Study of Making Clay-based Ceramic Membranes with Additional
Rice Husk and Sawdust to Reduce Water Turbidity
Netti Herlina, Marheni Saragih and Hafizhah Mawarni
Environmental Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, University of Sumatra Utara
Jl. Almamater, Medan 20155, North Sumatra, Indonesia
Keywords: Turbidity, Ceramic Membrane, Rice Husk, Sawdust, Clay.
Abstract: There are still many people in the banks of the river in the city of Medan, especially in the Deli river, which
uses river water for their daily needs. This study was conducted to reduce the water turbidity of the Deli River
by using a ceramic membrane made from clay. The ceramic membrane was made by analyzing the effect of
the composition and the size of the additional ingredients of rice husks and sawdust to the reduction of water
turbidity in the Deli River. This ceramic membrane is made in the form of a pot (pot filter) with the height of
18 cm and the diameter of 21 cm which is burned at the temperature of 850
C - 900
C for 8 hours.Variations
in the size of the material used are range from 35-50, 50-60 and 60-100 mesh with a comparison of the
composition of materials (80%: 20%), (85%: 15%) and ( 90%: 10%). The result of the research on clay
ceramic membranes with the additional turbidity reduction efficiency is equal to 90.36%. Whereas, clay
ceramic membranes with the addition of rice husk showed a decrease in turbidity with an efficiency of
Water is one of the main requirements that must be
met for the life of all living beings in order to survive
and to continue living. Potable water will be
decreased along with the increasing population
(Furqoni et al., 2016). Increased human needs for
natural resources lead to various negative impacts
such as pollution and environmental damage. Various
activities such as household activities, tourism,
mining, and industry also contribute to water
pollution (Yuniarti, 2007).
Deli River is one of the main rivers in
Belawan/Belumai/Ular River Basin Unit with five
tributaries. The river has an important function in
various aspects of life, namely, as a source of raw
materials for drinking water, bathing, irrigation,
tourism and industry in Medan City. Seventy percent
of pollution along the Deli River caused by solid and
liquid waste from domestic activities (Dinas
lingkungan hidup sumut provinsi, 2014).
Deli river is generally used by the community for
household water needs. However, in the upstream
area, the community in Karo and Deli Serdang
Regency commonly used it for agricultural and
fisheries activities.
Meanwhile, in the middle and downstream area of
the Deli river, it cannot be utilized optimally due to
contaminated water conditions and a decline in water
quality (Bapedaldasu, 2007). The occurrence of water
pollution has a risk of a waterborne disease for people
who depend on these water resources (Slamet, 2000).
The decline in water quality can be indicated by
an increase in the measured levels of physical
parameters. For instance, an increasing level of
parameter turbidity is caused by the presence of
suspended substances in water such as fine sand, clay,
types of compounds such as cellulose, fat, proteins
that float in water or can also be microorganisms such
as bacteria, algae, etc. (Effendi, 2003). In addition,
turbidity also restricts the entry of light into the water
(Kristanto, 2002). This phenomenon results in the
process of photosynthesis not being able to take place
and as a result, microorganisms are disrupted (Kasam
et al., 2009).
There are several methods for treating
contaminated water, such as boiling, pasteurization,
chlorination, disinfectant flocculation, using
ultraviolet (UV), bio-sand filters and so on (Sobsey et
al, 2008). One of the appropriate technology
alternatives that promise to overcome small-scale
household water treatment is by using ceramic
Herlina, N., Saragih, M. and Mawarni, H.
Study of Making Clay-based Ceramic Membranes with Additional Rice Husk and Sawdust to Reduce Water Turbidity.
DOI: 10.5220/0008547801380146
In Proceedings of the International Conference on Natural Resources and Technology (ICONART 2019), pages 138-146
ISBN: 978-989-758-404-6
2019 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
membranes (Furqoni et al., 2016). Ceramic
membranes are filters made with a mixture of clay
and combustible organic materials such as tea leaves,
coffee powder, cork seeds, sawdust, corn husks, rice
husks and so on (Widodo, 2015). Ceramic membrane
water filter is very attractive because of their low cost,
ease of fabrication and use, and their ability to filter
water is very effective (Abiriga and Sam, 2014).
