Vegetation Diversity and Conservation Implications on Habitat of
Taxus (Taxus sumatrana Miq. De Laub) in Northern Sumatra
Ahmad Dany Sunandar, Sriyanti Puspita Barus, Wanda Kuswanda and Muhammad Hadi Saputra
Researcher at Environment and Forestry Research and Development Institute of Aek Nauli
Kampus Kehutanan Aek Nauli, Km 10,5 Desa Sibaganding, Kec. Girsang Sipangan Bolon Sumatera Utara Indonesia,
Keywords: Habitat, Northern Sumatra, Population, Taxus sumatrana.
Abstract: Taxus sumatrana is an important medicinal plant as a source of cancer drugs and indicated to cure various
cancer. However, information about habitat and population especially in Northern Sumatra is very limited.
This research aimed to observe the population and habitat of Taxus sumatrana in three locations (Gunung
Tujuh, Gunung Kerinci and, Sibuaton) and implication in conserving this species. Data was collected by
creating a plot analysis with strip transect method and data were analyzed by analysis of Important Vegetation
Index, species diversity index, community similarity index and abundant index. The result showed that taxus
population in all location was not in normal distribution which was lacking seedling, sapling, and poles level
of stands. The overall diversity of the three study sites was still high enough so that the condition remains
relatively stable. All the study sites have a low similarity value so it can be used as a location for genetic
protection of plant distribution. As an implication, taxus habitat should be highly protected by a special rule
to protect its existence as well as species enrichment to reduce growth level of this species.
Taxus is one species of tree that has been proven as a
raw material for the treatment of cancer, especially
breast cancer (Wani, et al., 1971; Erdemoglu et al.,
2004). Extracts from this plant, paclitaxel (Taxol
is used to inhibit the growth of cancer cells in
particular ovarian cancer (Markman, 1991) and breast
cancer and has also been tested for treatment of
certain other types of cancer (Rajendran, et al., 2013).
Aside from being a cure for cancer, Taxus also has
potential as an anticonvulsant and antipyretic (Nisar,
et al., 2008) and also as an analgesic (Nisar et al.,
2008) (Dutta, et al., 2010).
Taxus consists of 24 species and 55 varieties
(Spjut, 2007). The natural distribution of the genus
Taxus in Asia is only found in several countries, such
as Taxus cuspidata (found in Japan), Taxus chinensis
(found in China), and Taxus sumatrana (found in
Indonesia, Taiwan, Vietnam, Nepal and Tibet) which
the condition of the current population is already
threatened with extinction (Chi-chun, et al., 2008).
According to Farr (2008), there are five species of
Taxus in Asia, the Philippines and Indonesia, and has
been listed in CITES Appendix II (Farr, 2008),. Taxus
species found in Indonesia is the type of Taxus
sumatrana Miq. De Laub. and, spread in North
Sumatra, South Sumatra, Lampung and Sulawesi
(Harahap and Izudin, 2002). Taxus sumatrana is
potential for cancer drugs, and it has been studied to
treat various types of cancers such as human liver
carcinoma (Hepa59T / VGH), human large cell
carcinoma of the lungs (NCI), human cervical
epithelioid carcinoma (HeLa), human colon
adenocarcinoma (DLD-1) , human medulloblastoma
(Med) cell lines, human PC-3 tumor cells (Shen et al.,
2002; Shen et al., 2005; Wang, et al., 2009; Luh, et
al., 2009).
Although it has been included in CITES
Appendix II, data on potential and distribution of T.
sumatrana is still very rare. Research on the ecology,
cultivation and production aspects of this type of T.
sumatrana also has not been completed. The absence
of ecological studies on T. sumatrana allegedly
because of this type of co-dominant, limited
distribution and the type that is less well known and
less used by local communities in Northern Sumatra.
Besides, the locations where Taxus growth are in the
forest highlands with very low accessibility
(Pasaribu, et al., 2010). The absence of this
Sunandar, A., Barus, S., Ksuwanda, W. and Saputra, M.
Vegetation Diversity and Conservation Implications on Habitat of Taxus (Taxus sumatrana Miq. de Laub) in Northern Sumatra.
