The Potency of Sugar Palm (Arenga pinnata) in Pastap Julu Village
around Batang Gadis National Park Area
Irawati Azhar
, Iwan Risnasari
, Muhdi
, Mona Fhitri Srena
and Riswan
Faculty of Forestry, Universitas Sumatera Utara. Jl. Tri Dharma Ujung No. 1, Kampus USU, Medan 20155, North
Sumatra, Indonesia
Higher Education Service Agency, Region I Sumatera
Keywords: Non Timber Forest Timber (NTFP), Sugar Palm (Arenga pinnata), Potency, Pastap Julu.
Abstract: Sugar palm (Arenga pinnata) is one of non-timber forest product that has long been known as a plant that
has many benefits. Almost all physical parts of these plants can be utilized and have economic value, such
as juice sap, palm fruit, leaves, palm fiber, and stems. Palm sugar plants are spread in almost regions in
Indonesia, especially in humid areas both grow individually or in groups. This study aims to identify the
potential of palm trees (Arenga pinnata) in Pastap Julu village around Batang Gadis National Park area. The
method used in this research is the census method. This method was done by recording the entire of sugar
palm in the research area with an area of 60 hectares. The result of this study indicates that the potency of
sugar palm (Arenga pinnata) plants in the region is amount to 256 sugar palms with a density of 4.267
individuals /hectare, and the average height of 12 meters and average diameter of 53.08 cm.
Forests have a variety of functions, roles, and
benefits that are important for human life. Forest
also produces various types of forest products that
can be used in various needs. Forest products can be
timber or non-timber forest products.
Palm sugar is a type of plant which has the
opportunity to be cultivated and harvested to add
economic benefit. Palm sugar is also a versatile plant
that has long been known to produce many benefits.
Almost all physical parts and production of these
plants can be utilized and have economic value. The
benefits of sugar palm can be enjoyed directly by the
community around the forest through traditional way
(Ferita et al., 2015).
Sugar palm (Arenga pinnata) is one species that
belongs to the Arecaceae family. Sugar palm is an
annual type of plant. It can grow to a diameter of 65
cm and a height of 15 m even reaching 20 m with a
leaf canopy towering above the stem. The shape of
the plant is not spiny and does not branch. This plant
is almost similar to coconut, but coconut plants are
clean trunk with old leaf midribs that are easily
separated. The sugar palm tree has lush canopies.
Young sugar palm leaves always stand upright on
the tip of the stem, young leaves that are still rolled
soft like paper. The leaf midrib widens at the base
and narrows towards the top.
Sugar palm plants are spread in almost all
regions in Indonesia, especially in the area of humid
hills both grow individually or in groups. Sugar
palm plants often grow from an altitude of 50-1300
m above sea level. However, these plants prefer the
altitude of 500-1200 m. Sugar palm also spread in
the various country of the country which includes,
India, Bangladesh, Burma, Thailand, Laos,
Malaysia, Vietnam, Hawaii, Philippines, Guam, and
various islands around the Pacific (Lasut, 2012).
Batang Gadis National Park (TNBG) is one of
the conservation areas in Mandailing Natal District
with high biodiversity. Batang Gadis National Park
consists of protected forest areas, limited production
forests, and permanent production forests. Batang
Gadis National Park belongs to the type of tropical
forest located at an altitude of 300 - 2145 meters
above sea level with the highest point on Sorik
Marapi Peak.
Almost all of the existing sugar palms come from
uncultivated plantor accidentally planted by people
which results in the uneven spread. Sugar palm can
grow in any type of lands, resistant to disease, grow
naturally in critical soils, are fire resistant and
prevent erosion with tight roots. According to
Azhar, I., Risnasari, I., Muhdi, M., Srena, M. and Riswan, .
The Potency of Sugar Palm (Arenga pinnata) in Pastap Julu Village around Batang Gadis National Park Area.
DOI: 10.5220/0008552802650269
In Proceedings of the International Conference on Natural Resources and Technology (ICONART 2019), pages 265-269
ISBN: 978-989-758-404-6
2019 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
Marito (2008), palm sugar plants do not need special
soil conditions, so they can grow in clay, calcareous,
and sandy soils. However, these plants cannot stand
on soils with too high an acidic content. The best
environmental temperature averages 25
C with an
annual rainfall of 1.200 mm
Along with the increasing needs of the
community, the use of sugar palm has become one
of the people's focuses on developing non-timber
forest products. However, the development of sugar
palm still has many obstacles and several problems,
such as traditional method, post-harvest handling of
palm sugar plants that are still not well controlled,
processing into other derivative product is still low,
the quality of the product, and the marketing process
is still obstructed. The potential of sugar palm in the
TNBG area will be optimal if accompanied by the
knowledge of the local community in utilizing sugar
palm plants. Awareness in good practices
cultivation, harvesting and processing of after
harvest is a key to maintain the sustainability of
sugar palm utilization
This research was carried out in the protected forest
area around the Batang Gadis National Park in
Pastap Julu Village, Tambangan sub-district,
Mandailing Natal district, North Sumatra Province.
The method used to take the data collection is by
observation technique, which is a direct survey to
the field with community assistance.
