compared to surf location in Indonesia that have
reached 330 locations.
This study will be looking for specific aspects of
the production lines and distribution of surfing
photos that piping has been done. Aspect of the
productions reffered here are include various
equipment, operational procedures, ideal conditions
to make a surf photograph, and relation between its
aspects. On the other hand the distribution aspects
will be directed to the marketing forms of the photos
to the audiences.
Research on the production and distribution
aspect of surf photography has never been done
specifically. Destyarini (2009) presents the surf
photo stages in the context of artistic creation. On
the side of the production, the discussion that
destyarini did has limited the photo stage from the
coastal lips, not the close-range photo shoot and has
yet to touch the distribution aspect of the work. Even
so, Destyarini’s exposure can provide an initial
foothold to address the production and distribution
of surf photography. Regarding surf photography,
the term used in English is surf photography that
defined as "an arena of photography that often
requires the photographer to be positioned in the
breaking wave in order to shoot the surfer coming
down or through" (Cralle, 2001). By that definition
it's clear that surfer action is the ultimate subject.
There is a tendency in this field where surfers should
be distinctly recorded, required a high-speed
cameras (grannis in noll and gabbard (Ed) are
The production aspects in photography are
basically part of the creative process. Soedjono
(2006) formulated the process of creation of
photography/artistic creation consisting of three
phases, photography, dark room processes, and the
presentation process. Soedjono’s theory will be the
foundation for examining aspects of the production
and distribution of surf photography. Operational
theory are believed to be detailed and developed
according to conditions on the ground. As a
discussion of the production aspects of surf
photography will technically be improved by
discussions in anthropological and sociology
framework. This is done as an effort to understand
the importance of aspects of production in a broader
perspective. In the context of art anthropology, study
of works is an attempt to answer questions related to
creators, locations, tools and materials, works
functions, and the meaning of works for the user
(Hatcher, 1999). Whereas socially speaking as to the
production and distribution of surf photography
aspects will be done by applying the theories Becker
formulated (1982), in which: “All artistic work, like
all human activity, involves the joint activity of a
number, often a large number of the people.
Through their cooperation, the see or hear comes to
be and continue to be. The work always shows signs
of that cooperation”. A combination of theories was
done to get a comprehensive analysis of the
production and distribution of surf photography. In
other words through the combination of theories, the
possibility of interaction, influence, interdependence
among individuals on the work team of how surf
photography can be produced and distribute.
Distribution of works of art for artists is a
mechanism of the reciprocal process between the
creator of works and the appreciator (Becker, 1982).
The appreciation meant here is the one who buys a
masterpiece by an artist. Within the scope of certain
artistic activities, distribution is usually arranged so
the sustainability of the art process can be
maintained. Becker differentiated a distribution
system from artists to five-ways which are self-
support, patronage, public sale, impresarios,
and culture industries (Becker, 1982). In this
research the production aspect analysis would be
based on Becker's opinion of self-support and
patronage distribution systems. The self-support
system according to is a form of creator's effort to
consolidate his ability outside the dominant
constellation of market to distribute the works
Becker illustrated how litterateur who improved
his skills as a publisher to distribute his work, a
painter who also worked as a frame maker and other
examples. It appears here that the form of self-
support of each artist can be distinct from the other.
This was not the patronage system in which artists
were supported by a particular group of people or
organizations to create the work (Becker, 1982).
This study was intended for 1) to know every
aspect of how the production and distribute process
of surf photography in detail. 2) discovering features
of the technical, concepts, and manifestations of
photography in terms of social and marketing
aspects, and 3) formulated the foundation for surf
This study was conducted using a case study
method that orientation the unique qualities of those
units related to surf photography (Pawito, 2007).
Case studies can contain comprehensive discussions
on various aspects of a person, group, social
situation or a program (Mulyana, 2004). In the
context of this study the focus of discussion is aimed
at the production and distribution of surfing photos
by the photographer Piping Irawan. Data collection