The Essence of Hand Lettering in the Design Industry
Ledy Dian Sari, Amalia Winda Prada
In the Design Industry, there are some important elements which has an attractiveness, word is one of that. Being designer has a wide range of competitors and that’s why to stand out it needs something different that the product will attract the attention of the customers. Nowadays, hand lettering is commonly use in the Design Industry. Hand lettering is the art of drawing letters when a word or phrase is being an aesthetic artwork. Hand lettering has its own characteristic that cannot be copied by others because it’s customizable, it can be created expressively. Otherwise people will always appreciate things that manually made. Also, decorative of the letters can give the feeling of pleasure and impression too. Hand lettering is full of knowledge, and talent. Moreover, hand lettering can suit the image of the brand that represents the personality of the company. This study use qualitative methods using descriptive analysis with direct observation method strategies, the data collection through an interview with designer and customers, observation and focus group discussion. The result of this study is lettering give a unique characteristic design but not be the only one factor that can increase public interest, it is also supported by design trends which always rotate in every generation. Hand lettering is an effective way to design unique, aesthetic and for recognizable brand to build strong brand identity.
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in Harvard Style
Sari L. and Prada A. (2019). The Essence of Hand Lettering in the Design Industry.In Proceedings of the 1st International Conference on Interdisciplinary Arts and Humanities - Volume 1: ICONARTIES, ISBN 978-989-758-450-3, pages 155-158. DOI: 10.5220/0008556301550158
in Bibtex Style
author={Ledy Dian Sari and Amalia Winda Prada},
title={The Essence of Hand Lettering in the Design Industry},
booktitle={Proceedings of the 1st International Conference on Interdisciplinary Arts and Humanities - Volume 1: ICONARTIES,},
in EndNote Style
JO - Proceedings of the 1st International Conference on Interdisciplinary Arts and Humanities - Volume 1: ICONARTIES,
TI - The Essence of Hand Lettering in the Design Industry
SN - 978-989-758-450-3
AU - Sari L.
AU - Prada A.
PY - 2019
SP - 155
EP - 158
DO - 10.5220/0008556301550158