DOI: 10.5220/0008554603650371
In Proceedings of the International Conference on Natural Resources and Technology (ICONART 2019), pages 365-371
ISBN: 978-989-758-404-6
2019 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
information will complicate the management of
habitat and efforts should be made to preserve this
species. Ecological research on the type of Taxus
elsewhere has been done as to the type of Taxus
brevifolia in North America (Busing, et al., 1995),
Taxus baccata in the UK (Linares, 2013) in Italy
(Piovesan et al., 2009) and in Denmark (Svenning
and Maga, 1999), Taxus chinensis in China (Zhang et
al., 2010) and Taxus canadensis in Canada (Windels
and Flaspohler, 2011).
This study aimed to obtain information on the
abundance, plant composition, species diversity and
similarities of habitat Taxus sumatrana and
conservation implications in three locations in
Northern Sumatra. The results are expected to
provide information for the development of
conservation and cultivation of T. sumatrana.
2.1 Research Location
This research was conducted in the area of Kerinci
Seblat National Park in Jambi Province (Mount
Kerinci and Gunung Tujuh) and Sibuaton protected
forest in North Sumatra Province. Observation plots
were determined by the presence of Taxus stands that
were found.
2.1.1 Gunung Tujuh
Research plots in Gunung Tujuh located at
coordinates -1°42'23,8'' South latitude and
101°22'54,8'' East longitude until -1°42'22,9'' South
latitude and 101°23'01,6” East longitude and is
located at an altitude of 1800-2100 meters above sea
2.1.2 Mount Kerinci
Research plots at Mount Kerinci located at
coordinates -1° 44'27,2 '' South latitude and
101°15'34,2'' East longitude until -1°44'02,3'' South
latitude and 101°15'34,4” East longitude and is
located at an altitude of about 1900-2350 meters
above sea level.
2.1.3 Sibuaton
Research plots at Mount Sibuaton located at
coordinates 02°52 '35.6" North Latitude and 98°29'
48.0" East up to 02°52 '28.2" North Latitude and
98°29'38, 4" East and lies at an altitude of 1600-1660
meters above sea level.
Fig. 1. Research Location at North Sumatra and Jambi
2.2 Materials and Tools
Vegetation around T. sumatrana habitat was the
material in this research. Working map scale of 1:
50,000, Global Positioning System (GPS) receivers,
measuring tape, rope, machete, tally sheet, camera,
and stationery were tools of this research.
2.3 Data Collection
Vegetation line method terraced (strip transect
method) was a plant observation procedure in Taxus
habitat. This procedure was carried out by creating a
plot analysis of the vegetation line method terraced
(strip transect method) according to (Kusmana, 1997;
Amjad, et al., 2014). The total amount of analysis
plots as much as 10 plots for each location.
Observation plot of tree-level measuring 20 m x 20
m, poles measuring 10 m x 10 m, saplings measuring
5 m x 5 m and seedlings and undergrowth measuring
2 m x 2 m (Mandal and Joshi., 2014).
2.4 Data Analysis
Data were analyzed quantitatively. The equations
used in data analysis include:
a. Analysis of important vegetation index value (IVI).
IVI is the sum of Dominance Relative, Relative
Density and Relative Frequency for tree-level and
summation Density Relative to Relative Frequency
for belta level, seedlings and, plants under (Odum,
1998; Mandal and Joshi, 2014).
b. Species Diversity Index (SDI)
ICONART 2019 - International Conference on Natural Resources and Technology
SDI is an index to determine the diversity of
species used formula Shannon and Weaver (Ludwig
& Reynolds, 1988; Odum, 1998; (Amjad et al., 2014)
c. Community Similarity Index (CSI)
CSI is an index to determine the extent of
similarity/unsimilarity between the research sites
used Sorensen Community Similarity Index
(Mueller-Dombois and Ellenberg, 1974).
d. Abundance Index Type (AIT)
AIT is calculated to determine the abundance of
species in a community is calculated using Hill
formula (Hill, 1973).
e. Descriptive Analysis to formulate strategies to
improved conservation priorities Taxus sumatrana.
3.1 Importance Value Index (IVI)
Table 1 presented the analysis of important value
index in Taxus habitat.
Analysis of vegetation results in three research
sites on natural habitats showed that most of T.
sumatrana were found in tree-level. Small trees were
found only in two research plots which were in
Gunung Tujuh and Gunung Kerinci while for
saplings, seedlings and lower plants were not found
in these research plots. The absence of T. sumatrana
at the level of seedling and saplings might indicat that
this species has a structure that is not progressive in
growth and thus susceptible to extinction in the wild.