Ceramic membrane filter is considered to be highly
effective because of its easy use which is only by
pouring raw water to be filtered into clean water or
potable water (Nugroho, et al., 2015).
The basic ingredients used in the manufacture of
ceramic membranes are clay. Natural clay is a porous
material that has the ability to adsorb (Urabe, 1986).
Clay is a soil that has certain mineral particles that
produce plastic properties in the soil when it is mixed
with water (Grim, 1953).
Meanwhile, the additional materials used in this
study were sawdust and rice husk. The reason for
using these additives is because sawdust and rice husk
are a porous material which means that water is easily
absorbed and fills the pore since the nature of sawdust
and rice husks is hygroscopic or easily absorbs water
(Kasam et al., 2009). Sawdust is a material that
contains the main components of cellulose,
hemicellulose, and lignin so that it can become an
additional material in the manufacture of ceramic
membranes (Slamet, 2013).
Rice husk can be found abundantly and cheap in
many agricultural areas (YayasanTirta Indonesia
Mandiri, 2014). Rice husk as an organic material that
is burned in the combustion process, is able to
increase the pores between ceramic particles. These
pores allow water to flow faster through filters
(Nugroho dkk, 2015) and rice husk ash contains silica
as much as 86% -97% dry weight (Houston, 1972).
Silica is the main raw material in the glass, ceramic
and refractory industries (Krik and Othmer, 1982).
The objectives of this study are:
1. Analyzing the effect of variations in the
composition and the size of material in the
production process of ceramic membranes to the
reduction of water turbidity in Deli River;
2. Utilizing clay, rice husk and sawdust as material
for making ceramic membranes as purifiers of
river water into useful and economical potable
In this study used ceramic membranes made from
clay added with rice husk and sawdust in the form of
pots (pot filters) with each variation of the
composition of clay material and additional materials
namely (80%:20%), (85%:15%) and (90%:10%). In
this study also used variations of sizes of clay and
additional materials by using the material that
escaped in range on 35 mesh and retained on 50
mesh; passed the sieve on 50 mesh and was held in
the sieve on 60 mesh; and passed the sieve on 60
mesh and was held in the sieve on 100 mesh sieve.
Water samples are flowed in batches at each unit at
the same time and the specified discharge between
the three units is as much as 3 liters of water. Then
wait until the water seeps through the media so that it
is accommodated in the container.
3.1 Research Locations
The sample used in this study was water originating
from the Deli river located in Aur Village, Medan
Mainum District, Medan. The clay in this study came
from pot craftsmen located at Jalan Darmo, Ujung
Serdang, Tj. Morawa, Deli Serdang Regency, North
Sumatra. Rice husk in this study was obtained from
the rice husk milling industry located in Gang Turi,
Pasar 7, Tj. Morawa, Deli Serdang Regency, North
Sumatra. Sawdust in this study came from the
property industry located in Dusun Kuini, Pasar 7
Melati II Perbaungan Village, Serdang Bedagai
Regency, North Sumatra.
3.2 Fixed Variables
The fixed variables in this study are as follows:
1. Water samples of Deli River
2. Ceramic membrane media made of clay plus rice
husk and added sawdust in the form of filter
3. The height of the media is 18 cm with a diameter
of 21 cm and 1 cm thickness;
4. Combustion temperature of 850
C - 900
Cfor 8
3.3 Changed Variables
The changing variables in this study are:
a. Material composition :
- (80% : 20%)
- (85% : 15%)
- (90% : 10%)
Study of Making Clay-based Ceramic Membranes with Additional Rice Husk and Sawdust to Reduce Water Turbidity
b. Material Size :
- Material that passed on 35 mesh and
retained on 50 mesh.
- Material that passed the sieve on 50 mesh
and retained on the sieve on 60 mesh.
- Material that passed the sieve on 60 mesh
and retained on the sieve on 100 mesh.
3.4 Test Parameters
The parameters examined in this study is the turbidity
of the water.
3.5 Ceramic Membrane Manufacture
The making of ceramic membranes in this study are
as follows:
1. Sliced the soil thinly, then dried in the sun to dry,
then mashed with a ball mill machine and sifted
in the size of (35-50), (50-60) and (60-100) mesh.
2. Additional ingredients, namely rice husk and
sawdust that have been mashed are then sifted
using a range of sizes from 35-50 mesh, 50-60
mesh and 60-100 mesh.
