0.36* 0.26* 0.19 -0.11 0.31* 0.07 0.30* -0.14 0.19 0,11
KN 0.25* 0.02 0.16 -0.12 0.23* 0.14 0.31* -0.08 0.25* 0,31*
precision 0.33* OU_pr 0.11 SS_pr 0.37* LK_pr 0.13 DK_pr 0.33* KN_pr
(2) MAGKUS, in particular for the feinting
techniques (FLD, FDL) (but also the right-wing
shooting technique, DK),
(3) MAG20Y, for techniques of dribbling the ball
(VL), left wing shot (LK) and pivot position shot
(KN) (with certain reserves and for catching and
passing the ball technique, HDK),
(4) MSSEL for catching and passing the ball in
movement (HDK), stance shot (OU) and jump
shot from backcourt shooting positions (SS), and
(5) MPRSBP7 for jump shots from backcourt
shooting positions (SS) and right-wing position
shots (DK) (with certain reserves in feint to left
with passing to right FLD)
After initial representations of less and more
significant variables, other techniques of selecting
relevant explanatory variables, beside stepwise
regression methods, should be introduced
(Bonferroni corrections). Many regressions by
definition bring a lot of significant parameter
estimates at the 5% level even if there is no
relationship. Some of the F-values are very close to
the critical value in case of the regressions. If not
considered to be inclusive set of variables usually
used to cover whole physical preparedness of team
handball players, this experimental setup would be
limitation of the study (multiple comparisons
problem), together with certain heterogeneity of
sample, and structure of their previous and
extracurricular (often sportive club related) activity.
Further, there is the existence of certain
statistically significant correlations (Table 6) between
the speed, precision and technique of performing the
shooting technique. Spearman's rank correlation was
used because the results in precision by the default
scoring system were not distributed according to
normal distribution.
There is a statistically significant general and partial
contribution of results in variables for the assessment
of basic and specific motor abilities to the level of
performed specific motor skills.
Building architecture of understanding relations
among anthropometry, basic and specific motor
abilities and skills represents a precondition for
controllable, realistic perspective planning of
success, both competitively and with regard to
injuries prevention.
Research was partially conducted under research
project “Diagnostic procedures for the assessment of
fitness status in handball” funded by Croatian
Ministry of Science, Education and Sport (ID: 034-
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