The data that collected in the field is a primary
data such as the amount of sugar palm plants
(Arenga pinnata) and the benefits of these plants. It
also includes the socio-economic data covered
identity of the respondent, which is a name, age,
type of sex; livelihood; and education. Secondary
data consist of on the general state of the research
area and the data obtained from reliable sources such
as relevant agencies and an institution as well as
supporting research.
The local knowledge survey was also conducted
to determine the potential of sugar palm
(Arenga pinnata) in the protected forest area of
Pastap Julu Village. The key informants chosen in
this study were local field guides.
2.1 Techniques and Data Collection
The retrieval of data is carried out directly in the
field as follows:
a. Observing and analyzing sugar palm (Arenga
pinnata) to obtain information on potency.
b. Analysis of vegetation plants (Arenga pinnata) in
the study area.
c. The interview and discussion using a
questionnaire to those who are representative and
also stakeholders in looking at the potential and
utilization of Arenga pinnata.
2.2 Data Analysis
Retrieval of Arenga pinnata inventory data is carried
out by using the census method. The method of data
collection is done by recording all population
elements and investigating one by one. The data
obtained is in the form of census processing and is
called true value, or often also called a parameter.
The retrieval of data of sugar palm samples is
done by making a plot measuring 10 m x 10 m,
which aims to facilitate data collection for each
sugar palm that found in the protected forest area.
The area used as a research area, namely a protected
forest area with an area of 60 hectares.
Figure 1: Sample plot of Arenga pinnata data collection.
The data obtained were analyzed by using the
The density of a type (K)
K = ∑ individual type / sample plot area
Sugar palm plants found in the vicinity of Batang
Gadis National Park SPTN II Resort 3 in Pastap Julu
Village, Tambangan Subdistrict, Mandailing Natal
District is a naturally occurring plant. The sugar palm
spreads in the protected forests in the back and forth
items of Pastap Julu village, which borders directly
with Batang Gadis National Park, as shown in Fig. 2.
ICONART 2019 - International Conference on Natural Resources and Technology
Figure 2: Distribution of Aren in Pastap Julu Village around Batang Gadis National Park.
Table 1: Data on potency of sugar palm in the protected forest of pastap julu village.
Immature sugar palm
Mature sugar palm
Average of height
Average of diameters
The potential of sugar palm plants in Pastap Julu
Village is seen from the research locations that have
been determined based on the location that is often
used by the community to harvest sugar palm plants.
Its potential can be seen from the development of the
number of productive plants and products produced.
This is seen based on the growth rate with high
parameters of sugar palm plants, as presented in
Table 1.
There are 256 individual mature plants with a
density of 4.267 individuals /hectare, which means
there are ± 4 individuals of sugar palm on every 1
hectare. Sugar palm at the seedling level is obtained
by the number of 1073 individuals. Sugar palm at
the level of the seed spreads around a large number
of mature sugar palm usually occurs because the
fruits of mature palm fall to the ground so that the
saplings clump in one place. But not all of these
saplings can grow into mature palm sugar due to the
very large competition between the saplings.
The potency of productive sugar palm plants is
also seen based on the number of male flowers and
female flowers contained in one palm sugar stem.
The average number of female flower bunches /fruit
contained in one sugar palm stem, which is 3-5
bunches. This is by the statement of Lempang
(2012) which states that sugar palm plants that have
good growth can have 4-5 fruit bunches. Pollination
of sugar palm is thought not to be carried out by
wind but by insects. If the pollination process goes
well, it will produce thick fruit.
The average male flower is found in one sugar
palm stem, which is 3-4 bunches. According to
Haryjanto (2010), the number of productive bunches
is only 4-6 bunches with a period of 2-3 months.
Juice sap is produced from tapping male flower
bunches. If the female cob is tapped, it is often
obtained by a sap which is not good in terms of
quantity or quality. Male flowers are long round like
a bright purple bullet at a young age and blackish
purple after adulthood.
The Potency of Sugar Palm (Arenga pinnata) in Pastap Julu Village around Batang Gadis National Park Area
Figure 3: male flowers of sugar palm (A), female flowers of sugar palm (A).
The sugar palm plants found in the Pastap Julu
protected forest area is spread unevenly, this is
caused by the growth of wild or unintentionally
planted sugar palm plants. This is by the statement
of Marito (2008) which states that almost all of the
existing palm trees originate from wild growth
(accidentally planted by people) which results in
uneven distribution. This is also in line with the
results of interviews with communities around the
area that the pattern of the spread of sugar palm
plants in the study location is not influenced by
humans but naturally which is also assisted by
animals that are in the region.
Inventory of sugar palm plants (Arenga pinnata) in
Pastap Julu Village around the Batang Gadis
National Park Area was carried out by census
method with result of 256 individual mature palm
plants with a density of 4.267 individuals /hectare
and an average height of 12 m and an average
diameter of 53.08 cm. The potency of the sugar palm
can be used as data to utilize palm trees in the area
which are expected to increase the economic income
of the community in the Pastap Julu Village.
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The Potency of Sugar Palm (Arenga pinnata) in Pastap Julu Village around Batang Gadis National Park Area