Morphophylogeny of Raru Producing Trees from Central
Tapanuli-North Sumatra
Arida Susilowati
, Deni Elfiati
, Henti Hendalastuti Rachmat
, Yosie Syadza Kusuma
Andri Saut Pranata Sihombing
Faculty of Forestry, Universitas Sumatera Utara. Jl. Tri Dharma Ujung No. 1, Kampus USU, Medan 20155, North
Sumatra, Indonesia.
Forest Research, Development and Innovation Agency Ministry of Environment and Forestry. Jl. GunungBatu No. 5. PO
Box 165, Bogor 16001, West Java, Indonesia. Tel.: +62-251-8633234; 7520067. Fax. +62-251-8638111
Keywords: Raru, Morphology, Identification, Phylogeny.
Abstract: Raru is the name for bark that produced by several genus of Dipterocarpaceae such as Cotylelobium, Shorea
and Vatica. The raru bark known as important source for traditional medicine of diabetic and mixture of
bataknese alkoholic drink called "tuak" for increasing the fermentation rate. The lack of natural regeneration
and destructive illegal harvesting for wood and bark, decreased the population every year. Due to this
condition, since 1998 this species classified on endangered (EN) based on IUCN Redlist. Previous research
showed only one species was found in North Sumatra, but from local community information, there were
three local species can be found in Central Tapanuli, those were raru songal, raru dahanon and raru pulut.
The objective of our research were (1). To determine the morphological character of local raru species from
Central Tapanuli and (2). To determine phylogeny clustering based on morphological characters.
Morphological data was collected from direct observation and measurement of on vegetative part of raru
trees (stem, canopy, and leaf). Morphological characters were examined using descriptive analysis,
phenotypic variability using standard deviation, and cluster analyses. The result showed that there was a
difference between three raru species according to 32 observed characters including leaf, stem, bark, crown
type, wood and the rosin. Analysis and measurement both quantitative and qualitative characters clustered
raru into two groups. In which, raru songal separated with other species.
Raru is the name for bark produced by several
genera of trees such as Cotylelobium, Shorea and
Vatica. Raru is distributed in several locations in
Indonesia, but only a few species can be found on
the island of Sumatra, especially North Sumatra.
Based on research conducted by Pasaribu (2007),
raru in North Sumatra was identified as
Cotylelobium melanoxylon. In North Sumatra, raru
is scattered distributed in several locations of natural
forests in Central Tapanuli, and Tanah Karo.
For local people in North Sumatra, the existence
of raru is related to the production of traditional
alcoholic beverages known as "tuak". Local people
believe raru as a flavor enhancer for tuak and its
bark may increases fermentation rate (Pasaribu &
Setyawati, 2011). Besides being used as a mixture of
tuak, raru is also used as a traditional medicine for
the treatment of diabetes, malaria and stomach
(Sorianegeara & Lemmens 1994; Idramsa et al.
2016). The barks of raru contain several compounds
such as ampelopsin F., isoampelopsin F, ε-viniferin,
vaticanol A, E, G, and lyoniresinol that are useful as
antidiabetic medicines (Matsuda et al. 2009).
Although it has big potential as the source for
medicinal raw material, the presence of raru in
natural forests is also constrained due to low natural
regeneration and destructive bark harvesting
techniques. Destructive harvesting have been
practicing in local people when they usually cut
down the trees for tree bark harvesting. The timber
considered as a residue and used for construction.
The potential threat of raru has also been sounded by
IUCN 1998 (Ashton 1998) with endangered status,
Susilowati, A., Elfiati, D., Rachmat, H., Kusuma, Y. and Sihombing, A.
Morphophylogeny of Raru Producing Trees from Central Tapanuli-North Sumatra.
DOI: 10.5220/0008554103390346
In Proceedings of the International Conference on Natural Resources and Technology (ICONART 2019), pages 339-346
ISBN: 978-989-758-404-6
2019 by SCITEPRESS – Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
meaning that there is a need for concrete effort to
protected this species from extinction.
