Table 3 : Relationship between Fatigue and Work Productivity of Nurses.
Work Productivity
of Nurses
3.3 Relationship between Fatigue and
Work Productivity of Nurse
Based on Table 3, out of 36 nurses who experienced
work fatigue, there were 10 people (28%) with high
work productivity and as many as 26 people (72%)
with low work productivity. Then from 23 nurses
who did not experience work fatigue (normal), there
were 18 people (78%) with high work productivity
and 5 people (22%) with low work productivity. The
chi-square test results show that the value of p =
0,000 <0,05, which means there is a relationship
between work fatigue and work productivity. RP
value = 2,817, 95% CI = 1,595 - 4,977.
Based on the results of the study, it was found that
more nurses in the inpatient room of Deli Serdang
Hospital experienced fatigue in the workplace. This
is caused by the number of tasks carried out based
on the main tasks, additional assignments, the
number of patients being treated in the nurse's work
capacity and the time needed to carry out nursing
actions. In addition, nurses are also often faced with
other workloads such as administrative duties. This
causes the workload of nurses to be higher, causing
fatigue to nurses while on duty.
Judging from the demands or workload given to
nurses, it is certain that a nurse can experience
fatigue while working. work fatigue experienced by
a nurse will cause the nurse to no longer be able to
work, so the nurse must pause to restore her
condition. If a nurse who is experiencing fatigue still
forces herself to keep working, then the fatigue she
experiences will increasingly get worse and affect
the smooth running of her work (Suma'mur, 2014).
According to Nurmianto quoted by Nurul (2017),
work fatigue experienced by a person can cause
work productivity to decrease and increase the level
of errors at work. Decrease in work productivity that
occurs in nurses can be seen from the findings of
researchers that not all nurses in charge can carry out
nursing care properly. Most of the nurses who have
not been able to carry out nursing care properly are
due to experiencing fatigue while working.
Based on bivariate test between work fatigue and
work productivity on nurses showed the results of 36
nurses who experienced fatigue at work, there were
10 people (28%) with high work productivity and as
many as 26 people (72%) with low work
productivity. Then from 23 nurses who did not
experience work fatigue (normal), there were 18
people (78%) with high work productivity and 5
people (22%) with low work productivity. The chi-
square test results showed that the value of p = 0,000
<0,05, which means that there is a relationship
between work fatigue and work productivity of
nurses in the inpatient ward of Deli Serdang
Hospital. The value of Rp. 2.817 means that nurses
who experience fatigue while working have the
potential to 2,817 experience low work productivity.
This research is in line with the research
conducted by Ali (2017) which states that there is a
relationship between work fatigue and nurse
This research is also in line with research
conducted by Majore (2018), which states that there
is a relationship between work fatigue and nurse
productivity (performance).
Fatigue in 59 nurses showed that there were 36
nurses (61%) experiencing work fatigue and 23
nurses (39%) not experiencing work fatigue. While
work productivity in 59 nurses showed that there
were 31 nurses (52.5%) experiencing low work
productivity and 28 nurses (47.5%) experiencing
high work productivity. So that there is a
relationship between work fatigue and work
productivity of nurses in the inpatient ward of
RSUD Deli Serdang Hospital.
Ali, R. F. 2017. The Relationship between Work Shift and
Fatigue Work with Work Productivity at Nurses in the
The Relationship between Fatigue and Work Productivity of Nurses in the Inpatient Room of the Regional General Hospital Deli Serdang in