T. sumatrana were also indicated as an old aged tree
with an average diameter at breast height was over 60
cm. When these old trees naturally died, it is feared
that there is no longer T. sumatrana in the region.
These conditions were caused by several things such
as the long dormancy period of seeds and very slow
growth rate of the tree compared to other conifers
growth rate (Pilz, 1996). It was reported that Taxus
baccata growth rate in England is between 2-12 mm
per year (Hindson, 2007).
The extinction of some types of Taxus had
occurred in some countries as happened in India and
Pakistan as a result of uneven stand structure and
overexploitation (Joshi, 2009). This situation made
the type of Taxus wallichiana become one of the
protected priorities species to avoid extinction.
Growth structure of Taxus at three locations could
cause rapid extinction if people already realized that
many benefits of this species.
The IVI is used to describe the level of mastery
given by a species of the community, the greater the
IVI of a species, the greater the level of mastery of the
community and vice versa (Soegianto, 1994). A type
of species is playing a role if it has the IVI score of
more than 15% at the level of pole and tree.
According to Table 1, the Taxus indicated has an
important role in the community, especially at the
level of the tree, with IVI more than 30% in each
Habitat condition of T. sumatrana should be
maintained to continue its existence in natural habitat.
The lack of seedling and sapling level was a warning
of its extinction within the next 30 years. According
to Rachmat (2008), T. sumatrana found in a very
limited spread because some reasons, which are it
only exist in high elevation (above 1,500 above sea
level), high slope terrain even at the edge of cliff, well
drainage soil with low pH, loamy sandy in soil
texture, high C organic compound and high C/N ratio.
Table 1: Importance Value Index of dominant plant species at the level of seedlings, saplings, poles, and trees in the habitat
of Taxus sumatrana.
Growth level
Local Name
Botanical Name
IVI (%)
Gunung Tujuh
Kecubung Hutan
Langsat Hutan
Diplazium proliferum
Taxus sumatrana
Gunung Kerinci
Kelat Putih
Diplazium proliferum
Areca catechu
Taxus sumatrana
Cakara ayam
Medang Pokat
Medang Kuning
Schizaea dichotoma
Litsea sp.
Litsea veluntina
Taxus sumatrana
Vegetation Diversity and Conservation Implications on Habitat of Taxus (Taxus sumatrana Miq. de Laub) in Northern Sumatra
In Europe, Taxus baccata become endangered
due to their excessive exploitation, land use change
and increase the density of the forest where the
growth of Taxus baccata thus losing compete for
the light (Lewandowski, et al., 1995; Linares,
2013). In Italy and Denmark, Taxus populations
tend to grow with the management of good forest
management (Piovesan et al., 2009; Svenning and
Maga, 1999) and good management of forest helped
Taxus chinensis var. meirei stand structure in China
increased (Zhang and Zhou, 2013).
High utilization of Taxus for cancer drugs by
taking raw materials from the natural resulted in
highly threatened of this species (Prasad and
Bhattacharya, 2003). In Jambi, some people have
already known the efficacy of this species and they
took Taxus bark to make medicine. This activity will
naturally disrupt fertilization and even kill Taxus
trees, as found in the Gunung Kerinci Protected
Forest. The loss of trees will reduce the level of the
forest canopy and change the microclimate necessary
for the regeneration of young plants, seedlings, and
saplings (Bondarchuk, 2015).
3.2 Plant Diversity and Abundance
Identified vegetation at study areas were as many as
121 species in Sibuaton, 80 species in Gunung
Tujuh and 76 species Gunung Kerinci. The highest
species diversity index value at seedling level was
found in the Gunung Kerinci forest area of 3.47
while the lowest at sapling level was also in Gunung
Kerinci of 2.07. These values were categorized as
middle to high (Fig. 2). However, the overall
diversity of the three study sites were still high
enough so that the condition relatively stable.
The results of this diversity analysis showed that
the presence of Taxus trees plays a role in the
regeneration of other plants so that the ecosystem is
stable and capable of regenerating naturally,
especially in Sibuaton and Gunung Tujuh, with H
above 3 in average (Irwan 2007). In stable
condition, plants which are able to associate with
Taxus will regenerate properly (Bondarchuk 2015).