3. Clay and additional material, rice husk and
sawdust, mixed evenly on each batter with a
percent ratio by volume respectively. First
treatment, clay : additional material, (80% :
20%); Second treatment, (85% : 15%) and third
treatment, (90% : 10%). Then, add a little water
into the membrane mixture while stirring evenly
until the mixture of the two is easy to form.
4. Membrane batter is made in the form of a pot-
shaped filter with the membrane diameter of 21
cm, membrane height of 18 cm and membrane
thickness of 1 cm to estimate shrinkage during
the manufacturing process.
5. The batter is removed from the membrane mold,
then dried at room temperature for 7 days.
6. The formed membrane is then dried in the sun to
dry for several days.
7. The next stage, the membrane is burned in a
furnace with a temperature of 850-900 C for 8
Based on the ceramic filter guide book (2011), in the
combustion process there are two stages of
combustion temperature, namely:
1. The process of dehydration
2. The process of vitrification (changes in
chemical elements) from the clay will
produce mature ceramic pots.
The temperature of the first stage will produce the
dehydration process at the temperature of 100 C, the
temperature of the second stage produces the
vitrification process at the temperature of 850 C.
Sampling was carried out twice in this study. In the
first sampling, Turbidity Value Analysis in Deli
River was 13.76 NTU. Then, in the second sampling,
15.6 NTU were obtained. So that the average value
of the two samples is taken with a value of 14.68
NTU in which the value has exceeded the quality
standard in accordance with the Indonesian Ministry
of Health Regulation Number
4.1 Test Results of Water Infiltration
Time on Clay and Rice Husk
Ceramic Membrane
A good ceramic filter must have a permeating time
that is not too fast and not too slow (Puspita, 2017).
Figure 1: Average Water Infiltration Time (Hours) on
Ceramic Membrane.
In this study, there were two variations carried
out, namely mesh size and material composition, clay
and rice husk. To see the effectiveness of mesh size
and material composition on the time of water
permeation, it is necessary to calculate the average
time of water permeation based on mesh size and
material composition. The fastest time to seize three
liters of water on the membrane is on membrane
number three with a time of 18.38 hours and the
longest time to seize three liters of water on
membrane number seven with a time of 228.22 hours.
Time of Water Infiltration
Mesh Size and Composition of Ceramic
Membrane Materials
90:10 % 85:15% 80:20%
ICONART 2019 - International Conference on Natural Resources and Technology
Figure 2: Average Time of Water Infiltration (Hours) Based
on Material Size (Mesh).
Figure 3: Sediment on Ceramic Membrane.
Water seeps faster at a larger mesh size, which
ranges from 35-50 mesh with 53.9 hours of water
permeation time. The longest permeation of water
occurs in smaller mesh sizes, namely the range 60-
100 mesh with the time of permeation of water
155.84 hours. With a larger mesh size will produce
large pores also on ceramic membranes so that the
larger the size of the mesh, the faster the permeation
of water.
Figure 4: Average Time of Water Infiltration (Hours) Based
on Material Composition.
Water seeps faster on the composition of clay
compared to rice husk, the ratio is 80%:20% with the
time of permeation of water is 48.68 hours. The water
seeps longer with the composition of the clay
compared to rice husk whose ratio is 90 %:10% with
the time of permeation of water is 177.94 hours. The
water flow rate increases with the increase in the
composition of combustible materials (Zereffa and
Bekalo, 2017).
At the beginning of the study, the water seemed to
seep faster than the time after, due to pressure so that
the water came out faster than the filter. Meanwhile,
when the water has reached half of the membrane
height, the permeation rate decreases and when the
water has reached the bottom of the membrane, the
rate of water permeation is very slow (Puspita, 2017).
This is because solutes that cause turbidity are
retained by ceramic filters so that they will eventually
accumulate on the membrane surface to form a gel or
fouling layer which results in compression or
resistance to the surface of the membrane (Agmalini
et al, 2013).
4.2 Test Results of Water Infiltration
Time on Clay and Sawdust
Ceramic Membrane
The flow rate of ceramic filters is seen from the time
it takes for water to seep up through the ceramic filter
pore, determined by the thickness of the clay, the
composition of the clay used, the proportion and size
of additional material in the clay mixture (Yayasan
Tirta Mandiri, 2011).