The results of our survey and interviews with the
local community found that traditionally, local
community identified three local raru species in the
Central Tapanuli natural forest, namely raru
dahanon, raru pulut and raru songal. Among them,
raru dahanon is more preferred to be harvested by
the community because it is believed to have the
best quality. Even though there has been ambiguity
in species classification and identification,
information about the morphological characters of
raru is currently still very limited. In other hand,
morphological identification is an early taxonomic
identification step to obtain basic scientific
information for conservation efforts. Moreover, the
preference for certain species of raru has caused the
population to decline, it is feared that this condition
will trigger a decrease in genetic potential. Based on
these considerations, this research were conducted
to determined the morphological character of local
raru species from Central Tapanuli and phylogeny
clustering based on morphological characters as a
baseline data for further conservation effort of raru
species in North Sumatra.
2.1 Study Area
The research was conducted at Central Tapanuli
district of North Sumatra (Figure 1). Bona Lumban
forest known as one of raru bark producer in North
Sumatra. Based on local people information,
everyday kilo's of raru bark sold to other district for
tuak mixture. Bona Lumban is a village located in
Tukka District, Central Tapanuli Regency that
covers area of 6,80 km
(BPS, 2016). Tapanuli
Tengah Regency has the average temperature of
C, with the highest may reach to 32,2
C, while
its lowest temperature is around 22,4
C. The
average of relative humidity is 82,50% and rainfall
at around 12 mm/year. Forest in Bona Lumban
village are located in two type land status, there are
Protection Forest (Hutan Lindung/HL) and Area for
Other Uses (Area Penggunaan Lain/APL).
Figure 1: Location of Bona Lumban sub-district, Central Tapanuli district the sampling sites of Raru.
2.2 Procedure
Direct observation method using generative and
vegetative morphological characterization
measurements were used in this research. The
vegetative character observation and measurement
were done to habitus, stem, canopy, and leaf. The
generative character observation was done to
ICONART 2019 - International Conference on Natural Resources and Technology
canopy, leaves, stems. We also observed the rosin
character. The species studied were local raru
namely raru pulut, raru songal and raru dahanon.
Identification and determination referred to
Tjitrosoepomo (1990). The tools used for
observation were a magnifier, razor blade, tweezers
knife, plant scissor, plastic bag, stationary, ruler and
a book titled Munsell Colour for Plant Tissue for
color identification.
2.3 Data Analysis
Living plant speciments were taken from vegetative
(roots, stems, leaves) organs. Direct observation and
measurement were conducted into detailed specific
part of the speciment. The quantitative and
qualitative data of morphological characters
observed were transformed into binary score data
and formed into data matrix using Microsoft Excel
program. The data matrix was used to analyze
sample clustering based on SAHN (Sequential
Agglomerative Hirearchical and Nested Clustering)
using UPGMA (Unweighted Pair Group Method
Using Average) method with NTSYS PC program to
obtain phylogenetic dendrogram. The results were
compared descriptively.
3.1 Morphological Description
The material of morphological identification of this
research was originated from vegetative organ due to
the limitation of generative organ speciement.
Vegetative organ was less considered for
taxonomical identification compared to flower
character (Cronquist, 1968). But the vegetative
speciment also have been used for morphological
identification by previous researcher like leaf
thickness and midvein morphology and plant habit.
In this research, the crown, leaf, stem (vegetative
organ) and rosin character were used for
differentiate local raru species.
3.1.1 Crown
The tree crown composed by some structural organ,
determining the magnitude of light capture (Sterck et
al. 2001) and ability to shade the neighboring trees
(Lang et al. 2010). The shape of a tree crown
depends on the features of stems, namely the angle
at which they ramify from the main trunk and their
length (Tomlinson et al 2014), as well as the
thickness of particular branches and twigs, that is
corresponding with stiffness. Crown characteristics
develop and change during ontogeny by the
structural response of each species to different
environments (Valladares and Niinemets 2007)
Raru is a large tree, spreading and evergreen tree.
The observation of three local raru leaf shows that
there are several characters that have similarities and
some characters that can be used as differentiators of
raru species (Table 1).
Table 1: Canopy character of raru songal, raru dahanon,
and raru pulut.
R. dahanon
R. pulut
a. Canopy shape
b. Canopy width
8.40 m
5.58 m
5.30 m
c. Canopy height
14.60 m
12.80 m
13.40 m
All three of local raru have rounded crown
(globase) shape with variations in size and height
and light branching. The canopy of raru songal
tended to be wider (8.4 m) and also the heighest
compared to pulut and dahanon. Large crown up to
10 m in diameter (Figure 2).
3.1.2 Stem
Raru have straight and cylindrical stem with
monopodial branching architecture with spreading
branches that have orthotropic branching type and
continuous stem character. Raru songal was 40.8 m
in height with bole brancheless was 26.2 m, higher
than raru dahanon and raru pulut (Table 2).
