because there are no supporting learning resources to
teach it to students both intracurricular and
extracurricular. Teaching art in elementary schools is
not enough just in the form of routine training, but
learning resources are needed in the form of modules,
teaching materials, dictates, etc. to achieve learning
goals. This is in line with the research conducted by
Andi Sudarhiyanto (2017: 96) that the skills of
students in character building are not enough just by
daily living, but also require teaching materials.
Figure 2.
Picture 2 is the appearance of elementary school
students in performing Rampak Kendang in 2011 in
Patimuan, Cilacap. Children there have known and
studied Rampak Kendang since elementary school
age. Rampak Kendang material is important to give
to children to hone their intelligence. Students are the
next generation who will bring change in the future.
Education programs and services for children must be
carried out optimally by adjusting the characteristics
and potential of children. Because basically students
are unique individuals and have very diverse
characteristics and levels of intelligence. The
potential of children should continue to be developed
in accordance with their respective abilities because
it can affect the development period.
According to Bainbridge (Yaumi, 2016: 9)
intelligence is a general mental ability to learn and
apply knowledge in manipulating the environment, as
well as the ability to think abstractly. In the current
education sector, especially in Indonesia, there are
many children who have good talent but lack
attention. This happens because the education system
in Indonesia emphasizes logic skills in cognitive
aspects compared to other intelligences. This problem
was also found in a study conducted by Suwanto
(2019) which stated that in the learning process, not
all multiple intelligences were involved by education
providers. There are only a few intelligences
involved, namely logical-mathematical intelligence
and linguistic intelligence. If this happens
continuously, then students who do not have that
intelligence will be considered not smart. So that such
students do not have support to develop other
intelligence they have. However, not all children have
the same intelligence, because basically every human
being has multiple intelligences. Fleetham (Yaumi,
2016: 11) suggests that multiple intelligences is a
variety of skills and talents possessed by students to
solve various problems in learning. A similar theory
is also stated by Gardner in Chatib (2018: 87) which
states that multiple intelligences are intelligences
which some of them tend to be owned by every child.
There are 9 intelligences that have been proposed by
Howard Gardner including linguistic, mathematical-
logical, visual spatial, musical, kinesthetic,
interpersonal, intrapersonal, naturalistic and
existential intelligences. With the existence of these
various intelligences, an educator needs to understand
the importance of multiple intelligences and be able
to apply them in the learning process.
Various potentials and intelligences possessed by
each student must be explored and developed both by
educators, parents, and families. Children's
intelligences needs to be explored as early as possible,
especially the age of elementary school children
because it enters the golden age. At this time
character education can be built and formed
continuously so that it manifests into daily behavior.
The link between the children's multiple intelligences
and clear directions for character building can create
intelligent children and noble character. Art material
as a wealth of the Indonesian people is very
appropriate to accommodate the excavation of
children's multiple intelligences and the character
building of students. Thus, the implementation of
education needs to facilitate and provide the widest
opportunity for students to develop according to their
potential and talents in accordance with their
respective intelligence. So it is important for an
educator to understand that multiple intelligences can
be developed and explored through Rampak Kendang
learning in elementary schools in the Patimuan region
of Cilacap.
Based on interviews with art teachers in the
Patimuan Elementary School on March 24, 2019,
there are currently no learning resources related to
multiple intelligences Rampak Kendang. Some
teachers who make Rampak Kendang as art material