Figure 5: Average Time of Water Infiltration on Ceramic
35-50 Mesh 50-60 Mesh 60-100 Mesh
Average Water Infiltration
Time (Hours)
Mesh Size
90:10 % 85:15 % 80:20 %
Average Water
Infiltration Time (Hours)
Material Compositions
90:10% 85:15% 80:20%
35-50 mesh
200,5 60 42,07
50-60 mesh
140 117,23 24
60-100 mesh
265,7 153,15 157,6
Time of Water Infiltration
Material Composition and Size of Ceramic
Membrane Mesh
Study of Making Clay-based Ceramic Membranes with Additional Rice Husk and Sawdust to Reduce Water Turbidity
The fastest time to seize three liters of water on a
membrane is membrane number 6 with a time of 24
hours and the longest time to seep three liters of water
on a membrane is membrane number 7 with a time of
265.7 hours.
In this study, there were two variants carried out,
namely mesh size and material composition which is
clay and rice husk. To see the effectiveness of mesh
size and material composition at the time of water
permeation, it is necessary to calculate the average
time of water permeation based on mesh size and
material composition.
Figure 6: Average Water Infiltration Time on Ceramic
Membrane Based on Mesh size.
The graph shows the fastest permeation time based on
the size of the material used, namely the size range of
50-60 mesh with a time of 93.7 hours. Whereas, the
longest average permeation time based on the size of
the material used is in the size range 60-100 mesh
with a time of 192.12 hours.
Figure 7: Average Time of Water Infiltration on Ceramic
Membrane Based on Material Composition.
The graph above shows that the average time of
permeation of water from ceramic membranes based
on the composition of the material used, the
composition of the mixture of clay and sawdust with
a ratio (80%:20%) has the fastest permeation time,
which is 74.5 hours. Whereas the composition of the
mixture of clay and sawdust with a ratio (90%:10%)
has the longest permeation time, which is 202.1
hours. The less composition of additional material,
the more time needed for permeation. According to
Clair (2006) and Dies (2003), when a ceramic filter is
burned, sawdust contained in the mixing filter will
burn out leaving pores or voids through filtered water.
Therefore, ceramic filter with a higher percentage of
sawdust and rice husk composition leave more pores
after combustion, hence greater porosity can be
proved by higher percolation or water flow rates.
There are other factors that have an impact on
permeation times such as pore size distribution, the
formation of cake layers under the ceramic membrane
and the pore volume of ceramic filters (Musa, 2010).
Ceramic filter flow rates made of 40% sawdust
decrease from 1.5 L/hour to 0.5 L/hour because the
cake layer is formed at the bottom and particles clog
the pores. The slowing of the permeation time is
caused by the filter being clogged by deposits carried
by water. The longer the use of filters, the higher the
thickness of the sediment that causes the ability of
water to penetrate the filter pore is getting heavier
(Matthies and Obst, 2010). Similarly, in this study,
when water was poured into the ceramic membrane
at the beginning, the water flowed faster when
compared to when it had reached permeation half of
the initial results were entered.
This is proven by the presence of deposits that
are held on the ceramic membrane and the cake layer
on the bottom of the ceramic membrane, so that there
is a blockage when the water flows which results in
long permeation time. However, to prevent a
reduction in the performance of ceramic membranes,
users need to scrub their filters with a brush when the
filter has become slower. Half of the families in one
study, they rubbed their filters no more than once
every week (Nnaji et al., 2016).
4.3 Turbidity Reduction Efficiency on
Clay and Rice Husk Made
Water samples originating from the Deli river before
and after filtration turbidity testing were carried out
to determine the effect of ceramic membranes in
reducing turbidity in Deli River water.
Average Water Infiltration
Time (Hours)
Mesh Size
90:10% 85:15% 80:20%
Average Water Infiltration Time
Material Composition
ICONART 2019 - International Conference on Natural Resources and Technology
Figure 8: Average Efficiency of Turbidity Reduction in
Ceramic Membrane.
The efficiency of turbidity values that have been
averaged after passing through ceramic membranes
on each membrane has decreased significantly to
below the quality standard that is below 5 NTU. The
highest efficiency is 88.91% on membrane number
seven with the ratio of composition of clay and rice
husk is 90% and 10% with the material size of 60-100
mesh. Meanwhile, the lowest efficiency is 70.71% on
membrane number eight with the ratio of composition
of clay and rice husk is 85% and 15% with the
material size of 60-100 mesh.