The bark was chapped and rough for raru songal
and smooth for the other with the thickness varied
between 0.3-0.7 cm. The outer bark of raru dahanon
and pulut have have pinkish white color (7.5 YR
8/2) and technically easier for debarking compared
to songal, raru songal has a very light shade of
brown (7.5 YR 9/2) color and rather difficult for
debarked (Figure 3). On the other hand, the inner
bark color raru songal has a light shade of orange
(7.5 YR 8/4), raru dahanon has medium light shade
of orange (7.5 YR 7/6), while raru pulut has
medium light shade of brown (7.5 YR 8/6).
Raru songal showed 7.5 YR 8/8 wood color,
while raru dahanon and raru pulut has pinkish wood
color (7.5 YR 8/4). Interview with local community
found out that the wood can be widely used as raw
materials for construction, barn or coop building.
Concerning its wider used, raru have been known to
have good quality timber by local community.
Martawijaya et al. (1989) stated that raru or giam
(Cotylelobium melanoxylon) have high wood density
Morphophylogeny of Raru Producing Trees from Central Tapanuli-North Sumatra
Figure 2: Canopies of Raru (a) Raru songal, (b) raru dahanon, (c) raru pulut.
class which is varied between 0.83-1.15. Raru
timber has also high durability and strengh those can
be used for houses, especially for house pole and
foundation. According to Muslich (2006) C.
Melanoxylon s timber is grouped into class II of
hardness category. Information on wood quality of
three local raru in North Sumatra still limited, so
further research still need to support comprehensive
data. But based on morphological feature of wood,
raru songal have high similarity with C.
melanoxylon description according to Pasaribu
Table 2: Stem characters of raru songal, raru dahanon, and
raru pulut.
R. songal
R. dahanon
R. pulut
Stem shape
Outer bark color
7,5 YR 9/2
7,5 YR 8/2
7,5 YR 8/2
Inner bark color
7,5 YR 8/4
7,5 YR 7/6
7,5 YR 8/6
Bark thickness
Branch structure
Stem character
Bole branchless
Tree height
Diameter (cm)
Wood color
7.5 YR 8/8
7.5 YR 8/4
7.5 YR 8/4
Bark rough
3.1.3 Leaves
Leaf physiological and morphological traits are
known to reflect the strategies of both resource
uptake and resource use eficiency (Reich et al.
1999), and thus, these traits are expected to impact
plant growth rates. The leaves morphology also has
been used to differentiate and compare tropical rain
forests species (Bongers and Popma, 1990; Medina
et al., 1990). Foliar venation patterns, although very
important for the taxonomic and phylogenetic
considerations, have largely remained neglected.
Raru had simple leaf in alternate arrangement,
31-46 pinnate laminas, grablous leaf surface. The
leaf had entire margin, acuminate tip and obtuse-
acute base. Young leaves, twig, outer stipules, bud
and raceme densely shortly powdery grey
tomentose, fugaceous on leaf and midrib, so on
twigs, persistent on racemes. Leaves 5-10 by 2-6 cm,
eliptical-lanceolate. Stipules to 3 mm long, small,
linear, caducous.
Raru dahanon and raru pulut have a lanceolate
leaf shape, it is contrast to raru songal which has an
elliptical leaf shape. Raru dahanon and raru pulut
have the same leaf color as on the upper surface
spesifically dark yellow green color (5GY 4/4) and
the lower surface color is olive green (5GY 4/4)
while the upper surface color of raru songal is green
(3/3) and the lower surface of Raru songal is dark
olive green (GY 3/4). Based on the leaf character,
raru dahanon and pulut have similarity with C.
ICONART 2019 - International Conference on Natural Resources and Technology
Figure 3: Stems of Raru (a) Raru songal, (b) raru dahanon, (c) raru pulut.
Figure 4: Raru Barks (a) Raru songal, (b) raru dahanon, (c) raru pulut.
Table 3: Leaves characters of raru songal, raru dahanon, and raru pulut.