The highest abundance of vegetation was found
in Gunung Kerinci of 51.67 (Fig. 3) for seedlings
and understorey level and the lowest abundance of
species found at the pole level in the Gunung
Kerinci area of 13.33. The large number of
individuals at each growth rate found in the Gunung
Tujuh area has resulted in a fairly high vegetation
abundance. This showed that the environmental
conditions at Gunung Tujuh are better or conducive
because the forest is still well preserved. The
abundance of species is not only influenced by the
number of species and the total number of
individuals, but the proportion of individuals in
each species determines (Odum, 1998).
Fig. 2. Diversity analysis result of vegetation type.
semai pancang tiang pohon
Tingkat pertumbuhan
Gunung Tujuh
Gunung Kerinci
Growth Level
ICONART 2019 - International Conference on Natural Resources and Technology
Fig. 3. The abundant vegetation analysis result.
3.3 Community Similarity
Table 2 presented the results of similarity analysis
on the habitat of T. sumatrana community in three
Table 2: Similarity index value in the habitat of Taxus
Similarity index (%)
Based on the results of community similarity
analysis in Table 2, the three study locations have
low similarity values, which are below 50% on
average. Similarity values below 50% indicate that
there are differences in plant structure at various
significant levels of growth in all three study
locations. The results of the index analysis of
community similarities in the study locations that
were significantly different showed that the
composition of plants in Taxus sumatrana habitat
was also different. With the different composition
of plants in each location, it can also be used as a
location for the protection of plant distribution of
3.4 Conservation Implication Strategy
In the IUCN list (2015) T. sumatrana is still
included as a Lower Risk with decreasing
population. However, based on the results of the
above research, the idea of protecting the existence
of Taxus in its natural habitat needs to be a priority
because the distribution is very limited.
Regeneration of taxus that is not progressive / tends
to decrease as the difficulty of finding taxus at
seedling and sapling levels is feared that in the next
30 years this species will be increasingly scarce
because the use of today is very high. Increasing the
status of Taxus sumatrana from its current status to
threatened status is very important to increase the
participation of various stakeholders in this type of
The remaining distribution of Taxus sumatrana
was mostly in conservation forests, such as national
parks and protected forests, so there is no need to
establish new conservation areas in this type of in
situ conservation efforts (Hidayat, 2014). Habitat
protection efforts can be done through securing the
area and patrolling regularly and focused around the
habitat of Taxus. This security is also expected to
maintain ecosystem stability from the threat of
illegal logging and encroachment so that the
diversity of species around Taxus's habitat can be
Semai Pancang Tiang Pohon
Tingkat Pertumbuhan
Gunung Tujuh
Gunung Kerinci
Growth Level
Vegetation Diversity and Conservation Implications on Habitat of Taxus (Taxus sumatrana Miq. de Laub) in Northern Sumatra
In its natural habitat, Taxus has an important role
to maintain the balance of microclimate because of
its wide, evergreen canopy cover. Taxus INP values
at tree-level which was above 30% and high species
abundance proved that Taxus can help regenerate
other plants, especially intolerant species (requires
shade). In order to improve tree structure in its
natural habitat and as in situ conservation,
enrichment could be implemented by vegetative
propagation as well as generative propagation. This
effort should also follow by well-done preserved its
habitat from any disturbance especially from human
disturbance since these three locations are
ecotourism site.
Taxus sumatrana is the most important tree in three
locations but there were lacking seedling, sapling
and poles level of stands. The overall diversity of
the three study sites were still high enough so that
the condition remains relatively stable. All the study
sites have a low similarity value so they could be
used as a location for genetic protection of plant
distribution. As an implication, taxus habitat should
be highly protected by a special rule to protect its
existence as well as species enrichment to increase
the number in every growth level of this species.
Authors gratefully thank the Head of Environment
and Forestry Research and Development Institute of
Aek Nauli for the budget of this research. Also to
the Head of Kerinci Seblat National Park for the
permission and local personal assistance. Gratefully
thank also to Eddy Tanoto at Simalem Resort.
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Vegetation Diversity and Conservation Implications on Habitat of Taxus (Taxus sumatrana Miq. de Laub) in Northern Sumatra