Figure 9: Average Efficiency of Turbidity Reduction on
Ceramic Membrane Based on Mesh Size.
The average efficiency of turbidity value based on
mesh size has the highest value on 35-50 mesh size
with an efficiency value of 82.01% and the lowest
efficiency with the size of 50-60 mesh with an
efficiency value of 80.89%.
Figure 10: Average Efficiency of Turbidity Reduction on
Ceramic Membrane Based on Material Composition.
The average efficiency of turbidity value based
on the composition of clay material and rice husk has
the highest value at the composition ratio of
90%:10% with an efficiency value of 84.95% and the
lowest efficiency with a composition ratio of
85%:15% with an efficiency value of 77.63%.
In this study, the results obtained were not
inversely proportional to the time of permeation of
water, because the process of forming and mixing
ceramic membranes was done by hand or manually,
not using a mixing machine in the process of mixing
ceramic membrane making materials and not using a
friction machine or press machine on the process of
forming ceramic membranes. The process of mixing
the material is important so that the mixture of
ceramic raw material with the arrangement of the
composition and size of the grain becomes
homogeneous. In addition, this process also reduces
the porosity found in the membrane (Puspitasari,
2013). Mixing less homogeneous materials produces
membranes that tend to have porosity, the limited
number of pores and surface area. The inhomogeneity
in ceramic membranes shows that some particles are
released from the membrane body so that it covers the
pore area on the membrane surface (Susanto dan
Nurhayati, 2017).
In the process of forming a membrane, the
density and the size of the filter pores are two factors
that affect membrane performance (Hagan et al,
2009). The press machine is needed to condense the
mixture of clay and rice husk (Jerefasio, 2015).
Consistency between elements is easier to maintain
with the use of a press machine compared to forming
membranes with hands assisted with turning wheels
(Dies, 2001). So that the density of clay and rice husk
in the membrane formation process cannot be the
90:10 % 85:15 % 80:20 %
Turbidity Reduction Efficiency (%)
Material Composition and Size of Ceramic Membrane Mesh
35-50 Mesh 50-60 Mesh 60-100 Mesh
90:10 % 85:15 % 80:20 %
Average Turbidity Reduction
Efficiency (%)
Material Composition
Study of Making Clay-based Ceramic Membranes with Additional Rice Husk and Sawdust to Reduce Water Turbidity
same because of the limited emphasis during the
process of forming ceramic membranes.
Based on the research of Widodo et al (2015)
clay filters made by press molding are more effective
than clay filters made without a press molding
4.4 Turbidity Reduction Efficiency on
Clay and Sawdust Ceramic
Turbidity testing results from the nine ceramic
membranes with variations in material composition
and material size have different turbidity values,
where the overall turbidity value on ceramic
membranes has been below the quality standards set
by Regulation of Ministry of Health Number
492/Menkes/Per/ IV/2010 that concerning the
maximum level allowed in drinking water which is 5
Figure 11: Average Efficiency of Turbidity Reduction on
Ceramic Membrane.
The efficiency of turbidity values that have been
averaged after passing through ceramic membranes
on each membrane has decreased significantly to
below the quality standard that is below 5 NTU. The
graph of turbidity testing results above shows that the
highest turbidity reduction efficiency is indicated by
ceramic membrane number 1 with the composition
ratio of the mixture of clay and sawdust is 90% and
10% with an efficiency value of 90.36%. While the
lowest efficiency was indicated by ceramic
membrane number 6 with the composition ratio of the
mixture of clay and sawdust is 90% and 10% with an
efficiency value of 74.19%.
Figure 12: Average Efficiency of Turbidity Reduction on
Ceramic Membrane Based on Mesh Size.
The average efficiency of turbidity values based
on mesh size has the highest efficiency indicated in
the range of 60-100 mesh with an efficiency value of
89.59%. This shows that filters that have smaller
(finer) material sizes have advantages in terms of
quality in reducing water turbidity, but the filtered
volume becomes less and takes a long time (Widodo
et al, 2015). Meanwhile the lowest efficiency is
shown in the size range 50-60 mesh with an efficiency
value of 84.78%.