R. songal
R. dahanon
R. pulut
Leaf shape
Leaf margin
Leaf tip shape
Leaf base shape
Leaf area (cm
Lamina length (cm)
Number of lamina
Upper surface color
5GY 3/3
5GY 3/6
5GY 3/6
Lower surface color
5GY ¾
5GY 4/4
5GY 4/4
Leaf arrangement
Leaf surface
Leaf composition
Leaf bud
naked bud
naked bud
naked bud
Morphophylogeny of Raru Producing Trees from Central Tapanuli-North Sumatra
Figure 5: Leaves of Raru (a) Raru songal, (b) raru dahanon, (c) raru pulut.
3.1.4 Rosin
Rosin can be used to distinguish different raru
species in North Sumatra. Our observation of rosin
characteristics showed that raru songal had different
scent and rosin type compared to others (Table 4).
The rosin of raru dahanon and pulut were hard,
while songal was soft.
Table 4: Leaves characters of raru songal, raru dahanon,
and raru pulut.
R. songal
R. Dahanon
R. pulut
rosin color
rosin scent
rosin type
rosin flow
Wilujeng and Sambiak (2015) stated that
'melanoxylon' refers to the heartwood character
melaanos which means black and xylon which
means ‘wood’. It has the similarity character to raru
songal from in North Sumatra which has dark wood
color and black rosin (N1). Raru has blackish brown
wood color with are heavy weight, hardness, and
resistant to termite attacks and decay (Yoza, 2015).
Raru dahanon dan raru pulut have very pale yellow
rosin color (2.5 Y 9/3). In accordance with the
statement of Thomas (2010), C. lanceolatum has
yellowish clear rosin, and it became agarwood resin-
like when dried up.
3.2 Phylogeny based Morphological
Although other important non-genetic processes (i.e.
habitat fragmentation, pollution), genetic factors
(i.e. mutation, linkage, inbreeding) also can
contribute to species extinction (Loewe and Hill,
2010). That's why a better understanding of plant
genetic diversity was very important for Raru as
endangered species, to protected this species from
Determination of the dendogram of kinship
between raru pulut, raru songal and raru dahanon by
using disimilarity index based on morphological
characters indicates that, the highest genetic distance
(1.1331) was showed between population 1 and 2; 1
and 3, while the lowest genetic distance (0.2274)
was showed between population 2 and 3 (Table 5).
Raru dahanon and raru songal have a fairly small
genetic. distance, then followed by raru songal
which have different populations.
Table 5: Nei’s (1973) genetic identity and genetic distance
of 3 populations of Raru.
Dendrogram kinship between raru species was
found that raru dahanon and raru pulut in one small
group with a genetic distance of 0.20, then joined
with raru songal in a larger group with a coefficient
of 0.93. Dendrogram result showed a specific cluster
in population groups, and show similarities between
populations. Cluster analysis of kinship coefficient
reveals the population structure and provides better
insight in plant breeding in terms of genetic
variation. According to Govindaraj et al. (2015),
Diversity in plant genetic resources provides
opportunity for plant breeders to develop new and
improved cultivars with desirable characteristics.
ICONART 2019 - International Conference on Natural Resources and Technology
Figure 6: Rosin of Raru (a) Raru songal, (b) raru dahanon, (c) raru pulut.
Figure 7: Dendrogram 3 populations of Raru from North Sumatera based on Nei’s genetic distance.
Raru dahanon and raru pulut have very high
similarities to morphological characteristics. Only
several of morphological characteristic were
different between raru dahanon and raru pulut such
as, inner and outer bark color, and several
morphological measurements such as leaf size, tree
height, diameter, branch-free height, and number of
lamina. It is suspected that raru pulut dan raru
dahanon were the same species with a little different
morphology. Plant growth and development
influence by environmental factors that can cause
anatomical modification and plant morphology.
According to Falconer (1960) the diversity of
appearance seen from a plant (phenotype) is a result
of a combination of diversity due to influence of
genetics and environment.
Our reserch point out that morphological character
can be used for determined raru species in Central
Tapanuli. Raru pulut, dahanon and songal can be
determined by using leaf shape, wood colour and
rosin character. Raru songal have higher
dissimilarity character compared to dahanon and
Raru dahanon and raru pulut joined into a small
group with a coefficient of 0.20, then formed a large
group with raru songal and had a coefficient of 0.93.
This research was supported by Ministry of
Research, Technology and Higher Education
through scheme Penelitian Dasar Unggulan
Perguruan Tinggi (PDUPT) grant number
130/UN5.2.3.1/PPM/KP-DRPM/2018. Many
sincerely goes to local farmer in Bona Lumban for
field assistance for this research.
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