characteristics, which are non-diegetic sound
that can influence audience in perceiving ambience
sound, perceiving emotions (in this case tense
emotion in war), and perceiving supporting objects
reality in film. Every closed question consists of four
options (which are no effect, small effect, medium
effect, and large effect) that respondents have to
choose after watching the second video (diegetic and
non-diegetic sounds) compared to the first video
(diegetic sound).
2.2 Research Procedure
This research was conducted using qualitative
methods. This study consisted of four stages. The first
stage was a production preparation stage, the second
stage was remaking audio stage, the third stage was
questionnaire distribution, and the last stage was
research results analysis.
In the first stage, production preparation was done
by elaborating the movie scene. After that, a list of
diegetic and non-diegetic sounds was arranged
according to the sound classification that had been
made before. Next, the sounds that are needed would
be recorded and collected in the form of sound
effects. Questionnaire would also be made at this
In the second stage, audio engineering would be
done by editing the sound effects and audio
recordings, then would be collected to the sound
bank. Afterwards, the sound would be synchronized
according to the image in both videos. Only the
diegetic sound would be applied to the first video,
while diegetic and non-diegetic sounds would be
applied to the second video. The video chosen was a
one-minute video (00:00:30 to 00:01:30).
Furthermore, both audios would be processed using
filters, reverberation time, balancing, panning, and
In the third stage, the questionnaire would be
distributed to respondents. Respondents had to
answer which effects (no effect, small, medium, and