Figure 13: Average Efficiency of Turbidity Reduction on
Ceramic Membrane Based on Material Composition.
The average efficiency of turbidity value based
on the composition of the materials used for the
highest efficiency is shown in the composition of the
mixture of clay and sawdust (90%: 10%) with an
efficiency value of 90.11%. This shows that the less
additional material used in the process of making
ceramic membranes, the less pore formed after the
combustion process so that it can provide good
quality turbidity values. Meanwhile, the lowest
efficiency is shown in the composition of the mixture
of clay and sawdust (80%: 20%) with an efficiency
value of 83.75%. Conversely, the more additional
material used, the greater the pore formed after the
35-50 mesh
90,36 89,69 87,93
50-60 mesh
89,93 90,21 74,19
60-100 mesh
90,05 89,59 89,12
Turbidity Reduction
Efficiency (%)
Material Composition and Size of Ceramic
Membrane Mesh
Turbidity Reduction
Efficiency (%)
Mesh Size
90:10% 85:15% 80:20%
Turbidity Reduction
Efficiency (%)
Material Composition
ICONART 2019 - International Conference on Natural Resources and Technology
combustion process so that organic materials with
smaller sizes than membrane pores can escape which
cause high turbidity values and low turbidity
reduction efficiency. This shows that larger pores
because of the high content of sawdust cause less
effectiveness of ceramic filters in reducing the
turbidity of water and other pathogens.
The average turbidity value of all ceramic
membranes obtained from the results of water
samples that have been passed through ceramic
membranes shows results that are below the quality
standard. However, the chart also shows results that
tend to fluctuate between the size of the material and
the composition of the material forming the ceramic
membrane. This happens because in the process of
forming ceramic membranes using manual
techniques by hand so that the pressing process is less
effective than using a press machine. Certainly, this
also results in more pore space due to uneven
compression and non-homogeneous mixing when
using hands. Manually pressing clay into the mold is
very time-consuming. Pressing the shape by hand
requires a mixture of clay that contains relatively
more water so that the material retains its shape and
blends together. Consistency between elements is
more easily maintained by the use of a press machine
compared to forming a membrane with a hand
assisted with a turning wheel (Dies, 2003).
According to a study conducted by Ervin et al.
(2000), the greater the printing pressure, the greater
the force applied to suppress the material so that the
distance between the clay particles becomes more
tight and uniform. According to the research
conducted, the technique of using a press machine on
the manufacture of ceramic membranes can affect the
results of the membrane. The use of press machines
makes membranes have denser pores and have the
same pressure so that the resulting pores are more
uniform (Dies, 2003) Membranes made by the slip
casting method show lower densities than those
formed by pressing techniques. The sample produced
by slip-casting has a higher turbidity level than the
pressing process which shows that large diameter
pores make it easy to cross particles through filter
samples. But the pressing technique gives less
turbidity value because of the compaction strength
which causes the convergence item (Isikwue and
Emmanuel, 2011). This condition shows that with a
large printing pressure, the distance between clay
particles is getting tight so that the formed pore is
smaller so that it has the best quality in the turbidity
level efficiency (Ervin et al, 2000).
The conclusions in this study are as follows:
1. The most effective ceramic membrane in reducing
turbidity is ceramic membranes made from clay
with additional sawdust with a turbidity reduction
efficiency of 90.36% with the compositions ratio
of clay and sawdust is 90% and 10%, and range
35-50 mesh material size.
2. Ceramic membranes made from clay and
additional rice husks are able to reduce turbidity
by reducing turbidity efficiency by 88.76% with
the composition ratio of clay and rice husk is 90%
and 10%, and the size of the material range from
60-100 mesh.
3. The membrane that most quickly seals 3 liters of
water on the ceramic membrane is a ceramic
membrane made from clay and sawdust with a
permeation time of 24 hours, which is membrane
number 6 with the composition ratio of clay and
sawdust is 80% and 20%, and in the range 50- 60
4. Ceramic membranes with clay material and
additional rice husk seep 3 liters of water within
18.38 hours with the composition ratio of clay and
rice husk is 80% and 20%, and range 35-50 mesh.
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ICONART 2019 - International Conference on Natural Resources and Technology